Beispiel #1
    //Function called from the MainMenu scene to continue the most recent save
    public void ContinueGame()
        //If the most recent save doesn't exist, we're trying to load settings that don't exist
        if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("MostRecentSave"))
            Debug.Log("ContinueGame, MostRecentSave doesn't exist");
        else if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("MostRecentSave") == "")
            Debug.Log("ContinueGame, MostRecentSave is empty");
        else if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + PlayerPrefs.GetString("MostRecentSave")))
            Debug.Log("ContinueGame, MostRecentSave folder directory doesn't exist");

        //Loading the folder name for the most recent save so we can "Continue"
        this.saveFolder = PlayerPrefs.GetString("MostRecentSave");

        //Telling the map generator to load our existing level
        this.loadType = LevelLoadType.LoadLevel;

        //Transitioning to the gameplay level
        EVTData transitionEVT = new EVTData();

        transitionEVT.sceneTransition = new SceneTransitionEVT(this.gameplayLevelName, 0.5f, 1);
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(SceneTransitionEVT.eventNum, transitionEVT);
Beispiel #2
    //Function called from the New Game screen in the main menu. Starts the process of creating a new map
    public void StartNewGame()
        //Determining if new items will be available in this game based on the seed value
        if (this.GetComponent <RandomSeedGenerator>().seed == "")
            this.allowNewUnlockables = true;
            this.allowNewUnlockables = false;

        //Making sure our save folder name is valid
        this.saveFolder = SaveLoadManager.globalReference.CreateNewSaveFolder();

        //Telling the map generator to create a new level instead of loading one from a save
        this.loadType = LevelLoadType.GenerateNewLevel;

        //Saving the current save folder name so we know which game was played last. Used for "Continuing"
        PlayerPrefs.SetString("MostRecentSave", GameData.globalReference.saveFolder);

        //Transitioning to the gameplay level
        EVTData transitionEVT = new EVTData();

        transitionEVT.sceneTransition = new SceneTransitionEVT(this.gameplayLevelName, 0.5f, 1);
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(SceneTransitionEVT.eventNum, transitionEVT);
Beispiel #3
    /* Function called from the EventManager.cs using the multiTrackEVT delegate event
     * Adds a gameobject to the list of ObjectSelected*/
    private void TrackMultipleObj(EVTData data_)
        //Makes sure that the only objects that can be multi-selected are ships
        if (data_.objectSelected.objectSelected.GetComponent <Ship>() == null || objectSelected.Count >= 12)

        //If the first object selected wasn't a ship, removes it from the selection before adding the new ship
        if (objectSelected.Count > 0 && objectSelected[0].GetComponent <Ship>() == null)

        //If the new object wasn't already selected, adds it to the selection list
        if (!objectSelected.Contains(data_.objectSelected.objectSelected))
        //If the object was selected, deselects it
Beispiel #4
 /* Function called from the EventManager.cs using the trackObjectEVT delegate event
  * Selects a single object to track*/
 private void TrackSelectedObj(EVTData data_)
     //Clears the current selection of game objects
     //Adds the newly selected objects to the selection list
Beispiel #5
    //Function called from the toggleLoadEVT delegate
    private void ToggleLoad(EVTData data_)
        //Making sure the load data is valid
        if (data_ == null || data_.loadData == null)

        //If the load is starting
        if (data_.loadData.startingLoad)
            //Enabling our loading bar and resetting the value to 0
            this.loadingBar.value = 0;

            //Setting the total number of load updates
            this.totalUpdates   = data_.loadData.totalLoadUpdates;
            this.currentUpdates = 0;
        //If we're still loading
            //Increasing our number of current updates by 1
            this.currentUpdates += 1;

            //Setting the loading bar slider to update the bar
            this.loadingBar.value = (this.currentUpdates * 1f) / (this.totalUpdates * 1f);

            //If we've hit the last update, we disable the loading bar
            if (this.currentUpdates >= this.totalUpdates)
Beispiel #6
    //Function called when the player cursor is over this object
    private void OnMouseOver()
        //Does nothing if the player mouse input is disabled
        if (MouseData.isMouseDisabled)

        //Clears the current selection if this object is left-clicked by itself
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject() &&
            !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) && !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt))

        //If right clicked over, sends an event with the click coords for selected objects to move to
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
            //Creates a raycast from the mouse to the world position where it collides with this object
            RaycastHit clickCast;
            Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out clickCast, 3000.0f))
                //If the raycast hits something, dispatches a delegate event with the point hit
                if (clickCast.point != null)
                    EVTData clickData = new EVTData();
                    clickData.mapClick = new MapClickEVT(clickCast.point);
                    EventManager.TriggerEvent("MapClick", clickData);
 //Function inherited from MapLocation.cs that loads the city UI when the player travels there
 public override void TravelToLocation()
     //Sending this city's data to the HUDLocationScreen.cs via the event manager
     EVTData locationEvent = new EVTData();
     locationEvent.openLocation = new OpenLocationEVT(OpenLocationEVT.LocationType.City, this);
     EventManager.TriggerEvent(OpenLocationEVT.eventNum, locationEvent);
Beispiel #8
    //Function called externally. Causes damage to this object and will destroy it if its health goes to 0
    public void Damage(int damageTaken_, GameObject attacker_)
        //Can't inflict negative damage
        if (damageTaken_ < 0)

        //Subtracts damage from this owner's shield if they have one
        if (GetComponent <ShieldTracker>() != null)
            //Any remaining damage is returned and dealt to this object's health
            this.currentHealth -= this.GetComponent <ShieldTracker>().Damage(damageTaken_);
        //If there is no shield, damage is dealt directly to HP
            this.currentHealth -= damageTaken_;

        //When the health drops below 0 it's destroyed
        if (this.currentHealth <= 0)
            this.currentHealth = 0;

            //Dispatches an event saying that this object was destroyed and who the attacker was
            EVTData destroyedEVT = new EVTData();
            destroyedEVT.objectDestroyed = new ObjectDestroyedEVT(attacker_, this.gameObject);
            EventManager.TriggerEvent("ObjectWasDestroyed", destroyedEVT);
    //Function called externally from LandTile.cs to initiate combat
    public void InitiateCombat(LandType combatLandType_, PartyGroup charactersInCombat_, EnemyEncounter encounter_)
        //Creating the event data that we'll pass to the TransitionFade through the EventManager
        EVTData transitionEvent = new EVTData();

        //Setting the transition to take 0.5 sec to fade out, stay on black for 1 sec, fade in for 0.5 sec, and call our initialize event to display the combat canvas
        transitionEvent.combatTransition = new CombatTransitionEVT(true, 0.5f, 1, 0.5f, this.combatInitializeEvent);
        //Invoking the transition event through the EventManager
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(CombatTransitionEVT.eventNum, transitionEvent);

        //Resetting all of the combat tiles to their default values

        //Setting the combat positions for the player characters and enemies based on their distances
        this.characterHandler.InitializeCharactersForCombat(charactersInCombat_, encounter_);

        //Resetting the combat UI and cameras

        //Setting the state to start increasing initiatives after a brief wait
        this.SetWaitTime(3, CombatState.IncreaseInitiative);

        //Looping through and copying the loot table from the encounter
        this.lootTable = new List <EncounterLoot>();
        foreach (EncounterLoot drop in encounter_.lootTable)
            EncounterLoot loot = new EncounterLoot();
            loot.lootItem        = drop.lootItem;
            loot.dropChance      = drop.dropChance;
            loot.stackSizeMinMax = drop.stackSizeMinMax;
Beispiel #10
    //Function called externally when this player takes damage
    public void DamagePlayer(int damageDealt_ = 0)
        //Nothing happens if the damage dealt is below 0.
        if (damageDealt_ < 0)

        //Nothing happens if this player is currently invulnerable
        if (this.invulnerableCounter > 0)

        this.currentHealth -= damageDealt_;

        //If the player's health hits 0, they die
        if (this.currentHealth <= 0)
            //Starts the death sequence for this player
            this.currentHealth       = 0;
            this.invulnerableCounter = this.invulnerableTime;
            this.respawnCounter      = this.respawnTime;

            //Dispatches a player death event saying that this player died
            EVTData deathEVT = new EVTData();
            deathEVT.playerDeath = new PlayerDeathEVT(this.playerIDTag.playerID, this.playerIDTag.playerTeam);
            Manager_EventManager.TriggerEvent(PlayerDeathEVT.eventName, deathEVT);
    //Overrides the base function from Power_DefaultLogic. Called from the Event Manager through the ActivateEVT delegate event
    protected override void ActivatePower(EVTData data_)
        //This power won't activate if the activating player wasn't this one, if it was the other slot, or if this is on cooldown
        if (data_.playerPowerActivate.playerID != this.ownerPlayer ||
            data_.playerPowerActivate.slot != this.slot ||
            this.rechargeCounter > 0 ||
            this.currentFireTime > 0)

        //Spawns the projectile to fire

        //Forces the player backward to give this gun recoil

        //Subtracts a projectile from the current clip
        this.projectilesInClip -= 1;

        //If we still have projectiles in the clip, the fire speed cooldown is started
        if (this.projectilesInClip > 0)
            this.currentFireTime = this.fireSpeed;
        //If no projectiles are left, then the recharge counter is started (basically reload time)
            this.rechargeCounter = this.rechargeTime;
Beispiel #12
    //Function called externally. Tells the player camera to stop interpolating to follow an object
    public void CameraStopFollowingThisObj()
        EVTData trackevt = new EVTData();

        trackevt.cameraTrackObject = new CameraTrackObjectEVT(null);
        EventManager.TriggerEvent("CameraTrackSelected", trackevt);
    ///<summary>Method called from the EventManager to log a new message</summary>
    private void AddMessageToLog(EVTData data_)
        if (data_.logMessage == null)

        //Adding the new message to the correct array
        switch (data_.logMessage.messageLogType)
        case LogMessageEVT.LogType.General:
            this.generalMessages.Insert(0, data_.logMessage.messageText);
            if (this.generalMessages.Count > this.numberOfMessages)

        case LogMessageEVT.LogType.Combat:
            this.combatMessages.Insert(0, data_.logMessage.messageText);
            if (this.combatMessages.Count > this.numberOfMessages)

    //Function called when the mouse cursor is over this object
    private void OnMouseOver()
        //Does nothing if the player mouse input is disabled
        if (MouseData.isMouseDisabled)

        //If left-clicked this frame, dispatches a delegate event with this object's data
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            EVTData clickData = new EVTData();
            clickData.objectSelected = new ObjectSelectedEVT(this.gameObject);

            //If left shift is held, this object is added to the current selection
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift))
                EventManager.TriggerEvent("MultiObjectSelect", clickData);
            //Otherwise, this is the only object currently selected
                EventManager.TriggerEvent("DisplayObjectSelected", clickData);
        //If right-clicked this frame, sets this object as the attack target of the current selection
        else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
            EVTData clickData = new EVTData();
            clickData.objectSelected = new ObjectSelectedEVT(this.gameObject);

            EventManager.TriggerEvent("AttackObjectSelected", clickData);
    //Function inherited from MapLocation.cs that loads the Cursed Shrine UI when the player travels there
    public override void TravelToLocation()
        EVTData logMessage = new EVTData();

        logMessage.logMessage = new LogMessageEVT(LogMessageEVT.LogType.General, "Attempting to travel to " + this.locationName);
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(LogMessageEVT.eventNum, logMessage);
Beispiel #16
 //~~~~~~~~ UNFINISHED ~~~~~~~~~
 //Function called from the EventManager.cs using the action2EVT delegate event
 private void MoveTest(EVTData data_)
     if (!MouseData.objectSelected.Contains(this.gameObject))
    /// <summary>Heals every character in the player's party a percentage of their max HP</summary>
    public void RestParty()
        //Making sure the player has enough money to rest
        if ( < this.restGoldCost)
        } -= this.restGoldCost;

        //Looping through each of the characters in the player party
        for (int c = 0; c < PartyGroup.globalReference.charactersInParty.Count; c++)
            if (PartyGroup.globalReference.charactersInParty[c] != null)
                int healAmount = Mathf.RoundToInt(PartyGroup.globalReference.charactersInParty[c].charPhysState.maxHealth * this.restHealPercent);

                //Logging a message to indicate that the character was successfully healed
                EVTData messageData = new EVTData();
                messageData.logMessage = new LogMessageEVT(LogMessageEVT.LogType.General,
                                                           PartyGroup.globalReference.charactersInParty[c].charName + " has rested and healed " + healAmount + " (" + this.restHealPercent + " of max HP)");
                EventManager.TriggerEvent(LogMessageEVT.eventNum, messageData);
    //Function called externally to save player progress. Called from the pause menu in GamePlay scene, and CreateTileGrid.cs in Start
    public void SavePlayerProgress()
        //Sending out an event to toggle the save game icon UI on
        EVTData startSaveData = new EVTData();

        startSaveData.saveData = new SaveDataEVT(true);
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(SaveDataEVT.eventNum, startSaveData);

        //Making sure the save folder exists

        //Creating a new PlayerProgress class that we'll save
        PlayerProgress currentProgress = new PlayerProgress(GameData.globalReference, TileMapManager.globalReference, LevelUpManager.globalReference, CharacterManager.globalReference, QuestTracker.globalReference);
        //Serializing the current progress
        string jsonPlayerProgress = JsonUtility.ToJson(currentProgress, true);

        //Writing the JSON progress data to a new text file in the given folder's directory
        File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + GameData.globalReference.saveFolder + "/" + this.defaultProgressFileName, jsonPlayerProgress);

        //Sending out an event to toggle the save game icon UI off
        EVTData endSaveData = new EVTData();

        endSaveData.saveData = new SaveDataEVT(false);
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(SaveDataEVT.eventNum, endSaveData);
Beispiel #19
 //Private function called from the EventManager using our delegate. Triggers all UnityEvents
 private void EventTriggered(EVTData data_)
     //Invokes all UnityEvents
     foreach (UnityEvent evt in this.eventsOnReceive)
Beispiel #20
 //Function called when the DisplayObjectSelect event is triggered
 private void DisplayObjectSelect(EVTData data_)
     //Checks to see if this script's display object was the one selected
     if (data_.objectSelected.objectSelected != this.displayObject)
Beispiel #21
 //Function used to update all of the sliders and text fields to the character's current values
 public void UpdateTextAndSliders(EVTData data_)
     //Setting the name field to display the selected character's name
     this.nameText.text = this.selectedCharacter.firstName + "\n" + this.selectedCharacter.lastName;
     //Setting the sex field to display their sex
     this.sexText.text = "Sex: " +;
     //Setting the race field to display their race
     this.raceText.text = "Race: " + this.selectedCharacter.charRaceTypes.race;
 //Function called from the combatTransitionListener delegate from CombatTransitionEVT events
 private void CombatTransitioning(EVTData data_)
     //Making sure the combat transition event data isn't null
     if (data_.combatTransition != null)
         //Setting the isInCombat bool based on if combat is starting or ending
         this.isInCombat = data_.combatTransition.startingCombat;
    //Called from the Event Manager when the sound settings have been changed
    private void SettingsChanged(EVTData data)
        float emitterTypeVol = 1.0f;

        //Finds the volume of the emitter type based on what kind of sound it emits
        switch (this.soundEmitterType)
        case SoundType.Dialogue:
            if (AudioSettings.globalReference.muteDialogue)
                emitterTypeVol = 0;
                emitterTypeVol = AudioSettings.globalReference.dialogueVolume;

        case SoundType.Music:
            if (AudioSettings.globalReference.muteMusic)
                emitterTypeVol = 0;
                emitterTypeVol = AudioSettings.globalReference.musicVolume;

        case SoundType.SFX:
            if (AudioSettings.globalReference.muteSoundEffects)
                emitterTypeVol = 0;
                emitterTypeVol = AudioSettings.globalReference.soundEffectVolume;

        //Uses music by default
            if (AudioSettings.globalReference.muteMusic)
                emitterTypeVol = 0;
                emitterTypeVol = AudioSettings.globalReference.musicVolume;

        //Sets this owner's sound emitter volume based on the settings
        this.ownerAudio.volume = emitterTypeVol * this.defaultVol;
    /// <summary>Method called from InputCommand to heal a party member</summary>
    /// <param name="command_">The array of words that make up the command. Index 1 is required to be the character index. Index 2 is an optional amount to heal</param>
    private void HealPartyMember(string[] command_)
        //Event to send a message to the log
        EVTData logEVT = new EVTData();

        //If the party group doesn't exist due to not being in an active game, the heal fails
        if (PartyGroup.globalReference == null)
            logEVT.logMessage = new LogMessageEVT(LogMessageEVT.LogType.General, "Cannot Heal Party Character: Player Party Does Not Exist");
            EventManager.TriggerEvent(LogMessageEVT.eventNum, logEVT);

        //Making sure the index given is actually an integer
        bool parseWorked = int.TryParse(command_[1], out int healID);

        //If the index isn't an integer, we output an error message
        if (!parseWorked)
            logEVT.logMessage = new LogMessageEVT(LogMessageEVT.LogType.General, "Cannot Heal Party Character: Invalid Character Index " + command_[1]);
            EventManager.TriggerEvent(LogMessageEVT.eventNum, logEVT);
        //If the index is an integer but is out of bounds of the party array, we output an error message
        if (healID < 0 || healID >= PartyGroup.globalReference.charactersInParty.Count)
            logEVT.logMessage = new LogMessageEVT(LogMessageEVT.LogType.General, "Cannot Heal Party Character: Invalid Character Index " + command_[1]);
            EventManager.TriggerEvent(LogMessageEVT.eventNum, logEVT);
        //If there's no character at the designated party index, we output an error message
        if (PartyGroup.globalReference.charactersInParty[healID] == null)
            logEVT.logMessage = new LogMessageEVT(LogMessageEVT.LogType.General, "Cannot Heal Party Character: No Party Character At Index");
            EventManager.TriggerEvent(LogMessageEVT.eventNum, logEVT);

        //The default amount of health to give to the target character (full heal)
        int healAmount = 999999999;

        if (command_.Length > 2)
            //Making sure the designated amount to heal given is actually an integer
            bool parse2Worked = int.TryParse(command_[2], out int newAmount);
            if (parse2Worked)
                healAmount = newAmount;

        logEVT.logMessage = new LogMessageEVT(LogMessageEVT.LogType.General, "Heal Party Character: " + PartyGroup.globalReference.charactersInParty[healID].charName);
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(LogMessageEVT.eventNum, logEVT);

Beispiel #25
    //Function called from the changeTeamEVT delegate event. Changes this player's team
    private void ChangeTeam(EVTData data_)
        //Does nothing if this isn't the player that's changing teams
        if (data_.playerChangeTeam.playerID != this.playerID)

        this.playerTeam = data_.playerChangeTeam.teamID;
Beispiel #26
 //Function called from the combatTransitionListener delegate from CombatTransitionEVT events
 private void CombatTransitioning(EVTData data_)
     //Making sure the combat transition event data isn't null
     if (data_.combatTransition != null)
         //Setting the isInCombat bool based on if combat is starting or ending
         this.hudObject.enabled = !data_.combatTransition.startingCombat;
Beispiel #27
    /*Function called from the EventManager.cs using the moveToTargetEVT delegate event
     * Sets the target position for this ship to move to */
    private void MoveToTarget(EVTData data_)
        //Does nothing if this object is not selected
        if (!MouseData.objectSelected.Contains(gameObject))

        this.movePos = new Vector3(data_.mapClick.clickCoords.x, 0, data_.mapClick.clickCoords.z);
 /* Function called from the EventManager.cs using the trackObjectEVT delegate event
  * Sets the object transform that this object will interpolate to, or clears it to stop interpolating */
 private void SetObjectToTrack(EVTData data_)
     if (data_.cameraTrackObject.objectToFollow != null)
         this.objectToFollow = data_.cameraTrackObject.objectToFollow.transform;
         this.objectToFollow = null;
Beispiel #29
    //Function called externally whenever time advances to update the description
    public void UpdateDescriptionOnTimeAdvance(EVTData data_)
        //If our current index is invalid or the description content is hidden, nothing happens
        if (this.displayedQuestPanelIndex < 0 || this.displayedQuestPanelIndex >= this.questPanels.Count || !this.descriptionContentTransform.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)

        //We update the quest description to show the change in time
 //Function called from the EventManager
 private void BeginTransition(EVTData data_)
     //Using the image to block input
     this.fadeImage.raycastTarget = true;
     //Getting the transition settings from the event data
     this.transitionTime  = data_.sceneTransition.transitionTime;
     this.newSceneName    = data_.sceneTransition.newSceneName;
     this.currentTime     = 0;
     this.blackScreenTime = data_.sceneTransition.stayOnBlackTime;
     //Setting the state to begin fading out
     this.tState = 1;