private void RemoveDead() { Ants.RemoveAll(x => x.Hp <= 0); Pests.RemoveAll(x => x.Hp <= 0); Foods.RemoveAll(x => x.Hp <= 0); OpenFoods.RemoveAll(x => x.Hp <= 0); }
public void SolveFirstPuzzle() { var sut = new Foods(PuzzleData.PUZZLE_DATA); sut.CalculateIngredientsWithoutAllergens(); Assert.Equal(2061, sut.ApparitionsOfIngredientsWithoutAllergensInFood); }
public void SolveSecondPuzzle() { var sut = new Foods(PuzzleData.PUZZLE_DATA); sut.CalculateIngredientsWithoutAllergens(); Assert.Equal("cdqvp,dglm,zhqjs,rbpg,xvtrfz,tgmzqjz,mfqgx,rffqhl", sut.CanonicalDangerousIngredientList); }
private static Foods ParseFood(string[] foodTokens) { string foodType = foodTokens[0]; int quantity = int.Parse(foodTokens[1]); Foods food = null; switch (foodType) { case "Meat": food = new Meat(quantity); break; case "Vegetable": food = new Vegetable(quantity); break; case "Fruit": food = new Fruit(quantity); break; case "Seeds": food = new Seeds(quantity); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of food!"); } return(food); }
public UserProfile UpdateFoods(List <long> foodIds) { if (!foodIds.IsNullOrZero()) { if (Foods.IsNullOrZero()) { Foods = new List <UserFood>(); } Foods.RemoveAll(p => !foodIds.Contains(p.Id)); var _foods = Foods; foodIds.ForEach(item => { try { var result = _foods.Where(p => p.Id == item).FirstOrDefault(); if (result.IsNull()) { Foods.Add(new UserFood().Create(item, Id)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }); } else { Foods.Clear(); } return(this); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("FoodsId")] Foods foods) { if (id != foods.FoodsId) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(foods); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!FoodsExists(foods.FoodsId)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(foods)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { List <Animal> animals = new List <Animal>(); string input; while ((input = Console.ReadLine()) != "End") { Animal animal = ParseAnimal(input); animals.Add(animal); string[] foodTokens = Console.ReadLine().Split(); Foods food = ParseFood(foodTokens); Console.WriteLine(animal.MakeSound()); try { animal.TryEatFood(food); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } foreach (Animal animal in animals) { Console.WriteLine(animal); } }
public void Run() { string commad = Console.ReadLine(); while (commad != "End") { string[] animalArgs = commad.Split(); Animal animal = AnimalFactory.Create(animalArgs); string[] foodArgs = Console.ReadLine().Split(); Foods food = FoodFactory.Create(foodArgs); Console.WriteLine(animal.SoundEat()); try { animal.Eat(food); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } animals.Add(animal); commad = Console.ReadLine(); } foreach (var animal in animals) { Console.WriteLine(animal); } }
public async Task PutAsync(HttpListenerContext context) { var data = await context.ReadPostDataAsync(); if (data == null) { return; } var title = data.GetOrDefault("title"); var ingredients = data.GetOrDefault("ingredients"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { throw new HttpException(400, "Food is invalid"); } if (!context.CheckCsrfToken(data.GetOrDefault("csrf-token"))) { throw new HttpException(403, "Request is forged"); } var food = await Foods.Add(title, ingredients); await context.WriteStringAsync(food.Id.ToString("N")); await callback(context.Request.Cookies.GetAuth() ?? "FoodBot", food).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public void AddFood() { var batata = new Foods("Batata", "tuberculo amarelo", 2934720, 23, 1, 10000000, 6, 123124, "", false, Guid.Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), Guid.Parse("fb56fd90-822b-4be9-09b6-08d822831157")); var res = _bo.Create(batata); Assert.IsTrue(res.Success); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutFoods(long id, Foods foods) { if (id != foods.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(foods).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!FoodsExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
private void chkNull(Foods p) { long chk = 0; Decimal chk1 = 0; p.date_modi = p.date_modi == null ? "" : p.date_modi; p.date_cancel = p.date_cancel == null ? "" : p.date_cancel; p.user_create = p.user_create == null ? "" : p.user_create; p.user_modi = p.user_modi == null ? "" : p.user_modi; p.user_cancel = p.user_cancel == null ? "" : p.user_cancel; p.foods_name = p.foods_name == null ? "" : p.foods_name; p.foods_code = p.foods_code == null ? "" : p.foods_code; p.res_code = p.res_code == null ? "" : p.res_code; p.status_foods = p.status_foods == null ? "0" : p.status_foods; p.printer_name = p.printer_name == null ? "" : p.printer_name; p.status_to_go = p.status_to_go == null ? "0" : p.status_to_go; p.status_dine_in = p.status_dine_in == null ? "0" : p.status_dine_in; p.filename = p.filename == null ? "" : p.filename; p.status_recommend = p.status_recommend == null ? "0" : p.status_recommend; p.status_create = p.status_create == null ? "0" : p.status_create; p.foods_name_1 = p.foods_name_1 == null ? "" : p.foods_name_1; p.host_id = long.TryParse(p.host_id, out chk) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; p.branch_id = long.TryParse(p.branch_id, out chk) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; p.device_id = long.TryParse(p.device_id, out chk) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; p.foods_type_id = long.TryParse(p.foods_type_id, out chk) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; p.res_id = long.TryParse(p.res_id, out chk) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; p.foods_cat_id = long.TryParse(p.foods_cat_id, out chk) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; p.foods_price = Decimal.TryParse(p.foods_price, out chk1) ? chk1.ToString() : "0"; p.price_plus_togo = Decimal.TryParse(p.price_plus_togo, out chk1) ? chk1.ToString() : "0"; }
private void initConfig() { fEdit = new Font(mposC.iniC.grdViewFontName, mposC.grdViewFontSize + 5, FontStyle.Regular); fEditB = new Font(mposC.iniC.grdViewFontName, mposC.grdViewFontSize, FontStyle.Bold); fEdit1 = new Font(mposC.iniC.grdViewFontName, mposC.grdViewFontSize + 5, FontStyle.Regular + 2); fgrd = new Font(mposC.iniC.grdViewFontName, mposC.grdViewFontSize + 15, FontStyle.Regular); ford = new Font(mposC.iniC.grdViewFontName, mposC.grdViewFontSize, FontStyle.Regular); picPlus.Click += PicPlus_Click; picMinus.Click += PicMinus_Click; picDesc.Click += PicDesc_Click; picDel.Click += PicDel_Click; flagExplan = false; sizeNormal = this.Size; foo = new Foods(); foos = new FoodsSpecial(); hei1 = pnCri1.Height; hei2 = pnCri2.Height; hei3 = pnCri3.Height; hei4 = pnCri4.Height; heiselect = pnSelect.Height; setControl(); PicDesc_Click(null, null); }
public ActionResult Create(Foods food) { _context.Foods.Add(food); _context.SaveChanges(); return(CreatedAtRoute("GetFood", new { id = food.Food_id }, food)); }
private void Tile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); Tile tile = sender as Tile; if (tile != null) { Foods foo = new Foods(); foo = (Foods)tile.Tag; setGrf(tile.Name, tile.Text, tile.Text1.Replace("ราคา", "").Trim(), "1", "", foo.printer_name); //FlickrPhoto photo = (FlickrPhoto)tile.Tag; //string uri = photo.ContentUri; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri)) //{ // pictureBox.Image = pictureBox.InitialImage; // pictureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; // imgPanel.Visible = true; // imgPanel.BringToFront(); // titleLabel.Text = photo.Title; // authorLabel.Text = photo.AuthorName; // waitLabel.Visible = true; // pictureBox.LoadAsync(uri); // tagBox.Enabled = false; // setTagButton.Enabled = false; // refreshButton.Enabled = false; // loadNewButton.Enabled = false; // flickrTiles.Enabled = false; // backButton.Enabled = true; // this.Focus(); //} } }
public static void Task1() { Console.WriteLine("AOC2020_Day21_1"); Foods foods = new Foods(); foods.Read(); var alergenes = foods.FindAlergenes(); var found = new SortedSet <string>(); foreach (var i in alergenes) { found.Add(i.Item2); Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", i.Item1, i.Item2); } ; int tot = 0; int t2 = 0; foreach (var food in foods.foods) { t2 += food.ingredients.Count; foreach (var ingr in food.ingredients) { if (!found.Contains(ingr)) { tot++; } } } Console.WriteLine("OK Ingrs = {0}", tot); }
public async Task DeleteFood(int id) { Foods foods = _context.Foods.Find(id); _context.Remove(foods); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
private List <Food> decodeFood(string data) { data = $"{{\"FoodList\":{data}}}"; Foods decodedData = JsonUtility.FromJson <Foods>(data); return(decodedData.FoodList.ToList()); }
public override void Eat(Foods food) { this.BaseEat(food, new List <string>() { nameof(Meat) }, WeightIncrease); }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //校验信息完整性 if (CheckInput()) { Foods F = new Foods() { FoodName = txtFoodName.Text, FoodPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(cboFoodPrice.Text), FoodType = (cboFoodType.SelectedIndex + 1).ToString(), FoodTime = TimeSpan.Parse("00:" + nudtxtFoodTime.Text + ":00"), }; int n = FoodManager.InsertFood(F); string pLocalFilePath = file;//要复制的文件路径 string path = Application.StartupPath; int index = path.IndexOf("KaMiFoodSystem"); path = path.Substring(0, index) + "KaMiFoodSystem"; string pSaveFilePath = Application.StartupPath + @"\Images\食物\" + txtFoodName.Text + ".jpg"; //指定存储的路径 string pSaveFilePath2 = path + @"\KaMiFood\KaMiFood\bin\Debug\Images\食物\" + txtFoodName.Text + ".jpg"; //指定存储的路径 File.Copy(pLocalFilePath, pSaveFilePath, true); File.Copy(pLocalFilePath, pSaveFilePath2, true); if (n > 0) { MessageBox.Show("添加成功"); Transmit.FrmFood.dgvFoodInfo.DataSource = FoodManager.SelectFoodAll(); Transmit.FrmFood.dgvFoodInfo.RowsDefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; Transmit.FrmFood.SelectFood(); this.Close(); } } }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Foods foods =; foodRepo.DeleteFood(foods); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
void UpdateFoods(int?foodId = null) { new Thread(() => { IEnumerable <object> filtered; lock (Foods) { Foods = ZooConnection.GetModels(ModelType.Food); if (foodId.HasValue) { filtered = Foods.Where(food => (int)ZooClient.GetProperty(food, "ID") == foodId.Value); } else { filtered = Foods; } } dataGridFoods.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { buttonModifyFood.IsEnabled = false; buttonRemoveFood.IsEnabled = false; dataGridFoods.ItemsSource = filtered; labelFoodsCount.Content = filtered.Sum(food => (double)ZooClient.GetProperty(food, "Amount")).ToString(); }); }).Start(); }
public async Task ExecuteSearchFoodsCommand() { if (cancellationTokenSource != null) { cancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); } cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); SetResultVisibility(true, false); try { Foods.Clear(); var includUnknownFructose = AppPreferences.UnknownFructose; foreach (var food in await FoodDataStore.SearchFoodsAsync(SearchText, includUnknownFructose, cancellationTokenSource.Token)) { Foods.Add(new FoodViewModel(food)); } SetResultVisibility(false, true); Analytics.TrackEvent("Search Completed", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Search Text", SearchText } }); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { // Task was canceled so just handle the exception and move on } catch (Exception exception) { Analytics.TrackEvent("Error Searching Food", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Exception Message", exception.Message } }); } }
/// <summary> /// Attempt to position the given item at the given index. If the space is occupied already it will fail. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item to be positioned.</param> /// <param name="x">The x index of the tile to position at.</param> /// <param name="y">The y index of the tile to position at.</param> /// <returns>True if successfully positioned, false if the space was occupied.</returns> public bool AttemptToPositionAt(GridItem item, int x, int y) { if (!InBounds(x, y) || this.tiles[x][y].HasInhabitant) { return(false); // Space occupied } this.tiles[x][y].AddInhabitant(item); item.SetInitialScreenPosition(x * Tile.TILE_SIZE, y * Tile.TILE_SIZE, Tile.TILE_SIZE, Tile.TILE_SIZE); // Add the item to the simulation and set up appropriate event handlers if (item.GetType() == typeof(Organism)) { var organism = (Organism)item; organism.DeathOccurred += OrganismDeathHandler; Organisms.Add(organism); } else if (item.GetType() == typeof(Food)) { var food = (Food)item; food.DeathOccurred += FoodEatenHandler; Foods.Add(food); } return(true); // Successfully positioned }
private void Awake() { this.cookQueue = new Foods(); this.animator = base.GetComponent <Animator>(); this.cookMeter.gameObject.SetActive(false); this.isPaused = true; }
public void UploadPhoto(Foods foods, HttpPostedFileBase Photo) { if (Photo != null) { string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(Photo.FileName); if (!fileExtension.ToLower().Equals(".jpg")) { ViewBag.FailMessage = "Photo invalid file type. Please use only .jpg file."; } else if (Photo.ContentLength > 1000000) { ViewBag.FailMessage = "Photo size cannot be more than 1 MB "; } else if (Photo.ContentLength > 0 && Photo.ContentLength < 1000000) { string _path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/UploadedFiles"), Photo.FileName); Photo.SaveAs(_path); foods.PhotoFile = Photo.FileName; } else { ViewBag.FailMessage = "Invalid. Please check the photo file"; } } }
async Task ExecuteLoadItemsCommand() { if (IsRefreshing) { return; } IsRefreshing = true; try { Foods.Clear(); var apiService = new Services.ApiService.ApiService(); var foods = await apiService.GetAllFoodsAsync(); foreach (var c in foods) { Foods.Add(c); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); } finally { IsRefreshing = false; } }
public void doHunt() { float goodEncounterProb = (float)0.2f + (Stealth * .06f); float rand = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f); int food_idx = Random.Range(0, 9); Foods found_food = SaveSystem.LoadFoods(food_idx); float hunt_food_weight = found_food.weight; int hunt_damage = Mathf.FloorToInt(Random.Range(5f, 10f)); if (goodEncounterProb > rand) { message.text = "You found " + + "\n You got " + hunt_food_weight.ToString() + "lbs of food"; if (curr_weight + hunt_food_weight > max_weight) { Food += max_weight - curr_weight; } else { Food = Food + hunt_food_weight; } SavePlayer(); } else { float fightChance = calcFightChance(); float win = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f); if (fightChance > win) { message.text = "You didn't see a Zombie, but it saw you and attacked... \n But you killed it with your " +; SavePlayer(); } else { message.text = "You didn't see a Zombie, but it saw you \n It attacked and hurt you for " + ((int)hunt_damage).ToString() + " damage"; Health = Health - (int)hunt_damage; SavePlayer(); } } if (Health <= 0) { deathMessage = "A hidden zombie attacked you for " + hunt_damage.ToString() + " damage and it killed you"; SaveSystem.SaveDeathMessage(deathMessage); LoadDefault(); SaveSystem.SaveFood("moderate"); setDefaultInventory(); SavePlayer(); SceneManager.LoadScene(10); } //modal.SetActive(false); yesHunt.enabled = false; noHunt.enabled = false; yesHunt.gameObject.SetActive(false); noHunt.gameObject.SetActive(false); moveAlong.enabled = true; moveAlong.gameObject.SetActive(true); Inventory.enabled = true; }
public async override Task InitializeAsync(INavigation navigation) { await base.InitializeAsync(navigation); Foods.Clear(); Foods.AddRange(await DataStore.FoodEntries.Get()); }
public override void Eat(Foods food) { this.BaseEat(food, new List <string>() { nameof(Vegetable), nameof(Fruit) }, WeightIncrease); }
public ActionResult Create(Foods foods) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Foods.Add(foods); db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } return View(foods); }
public ActionResult Edit(Foods foods) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(foods).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } return View(foods); }