public void PreparePostOveralData(PostOveralViewModel p, String currentUserId)
            var likeService = this.Service <ILikeService>();

            var commentService = this.Service <IPostCommentService>();

            List <Like> likeList = likeService.GetLikeListByPostId(p.Id).ToList();

            p.LikeCount = likeList.Count();

            foreach (var like in likeList)
                if (like.UserId == currentUserId)
                    p.Liked = true;

            p.CommentCount = commentService.GetCommentListByPostId(p.Id).Count();

            p.CreateDateString = p.CreateDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");

            if (!p.EditDate.ToString().Equals("01/01/0001 12:00:00 SA"))
                p.EditDateString = p.EditDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
        public ActionResult ShowPostDetail(int postId, String currentUserId, int skip, int take)
            var postService = this.Service <IPostService>();

            Post post = null;

            ResponseModel <PostDetailViewModel> response = null;

                post = postService.GetPostById(postId);

                PostOveralViewModel overal = Mapper.Map <PostOveralViewModel>(post);

                PreparePostOveralData(overal, currentUserId);

                PostDetailViewModel result = PreparePostDetailData(overal, skip, take);

                response = new ResponseModel <PostDetailViewModel>(true, "Chi tiết bài viết:", null, result);
            catch (Exception)
                response = ResponseModel <PostDetailViewModel> .CreateErrorResponse("Tải bài viết thất bại!", systemError);

        public ActionResult EditPost(PostUploadViewModel model)
            var postService = this.Service <IPostService>();

            var postImageService = this.Service <IPostImageService>();

            ResponseModel <PostOveralViewModel> response = null;

                Post post = postService.FirstOrDefaultActive(x => x.Id == model.Id);

                post.ContentType = GetPostType(model);

                if (model.UploadImage != null)
                    postImageService.saveImage(post.Id, model.UploadImage);

                if (model.DeleteImage != null && model.DeleteImage.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var delete in model.DeleteImage)
                        PostImage img = postImageService.FirstOrDefaultActive(x => x.Id == delete);

                post.PostContent = model.PostContent;

                post.EditDate = DateTime.Now;


                PostOveralViewModel result = Mapper.Map <PostOveralViewModel>(post);

                PreparePostOveralData(result, post.UserId);

                response = new ResponseModel <PostOveralViewModel>(true, "Bài viết đã được chỉnh sửa!", null, result);
            catch (Exception)
                response = ResponseModel <PostOveralViewModel> .CreateErrorResponse("Chỉnh sửa thất bại!", systemError);

        public PostDetailViewModel PreparePostDetailData(PostOveralViewModel post, int skip, int take)
            var likeService = this.Service <ILikeService>();

            var commentService = this.Service <IPostCommentService>();

            PostDetailViewModel result = new PostDetailViewModel();

            result.Post = post;

            List <PostComment> commentList = commentService.GetCommentListByPostId(post.Id, skip, take).ToList <PostComment>();
            List <PostCommentDetailViewModel> commentListResult = new List <PostCommentDetailViewModel>();

            foreach (var comment in commentList)
            result.CommentList = commentListResult;
        public ActionResult PostOnTimeLine(PostUploadViewModel model, string profileId)
            var service = this.Service <IPostService>();

            var aspNetUserService = this.Service <IAspNetUserService>();

            var notiService = this.Service <INotificationService>();

            var memberService = this.Service <IGroupMemberService>();

            PostOveralViewModel result = null;

            ResponseModel <PostOveralViewModel> response = null;

                Post post = Mapper.Map <Post>(model);
                post.ProfileId = profileId;
                if (model.PostContent == null)
                    post.PostContent = "";
                post.ContentType = GetPostType(model);

                if (post.ContentType != int.Parse(ContentPostType.TextOnly.ToString("d")))
                    FileUploader uploader = new FileUploader();

                    foreach (var img in model.UploadImage)
                        PostImage image = new PostImage();

                        image.Image = uploader.UploadImage(img, userImagePath);


                post = service.CreatePost(post);

                ////Notify all group members
                //if (post.GroupId != null)
                //    List<GroupMember> memberList = GetMemberList(post.GroupId);

                //    AspNetUser postedUser = aspNetUserService.FindUser(post.UserId);

                //    foreach (var member in memberList)
                //    {
                //        if (!(member.UserId.Equals(post.UserId)))
                //        {
                //            Notification noti = notiService.SaveNoti(member.UserId, post.UserId, "Post", postedUser.FullName + " đã đăng một bài viết", (int)NotificationType.Post, post.Id, null, null);

                //            List<string> registrationIds = GetToken(member.UserId);

                //            if (registrationIds != null && registrationIds.Count != 0)
                //            {
                //                NotificationModel notiModel = Mapper.Map<NotificationModel>(PrepareNotificationViewModel(noti));

                //                Android.Notify(registrationIds, null, notiModel);
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }

                if (post.UserId != profileId)
                    var _notificationService = this.Service <INotificationService>();
                    var _userService         = this.Service <IAspNetUserService>();

                    AspNetUser sender = _userService.FindUser(post.UserId);

                    string title   = Utils.GetEnumDescription(NotificationType.Post);
                    int    type    = (int)NotificationType.Post;
                    string message = sender.FullName + " đã đăng một bài viết lên tường nhà bạn";

                    Notification noti = _notificationService.CreateNoti(profileId, post.UserId, title, message, type, post.Id, null, null, null);

                    //signalR noti
                    NotificationFullInfoViewModel notiModel = _notificationService.PrepareNoti(Mapper.Map <NotificationFullInfoViewModel>(noti));

                    // Get the context for the Pusher hub
                    IHubContext hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <RealTimeHub>();

                    // Notify clients in the group

                //Missing post sport

                result = Mapper.Map <PostOveralViewModel>(post);

                result.AspNetUser = Mapper.Map <AspNetUserSimpleModel>(aspNetUserService.FindUser(result.UserId));

                PreparePostOveralData(result, post.UserId);

                response = new ResponseModel <PostOveralViewModel>(true, "Đăng bài thành công!", null, result);
            catch (Exception)
                response = ResponseModel <PostOveralViewModel> .CreateErrorResponse("Đăng bài thất bại!", systemError);
