Beispiel #1
        public ExplicitRadio(RadioFaction faction, Item radio)
            if (faction.RadioID != radio.Model.ID)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("faction radio not provided");
            Threats     = faction.Threats;
            Investigate = faction.Investigate;
            FactionID   = faction.FactionID;
            Radio       = radio;
Beispiel #2
        public float DifficultyRating(Gameplay.GameFactions.IDs side)
        { // Historically supported factions are civilians and zombies
            Data.Faction us     = Data.Models.Factions[(int)side];
            float        rating = 1f;

            // Constant factors.
            // Harder:
            // - Don't reveal starting map : +10%
            // Survivor Easier/Undead Harder:
            // - Disable NPC starvation    : -10%/+10%
            // Harder/Easier:
            // - Nat Guards                : -50% -> +50%
            // - Supplies                  : -50% -> +50%
            // - Zombifieds UpDay
            if (!RevealStartingDistrict)
                rating += 0.1f;                       // theoretically affects everyone
            if (!NPCCanStarveToDeath)
                rating += (!Gameplay.GameFactions.TheCivilians.IsEnemyOf(us) ? -0.1f : 0.1f);                  // very arguable
            if (NatGuardFactor != GameOptions.DEFAULT_NATGUARD_FACTOR && Gameplay.GameFactions.TheBlackOps != us)
                // blackops are strictly after national guard so they don't care aobut this setting either way
                float k = (float)(NatGuardFactor - GameOptions.DEFAULT_NATGUARD_FACTOR) / (float)GameOptions.DEFAULT_NATGUARD_FACTOR;
                rating += 0.5f * (!Gameplay.GameFactions.TheArmy.IsEnemyOf(us) ? -k : k);
            if (SuppliesDropFactor != GameOptions.DEFAULT_SUPPLIESDROP_FACTOR)
                // while almost everyone can use medikits, the main influence of this is on food supply
                float k = (float)(SuppliesDropFactor - GameOptions.DEFAULT_SUPPLIESDROP_FACTOR) / (float)GameOptions.DEFAULT_SUPPLIESDROP_FACTOR;
                rating += 0.5f * (!Gameplay.GameFactions.TheCivilians.IsEnemyOf(us) ? -k : k);
            if (ZombifiedsUpgradeDays != GameOptions.ZupDays.THREE)