Beispiel #1
        public App()
//			NWN2ModuleAnalyser.ExcelOutput e = new NWN2ModuleAnalyser.ExcelOutput();
//			ModuleStats s = new ModuleStats();
//			s.Name = "Whatup";
//			s.CumulativeStats.Actions["GiveGold"]++;
//			e.PopulateColumn(s.GetSpreadsheetRows(),1,2);
//			e.PopulateColumn(s.GetSpreadsheetData(),2,2);
//			e.Quit();

            FlipTranslator translator = new FakeTranslator();
            FlipAttacher   attacher   = new FakeAttacher(translator);

            Nwn2Fitters            fitters    = new Nwn2Fitters();
            Nwn2StatementFactory   statements = new Nwn2StatementFactory(fitters);
            Nwn2TriggerFactory     triggers   = new Nwn2TriggerFactory(fitters);
            Nwn2ImageProvider      images     = new Nwn2ImageProvider(new NarrativeThreadsHelper());
            Nwn2ObjectBlockFactory blocks     = new Nwn2ObjectBlockFactory(images);

            Nwn2MoveableProvider provider = new Nwn2MoveableProvider(blocks, statements, triggers);

            FlipWindow window = new FlipWindow(provider,
                                               new FlipWindow.OpenDeleteScriptDelegate(Open),
                                               new FlipWindow.SaveScriptDelegate(Save),
                                               new Nwn2DeserialisationHelper());

Beispiel #2
        public ScriptSelector(List <ScriptTriggerTuple> tuples, INwn2Session session, FlipWindow window)
            if (tuples == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tuples");
            if (session == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("session");
            if (window == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("window");
            this.tuples  = tuples;
            this.session = session;
            this.window  = window;

            selected = null;


            MouseButtonEventHandler scriptSelected = new MouseButtonEventHandler(OpenScript);

            scriptsListBox.MouseDoubleClick += scriptSelected;
            scriptsListBox.KeyDown          += new KeyEventHandler(OpenScript);

            foreach (ScriptTriggerTuple tuple in tuples)
                try {
                    TriggerControl trigger = tuple.Trigger;

                    if (trigger == null)

                    trigger.Padding = thickness;
                catch (Exception) {}
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new <see cref="FlipPlugin"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        public FlipPlugin()
            preferences = new object();
            service     = new ServiceController();
            window      = null;

            string myDocuments = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);

            systemFolder  = Path.Combine(myDocuments, "Adventure Author");
            logsFolder    = Path.Combine(systemFolder, "User logs");
            scriptsFolder = Path.Combine(systemFolder, "Scripts");

            try {
            catch (Exception x) {
                MessageBox.Show("Could not create necessary Flip folders within this user's My Documents folder. " +
                                "Logs and copies of scripts will not be saved, and the software may not work as intended.\n\n" + x);
Beispiel #4
 public bool Save(FlipWindow window)
Beispiel #5
        public bool SaveScript(FlipWindow window)
            if (window == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("window");
            if (attacher == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No attacher to save scripts with.");

            if (!window.IsComplete)
                //ActivityLog.Write(new Activity("TriedToSaveIncompleteScript"));
                Log.WriteMessage("tried to save incomplete script");
                MessageBox.Show("Your script isn't finished! Fill in all the blanks before saving.");

            IScriptFrame scriptFrame = window.GetCurrentScriptFrame();

            AbstractScriptWriter scriptWriter;

            if (window.Mode == ScriptType.Conditional)
                scriptWriter = new ConditionalScriptWriter(window.ConditionalFrame);
                scriptWriter = new ScriptWriter(window.TriggerBar);

            string code = scriptWriter.GetCombinedCode();

            FlipScript script = new FlipScript(code, window.Mode, String.Empty);

            string address = scriptFrame.GetAddress();

            try {
                string savedAs = attacher.Attach(script, address);

                window.TriggerBar.CurrentScriptIsBasedOn       = savedAs;
                window.ConditionalFrame.CurrentScriptIsBasedOn = savedAs;

                window.IsDirty = false;

                //ActivityLog.Write(new Activity("SavedScript","SavedAs",savedAs));
                Log.WriteAction(LogAction.saved, "script", "as " + savedAs);

                //MessageBox.Show("Script was saved successfully.");
                try {
                    string nl = window.NaturalLanguage;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nl))
                        window.NaturalLanguage = "Saved.";
                        window.NaturalLanguage = nl + Environment.NewLine + "Saved.";
                catch (Exception) {}


            catch (MatchingInstanceNotFoundException x) {
                //ActivityLog.Write(new Activity("TriedToSaveScriptButTargetCouldNotBeFound","TargetType",x.Address.TargetType.ToString(),"TargetTagOrResRef",x.Address.InstanceTag));
                Log.WriteMessage("tried to save script but couldn't find target (was looking for " + x.Address.TargetType + " with tag/resref " + x.Address.InstanceTag + ")");
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("There's no {0} like this (with tag '{1}') in any area that's open.\nMake sure that the area containing " +
                                              "the {0} is open when you try to save, or it won't work.", x.Address.TargetType, x.Address.InstanceTag));

            catch (Exception x) {
                string errorMessage = x.ToString();

                if (errorMessage.Contains("flip_functions"))
                    try {
                        string path = Path.Combine(NWN2Toolset.NWN2.IO.NWN2ResourceManager.Instance.OverrideDirectory.DirectoryName, "flip_functions.nss");
                        if (!File.Exists(path))
                            MessageBox.Show("File " + path + " is missing. Scripts will not compile successfully. Please re-install Flip.");
                    catch (Exception) {}

                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Something went wrong when saving the script.{0}{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, errorMessage));
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a new instance of FlipWindow, and forbid it from closing fully.
        /// </summary>
        protected void InitialiseFlip()
            session = new Nwn2Session();
            FlipTranslator translator = new NWScriptTranslator();

            attacher = new NWScriptAttacher(translator, session, scriptsFolder);

            Nwn2Fitters fitters = new Nwn2Fitters();

            triggers     = new Nwn2TriggerFactory(fitters);
            scriptHelper = new ScriptHelper(triggers);

            Nwn2StatementFactory statements = new Nwn2StatementFactory(fitters);
            Nwn2ImageProvider    images     = new Nwn2ImageProvider(new NarrativeThreadsHelper());

            blocks = new Nwn2ObjectBlockFactory(images);

            ToolsetEventReporter reporter = new ToolsetEventReporter();

            provider = new Nwn2MoveableProvider(blocks, statements, triggers, reporter);

            window = new FlipWindow(provider, images,
                                    new FlipWindow.OpenDeleteScriptDelegate(OpenDeleteScriptDialog),
                                    new FlipWindow.SaveScriptDelegate(SaveScript),
                                    new Nwn2DeserialisationHelper());

            window.Closing += delegate(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
                // Hide the window instead of closing it:
                e.Cancel = true;

                // Unless the user changes their mind about closing the script,
                // in which case don't even do that:
                if (window.AskWhetherToSaveCurrentScript() != MessageBoxResult.Cancel)
                    window.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                    Log.WriteAction(LogAction.exited, "flip");

            reporter.ModuleChanged += delegate
                Action action = new Action
                    if (window == null)
                    try {
                    catch (Exception) {}

                if (window != null)
                    window.Dispatcher.Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, action);

            MenuItem addWildcardBlock = new MenuItem();

            addWildcardBlock.Header = "Add Wildcard block";
            addWildcardBlock.Click += delegate
                try {
                    CreateWildcardDialog dialog = new CreateWildcardDialog();

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dialog.WildcardTag))
                        ObjectBlock block = blocks.CreateWildcardBlock(dialog.WildcardTag);

                        window.BlockBox.AddMoveable(Nwn2MoveableProvider.ValuesBagName, block, true);
                        //ActivityLog.Write(new Activity("CreatedWildcardBlock","Block",block.GetLogText()));
                        Log.WriteMessage("created wildcard block (" + block.GetLogText() + ")");
                catch (Exception x) {
                    MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when creating a Wildcard block.\n\n" + x);

            MenuItem openTriggerlessScripts = new MenuItem();

            openTriggerlessScripts.Header = "Open unattached script";
            openTriggerlessScripts.Click += delegate
                try {
                catch (Exception x) {
                    MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when opening a script via its filename.\n\n" + x);

//			MenuItem analyseAllScripts = new MenuItem();
//			analyseAllScripts.Header = "Analyse all scripts";
//			analyseAllScripts.Click += delegate
//			{
//				try {
//					AnalyseAllScripts();
//				}
//				catch (Exception x) {
//					MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when analysing scripts.\n\n" + x);
//				}
//			};
//			window.DevelopmentMenu.Items.Add(analyseAllScripts);
//			MenuItem analyseScript = new MenuItem();
//			analyseScript.Header = "Analyse script";
//			analyseScript.Click += delegate
//			{
//				try {
//					AnalyseScript();
//				}
//				catch (Exception x) {
//					MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when analysing script.\n\n" + x);
//				}
//			};
//			window.DevelopmentMenu.Items.Add(analyseScript);

//			MenuItem showLogWindow = new MenuItem();
//			showLogWindow.Header = "Show log window";
//			showLogWindow.Click += delegate
//			{
//				try {
//					new ActivityLogWindow().Show();
//				}
//				catch (Exception x) {
//					MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when launching the log window.\n\n" + x);
//				}
//			};
//			window.DevelopmentMenu.Items.Add(showLogWindow);

            // Start recording debug messages and user actions:
            try {
            catch (Exception x) {
                MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when setting up a Flip user log.\n" + x);

            reporter.AreaNameChanged += delegate(object oObject, NameChangedEventArgs eArgs)
                UpdateScriptsFollowingTagChange(oObject, eArgs.OldName, eArgs.NewName, false);