Beispiel #1
        private static void Menus(EventArgs args)
            if (Hero.ChampionName != "Katarina") return;
            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu(HeroName, HeroName);
            Menu.AddGroupLabel("★★☆☆☆  Segure   [ Only Kill ] ");
            Menu.AddLabel("This mode is Recommended always, it will only make the");
            Menu.AddLabel("Combo Skill With 'E' if you really Kill.");
            Menu.AddGroupLabel("★★★★☆  Burst   [ Full Combo ] ");
            Menu.AddLabel("This mode is recommended if you are very strong,");
            Menu.AddLabel("As always Ira Make Full Combo");
            Menu.AddLabel("✔ Info - Choose With Game Mode Your Agreement,Read the Instructions Below the Mode");
            Menu.Add("M.E1", new ComboBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ Jump E ] Combo Mode  ", 1, "Burst   [Full Combo]", "Segure   [Only Kill]"));
            Menu.Add("SkinHack", new ComboBox("        ❖   "+HeroName+ " - [SkinHack ] Select Now  ", 8, "Classic Katarina", "Mercenary Katarina", "Red Card Katarina", "Bilgewater Katarina", "Kitty Cat Katarina", "High Command Katarina", "Sandstorm Katarina", "Slay Belle Katarina", "Warring Kingdoms Katarina"));
            Menu.Add("SkinLoad", new KeyBind("        ♯   Select Your Skin [ And Press ]", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'N'));
            Menu.Add("C.F", new KeyBind("        ♯   Fast Changes [ Combo Mode ]", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'M'));
            Menu.Add("E.C", new KeyBind("        ♯   Fast Changes [ Evade Mode ]", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'L'));
            Menu.AddLabel("⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇ Ward Jump");
            Menu.Add("W.J", new KeyBind("        ♯   Auto Ward & Jump [ E ] And Press ->", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'V'));
            Hero.SetSkinId(5);//Set Skin Padrao
            Menu.AddLabel("⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇ Combo");
            Menu.Add("Q.1", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ Q ] Enemy", true));
            Menu.Add("W.1", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ W ] Enemy ", true));
            Menu.Add("E.1", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ E ] Enemy", true));
            Menu.Add("R.1", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ R ] Enemy", true));
            Menu.AddLabel("⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇ Humanize Delay");
            Menu.Add("H.K", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ To also ] KS", false));
            Menu.AddLabel("Important: Enable if Suspecting You. Recommend [ Mark Off ]");
            Menu.Add("HumanMin", new Slider("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ Humanize ] Jump [ E ] Min ", 200, 100, 1000));
            Menu.Add("HumanMax", new Slider("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ Humanize ] Jump [ E ] Max ", 450, 300, 1000));
            Menu.AddLabel("Important: Recommend Delay Min: [ 200 To 500 ] & Delay Max: [ 450 To 1000 ]");
            Menu.AddLabel("⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇ Auto Harras");
            Menu.Add("H.H", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ Q / W ] Auto Harras", false));
            Menu.AddLabel("⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇ KillSteal");
            Menu.Add("K.S", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ KS ] Enemy", true));
            Menu.Add("K.W", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ Jump ] All Objects", true));
            Menu.AddLabel("Use [ E ] Jump To Ward / Ally / Minions / Object, to get closes ");
            Menu.AddLabel("⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇ Farm");
            Menu.Add("F.L", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ Q/W ] Farm", true));
            Menu.Add("F.H", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ Q/W ] LastHit", true));
            Menu.Add("F.J", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ Q/W ] Jungle", true));
            Menu.Add("F.K", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ KillSteal ] Jungle", true));
            Menu.AddLabel("⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇ Draw");
            Menu.Add("D.Q", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ Q ] Range", true));
            Menu.Add("D.W", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ W ] Range", false));
            Menu.Add("D.E", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ E ] Range", false));
            Menu.Add("D.R", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ R ] Range", false));
            Menu.AddLabel("⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇ Draw 2");
            Menu.Add("T.R", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ Text ] Modes State", true));
            Menu.Add("T.N", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ Circle ] Enemy Kill", true));
            Menu.AddLabel("⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇ Misc");
            Menu.AddLabel("Important: For Him Not Spending ability to Allies Clear them in");
            Menu.AddLabel("Menu EB > Core > GapCloser = Clear its Allies are Marked");
            Menu.Add("E.G", new CheckBox("        ❖   " + HeroName + " - [ E ] Ant-Gapcloser", true));

            // EVADE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Menu.AddLabel("⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇⑇ Evade");
            Menu.Add("E.E", new CheckBox("        ❖   [ E ] Evade Spells [If possible]", false));
            Menu.AddLabel("Important: Not Enabled during Combo Non Loses Kill");
               // Menu.AddSeparator(2);
            foreach (AIHeroClient Inimigo in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                var HabilidadeQ = Inimigo.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.Q).SData.Name.ToString();
                var HabilidadeW = Inimigo.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.W).SData.Name.ToString();
                var HabilidadeE = Inimigo.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.E).SData.Name.ToString();
                var HabilidadeR = Inimigo.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.R).SData.Name.ToString();
                Menu.Add(Inimigo.ChampionName + "Q1", new CheckBox("Q [ "+ HabilidadeQ +" ]", true));
                Menu.Add(Inimigo.ChampionName + "W1", new CheckBox("W [ "+ HabilidadeW +" ]", true));
                Menu.Add(Inimigo.ChampionName + "E1", new CheckBox("E [ "+ HabilidadeE +" ]", true));
                Menu.Add(Inimigo.ChampionName + "R1", new CheckBox("R [ "+ HabilidadeE + " ]", true));
            // EVADE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Drawing.OnDraw += Game_OnDraw;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Game_OnDraw1;
            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate1;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Evade;
            //Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += AntiGapcloserOnOnEnemyGapcloser;
            var Notificação = new EloBuddy.SDK.Notifications.SimpleNotification("UnrealSkill", "Katarina {666} Load 1.0");
            EloBuddy.SDK.Notifications.Notifications.Show(Notificação, 5000);
Beispiel #2
        private static void Menus(EventArgs args)
            if (Hero.ChampionName != "Draven") return;
            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu(NomeHeroi, NomeHeroi);
            Menu.AddLabel("Creator: UnrealSkill-VIP");

            Menu.AddGroupLabel("〈〈〈〈 Explaining Modes 〉〉〉〉");
            Menu.AddLabel("✔ Information - If You have Problems With the (Challenge Mode) or (C# Developer Mode)");
            Menu.AddLabel(" Use (Normal Mode), and Set Down Delay. ' Ping 1 to 120 ' Use Delay 100 or 350");
            Menu.AddLabel("★★☆☆☆ [Normal Mode] - It is More Humanized and you can");
            Menu.AddLabel("configure the Catch Axes time. Posibilitando if the player is a high ping also");
            Menu.AddLabel("★★★☆☆ [Challenger Mode] - Try to focus on not losing Axe No Way");
            Menu.AddLabel("70% probability of not losing the ax combo, but can not be configured delay");
            Menu.AddLabel("★★★★★ [C# Developer Mode] - Unbelievable Mechanica 2-3 Axes");
            Menu.AddLabel("(You Need This Item With ' Ghost Dancer ' and Speed Boot for 3 Axes) ");
            Menu.Add("ModeAxe", new ComboBox("〈〈〈〈  Select Player Mode  〉〉〉〉Always Test Other Modes",0, "1 - [Challenger Mode]", "2 - [Normal Mode]", "3 - [C# Developer Mode]"));
            Menu.Add("DelayAX", new Slider("Delay Pick Axes Only - (Normal Mode)", 250, 0, 500));
            Menu.AddLabel("Config in Core > Ticks Per Second: 20 a 25 '");
            Menu.Add("UseSkinHack", new CheckBox("❐ " + NomeHeroi + "  Use SkinHack", true));
            var Skin = Menu.Add("SkinHack", new ComboBox("✔ Select your Skin Hack", 6, "Classic Draven", "Soul Reaver Draven", "Gladiator Draven", "Primetime Draven", "Pool Party Draven", "Beast Hunter Draven", "Draven Draven"));
            Skin.OnValueChange += delegate
                var Notificação = new EloBuddy.SDK.Notifications.SimpleNotification("SkinHack" ,"New Select: "+ Skin.SelectedText);
                EloBuddy.SDK.Notifications.Notifications.Show(Notificação, 5000);

            Menu.Add("ModeE", new ComboBox("✔ Select Game Mode Using [E] (Recommecd Secure)", 1, "Mode [Aggressive]", "Mode [Safe]", "Mode [GapCloser]"));
            Menu.Add("AxeGet", new ComboBox("✔ Select the Pick Axes Method (Recommecd Aways)", 0, "Mode [Always]", "Mode [Combo]", "Never"));
            Menu.Add("AT", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - Catch [ Axe ] In Tower Enemy", false));
            Menu.Add("CR", new Slider("Catch Axes Distance [ Cursor Mouse ]  (Recommend 255) ", 255, 210, 700));
            Menu.AddLabel("  ◣  " + NomeHeroi + "  ◥  Combo");
            Menu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ Q ]", true));
            Menu.Add("W", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ W ] ", true));
            Menu.Add("E", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ E ]", true));
            Menu.Add("R", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ R ]", true));
            Menu.AddLabel("  ◣  " + NomeHeroi + "  ◥  Farm");
            Menu.Add("FF", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ Q ] Farm", true));
            Menu.Add("FJ", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ Q ] Jungle", true));
            Menu.AddLabel("  ◣  " + NomeHeroi + "  ◥  Draw");
            Menu.Add("DAX", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ Axe ] Radius", true));
            Menu.Add("DE", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ E ] Range",  true));
            Menu.Add("DK", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ Text ] Kill", true));
            Menu.Add("DM", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ Text ] Modes", true));
            Menu.Add("DCR", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ Radius ] Catch Axe", true));
            Menu.AddLabel("  ◣  " + NomeHeroi + "  ◥  Misc");
            Menu.AddLabel("Important: For Him Not Spending ability to Allies Clear them in");
            Menu.AddLabel("Menu EB > Core > GapCloser = Clear its Allies are Marked");
            Menu.Add("EG", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ E ] Ant-Gapcloser", true));
            Menu.Add("EI", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ E ] Interrupt", true));

            Menu.AddLabel("  ◣  " + NomeHeroi + "  ◥  KillSteal & Item");
            Menu.Add("KS", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ E & R ] KS", true));
            Menu.Add("IT", new CheckBox("❐   " + NomeHeroi + " - [ Items ] Use", true));
            Drawing.OnDraw += Draw;
            Game.OnUpdate += UpdateGame;
            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += AntiGapcloserOnOnEnemyGapcloser;
            Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter2OnOnInterruptableTarget;

            var version = "1.4";
            Chat.Print("|| Draven 2016 || UnrealSkill99|| " + version + " || ", Color.DeepPink);
            Chat.Print("|| Draven 2016 || UnrealSkill99|| " + version + " ||", Color.WhiteSmoke);
            Chat.Print("|| Draven 2016 || UnrealSkill99|| " + version + " ||", Color.DeepSkyBlue);
            Chat.Print("|| Draven 2016 || UnrealSkill99|| " + version + " ||", Color.DeepPink);
            Chat.Print("|| Draven 2016 || UnrealSkill99|| " + version + " ||", Color.WhiteSmoke);
            Chat.Print("|| Draven 2016 || UnrealSkill99|| " + version + " ||", Color.DeepSkyBlue);