Beispiel #1
        public async Task StatusCode_PullKeys_ShouldUpdateOrNotLastUpdatedTimestamp(HttpStatusCode httpStatus)
            ApiResponse <Stream> apiResponse = new ApiResponse <Stream>("test", HttpMethod.Get)
                StatusCode = (int)httpStatus,

            ExposureNotificationWebService notificationWebService =
                Mock.Of <ExposureNotificationWebService>(b =>
                                                         b.GetFileAsStreamAsync(It.IsAny <string>()) == Task.FromResult(apiResponse));

            Mock.Get(notificationWebService).CallBase = true;

            ApiResponse <Stream> response =
                await notificationWebService.GetDiagnosisKeys("dummyDate", CancellationToken.None);

            List <HttpStatusCode> errorStatusCodesList = new List <HttpStatusCode>
                HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest

            if (errorStatusCodesList.Contains(httpStatus))
                //MessageLastUpdateDateTime should not be updated
                Assert.Equal(DateTime.MinValue.ToLocalTime(), MessagesViewModel.LastUpdateDateTime);
                //MessageLastUpdateDateTime must be updated
                Assert.NotEqual(DateTime.MinValue.ToLocalTime(), MessagesViewModel.LastUpdateDateTime);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches the new keys if any.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Paths to the temporary location where the zips are stored</returns>
        public async Task <IEnumerable <string> > PullNewKeys(ExposureNotificationWebService service, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            PullKeysParams requestParams = PullKeysParams.GenerateParams();

            LocalPreferencesHelper.DidFirstFileOfTheDayEndedWith204 = false;

            List <string> zipLocations      = new List <string>();
            bool          lastPull          = false;
            int?          lastBatchReceived = null;
            int?          lastReceivedStatusCodeFromRequest = null;

            while (!lastPull)
                string requestUrl = requestParams.ToBatchFileRequest();

                ApiResponse <Stream> response = await service.GetDiagnosisKeys(requestUrl, cancellationToken);

                HttpHeaders headers = response.Headers;
                lastReceivedStatusCodeFromRequest = response.StatusCode;
                bool headersAreValid = true;

                if (response == null || (!response.IsSuccessfull))
                    if (response?.StatusCode == 410)
                        NotificationsHelper.CreateNotification(NotificationsEnum.ApiDeprecated, 0);
                        string warning = "410 Api was deprecated";
                        _developerTools.AddToPullHistoryRecord(warning, requestUrl);
                        LogUtils.LogMessage(LogSeverity.WARNING, $"{_logPrefix}.{nameof(DownloadZips)}: {warning}");
                        //Failed to fetch new keys due to server error. This is already logged in the webservice.
                        _developerTools.AddToPullHistoryRecord($"{response.StatusCode} Server Error", requestUrl);
                    break; //Abort pulling

                // If the server says 204: No Content, it means that there were no new keys (I.e. the request batch does not exist)
                if (response.StatusCode == 204)
                    if (requestParams.Date.Date < SystemTime.Now().Date)
                        //If there were no new keys for a day which is not today, then move on to fetch keys for the next date.
                        requestParams.Date        = requestParams.Date.AddDays(1);
                        requestParams.BatchNumber = 1;
                        lastPull = false;
                        //There were no new keys to fetch for today
                        _developerTools.AddToPullHistoryRecord($"204 No Content - No new keys", requestUrl);
                        string warning = $"API {response.Endpoint} returned 204 No Content - No new keys since last pull";
                        LogUtils.LogMessage(LogSeverity.WARNING, $"{_logPrefix}.{nameof(DownloadZips)}: {warning}");
                        lastPull = true;
                        int  lastBatchReceivedValue = int.Parse(headers.GetValues(LastBatchReturnedHeader).First());
                        bool moreBatchesExist       = bool.Parse(headers.GetValues(MoreBatchesExistHeader).First());

                        //If both headers parse (no exceptions), then save lastBatchValue to be persisted
                        lastBatchReceived = lastBatchReceivedValue;

                        if (moreBatchesExist)
                            //There are still more batches to fetch for the given date
                            requestParams.BatchNumber = (int)lastBatchReceived + 1;
                            lastPull = false;
                        else if (requestParams.Date.Date < SystemTime.Now().Date)
                            //If there were no new keys for a day which is not today, then move on to fetch keys for the next date.
                            requestParams.Date        = requestParams.Date.AddDays(1);
                            requestParams.BatchNumber = 1;
                            lastPull = false;
                            //There are no more batches to fetch for today. Try again in some hours.
                            lastPull = true;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        headersAreValid = false;
                        HandleErrorWhenPulling(e, $"Failed to parse {MoreBatchesExistHeader} or {LastBatchReturnedHeader} header.", requestUrl);
                        break; //Abort pulling

                // Copy the zip stream in the response into a temp file
                if (response.StatusCode == 200 && headersAreValid)
                        _developerTools.AddToPullHistoryRecord("200 OK", requestUrl);
                        string tmpFile = Path.Combine(ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IFileSystem>().CacheDirectory, Guid.NewGuid() + ".zip");

                        FileStream tmpFileStream = File.Create(tmpFile);
                        await response.Data.CopyToAsync(tmpFileStream);


                    catch (Exception e)
                        HandleErrorWhenPulling(e, "Failed to save zip locally", requestUrl);
                        break; //Abort pulling

            if (zipLocations.Any() && lastBatchReceived != null)
                //Persist the last batch that was fetched, to know which one to fetch next time the background task runs.
                LocalPreferencesHelper.LastPullKeysBatchNumberNotSubmitted = (int)lastBatchReceived;

                //Also save the last batchtype fetched
                LocalPreferencesHelper.LastPulledBatchType = requestParams.BatchType;

            // Edge case for when pulling across multiple days ends up in 204 for the first file
            if (requestParams.Date.Date == SystemTime.Now().Date &&
                requestParams.BatchNumber == 1 &&
                lastReceivedStatusCodeFromRequest == 204)
                LocalPreferencesHelper.DidFirstFileOfTheDayEndedWith204 = true;
