public Separate(Transform owned, float maxAccel, float castRadius, string tagCompare = null) { this.owned = owned; this.castRadius = castRadius; this.flee = new Flee(owned, maxAccel); this.tagCompare = tagCompare; }
static Modes() { ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo"); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass"); LaneClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear"); JungleClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear"); LastHitMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("LastHit"); FleeMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Flee"); SkinMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Skins"); PermaActiveMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("PermaActive"); // Initialize all modes // Combo Combo.Initialize(); // Harass Harass.Initialize(); //LaneClear LaneClear.Initialize(); //JungleClear JungleClear.Initialize(); //LastHit //LastHit.Initialize(); //Flee Flee.Initialize(); //PermaActive PermaActive.Initialize(); }
public void Restart() { // Init BB m_Blackboard = new Blackboard(); m_Blackboard.Trans = transform; m_Blackboard.Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform; m_Blackboard.Destination = transform.position + new Vector3(10, 0, 5); m_Bt = new BehaviorTree(); m_Bt.m_Blackboard = m_Blackboard; // Init tree Repeat repeat = new Repeat(ref m_Bt, -1); Sequence randomMove = new Sequence(ref m_Bt); PickRandomTarget pickTarget = new PickRandomTarget(); MoveToPoint moveBehavior = new MoveToPoint(); randomMove.m_Children.Add(moveBehavior); randomMove.m_Children.Add(pickTarget); // Try out Chase behavior m_Chase = new Chase(moveBehavior, m_Bt); m_Flee = new Flee(moveBehavior, m_Bt); repeat.m_Child = randomMove; m_Bt.Start(repeat, this.SequenceComplete); }
public static void FleeKeys( bool useQ = true, bool defaultQ = true, bool useW = true, bool defaultW = true, bool useE = true, bool defaultE = true, bool useR = true, bool defaultR = true) { Flee = Menu.AddSubMenu("Flee Menu", "flee"); Flee.AddGroupLabel("Flee Settings"); if (useQ) { Flee.AddCheckBox("flee.q", "Use Q"); } if (useW) { Flee.AddCheckBox("flee.w", "Use W"); } if (useE) { Flee.AddCheckBox("flee.e", "Use E"); } if (useR) { Flee.AddCheckBox("flee.r", "Use R ", false); } Flee.AddSeparator(); Flee.Add("flee.advanced", new CheckBox("Show Advanced Menu", false)).OnValueChange += Value.AdvancedModeChanged; JsonSettings.Profile.Options.Add(new JsonSetting("flee.advanced", Setting.Checkbox, Flee["flee.advanced"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue.ToString())); }
/// <summary> /// function called when the obj is created by the MooseManager in order to set all variables /// </summary> /// <param name="_cohW"></param> /// <param name="_sepW"></param> /// <param name="_aliW"></param> /// <param name="_sibW"></param> public void StartBehaviours(Bounds _movingBounds, float _padding, GameObject _predator) { cohesionInternal = GetComponent <Cohesion>(); cohesionInternal.weight = coehVal.x; separationInternal = GetComponent <Separation>(); separationInternal.weight = separVal.x; alignmentInternal = GetComponent <Alignment>(); alignmentInternal.weight = aligVal.x; stayInBoundsInternal = GetComponent <StayInBounds>(); stayInBoundsInternal.weight = stayInBVal.x; stayInBoundsInternal.bounds = _movingBounds; stayInBoundsInternal.padding = _padding; constantSpeedInternal = GetComponent <ConstantSpeed>(); constantSpeedInternal.speed = speed.x; fleeInternal = GetComponent <Flee>(); fleeInternal.evader = _predator.GetComponent <Vehicle>(); GetComponent <Vehicle>().behaviours.Add(cohesionInternal); GetComponent <Vehicle>().behaviours.Add(separationInternal); GetComponent <Vehicle>().behaviours.Add(alignmentInternal); GetComponent <Vehicle>().behaviours.Add(stayInBoundsInternal); GetComponent <Vehicle>().behaviours.Add(constantSpeedInternal); GetComponent <Vehicle>().behaviours.Add(fleeInternal); fsm = GetComponent <FSM>(); fsm.LoadState <FSMMooseWander>(); fsm.LoadState <FSMMooseCauntion>(); fsm.LoadState <FSMMooseRun>(); fsm.ActivateState <FSMMooseWander>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { mySeek = new Seek(); mySeek.character = this; = target; myFlee = new Flee(); myFlee.character = this; = target; myArrv = new Arrive(); myArrv.character = this; = target; myAlgn = new Align(); myAlgn.character = this; = target; myFace = new Face(); myFace.character = this; = target; myLWYG = new LookWhereGoing(); myLWYG.character = this; = target; myFPth = new FollowPathDemo(); myFPth.character = this; myFPth.path = waypointList; // = target; }
// Use this for initialization protected override void Start() { Sight = GetComponent <FieldOfView>(); Search = GetComponent <AStarSearch>(); Path = GetComponent <ASPathFollower>(); Wander = GetComponent <Wander>(); Flee = GetComponent <Flee>(); Face = GetComponent <Face>(); Agent = GetComponent <Agent>(); Animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); Terrain = GameObject.Find("Terrain"); SearchAgent = GetComponent <ASAgent>(); herdCentre = GameObject.Find("HerdCentre").gameObject; Path.enabled = true; Path.path = new ASPath(); Path.enabled = false; State = new FiniteStateMachine <Ankylosaurus>(this); State.Change(Idle.Instance); collision_time = 0.0f; health_time = 0.0f; hunger_time = 0.0f; thirst_time = 0.0f; base.Start(); }
public override void Enter() { pursueBehaviour = ship.boid.GetBehaviour <Pursue> (); if (pursueBehaviour != null) { pursueBehaviour.enabled = true; = target.boid; pursueBehaviour.desiredDistance = desiredDistance; } Wander wanderBehaviour = ship.boid.GetBehaviour <Wander> (); if (wanderBehaviour != null) { wanderBehaviour.enabled = true; wanderBehaviour.weight = 10f; } Flee targetFlee = target.boid.GetBehaviour <Flee> (); if (targetFlee != null) { targetFlee.avoidingBoids.Add(ship.transform); } target.pursuers++; ship.pursuing = target; ship.guns[0].enabled = true; ship.StartCoroutine(IUpdate()); }
// Use this for initialization protected override void Start() { Sight = GetComponent <FieldOfView>(); Search = GetComponent <AStarSearch>(); Path = GetComponent <ASPathFollower>(); Wander = GetComponent <Wander>(); Seek = GetComponent <Seek>(); Flee = GetComponent <Flee>(); Arrive = GetComponent <Arrive>(); Terrain = GameObject.Find("Terrain"); Animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); SearchAgent = GetComponent <ASAgent>(); State = new FiniteStateMachine <Velociraptor>(this); State.Change(V_Idle.Instance); Path.enabled = true; Path.path = new ASPath(); Path.enabled = false; collision_ticks = 0.0f; health_time = 0.0f; hunger_time = 0.0f; thirst_time = 0.0f; base.Start(); }
private void Start() { wander = GetComponent <Wander>(); flee = GetComponent <Flee>(); zombieAnimator = GetComponent <Animator>(); zombieAnimator.GetBehaviours <ZombieState>().ToList().ForEach(zs => zs.zombie = this); }
public override void Update() { if (agent.remainingDistance < 1) { if (currentIndex >= GameEnvironment.Singleton.Checkpoints.Count - 1) { currentIndex = 0; } else { currentIndex++; } agent.SetDestination(GameEnvironment.Singleton.Checkpoints[currentIndex].transform.position); } if (CanSeePlayer()) { nextState = new Pursue(npc, agent, anim, player); stage = EVENT.EXIT; } else if (IsPlayerBehind()) { nextState = new Flee(npc, agent, anim, player); stage = EVENT.ENTER; } }
private void fleeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (var entity in GameWorld.Instance.Entities) { if (fleeToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { var behaviour = new Flee(); if (entity.Type == EntityType.Omnivore) { behaviour.FleeFrom = EntityType.Herbivore; } else { behaviour.FleeFrom = EntityType.Omnivore; } behaviour.Radius = 150; entity.AddBehaviour(behaviour); } else { entity.RemoveBehaviour(typeof(Flee)); } } }
private void Awake() { if (gameObject.activeSelf == true) { idle = new Idle(this); rest = new Rest(this); eat = new Eat(this); wander = new Wander(this); chase = new Chase(this); flee = new Flee(this); attack = new Attack(this); dead = new Dead(this); navAgent = GetComponentInParent <NavMeshAgent>(); tracker = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Tracker").GetComponent <Tracking>(); damageOutput = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Damage>(); if (useAnimator == true) { anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); } if (dynamicWandering == false) { spawnpoint = transform.position; } } }
public static void Init(Yasuo yas) { Yas = yas; Config = MainMenu.AddMenu("YasuoPro", "YasuoPro"); ComboA = Config.AddSubMenu("Combo"); Combo.Attach(ComboA); HarassA = Config.AddSubMenu("Harass"); Harass.Attach(HarassA); KillstealA = Config.AddSubMenu("Killsteal"); Killsteal.Attach(KillstealA); FarmingA = Config.AddSubMenu("LastHitting"); Farm.Attach(FarmingA); WaveclearA = Config.AddSubMenu("Waveclear"); Waveclear.Attach(WaveclearA); MiscA = Config.AddSubMenu("Misc"); Misc.Attach(MiscA); DrawingsA = Config.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); Drawings.Attach(DrawingsA); Flee = Config.AddSubMenu("Flee Settings", "Flee"); Flee.Add("Flee.Mode", new ComboBox("Flee Mode", 0, "To Nexus", "To Allies", "To Cursor")); Flee.Add("Flee.StackQ", new CheckBox("Stack Q during Flee")); Flee.Add("Flee.UseQ2", new CheckBox("Use Tornado", false)); }
private static void OnTick(EventArgs args) { if (Return.Activemode(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Combo)) { Combo.Execute(); } if (Return.Activemode(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Harass)) { Harass.Execute(); } if (Return.Activemode(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.LaneClear)) { Clear.Execute(); } if (Return.Activemode(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.JungleClear)) { Jungle.Execute(); } if (Return.Activemode(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.LastHit)) { Lasthit.Execute(); } if (Return.Activemode(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Flee)) { Flee.Execute(); } PermaActive.Execute(); }
private static void OnTick(EventArgs args) { PermaActive.Execute(); if (Activemode(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Combo)) { switch (Mode) { case 1: Combo.Execute(); break; case 2: Burst.Execute(); break; } } if (Activemode(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.JungleClear)) { Jungle.Execute(); } if (Activemode(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.LaneClear)) { Lane.Execute(); } if (Activemode(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Flee)) { Flee.Execute(); } }
/// <summary> /// Obtiene la velocidad del zombie y la aumenta para correr. /// </summary> public override void Awake() { zombie.Animate("hit"); flee = new Flee(zombie.GetSpeed(), zombie.GetHumano()); timerExitState = 0; base.Awake(); }
public override SteeringOutput.SteeringOutput getSteering() { Vector2 direction = Target.getPosition() - Character.getPosition(); float distance = direction.magnitude; float speed = Character.getVelocity().magnitude; float prediction; if (speed <= distance / maxPrediction) { prediction = maxPrediction; } else { prediction = distance / maxPrediction; } GameObject dummy = (GameObject)MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefab/Dummy")); AgentMeta dummyAgent = dummy.GetComponent <AgentMeta> (); dummyAgent.setPosition(Target.getPosition() + Target.getVelocity() * prediction); Behaviour flee = new Flee(dummyAgent, Character); SteeringOutput.SteeringOutput steering = flee.getSteering(); MonoBehaviour.Destroy(dummy); Behaviour lwyg = new LWYG(Character); steering += lwyg.getSteering(); return(steering); }
// Use this for initialization protected override void Start() { anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); fov = GetComponent <FieldOfView>(); ankyFleeing = GetComponent <Flee>(); ankyWandering = GetComponent <Wander>(); // Assert default animation booleans and floats anim.SetBool("isIdle", true); anim.SetBool("isEating", false); anim.SetBool("isDrinking", false); anim.SetBool("isAlerted", false); anim.SetBool("isGrazing", false); anim.SetBool("isAttacking", false); anim.SetBool("isFleeing", false); anim.SetBool("isDead", false); anim.SetFloat("speedMod", 1.0f); // This with GetBool and GetFloat allows // you to see how to change the flag parameters in the animation controller stateMachine = new StateMachine <MyAnky>(this); stateMachine.ChangeState(StateBeginning.Instance); gameTimer = Time.time; Debug.Log("Started Anky!"); base.Start(); }
static Config() { Menu = new MenuWrapper(MENU_NAME); // Combo Combo.Initialize(); // Harass Harass.Initialize(); // WaveClear WaveClear.Initialize(); // JungleClear JungleClear.Initialize(); // Flee Flee.Initialize(); // Keys Keys.Initialize(); // Misc Misc.Initialize(); // Items Items.Initialize(); // Drawing Drawing.Initialize(); }
static Settings() { Menu0 = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu("Draw"); Draw.Initialize(); Menu1 = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu("Anti-Gapcloser"); AntiGapcloser.Initialize(); Menu2 = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu("Interrupter"); Interrupter.Initialize(); Menu3 = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu("Items"); Items.Initialize(); Menu4 = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu("Auto-Shield"); AutoShield.Initialize(); Menu5 = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo"); Combo.Initialize(); Menu6 = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu("Flee"); Flee.Initialize(); Menu7 = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass"); Harass.Initialize(); Menu8 = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu("Humanizer"); Humanizer.Initialize(); Menu9 = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu("Skin Hack"); SkinHack.Initialize(); }
private static void OnTick(EventArgs args) { if (Player.Instance.IsDead) { return; } if (Orbwalker.ActiveModesFlags.HasFlag(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Combo)) { Combo.Execute(); } if (Config.IsChecked(Config.AutoWMenu, "bW") && Spells.W.CanCast() && Player.Instance.ManaPercent >= Config.GetSliderValue(Config.AutoWMenu, "minMana")) { AutoW.Execute(); } if (Orbwalker.ActiveModesFlags.HasFlag(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Harass) && Player.Instance.ManaPercent >= Config.GetSliderValue(Config.HarassMenu, "minMana")) { Harass.Execute(); } if (Orbwalker.ActiveModesFlags.HasFlag(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Flee)) { Flee.Execute(); } }
// Use this for initialization protected override void Start() { waterSource = GameObject.Find("Daylight Water"); thirst = 100; health = 100; energy = 100; currentState = ankyState.IDLE; ankyWander = GetComponent <Wander>(); ankyFlee = GetComponent <Flee>(); ankyView = GetComponent <FieldOfView>(); ankyFace = GetComponent <Face>(); ankyFaceEnemy = GetComponent <FaceEnemy>(); ankyPursue = GetComponent <Pursue>(); ankySeek = GetComponent <Seek>(); ankyAgent = GetComponent <Agent>(); anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); // Assert default animation booleans and floats anim.SetBool("isIdle", true); anim.SetBool("isEating", false); anim.SetBool("isDrinking", false); anim.SetBool("isAlerted", false); anim.SetBool("isGrazing", false); anim.SetBool("isAttacking", false); anim.SetBool("isFleeing", false); anim.SetBool("isDead", false); anim.SetFloat("speedMod", 1.0f); // This with GetBool and GetFloat allows // you to see how to change the flag parameters in the animation controller base.Start(); }
private static void OnUpdate(EventArgs args) { if (ObjectManager.Player.IsDead) { return; } if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo) { Combo.Execute(); } if (Config.IsChecked("bW") && Spells.W.CanCast() && ObjectManager.Player.ManaPercent >= Config.GetSliderValue("AutoW.minMana")) { AutoW.Execute(); } if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Mixed && ObjectManager.Player.ManaPercent >= Config.GetSliderValue("Harass.minMana")) { Harass.Execute(); } if (Config.IsKeyPressed("assistedR")) { AssistedR.Execute(); } if (Config.IsKeyPressed("fleeBind")) { Orbwalking.MoveTo(Game.CursorPos); Flee.Execute(); } }
public void ChangeState(UnitStates newState) { currentState = newState; switch (currentState) { case UnitStates.Idle: DestroyImmediate(fleeScript); DestroyImmediate(seekScript); break; case UnitStates.Flee: fleeScript = gameObject.AddComponent <Flee>(); = target; fleeScript.enabled = true; DestroyImmediate(seekScript); break; case UnitStates.Seek: cohesionScript.weight = 0.7f; seperationScript.weight = 50.0f; seekScript = gameObject.AddComponent <Seek>(); = target; seekScript.enabled = true; DestroyImmediate(fleeScript); break; } }
static Settings() { Menu = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu("Settings"); Draw.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(13); AntiGapcloser.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(13); Interrupter.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(13); Items.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(13); AutoShield.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(13); Combo.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(13); Flee.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(13); Harass.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(13); }
static Modes() { // Initialize the menu Menu = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu("Modes"); // Initialize all modes // Combo Combo.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(); // Harass Harass.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(); Flee.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(); LaneClear.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(); JungleClear.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(); MiscMenu.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(); Drawing.Initialize(); Menu.AddSeparator(); Items.Initialize(); }
public RunFrom() { dsevc = new DSeeEvilClone(); henry = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); flee = henry.GetComponent <Flee>(); }
public DSeeEvilClone() { henry = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); evilClone = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Enemy"); pathFollowing = henry.GetComponent <PathFollowing>(); flee = henry.GetComponent <Flee> (); }
private static void Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args) { if (ObjectManager.Player.IsDead) { return; } switch (Configs.orbwalker.ActiveMode) { case Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo: Combo.ExecuteCombo(); break; case Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Mixed: LastHit.ExecuteLastHit(); Harass.ExecuteHarass(); break; case Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.LastHit: LastHit.ExecuteLastHit(); break; case Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.LaneClear: LaneClear.ExecuteLaneClear(); JungleClear.ExecuteJungleClear(); break; case Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.CustomMode: Flee.ExecuteFlee(); break; } KillSteal(); AutoQ(); }
protected override void Start() { base.Start(); GetAllCapturePoints(); // Utility AI setup // ****** VALUES ****** UAIV_AgentHealth agentHealth = new UAIV_AgentHealth(this, _AgentController._AgentStats.HealthPoints); UAIV_SoldierFriendlyCount friendlySoldierCount = new UAIV_SoldierFriendlyCount(this, 4); UAIV_SoldierEnemyCount enemySoldierCount = new UAIV_SoldierEnemyCount(this, 3); UAIV_DistanceToEnemy distanceToEnemy = new UAIV_DistanceToEnemy(this, _AgentController._Senses._ViewRange); UAIV_DistanceToFriendlyFlag distanceToFriendlyFlag = new UAIV_DistanceToFriendlyFlag(this, _AgentController._Senses._ViewRange); UAIV_FriendlyFlagsCount friendlyFlagsCount = new UAIV_FriendlyFlagsCount(this, 5); UAIV_AllFriendlySoldiersCount allFriendlySoldiersCount = new UAIV_AllFriendlySoldiersCount(this, _AgentController._PlayerOwner._MaxSoldiers); // ****** SCORERS ****** UtilityScorer scorer_agentHealth = new UtilityScorer(agentHealth, _HealthCurve); UtilityScorer scorer_friendlyCount = new UtilityScorer(friendlySoldierCount, _FriendlyAgentsCurve); UtilityScorer scorer_enemyCount = new UtilityScorer(enemySoldierCount, _EnemyAgentsCurve); UtilityScorer scorer_distanceToEnemy = new UtilityScorer(distanceToEnemy, _AttackDesireCurve); UtilityScorer scorer_distanceToEnemyFlee = new UtilityScorer(distanceToEnemy, _FleeDesireCurve); UtilityScorer scorer_distanceToFriendlyFlag = new UtilityScorer(distanceToFriendlyFlag, _FriendlyFlagDistanceCurve); UtilityScorer scorer_friendlyFlagsCount = new UtilityScorer(friendlyFlagsCount, _FriendlyFlagsForHQAttackCurve); UtilityScorer scorer_allFriendlySoldiersCount = new UtilityScorer(allFriendlySoldiersCount, _AllFriendlyAgentsCountCurve); // ****** ACTIONS ****** CaptureFlags captureFlagsAction = new CaptureFlags(capturePointsInScene, this, 0.5f); AttackEnemy attackEnemyAction = new AttackEnemy(this, 0.0f); attackEnemyAction.AddScorer(scorer_distanceToEnemy); Flee fleeAction = new Flee(this, 0.0f); fleeAction.AddScorer(scorer_agentHealth); fleeAction.AddScorer(scorer_enemyCount); fleeAction.AddScorer(scorer_friendlyCount); //fleeAction.AddScorer(scorer_distanceToEnemyFlee); HealAtFlag healAtFlagAction = new HealAtFlag(this, 0.0f); healAtFlagAction.AddScorer(scorer_agentHealth); healAtFlagAction.AddScorer(scorer_distanceToFriendlyFlag); healAtFlagAction.AddScorer(scorer_distanceToEnemyFlee); AttackHQ attackHQAction = new AttackHQ(_AgentController._PlayerOwner._EnemyPlayer, this, 0.0f); attackHQAction.AddScorer(scorer_friendlyFlagsCount); attackHQAction.AddScorer(scorer_allFriendlySoldiersCount); // ****** REGISTER ACTIONS ****** _AgentActions.Add(captureFlagsAction); _AgentActions.Add(attackEnemyAction); _AgentActions.Add(fleeAction); _AgentActions.Add(healAtFlagAction); _AgentActions.Add(attackHQAction); }
public Separation(Entity _character, Flock _flock, float _neighbourhoodMaxDistance, float _neighbourhoodMinDotProduct) : base(_character, _flock, _neighbourhoodMaxDistance, _neighbourhoodMinDotProduct) { dummy = new DummyEntity(); flee = new Flee(_character, dummy); maxNeighborhoodSize = 5; }
// Use this for initialization public override void Start() { fleeScript = GetComponent<Flee>(); wanderScript = GetComponent<Wander> (); base.Start (); fleeDist = rayDist; interDist = 3.0f * rayDist; isReachingGoal = false; actualDist = Vector3.Distance (transform.position, goal.transform.position); setScripts (); }
public override IEnumerator Enter(Machine owner, Brain controller) { mainMachine = owner; myBrain = controller; Legs myLeg = myBrain.legs; fleeBehaviour = new Flee(); fleeBehaviour.Init(myLeg); myLeg.addSteeringBehaviour(fleeBehaviour); //inscrease speed myBrain.legs.maxSpeed = 9f; time = 0f; yield return null; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance /// </summary> public Behaviors() { Alignment = new Alignment(); Arrive = new Arrive(); Cohesion = new Cohesion(); Evade = new Evade(); Flee = new Flee(); Hide = new Hide(); Interpose = new Interpose(); ObstacleAvoidance = new ObstacleAvoidance(); OffsetPursuit = new OffsetPursuit(); PathFollowing = new PathFollowing(); Pursuit = new Pursuit(); Seek = new Seek(); Separation = new Separation(); WallAvoidance = new WallAvoidance(); Wander = new Wander(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { flee = GetComponent<Flee>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { steeringBasics = GetComponent<SteeringBasics>(); flee = GetComponent<Flee>(); }