/// <summary>
 /// Creates a WPF cursor from a win32 bitmap
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cursorBitmap"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Cursor CreateCursor(Bitmap cursorBitmap)
     var csh = new WPFCursorFromBitmap(cursorBitmap);
     return CursorInteropHelper.Create(csh);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the cursor for this control to show the coordinates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uiElement"></param>
        private void SetCoordinatesOnCursor(FrameworkElement uiElement)
            Point  coordinate = locked ? lockPoint : lastCoordinate;
            Cursor newCursor  = null;
            var    cursorFont = new Font("Arial", 8f);

                // Lets get the string to be printed
                string coordinateText = coordinate.X.ToString(xFormat) + "," + coordinate.Y.ToString(yFormat);
                // Calculate the rectangle required to draw the string
                SizeF textSize = GetTextSize(coordinateText, cursorFont);

                // ok, so here's the minimum 1/4 size of the bitmap we need, as the
                // Hotspot for the cursor will be in the centre of the bitmap.
                int minWidth  = 8 + (int)Math.Ceiling(textSize.Width);
                int minHeight = 8 + (int)Math.Ceiling(textSize.Height);

                // If the bitmap needs to be resized, then resize it, else just clear it
                if (cursorBitmap.Width < minWidth * 2 || cursorBitmap.Height < minHeight * 2)
                    Bitmap oldBitmap = cursorBitmap;
                    cursorBitmap = new Bitmap(Math.Max(cursorBitmap.Width, minWidth * 2),
                                              Math.Max(cursorBitmap.Height, minHeight * 2));

                // Get the centre of the bitmap which will be the Hotspot
                var centre = new System.Drawing.Point(cursorBitmap.Width / 2, cursorBitmap.Height / 2);
                /// Calculate the text rectangle
                var textRectangle = new Rectangle(centre.X + 8, centre.Y + 8, minWidth - 8, minHeight - 8);

                int diff = (int)cursorPosition.X + textRectangle.Right / 2 - 3 - (int)uiElement.ActualWidth;

                if (diff > 0)
                    textRectangle.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(textRectangle.Left - diff, textRectangle.Top);

                // Draw the target symbol, and the coordinate text on the bitmap
                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(cursorBitmap))
                    g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                    // This line causes a crash on laptops when you render a string
                    // g.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;

                    float targetX = centre.X;
                    float targetY = centre.Y;

                    float radius = 30;

                    if (!locked)
                        var blackPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), 1.4f);
                        g.DrawEllipse(blackPen, targetX - radius * .5f, targetY - radius * .5f, radius, radius);
                        g.DrawLine(blackPen, targetX - radius * .8f, targetY, targetX - 2f, targetY);
                        g.DrawLine(blackPen, targetX + 2f, targetY, targetX + radius * .8f, targetY);
                        g.DrawLine(blackPen, targetX, targetY - radius * .8f, targetX, targetY - 2f);
                        g.DrawLine(blackPen, targetX, targetY + 2f, targetX, targetY + radius * .8f);
                        var blackPen  = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), 3f);
                        var yellowPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 0), 2f);
                        g.DrawEllipse(blackPen, targetX - radius * .5f, targetY - radius * .5f, radius, radius);
                        g.DrawEllipse(yellowPen, targetX - radius * .5f, targetY - radius * .5f, radius, radius);

                    if (!locked)
                        g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(127, 255, 255, 255)), textRectangle);
                        g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(170, 255, 255, 0)), textRectangle);

                    // Setup the text format for drawing the subnotes
                    using (var stringFormat = new StringFormat())
                        stringFormat.Trimming    = StringTrimming.None;
                        stringFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoClip | StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
                        stringFormat.Alignment   = StringAlignment.Near;

                        // Draw the string left aligned
                            new SolidBrush(Color.Black),

                // Now copy the bitmap to the cursor
                newCursor = WPFCursorFromBitmap.CreateCursor(cursorBitmap);
                Trace.WriteLine("Error drawing on cursor");
                // After the new cursor has been set, the unmanaged resources can be
                // cleaned up that were being used by the old cursor
                if (newCursor != null)
                    uiElement.Cursor = newCursor;
                if (lastCursor != null)
                lastCursor = newCursor;

                // Save the new values for cleaning up on the next pass
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a WPF cursor from a win32 bitmap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cursorBitmap"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Cursor CreateCursor(Bitmap cursorBitmap)
            var csh = new WPFCursorFromBitmap(cursorBitmap);
