Beispiel #1
    void Update()
        // start Kinect face tracker as needed
        if (!facetrackingInitialized)

            if (!facetrackingInitialized)

        if (facetrackingInitialized)
            // update the face tracker
            int rc = FacetrackingWrapper.UpdateFaceTracking();

            if (rc >= 0)
                // poll the video frame as needed
                if (computeColorMap)
                    if (FacetrackingWrapper.PollVideo(ref videoBuffer, ref colorImage))

                // estimate the tracking state
                isTrackingFace = FacetrackingWrapper.IsFaceTracked();
                faceTrackingID = FacetrackingWrapper.GetFaceTrackingID();

                // get the facetracking parameters
                if (isTrackingFace)
                    lastFaceTrackedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

                    // get face rectangle
                    bool bGotFaceRect = FacetrackingWrapper.GetFaceRect(ref faceRect);

                    // get head position and rotation
                    Vector4 vHeadPos =, vHeadRot =;
                    if (FacetrackingWrapper.GetHeadPosition(ref vHeadPos))
                        headPos = (Vector3)vHeadPos;

                        if (!mirroredHeadMovement)
                            headPos.z = -headPos.z;

                    if (FacetrackingWrapper.GetHeadRotation(ref vHeadRot))
                        if (mirroredHeadMovement)
                            vHeadRot.x = -vHeadRot.x;
                            vHeadRot.z = -vHeadRot.z;
                            vHeadRot.x = -vHeadRot.x;
                            vHeadRot.y = -vHeadRot.y;

                        headRot = Quaternion.Euler((Vector3)vHeadRot);

                    // get the animation units
                    bGotAU = false;
                    int iNumAU = FacetrackingWrapper.GetAnimUnitsCount();

                    if (iNumAU > 0)
                        if (afAU == null || afAU.Length == 0)
                            afAU = new float[iNumAU];

                        if (afAU != null && afAU.Length > 0)
                            bGotAU = FacetrackingWrapper.GetAnimUnits(ref afAU);

                    // get the shape units
                    //isConverged = FacetrackingWrapper.IsShapeConverged();

                    bGotSU = false;
                    int iNumSU = FacetrackingWrapper.GetShapeUnitsCount();

                    if (iNumSU > 0)
                        if (afSU == null || afSU.Length == 0)
                            afSU = new float[iNumSU];

                        if (afSU != null && afSU.Length > 0)
                            bGotSU = FacetrackingWrapper.GetShapeUnits(ref afSU);

                    // get the shape points
                    bGotShapePoints = false;
                    int iNumPoints = FacetrackingWrapper.GetShapePointsCount();

                    if (iNumPoints > 0)
                        if (avShapePoints == null || avShapePoints.Length == 0)
                            avShapePoints = new Vector2[iNumPoints];

                        if (avShapePoints != null || avShapePoints.Length > 0)
                            bGotShapePoints = FacetrackingWrapper.GetShapePoints(ref avShapePoints);

                    // get the 3D model points
                    bGotFaceModelPoints = false;
                    int iFaceModelVertexCount = FacetrackingWrapper.GetFaceModelVerticesCount();

                    if (iFaceModelVertexCount > 0)
                        if (avFaceModelTriangles == null || avFaceModelTriangles.Length == 0)
                            int iFaceModelTrianglesCount = FacetrackingWrapper.GetFaceModelTrianglesCount();
                            avFaceModelTriangles = new int[iFaceModelTrianglesCount];

                            FacetrackingWrapper.GetFaceModelTriangles(mirroredHeadMovement, ref avFaceModelTriangles);

                        if (avFaceModelPoints == null || avFaceModelPoints.Length == 0)
                            avFaceModelPoints = new Vector3[iFaceModelVertexCount];

                        if (avFaceModelPoints != null && avFaceModelPoints.Length > 0)
                            bGotFaceModelPoints = FacetrackingWrapper.GetFaceModelVertices(ref avFaceModelPoints);

                    if (computeColorMap)
                        if (displayFaceRect && bGotFaceRect)
                            DrawFacetrackerRect(usersClrTex, !visualizeFacetracker);

                        if (visualizeFacetracker && bGotShapePoints)
                            DrawFacetrackerLines(usersClrTex, avShapePoints, true);
                else if ((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastFaceTrackedTime) <= faceTrackingTolerance)
                    // allow tolerance in tracking
                    isTrackingFace = true;