Beispiel #1
        public void Draw(DrawState state)
            //switch rendering mode based on the TutorialRenderMode flag
            switch (state.GetDrawFlag <TutorialRenderMode>())
            case TutorialRenderMode.DepthOutput:
                //bind the depth output shader
                state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRg>().Bind(state);

            case TutorialRenderMode.DrawShadow:
                //bind the shadow rendering shader
                Shader.ShadowShader shader = state.GetShader <Shader.ShadowShader>();
                shader.TextureMap     = material.TextureMap;
                shader.TextureSampler = material.TextureMapSampler;

                //no flag known specified

            //draw the ground
            vertices.Draw(state, null, PrimitiveType.TriangleFan);
Beispiel #2
        private void SetupShadowShader(DrawState state)
            ICamera shadowCamera = this.shadowMapTarget.Camera;

            //compute the view*projection matrix for the shadow map camera...

            Matrix view, projection, viewProjection;

            shadowCamera.GetViewMatrix(out view);
            shadowCamera.GetProjectionMatrix(out projection, this.shadowMapTarget.Size);

            Matrix.Multiply(ref view, ref projection, out viewProjection);

            //and the view direction
            Vector3 viewDirection;

            shadowCamera.GetCameraViewDirection(out viewDirection);

            //set the matrix and other constants in the shadow mapping shader instances
            Shader.ShadowShader      shader      = state.GetShader <Shader.ShadowShader>();
            Shader.ShadowShaderBlend shaderBlend = state.GetShader <Shader.ShadowShaderBlend>();

            //non-blending shader
            shader.ShadowMap = this.shadowMapTarget.GetTexture();
            shader.SetShadowMapProjection(ref viewProjection);
            shader.SetShadowViewDirection(ref viewDirection);

            //setup the same constants for the blending shader
            shaderBlend.ShadowMap = this.shadowMapTarget.GetTexture();
            shaderBlend.SetShadowMapProjection(ref viewProjection);
            shaderBlend.SetShadowViewDirection(ref viewDirection);
Beispiel #3
        protected override void BindShader(DrawState state, bool maskOnly)
            Xen.Ex.Graphics2D.Statistics.DrawGraphLine shader = state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Graphics2D.Statistics.DrawGraphLine>();

            if (dirty)
                float x = widthScale;
                for (int i = 0; i < graphData.Length; i++)
                    int   index = (i + this.index) % graphData.Length;
                    float good  = 0;

                    if (goodValue != 0)
                        good = values[index];
                        good = (good - Math.Abs(goodValue)) / goodValue;
                    graphData[i] = new Vector4(x, values[index] * maxValueInv, 0, good);
                    x           += widthScale;
                dirty = false;


		protected override IShader BindShader(DrawState state, bool maskOnly)
			Xen.Ex.Graphics2D.Statistics.DrawGraphLine shader = state.GetShader<Xen.Ex.Graphics2D.Statistics.DrawGraphLine>();

			if (dirty)
				float x = widthScale;
				for (int i = 0; i < graphData.Length; i++)
					int index = (i + this.index) % graphData.Length;
					float good = 0;

					if (goodValue != 0)
						good = values[index];
						good = (good - Math.Abs(goodValue)) / goodValue;
					graphData[i] = new Vector4(x, values[index] * maxValueInv, 0, good);
					x += widthScale;
				dirty = false;

			shader.GraphLine = this.graphData;

			return shader;
Beispiel #5
        protected override void BindShader(DrawState state, bool maskOnly)
            SimpleTextureEffect shader = state.GetShader <SimpleTextureEffect>();

            shader.Texture = _texture;
Beispiel #6
        public void Draw(DrawState state)
            state.PushWorldMatrixMultiply(ref worldMatrix);

            //cull test the sphere
            if (sphereGeometry.CullTest(state))
                //NEW CODE
                //compute a scale value that follows a sin wave
                float scaleValue = (float)Math.Sin(state.TotalTimeSeconds) * 0.5f + 1.0f;

                //the shader class has been generated in the namespace 'Shader', because the filename is 'shader.fx'.
                //The only technique in the file is named 'Tutorial03Technique'.
                //The class that was generated is Shader.Tutorial03Technique:
                Shader.Tutorial03Technique shader = null;

                //It is recommended to use the draw state to get a shared static instance of the shader.
                //Getting shader instances in this way is highly recommended for most shaders, as it reduces
                //memory usage and live object count. This will boost performance in large projects.
                shader = state.GetShader <Shader.Tutorial03Technique>();

                //Set the scale value (scale is declared in the shader source)
                shader.Scale = scaleValue;

                //Bind the custom shader instance
                //After the call to Bind(), the shader is in use. There is no Begin/End logic required for shaders

                //draw the sphere geometry

Beispiel #7
        public void Draw(DrawState state)
            //bind the background filling shader
            state.GetShader <Shaders.BackgroundFill>().Bind(state);

        /// <summary>
        /// End the modifier (This method is called by the DrawTarget)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        public void End(DrawState state)
            if (enabledBuffer)

            if (cubes.Count > 0 ||
                spheres.Count > 0)

                state.RenderState.DepthColourCull.DepthWriteEnabled = false;
                state.RenderState.AlphaBlend = AlphaBlendState.Alpha;

                Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour shader = state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour>();
                shader.FillColour = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 0.25f);


                Matrix mat;
                for (int i = 0; i < cubes.Count; i++)
                    mat = cubes[i];
                    state.PushWorldMatrix(ref mat);

                    cubeVS.Draw(state, null, PrimitiveType.LineList);


                mat = Matrix.Identity;
                Vector4 v;
                for (int i = 0; i < spheres.Count; i++)
                    v = spheres[i];

                    mat.M11 = v.W;
                    mat.M22 = v.W;
                    mat.M33 = v.W;
                    mat.M41 = v.X;
                    mat.M42 = v.Y;
                    mat.M43 = v.Z;

                    state.PushWorldMatrix(ref mat);

                    sphereVS.Draw(state, null, PrimitiveType.LineList);


        public void Draw(DrawState state)
            Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour shader = state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour>();

            shader.FillColour = colour;

            vertices.Draw(state, null, PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip);
Beispiel #10
        public void Combine(DrawState state)
            CombineShader shader = state.GetShader <CombineShader>();

            shader.WorldTexture = _worldRenderTarget;
            shader.UITexture    = _uiRenderTarget;

            _vertices.Draw(state, null, PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip);
Beispiel #11
        //draw all the instances
        //Note this class must be added after all the instances, to keep drawing in
        //the correct order. Otherwise instance culling may appear a frame delayed.
        public void Draw(DrawState state)
            if (state.SupportsHardwareInstancing)
                //get the instancing shader and bind it
                Shader.Tutorial16_Instance shader = state.GetShader <Shader.Tutorial16_Instance>();

                //in this case, Xen.Ex.Geometry.Sphere implements IDrawBatch - allowing drawing a batch easily
                //otherwise, a call to:
                //state.DrawBatch(Vertices, Indices, PrimitiveType, DrawCallback, instanceMatrices, instanceCount);
                //can be made (internally, the Sphere does exactly this)

                //the 'DrawCallback' parametre of the DrawBatch method is an optional delegate callback to cull
                //instances. In this case culling has already been done so it's not needed (it's null).

                //Note that MaterialShader also supports hardware instancing, and could be used
                //in place of the custom shader

                geometry.DrawBatch(state, null, instanceMatrices, instanceCount);
                //bind the non-instancing version of the shader
                Shader.Tutorial16 shader = state.GetShader <Shader.Tutorial16>();

                //just draw the instances one by one (much slower)
                for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++)
                    state.PushWorldMatrix(ref instanceMatrices[i]);



            //reset the counter for the next frame
            instanceCount = 0;
        private void DrawSphere(DrawState state)
            //draw the geometry with a solid colour shader
            if (geometry.CullTest(state))
                Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour shader = state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour>();

                shader.FillColour = lightColour.ToVector4();

Beispiel #13
        private void Render(DrawState state)
            SimpleTextureEffect shader = state.GetShader <SimpleTextureEffect>();


            shader.Texture = _texture;

            _vertices.Draw(state, null, PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip);

Beispiel #14
        /// <summary></summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <param name="maskOnly"></param>
        protected override void BindShader(DrawState state, bool maskOnly)
            if (this.texture == null && textureSource != null)
                Texture2D tex = textureSource.GetTexture();
                if (tex == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("TexturedElement is trying to use a DrawTargetTexture2D that hasn't been drawn (DrawTargetTexture2D.GetTexture() is null)");
                this.Texture = tex;

            FillCustomTexture shader = state.GetShader <FillCustomTexture>();

            shader.CustomTexture        = texture;
            shader.CustomTextureSampler = usePointFilter ? pointFilter : bilinearFilter;

Beispiel #15
        private void DrawLifeAgeToStore(DrawState state)
            //both copying and adding are treated the same way
            //just draw the life / age values directly

            int copyIndex = 0;

            while (activeRenderPass.LifeCount - copyIndex > 0)
                ParticleStoreLife128 shader = state.GetShader <ParticleStoreLife128>();
                shader.InvTargetSize = new Vector2(1.0f / resolutionXF, 1.0f / resolutionYF);
                shader.Indices128.SetArray(activeRenderPass.LifeData, copyIndex);

                verticesRenderIndex.Draw(state, null, PrimitiveType.PointList, Math.Min(128, activeRenderPass.LifeCount - copyIndex), 0, 0);

                copyIndex += 128;
Beispiel #16
        public void Draw(DrawState state)
            //scale the mesh
            Matrix scaleMatrix;

            Matrix.CreateScale(this.scale, out scaleMatrix);

            state.PushWorldMatrixMultiply(ref worldMatrix);
            state.PushWorldMatrixMultiply(ref scaleMatrix);

            //setup blending
            state.RenderState.DepthColourCull.CullMode = CullMode.None;
            state.RenderState.AlphaBlend = AlphaBlendState.AdditiveSaturate;
            state.RenderState.DepthColourCull.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

            Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillVertexColour shader = state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillVertexColour>();

            vertices.Draw(state, null, PrimitiveType.TriangleFan);



            //this is a hack :-)
            //flicker the scale

            //every so often, target a new scale
            if (random.Next(100) > 75)
                scaleTarget = (float)random.NextDouble() * 0.4f + 0.6f;

            //interpolate to the scale target
            this.scale = this.scale * 0.75f + this.scaleTarget * 0.25f;
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary></summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        protected sealed override void DrawElement(DrawState state)
            if (state.SupportsHardwareInstancing && instanceCount > HardwareInstancingMinimum)
                Matrix identity = Matrix.Identity;
                state.PushWorldMatrix(ref identity);

                state.DrawBatch(vertices, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, null, instances, instanceCount);

                Graphics2D.NonInstancingSprite shader = state.GetShader <Graphics2D.NonInstancingSprite>();

                for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i += NonInstancingRenderCount)
                    int count = Math.Min(NonInstancingRenderCount, (instanceCount - i));

                    shader.Instances.SetArray(this.instances, i);
                    this.verticesSI.Draw(state, this.indicesSI, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 2 * count, 0, 0);
		//draws on CPU particle systems
		/// <summary>
		/// draws the particles from a CPU system
		/// </summary>
		protected override void DrawCpuParticles(DrawState state, Xen.Ex.Graphics.Content.ParticleSystemTypeData particleType, uint particleCount, AlphaBlendState blendMode, Vector4[] positionSize, Vector4[] velocityRotation, Vector4[] colourData, Vector4[] userValues)
			//this is very similar to the billboard drawer (see it for reference)
			Vector2 targetSize = state.DrawTarget.Size;

			using (state.RenderState.Push())
				state.RenderState.CurrentBlendState = blendMode;
				state.RenderState.CurrentDepthState.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

				Texture2D displayTexture = particleType.Texture;

				BillboardParticles2DElement.GenerateBillboardVertices(state, ref this.vertices, ref this.indices);

				int count = (int)particleCount;

				DrawVelocityParticles_BillboardCpu shaderNoColour = null;
				DrawVelocityParticlesColour_BillboardCpu shaderColour = null;

				Vector2 velScale = new Vector2(velocityScale, 0);
				if (this.useRotationToScaleVelocityEffect)
					velScale = new Vector2(0, velocityScale);

				if (colourData != null)
					shaderColour = state.GetShader<DrawVelocityParticlesColour_BillboardCpu>();

					shaderColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;
					shaderColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
					shaderNoColour = state.GetShader<DrawVelocityParticles_BillboardCpu>();

					shaderNoColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;
					shaderNoColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);

				int drawn = 0;
				while (count > 0)
					int drawCount;

					drawCount = Math.Min(count, 80);
					IShader shader = null;

					if (colourData != null)
						shaderColour.SetPositionData(positionSize, (uint)drawn, 0, (uint)drawCount);
						shaderColour.SetVelocityData(velocityRotation, (uint)drawn, 0, (uint)drawCount);
						shaderColour.SetColourData(colourData, (uint)drawn, 0, (uint)drawCount);

						shader = shaderColour;
						shaderNoColour.SetPositionData(positionSize, (uint)drawn, 0, (uint)drawCount);
						shaderNoColour.SetVelocityData(velocityRotation, (uint)drawn, 0, (uint)drawCount);

						shader = shaderNoColour;

					using (state + shader)
						vertices.Draw(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, drawCount * 2, 0, 0);

					count -= drawCount;
					drawn += drawCount;
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary></summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <param name="maskOnly"></param>
        protected override sealed void BindShader(DrawState state, bool maskOnly)
            if (this.vertices == null)
                this.vertices = state.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".vertices"] as IVertices;
                this.indices  = state.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".indices"] as Indices <ushort>;

                this.verticesSI = state.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".verticesSI"] as IVertices;
                this.indicesSI  = state.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".indicesSI"] as Indices <ushort>;

                if (this.vertices == null)
                    //still null, create the global vertices
                    this.vertices = new Vertices <Vector4>(
                        new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1),
                        new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1),
                        new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 1),
                        new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1));

                    this.indices = new Indices <ushort>(0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2);

                    //shader instancing..
                    List <InstanceVertex> verts = new List <InstanceVertex>();
                    List <ushort>         inds  = new List <ushort>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < NonInstancingRenderCount; i++)
                        verts.Add(new InstanceVertex(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), (float)i));
                        verts.Add(new InstanceVertex(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), (float)i));
                        verts.Add(new InstanceVertex(new Vector3(1, 1, 0), (float)i));
                        verts.Add(new InstanceVertex(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), (float)i));

                        inds.Add((ushort)(0 + i * 4));
                        inds.Add((ushort)(2 + i * 4));
                        inds.Add((ushort)(1 + i * 4));
                        inds.Add((ushort)(0 + i * 4));
                        inds.Add((ushort)(3 + i * 4));
                        inds.Add((ushort)(2 + i * 4));

                    this.verticesSI = new Vertices <InstanceVertex>(verts.ToArray());
                    this.indicesSI  = new Indices <ushort>(inds.ToArray());

                    state.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".vertices"]   = vertices;
                    state.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".indices"]    = indices;
                    state.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".verticesSI"] = verticesSI;
                    state.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".indicesSI"]  = indicesSI;

            if (state.SupportsHardwareInstancing && instanceCount > HardwareInstancingMinimum)
                Graphics2D.InstancingSprite shader = state.GetShader <Graphics2D.InstancingSprite>();
                Matrix world;
                state.GetWorldMatrix(out world);
                shader.SetSpriteWorldMatrix(ref world);
                shader.CustomTexture = texture ?? Xen.Ex.Material.WhiteTexture.GetTexture(state);
                Graphics2D.NonInstancingSprite shader = state.GetShader <Graphics2D.NonInstancingSprite>();
                shader.CustomTexture = texture ?? Xen.Ex.Material.WhiteTexture.GetTexture(state);
Beispiel #20
        //draws on CPU particle systems
        /// <summary>
        /// draws the particles from a CPU system
        /// </summary>
        protected override void DrawCpuParticles(DrawState state, Content.ParticleSystemTypeData particleType, uint particleCount, AlphaBlendState blendMode, Vector4[] positionSize, Vector4[] velocityRotation, Vector4[] colourData, Vector4[] userValues)
            //this is very similar to the billboard drawer (see it for reference)
            Vector2 targetSize = state.DrawTarget.Size;

            state.RenderState.AlphaBlend = blendMode;
            state.RenderState.DepthColourCull.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

            Texture2D displayTexture = particleType.Texture ?? Xen.Ex.Material.WhiteTexture.GetTexture(state);

            BillboardParticles2DElement.GenerateBillboardVertices(state, ref this.vertices, ref this.indices);

            int count = (int)particleCount;

            DrawVelocityParticles_BillboardCpu       shaderNoColour = null;
            DrawVelocityParticlesColour_BillboardCpu shaderColour   = null;

            if (colourData != null)
                shaderColour = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityParticlesColour_BillboardCpu>();
                shaderNoColour = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityParticles_BillboardCpu>();

            Vector2 velScale = new Vector2(velocityScale, 0);

            if (this.useRotationToScaleVelocityEffect)
                velScale = new Vector2(0, velocityScale);

            int drawn = 0;

            while (count > 0)
                int drawCount;

                drawCount = Math.Min(count, 80);

                if (colourData != null)
                    shaderColour.PositionData.SetArray(positionSize, drawn);
                    shaderColour.VelocityData.SetArray(velocityRotation, drawn);
                    shaderColour.ColourData.SetArray(colourData, drawn);

                    shaderColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;
                    shaderColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);

                    shaderNoColour.PositionData.SetArray(positionSize, drawn);
                    shaderNoColour.VelocityData.SetArray(velocityRotation, drawn);

                    shaderNoColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;
                    shaderNoColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);


                vertices.Draw(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, drawCount * 2, 0, 0);

                count -= drawCount;
                drawn += drawCount;

		/// <summary>
		/// <para>implements the method to draw cpu particles</para>
		/// </summary>
		protected override void DrawCpuParticles(DrawState state, Content.ParticleSystemTypeData particleType, uint particleCount, AlphaBlendState blendMode, Vector4[] positionSize, Vector4[] velocityRotation, Vector4[] colourData, Vector4[] userValues)
			//this is a bit more complex, but mostly the same as the GPU draw method
			Vector2 targetSize = state.DrawTarget.Size;

			state.RenderState.CurrentBlendState = blendMode;
			state.RenderState.CurrentDepthState.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

			Texture2D displayTexture = particleType.Texture ?? state.Properties.WhiteTexture;

			BillboardParticles2DElement.GenerateBillboardVertices(state, ref this.vertices, ref this.indices);

			Matrix cameraMatrix;
			state.Camera.GetCameraMatrix(out cameraMatrix);

			Vector3 worldSpaceYAxis = new Vector3(cameraMatrix.M21, cameraMatrix.M22, cameraMatrix.M23);

			int count = (int)particleCount;

			DrawBillboardParticles_BillboardCpu3D shaderNoColour = null;
			DrawBillboardParticlesColour_BillboardCpu3D shaderColour = null;

			if (colourData != null)
				shaderColour = state.GetShader<DrawBillboardParticlesColour_BillboardCpu3D>();
				shaderColour.SetWorldSpaceYAxis(ref worldSpaceYAxis);
				shaderNoColour = state.GetShader<DrawBillboardParticles_BillboardCpu3D>();
				shaderNoColour.SetWorldSpaceYAxis(ref worldSpaceYAxis);

			int drawn = 0;
			while (count > 0)
				int drawCount;

				drawCount = Math.Min(count, 75);
				uint drawCountU = (uint)drawCount;
				uint drawnU = (uint)drawn;

				if (colourData != null)
					shaderColour.SetPositionData(positionSize, drawnU, 0, drawCountU);
					shaderColour.SetVelocityData(velocityRotation, drawnU, 0, drawCountU);
					shaderColour.SetColourData(colourData, drawnU,0,drawCountU);

					shaderColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;

					shaderNoColour.SetPositionData(positionSize, drawnU, 0, drawCountU);
					shaderNoColour.SetVelocityData(velocityRotation, drawnU, 0, drawCountU);

					shaderNoColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;


				vertices.Draw(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, drawCount * 2, 0, 0);


				count -= drawCount;
				drawn += drawCount;

		/// <summary></summary>
		/// <param name="state"></param>
		protected sealed override void DrawElement(DrawState state)
			if (state.Properties.SupportsHardwareInstancing && instanceCount > HardwareInstancingMinimum)
				using (state.WorldMatrix.PushIdentity())
					vertices.DrawInstances(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, state.GetDynamicInstanceBuffer(this.instances, this.instanceCount));
				Graphics2D.NonInstancingSprite shader = state.GetShader<Graphics2D.NonInstancingSprite>();

				for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i += NonInstancingRenderCount)
					int count = Math.Min(NonInstancingRenderCount, (instanceCount - i));

					shader.SetInstances(this.instances, (uint)i, 0, (uint)count);

					this.verticesSI.Draw(state, this.indicesSI, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 2 * count, 0, 0);
Beispiel #23
        //this is called just before geometry is drawn,
        //return true to indicate the shader has been set
        public override bool BeginGeometryShaderOverride(DrawState state, GeometryData geometry, Xen.Ex.Material.MaterialLightCollection lights)
            //query the draw flag,
            switch (state.GetDrawFlag <TutorialRenderMode>())
            case TutorialRenderMode.DrawShadow:
                //bind the shadow rendering shader...
                if (animationBoneData == null)
                    Shader.ShadowShader shader = state.GetShader <Shader.ShadowShader>();

                    shader.TextureMap     = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMap;
                    shader.TextureSampler = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMapSampler;

                    //bind the animating shader,

                    Shader.ShadowShaderBlend shader = state.GetShader <Shader.ShadowShaderBlend>();

                    //set the blend matrix data
                    if (animationBoneDataDirty)
                        //use the 'animationBoneDataDirty' bool so animation data is only copied once.
                        //this could happen if a single model has many pieces of geometry.
                        animationBoneDataDirty = false;

                    shader.TextureMap     = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMap;
                    shader.TextureSampler = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMapSampler;

                return(true);                       //shader was assigned

            case TutorialRenderMode.DepthOutput:
                //determine if alpha test is being used (in this tutorial it won't be - but do it anyway...)
                bool alphaTest = state.RenderState.AlphaTest.Enabled;

                if (alphaTest)
                    //alpha test is only needed if a texture is set
                    alphaTest &= geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMap != null;

                if (alphaTest)
                    //bind a depth output shader that samples a texture for alpha (for alpha test compatibility)

                    if (this.animationBoneData != null)
                        //the model is animated

                        //get the shader
                        Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRgTextureAlphaBlend shader = state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRgTextureAlphaBlend>();

                        //set animation data (it's possible this is called redundantly, so logic here could be improved)
                        if (animationBoneDataDirty)
                            animationBoneDataDirty = false;

                        //set the texture
                        shader.AlphaTexture        = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMap;
                        shader.AlphaTextureSampler = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMapSampler;

                        //get the shader
                        Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRgTextureAlpha shader = state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRgTextureAlpha>();

                        //set the texture
                        shader.AlphaTexture        = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMap;
                        shader.AlphaTextureSampler = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMapSampler;

                        shader.Bind(state);                                 // bind the basic depth out shader
                    //bind a simple depth output shader

                    if (this.animationBoneData != null)
                        //the model is animated
                        Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRgBlend shader = state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRgBlend>();

                        //set animation data (it's possible this is called redundantly, so logic here could be improved)
                        if (animationBoneDataDirty)
                            animationBoneDataDirty = false;

                        state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRg>().Bind(state);                                // bind the basic depth out shader
                return(true);                       //shader was assigned

            //false, because no shader has been bound (will use the model material shader)
Beispiel #24
 /// <summary></summary>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 /// <param name="maskOnly"></param>
 protected override void BindShader(DrawState state, bool maskOnly)
     state.GetShader <Shaders.FillVertexColour>().Bind(state);
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// implements the method to draw cpu particles
        /// </summary>
        protected override void DrawCpuParticles(DrawState state, Content.ParticleSystemTypeData particleType, uint particleCount, AlphaBlendState blendMode, Vector4[] positionSize, Vector4[] velocityRotation, Vector4[] colourData, Vector4[] userValues)
            //this is a bit more complex, but mostly the same as the GPU draw method
            Vector2 targetSize = state.DrawTarget.Size;

            state.RenderState.AlphaBlend = blendMode;
            state.RenderState.DepthColourCull.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

            Texture2D displayTexture = particleType.Texture ?? Xen.Ex.Material.WhiteTexture.GetTexture(state);

            GenerateBillboardVertices(state, ref this.vertices, ref this.indices);

            int count = (int)particleCount;

            DrawBillboardParticles_BillboardCpu       shaderNoColour = null;
            DrawBillboardParticlesColour_BillboardCpu shaderColour   = null;

            if (positionBuffer == null)
                positionBuffer = GetPositionBuffer(state, positionBuffer);

            if (colourData != null)
                shaderColour = state.GetShader <DrawBillboardParticlesColour_BillboardCpu>();
                shaderNoColour = state.GetShader <DrawBillboardParticles_BillboardCpu>();

            int drawn = 0;

            while (count > 0)
                int drawCount;

                drawCount = Math.Min(count, 120);

                //the only major difference from the GPU drawer is here
                for (int i = 0; i < drawCount; i++)
                    //copy position xy and w (size), and velocity.w (rotation)
                    positionBuffer[i]   = positionSize[drawn + i];
                    positionBuffer[i].Z = velocityRotation[drawn + i].W;

                if (colourData != null)
                    shaderColour.PositionData.SetArray(positionBuffer, 0);
                    shaderColour.ColourData.SetArray(colourData, drawn);

                    shaderColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;

                    shaderNoColour.PositionData.SetArray(positionBuffer, 0);

                    shaderNoColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;


                vertices.Draw(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, drawCount * 2, 0, 0);

                count -= drawCount;
                drawn += drawCount;

		/// <summary>
		/// End the modifier (This method is called by the DrawTarget)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="state"></param>
		public void End(DrawState state)
			if (enabledBuffer)

			this.cameras = null;

			if (cubes.Count > 0 || spheres.Count > 0)
				Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour shader = state.GetShader<Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour>();
				shader.FillColour = new Vector4(1,1,1,0.25f);

				using (state.RenderState.Push())
				using (state.Shader.Push(shader))
				using (state.Camera.Push())
					ICamera camera = state.Camera.GetCamera();

					state.RenderState.CurrentDepthState.DepthWriteEnabled = false;
					state.RenderState.CurrentDepthState.DepthTestEnabled = EnableDepthTesting;
					state.RenderState.CurrentBlendState = AlphaBlendState.Alpha;


					Matrix mat;
					for (int i = 0; i < cubes.Count; i++)
						mat = cubes[i].Matrix;
						if (camera != cubes[i].Camera)
							camera = cubes[i].Camera;
						using (state.WorldMatrix.Push(ref mat))
							cubeVS.Draw(state, null, PrimitiveType.LineList);

					mat = Matrix.Identity;

					for (int i = 0; i < spheres.Count; i++)
						Vector3 v = spheres[i].Position;
						float scale = spheres[i].Radius;

						if (camera != spheres[i].Camera)
							camera = spheres[i].Camera;

						mat.M11 = scale;
						mat.M22 = scale;
						mat.M33 = scale;
						mat.M41 = v.X;
						mat.M42 = v.Y;
						mat.M43 = v.Z;

						using (state.WorldMatrix.Push(ref mat))
							sphereVS.Draw(state, null, PrimitiveType.LineList);

Beispiel #27
        protected override void BindShader(DrawState state, bool maskOnly)
            SimpleTextureEffect shader = state.GetShader<SimpleTextureEffect>();

            shader.Texture = _texture;
		/// <summary>
		/// draws the particles from a CPU system
		/// </summary>
		protected override void DrawCpuParticles(DrawState state, Content.ParticleSystemTypeData particleType, uint particleCount, AlphaBlendState blendMode, Vector4[] positionSize, Vector4[] velocityRotation, Vector4[] colourData, Vector4[] userValues)
			Vector2 targetSize = state.DrawTarget.Size;

			state.RenderState.CurrentBlendState = blendMode;
			state.RenderState.CurrentDepthState.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

			VelocityLineParticles2DElement.GenerateLinesVertices(state, ref this.vertices);

			int count = (int)particleCount;

			DrawVelocityParticles_LinesCpu shaderNoColour = null;
			DrawVelocityParticlesColour_LinesCpu shaderColour = null;

			if (colourData != null)
				shaderColour = state.GetShader<DrawVelocityParticlesColour_LinesCpu>();
				shaderNoColour = state.GetShader<DrawVelocityParticles_LinesCpu>();

			Vector2 velScale = new Vector2(velocityScale, 0);
			if (this.useRotationToScaleVelocityEffect)
				velScale = new Vector2(0, velocityScale);

			int drawn = 0;
			while (count > 0)
				int drawCount;

				drawCount = Math.Min(count, 80);
				uint drawCountU = (uint)drawCount;
				uint drawnU = (uint)drawn;

				if (colourData != null)
					shaderColour.SetPositionData(positionSize, drawnU, 0, drawCountU);
					shaderColour.SetVelocityData(velocityRotation, drawnU, 0, drawCountU);
					shaderColour.SetColourData(colourData, drawnU, 0, drawCountU);

					shaderColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);

					shaderNoColour.SetPositionData(positionSize, drawnU, 0, drawCountU);
					shaderNoColour.SetVelocityData(velocityRotation, drawnU, 0, drawCountU);

					shaderNoColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);


				vertices.Draw(state, null, PrimitiveType.LineList, drawCount, 0, 0);


				count -= drawCount;
				drawn += drawCount;

		/// <summary>
		/// draws the particles on a GPU system
		/// </summary>
		protected override void DrawGpuParticles(DrawState state, Xen.Ex.Graphics.Content.ParticleSystemTypeData particleType, uint particleCount, AlphaBlendState blendMode, Texture2D positionTex, Texture2D velocityRotation, Texture2D colourTex, Texture2D userValues, bool usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
			//this is very similar to the billboard drawer (see it for reference)

			using (state.RenderState.Push())
				state.RenderState.CurrentBlendState = blendMode;
				state.RenderState.CurrentDepthState.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

				Texture2D displayTexture = particleType.Texture;

				//get the shared vertice
				BillboardParticles2DElement.GenerateBillboardVertices(state, ref vertices, ref indices);

				int count = (int)particleCount;

				DrawVelocityParticles_GpuTex shaderNoColour = null;
				DrawVelocityParticlesColour_GpuTex shaderColour = null;
				//user variants
				DrawVelocityParticles_GpuTex_UserOffset shaderNoColour_UO = null;
				DrawVelocityParticlesColour_GpuTex_UserOffset shaderColour_UO = null;

				float resolutionXF = (float)positionTex.Width;
				float resolutionYF = (float)positionTex.Height;

				Vector2 invTextureSize;

				Vector2 velScale = new Vector2(velocityScale, 0);
				if (this.useRotationToScaleVelocityEffect)
					velScale = new Vector2(0, velocityScale);
				invTextureSize = new Vector2(1.0f / resolutionXF, 1.0f / resolutionYF);

				IShader shader;

				if (!usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
					if (colourTex != null)
						shader = shaderColour = state.GetShader<DrawVelocityParticlesColour_GpuTex>();

						shaderColour.PositionTexture = positionTex;
						shaderColour.ColourTexture = colourTex;
						shaderColour.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
						shaderColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;

						shaderColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
						shader = shaderNoColour = state.GetShader<DrawVelocityParticles_GpuTex>();

						shaderNoColour.PositionTexture = positionTex;
						shaderNoColour.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
						shaderNoColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;

						shaderNoColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
					if (colourTex != null)
						shader = shaderColour_UO = state.GetShader<DrawVelocityParticlesColour_GpuTex_UserOffset>();

						shaderColour_UO.PositionTexture = positionTex;
						shaderColour_UO.ColourTexture = colourTex;
						shaderColour_UO.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
						shaderColour_UO.UserTexture = userValues;
						shaderColour_UO.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;

						shaderColour_UO.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
						shader = shaderNoColour_UO = state.GetShader<DrawVelocityParticles_GpuTex_UserOffset>();

						shaderNoColour_UO.PositionTexture = positionTex;
						shaderNoColour_UO.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
						shaderNoColour_UO.UserTexture = userValues;
						shaderNoColour_UO.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;

						shaderNoColour_UO.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);

				int drawn = 0;
				while (count > 0)
					int drawCount = Math.Min(count, vertices.Count / 4);

					if (!usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
						if (colourTex != null)
							shaderColour.TextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
							shaderNoColour.TextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
						if (colourTex != null)
							shaderColour_UO.TextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
							shaderNoColour_UO.TextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);

					using (state.Shader.Push(shader))
						vertices.Draw(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, drawCount * 2, 0, 0);

					count -= drawCount;
					drawn += drawCount;

		/// <summary>
		/// draws the particles on a GPU system
		/// </summary>
		protected override void DrawGpuParticles(DrawState state, Content.ParticleSystemTypeData particleType, uint particleCount, AlphaBlendState blendMode, Texture2D positionTex, Texture2D velocityRotation, Texture2D colourTex, Texture2D userValues, bool usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
			Vector2 targetSize = state.DrawTarget.Size;

			state.RenderState.CurrentBlendState = blendMode;
			state.RenderState.CurrentDepthState.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

			//get the shared vertice
			VelocityLineParticles2DElement.GenerateLinesVertices(state, ref vertices);

			int count = (int)particleCount;

			DrawVelocityParticles_LinesGpuTex shaderNoColour = null;
			DrawVelocityParticlesColour_LinesGpuTex shaderColour = null;
			//user variants
			DrawVelocityParticles_LinesGpuTex_UserOffset shaderNoColour_UO = null;
			DrawVelocityParticlesColour_LinesGpuTex_UserOffset shaderColour_UO = null;

			float resolutionXF = (float)positionTex.Width;
			float resolutionYF = (float)positionTex.Height;

			Vector2 invTextureSize;

			Vector2 velScale = new Vector2(velocityScale, 0);
			if (this.useRotationToScaleVelocityEffect)
				velScale = new Vector2(0, velocityScale);
			invTextureSize = new Vector2(1.0f / resolutionXF, 1.0f / resolutionYF);

			IShader shader;
			if (!usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
				if (colourTex != null)
					shader = shaderColour = state.GetShader<DrawVelocityParticlesColour_LinesGpuTex>();

					shaderColour.PositionTexture = positionTex;
					shaderColour.ColourTexture = colourTex;
					shaderColour.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;

					shaderColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
					shader = shaderNoColour = state.GetShader<DrawVelocityParticles_LinesGpuTex>();

					shaderNoColour.PositionTexture = positionTex;
					shaderNoColour.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;

					shaderNoColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
				if (colourTex != null)
					shader = shaderColour_UO = state.GetShader<DrawVelocityParticlesColour_LinesGpuTex_UserOffset>();

					shaderColour_UO.PositionTexture = positionTex;
					shaderColour_UO.ColourTexture = colourTex;
					shaderColour_UO.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;

					shaderColour_UO.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
					shader = shaderNoColour_UO = state.GetShader<DrawVelocityParticles_LinesGpuTex_UserOffset>();

					shaderNoColour_UO.PositionTexture = positionTex;
					shaderNoColour_UO.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;

					shaderNoColour_UO.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);

			int drawn = 0;
			while (count > 0)
				int drawCount = Math.Min(count, vertices.Count / 4);

				if (!usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
					if (colourTex != null)
						shaderColour.TextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
						shaderNoColour.TextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
					if (colourTex != null)
						shaderColour_UO.TextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
						shaderNoColour_UO.TextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);

				using (state.Shader.Push(shader))
					vertices.Draw(state, null, PrimitiveType.LineList, drawCount, 0, 0);

				count -= drawCount;
				drawn += drawCount;

        /// <summary>
        /// implements the method to draw cpu processed particles
        /// </summary>
        protected override void DrawCpuParticles(DrawState state, Content.ParticleSystemTypeData particleType, uint particleCount, AlphaBlendState blendMode, Vector4[] positionSize, Vector4[] velocityRotation, Vector4[] colourData, Vector4[] userValues)
            //this is a bit more complex, but mostly the same as the GPU draw method
            Vector2 targetSize = state.DrawTarget.Size;

            state.RenderState.AlphaBlend = blendMode;
            state.RenderState.DepthColourCull.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

            Texture2D displayTexture = particleType.Texture ?? Xen.Ex.Material.WhiteTexture.GetTexture(state);

            BillboardParticles2DElement.GenerateBillboardVertices(state, ref this.vertices, ref this.indices);

            Matrix cameraMatrix;

            state.Camera.GetCameraMatrix(out cameraMatrix);

            Vector3 worldSpaceYAxis = new Vector3(cameraMatrix.M21, cameraMatrix.M22, cameraMatrix.M23);

            Vector2 velScale = new Vector2(velocityScale, 0);

            if (this.useRotationToScaleVelocityEffect)
                velScale = new Vector2(0, velocityScale);

            int count = (int)particleCount;

            DrawVelocityBillboardParticles_BillboardCpu3D       shaderNoColour = null;
            DrawVelocityBillboardParticlesColour_BillboardCpu3D shaderColour   = null;

            if (colourData != null)
                shaderColour = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityBillboardParticlesColour_BillboardCpu3D>();
                shaderColour.SetWorldSpaceYAxis(ref worldSpaceYAxis);
                shaderColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
                shaderNoColour = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityBillboardParticles_BillboardCpu3D>();
                shaderNoColour.SetWorldSpaceYAxis(ref worldSpaceYAxis);
                shaderNoColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);

            int drawn = 0;

            while (count > 0)
                int drawCount;

                drawCount = Math.Min(count, 75);

                if (colourData != null)
                    shaderColour.PositionData.SetArray(positionSize, drawn);
                    shaderColour.VelocityData.SetArray(velocityRotation, drawn);
                    shaderColour.ColourData.SetArray(colourData, drawn);

                    shaderColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;

                    shaderNoColour.PositionData.SetArray(positionSize, drawn);
                    shaderNoColour.VelocityData.SetArray(velocityRotation, drawn);

                    shaderNoColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;


                vertices.Draw(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, drawCount * 2, 0, 0);

                count -= drawCount;
                drawn += drawCount;

		/// <summary></summary>
		/// <param name="state"></param>
		/// <param name="maskOnly"></param>
		protected override sealed IShader BindShader(DrawState state, bool maskOnly)
			if (this.vertices == null)
				this.vertices = state.Application.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".vertices"] as IVertices;
				this.indices = state.Application.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".indices"] as Indices<ushort>;

				this.verticesSI = state.Application.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".verticesSI"] as IVertices;
				this.indicesSI = state.Application.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".indicesSI"] as Indices<ushort>;

				if (this.vertices == null)
					//still null, create the global vertices
					this.vertices = new Vertices<Vector4>(
						new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1),
						new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1),
						new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 1),
						new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1));

					this.indices = new Indices<ushort>(0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2);

					//shader instancing..
					List<InstanceVertex> verts = new List<InstanceVertex>();
					List<ushort> inds = new List<ushort>();

					for (int i = 0; i < NonInstancingRenderCount; i++)
						verts.Add(new InstanceVertex(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), (float)i));
						verts.Add(new InstanceVertex(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), (float)i));
						verts.Add(new InstanceVertex(new Vector3(1, 1, 0), (float)i));
						verts.Add(new InstanceVertex(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), (float)i));

						inds.Add((ushort)(0 + i * 4));
						inds.Add((ushort)(2 + i * 4));
						inds.Add((ushort)(1 + i * 4));
						inds.Add((ushort)(0 + i * 4));
						inds.Add((ushort)(3 + i * 4));
						inds.Add((ushort)(2 + i * 4));

					this.verticesSI = new Vertices<InstanceVertex>(verts.ToArray());
					this.indicesSI = new Indices<ushort>(inds.ToArray());

					state.Application.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".vertices"] = vertices;
					state.Application.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".indices"] = indices;
					state.Application.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".verticesSI"] = verticesSI;
					state.Application.UserValues[GetType().FullName + ".indicesSI"] = indicesSI;

			if (state.Properties.SupportsHardwareInstancing && instanceCount > HardwareInstancingMinimum)
				Graphics2D.InstancingSprite shader = state.GetShader<Graphics2D.InstancingSprite>();
				Matrix world;
				state.WorldMatrix.GetMatrix(out world);
				shader.SetSpriteWorldMatrix(ref world);
				shader.CustomTexture = texture ?? state.Properties.WhiteTexture;
				return shader;
				Graphics2D.NonInstancingSprite shader = state.GetShader<Graphics2D.NonInstancingSprite>();

				shader.CustomTexture = texture ?? state.Properties.WhiteTexture;
				return shader;
        /// <summary>
        /// implements the method to draw gpu particles
        /// </summary>
        protected override void DrawGpuParticles(DrawState state, Content.ParticleSystemTypeData particleType, uint particleCount, AlphaBlendState blendMode, Texture2D positionTex, Texture2D velocityRotation, Texture2D colourTex, Texture2D userValues, bool usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
            Vector2 targetSize = state.DrawTarget.Size;

            state.RenderState.AlphaBlend = blendMode;
            state.RenderState.DepthColourCull.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

            //get the display texture, or a white texture if none exists
            Texture2D displayTexture = particleType.Texture ?? Xen.Ex.Material.WhiteTexture.GetTexture(state);

            //get / create the shared vertices and indices for drawing billboard particles
            BillboardParticles2DElement.GenerateBillboardVertices(state, ref vertices, ref indices);

            int count = (int)particleCount;

            //instances of the two possible shaders
            DrawVelocityBillboardParticles_GpuTex3D       shaderNoColour = null;
            DrawVelocityBillboardParticlesColour_GpuTex3D shaderColour   = null;
            //user variantes
            DrawVelocityBillboardParticles_GpuTex3D_UserOffset       shaderNoColour_UO = null;
            DrawVelocityBillboardParticlesColour_GpuTex3D_UserOffset shaderColour_UO   = null;

            float resolutionXF = (float)positionTex.Width;
            float resolutionYF = (float)positionTex.Height;

            Vector2 invTextureSize = new Vector2(1.0f / resolutionXF, 1.0f / resolutionYF);

            Matrix cameraMatrix;

            state.Camera.GetCameraMatrix(out cameraMatrix);

            Vector3 worldSpaceYAxis = new Vector3(cameraMatrix.M21, cameraMatrix.M22, cameraMatrix.M23);

            Vector2 velScale = new Vector2(velocityScale, 0);

            if (this.useRotationToScaleVelocityEffect)
                velScale = new Vector2(0, velocityScale);

            IShader shader;

            if (!usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
                if (colourTex != null)                 // does this particle system use colours?
                    //get the shader
                    shaderColour = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityBillboardParticlesColour_GpuTex3D>();

                    //set the samplers
                    shaderColour.PositionTexture = positionTex;
                    shaderColour.ColourTexture   = colourTex;
                    shaderColour.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
                    shaderColour.DisplayTexture  = displayTexture;

                    shaderColour.SetWorldSpaceYAxis(ref worldSpaceYAxis);
                    shaderColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
                    shader = shaderColour;
                    shaderNoColour = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityBillboardParticles_GpuTex3D>();

                    shaderNoColour.PositionTexture = positionTex;
                    shaderNoColour.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
                    shaderNoColour.DisplayTexture  = displayTexture;

                    shaderNoColour.SetWorldSpaceYAxis(ref worldSpaceYAxis);
                    shaderNoColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
                    shader = shaderNoColour;
                if (colourTex != null)                 // does this particle system use colours?
                    //get the shader
                    shaderColour_UO = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityBillboardParticlesColour_GpuTex3D_UserOffset>();

                    //set the samplers
                    shaderColour_UO.PositionTexture = positionTex;
                    shaderColour_UO.ColourTexture   = colourTex;
                    shaderColour_UO.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
                    shaderColour_UO.UserTexture     = userValues;
                    shaderColour_UO.DisplayTexture  = displayTexture;

                    shaderColour_UO.SetWorldSpaceYAxis(ref worldSpaceYAxis);
                    shaderColour_UO.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
                    shader = shaderColour_UO;
                    shaderNoColour_UO = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityBillboardParticles_GpuTex3D_UserOffset>();

                    shaderNoColour_UO.PositionTexture = positionTex;
                    shaderNoColour_UO.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
                    shaderNoColour_UO.UserTexture     = userValues;
                    shaderNoColour_UO.DisplayTexture  = displayTexture;

                    shaderNoColour_UO.SetWorldSpaceYAxis(ref worldSpaceYAxis);
                    shaderNoColour_UO.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
                    shader = shaderNoColour_UO;

            int drawn = 0;

            while (count > 0)
                //draw upto vertices.Count / 4 (4 vertices per quad)
                int drawCount = Math.Min(count, vertices.Count / 4);

                //set the inverse texture size, and the start offset value, then bind the shader
                if (!usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
                    if (colourTex != null)
                        shaderColour.InvTextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
                        shaderNoColour.InvTextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
                    if (colourTex != null)
                        shaderColour_UO.InvTextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
                        shaderNoColour_UO.InvTextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);


                vertices.Draw(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, drawCount * 2, 0, 0);

                count -= drawCount;
                drawn += drawCount;

            //and done.
Beispiel #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply the filter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        public void Draw(DrawState state)
            switch (kernelSize)
            case 16:
                Kernel16 shader16 = state.GetShader <Kernel16>();
                shader16.Texture     = source.GetTexture();
                shader16.TextureSize = new Vector2(1.0f / this.source.Size.X, 1.0f / this.source.Size.Y);
                element.Shader = shader16;

            case 15:
                Kernel15 shader15 = state.GetShader <Kernel15>();
                shader15.Texture     = source.GetTexture();
                shader15.TextureSize = new Vector2(1.0f / this.source.Size.X, 1.0f / this.source.Size.Y);
                element.Shader = shader15;

            case 8:
                Kernel8 shader8 = state.GetShader <Kernel8>();
                shader8.Texture     = source.GetTexture();
                shader8.TextureSize = new Vector2(1.0f / this.source.Size.X, 1.0f / this.source.Size.Y);
                element.Shader = shader8;

            case 7:
                Kernel7 shader7 = state.GetShader <Kernel7>();
                shader7.Texture     = source.GetTexture();
                shader7.TextureSize = new Vector2(1.0f / this.source.Size.X, 1.0f / this.source.Size.Y);
                element.Shader = shader7;

            case 4:
                Kernel4 shader4 = state.GetShader <Kernel4>();
                shader4.Texture     = source.GetTexture();
                shader4.TextureSize = new Vector2(1.0f / this.source.Size.X, 1.0f / this.source.Size.Y);
                element.Shader = shader4;

            case 3:
                Kernel3 shader3 = state.GetShader <Kernel3>();
                shader3.Texture     = source.GetTexture();
                shader3.TextureSize = new Vector2(1.0f / this.source.Size.X, 1.0f / this.source.Size.Y);
                element.Shader = shader3;

            case 2:
                Kernel2 shader2 = state.GetShader <Kernel2>();
                shader2.Texture     = source.GetTexture();
                shader2.TextureSize = new Vector2(1.0f / this.source.Size.X, 1.0f / this.source.Size.Y);
                element.Shader = shader2;
		/// <summary></summary>
		/// <param name="state"></param>
		/// <param name="maskOnly"></param>
		protected override IShader BindShader(DrawState state, bool maskOnly)
			if (this.texture == null && textureSource != null)
				Texture2D tex = textureSource.GetTexture();
				if (tex == null)
					throw new InvalidOperationException("TexturedElement is trying to use a DrawTargetTexture2D that hasn't been drawn (DrawTargetTexture2D.GetTexture() is null)");
				this.Texture = tex;

			FillCustomTexture shader = state.GetShader<FillCustomTexture>();

			shader.CustomTexture = texture;
			shader.CustomTextureSampler = usePointFilter ? pointFilter : bilinearFilter;

			return shader;
		/// <summary>
		/// <para>implements the method to draw gpu particles</para>
		/// <para>Note: When 'usesUserValuesPositionBuffer' is true, the values 'user1, user2 and user3' (yzw in the UserTexture) store a position offset for the particle</para></summary>
		protected override void DrawGpuParticles(DrawState state, Content.ParticleSystemTypeData particleType, uint particleCount, AlphaBlendState blendMode, Texture2D positionTex, Texture2D velocityRotation, Texture2D colourTex, Texture2D userValues, bool usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
			Vector2 targetSize = state.DrawTarget.Size;

			state.RenderState.CurrentBlendState = blendMode;
			state.RenderState.CurrentDepthState.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

			//get the display texture, or a white texture if none exists
			Texture2D displayTexture = particleType.Texture ?? state.Properties.WhiteTexture;

			//get / create the shared vertices and indices for drawing billboard particles
			BillboardParticles2DElement.GenerateBillboardVertices(state, ref vertices, ref indices);

			int count = (int)particleCount;

			//instances of the two possible shaders
			DrawBillboardParticles_GpuTex3D shaderNoColour = null;
			DrawBillboardParticlesColour_GpuTex3D shaderColour = null;
			//user offset variants
			DrawBillboardParticles_GpuTex3D_UserOffset shaderNoColour_UO = null;
			DrawBillboardParticlesColour_GpuTex3D_UserOffset shaderColour_UO = null;

			float resolutionXF = (float)positionTex.Width;
			float resolutionYF = (float)positionTex.Height;

			Vector2 invTextureSize = new Vector2(1.0f / resolutionXF, 1.0f / resolutionYF);

			Matrix cameraMatrix;
			state.Camera.GetCameraMatrix(out cameraMatrix);

			Vector3 worldSpaceYAxis = new Vector3(cameraMatrix.M21, cameraMatrix.M22, cameraMatrix.M23);

			IShader shader;

			if (!usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
				if (colourTex != null) // does this particle system use colours?
					//get the shader
					shaderColour = state.GetShader<DrawBillboardParticlesColour_GpuTex3D>();

					//set the samplers
					shaderColour.PositionTexture = positionTex;
					shaderColour.ColourTexture = colourTex;
					shaderColour.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
					shaderColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;

					shaderColour.SetWorldSpaceYAxis(ref worldSpaceYAxis);
					shader = shaderColour;
					shaderNoColour = state.GetShader<DrawBillboardParticles_GpuTex3D>();

					shaderNoColour.PositionTexture = positionTex;
					shaderNoColour.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
					shaderNoColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;

					shaderNoColour.SetWorldSpaceYAxis(ref worldSpaceYAxis);
					shader = shaderNoColour;
				if (colourTex != null) // does this particle system use colours?
					//get the shader
					shaderColour_UO = state.GetShader<DrawBillboardParticlesColour_GpuTex3D_UserOffset>();

					//set the samplers
					shaderColour_UO.PositionTexture = positionTex;
					shaderColour_UO.ColourTexture = colourTex;
					shaderColour_UO.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
					shaderColour_UO.UserTexture = userValues;
					shaderColour_UO.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;

					shaderColour_UO.SetWorldSpaceYAxis(ref worldSpaceYAxis);
					shader = shaderColour_UO;
					shaderNoColour_UO = state.GetShader<DrawBillboardParticles_GpuTex3D_UserOffset>();

					shaderNoColour_UO.PositionTexture = positionTex;
					shaderNoColour_UO.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
					shaderNoColour_UO.UserTexture = userValues;
					shaderNoColour_UO.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;

					shaderNoColour_UO.SetWorldSpaceYAxis(ref worldSpaceYAxis);
					shader = shaderNoColour_UO;

			int drawn = 0;
			while (count > 0)
				//draw upto vertices.Count / 4 (4 vertices per quad)
				int drawCount = Math.Min(count, vertices.Count / 4);

				//set the inverse texture size, and the start offset value, then bind the shader
				if (!usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
					if (colourTex != null)
						shaderColour.InvTextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
						shaderNoColour.InvTextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
					if (colourTex != null)
						shaderColour_UO.InvTextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
						shaderNoColour_UO.InvTextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);

				using (state.Shader.Push(shader))
					vertices.Draw(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, drawCount * 2, 0, 0);

				count -= drawCount;
				drawn += drawCount;

			//and done.
		/// <summary></summary>
		/// <param name="state"></param>
		/// <param name="maskOnly"></param>
		protected override IShader BindShader(DrawState state, bool maskOnly)
			return state.GetShader<Shaders.FillVertexColour>();
Beispiel #38
        /// <summary>
        /// draws the particles on a GPU system
        /// </summary>
        protected override void DrawGpuParticles(DrawState state, Content.ParticleSystemTypeData particleType, uint particleCount, AlphaBlendState blendMode, Texture2D positionTex, Texture2D velocityRotation, Texture2D colourTex, Texture2D userValues, bool usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
            //this is very similar to the billboard drawer (see it for reference)
            Vector2 targetSize = state.DrawTarget.Size;

            state.RenderState.AlphaBlend = blendMode;
            state.RenderState.DepthColourCull.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

            Texture2D displayTexture = particleType.Texture ?? Xen.Ex.Material.WhiteTexture.GetTexture(state);

            //get the shared vertice
            BillboardParticles2DElement.GenerateBillboardVertices(state, ref vertices, ref indices);

            int count = (int)particleCount;

            DrawVelocityParticles_GpuTex       shaderNoColour = null;
            DrawVelocityParticlesColour_GpuTex shaderColour   = null;
            //user variants
            DrawVelocityParticles_GpuTex_UserOffset       shaderNoColour_UO = null;
            DrawVelocityParticlesColour_GpuTex_UserOffset shaderColour_UO   = null;

            float resolutionXF = (float)positionTex.Width;
            float resolutionYF = (float)positionTex.Height;

            Vector2 invTextureSize;

            Vector2 velScale = new Vector2(velocityScale, 0);

            if (this.useRotationToScaleVelocityEffect)
                velScale = new Vector2(0, velocityScale);
            invTextureSize = new Vector2(1.0f / resolutionXF, 1.0f / resolutionYF);

            IShader shader;

            if (!usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
                if (colourTex != null)
                    shader = shaderColour = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityParticlesColour_GpuTex>();

                    shaderColour.PositionTexture = positionTex;
                    shaderColour.ColourTexture   = colourTex;
                    shaderColour.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
                    shaderColour.DisplayTexture  = displayTexture;

                    shaderColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
                    shader = shaderNoColour = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityParticles_GpuTex>();

                    shaderNoColour.PositionTexture = positionTex;
                    shaderNoColour.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
                    shaderNoColour.DisplayTexture  = displayTexture;

                    shaderNoColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
                if (colourTex != null)
                    shader = shaderColour_UO = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityParticlesColour_GpuTex_UserOffset>();

                    shaderColour_UO.PositionTexture = positionTex;
                    shaderColour_UO.ColourTexture   = colourTex;
                    shaderColour_UO.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
                    shaderColour_UO.UserTexture     = userValues;
                    shaderColour_UO.DisplayTexture  = displayTexture;

                    shaderColour_UO.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);
                    shader = shaderNoColour_UO = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityParticles_GpuTex_UserOffset>();

                    shaderNoColour_UO.PositionTexture = positionTex;
                    shaderNoColour_UO.VelocityTexture = velocityRotation;
                    shaderNoColour_UO.UserTexture     = userValues;
                    shaderNoColour_UO.DisplayTexture  = displayTexture;

                    shaderNoColour_UO.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);

            int drawn = 0;

            while (count > 0)
                int drawCount = Math.Min(count, vertices.Count / 4);

                if (!usesUserValuesPositionBuffer)
                    if (colourTex != null)
                        shaderColour.TextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
                        shaderNoColour.TextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
                    if (colourTex != null)
                        shaderColour_UO.TextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);
                        shaderNoColour_UO.TextureSizeOffset = new Vector3(invTextureSize, (float)drawn);


                vertices.Draw(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, drawCount * 2, 0, 0);

                count -= drawCount;
                drawn += drawCount;

		/// <summary>
		/// implements the method to draw cpu particles
		/// </summary>
		protected override void DrawCpuParticles(DrawState state, Content.ParticleSystemTypeData particleType, uint particleCount, AlphaBlendState blendMode, Vector4[] positionSize, Vector4[] velocityRotation, Vector4[] colourData, Vector4[] userValues)
			//this is a bit more complex, but mostly the same as the GPU draw method
			Vector2 targetSize = state.DrawTarget.Size;

			state.RenderState.CurrentBlendState = blendMode;
			state.RenderState.CurrentDepthState.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

			Texture2D displayTexture = particleType.Texture ?? state.Properties.WhiteTexture;

			GenerateBillboardVertices(state, ref this.vertices, ref this.indices);

			int count = (int)particleCount;

			DrawBillboardParticles_BillboardCpu shaderNoColour = null;
			DrawBillboardParticlesColour_BillboardCpu shaderColour = null;

			if (positionBuffer == null)
				positionBuffer = GetPositionBuffer(state, positionBuffer);

			if (colourData != null)
				shaderColour = state.GetShader<DrawBillboardParticlesColour_BillboardCpu>();
				shaderNoColour = state.GetShader<DrawBillboardParticles_BillboardCpu>();
			int drawn = 0;
			while (count > 0)
				int drawCount;

				drawCount = Math.Min(count, 120);
				uint drawCountU = (uint)drawCount;
				uint drawnU = (uint)drawn;

				//the only major difference from the GPU drawer is here
				for (int i = 0; i < drawCount; i++)
					//copy position xy and w (size), and velocity.w (rotation)
					positionBuffer[i] = positionSize[drawn + i];
					positionBuffer[i].Z = velocityRotation[drawn + i].W;

				if (colourData != null)
					shaderColour.SetPositionData(positionBuffer, 0, 0, drawCountU);
					shaderColour.SetColourData(colourData, drawnU, 0, drawCountU);

					shaderColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;

					shaderNoColour.SetPositionData(positionBuffer, 0, 0, drawCountU);

					shaderNoColour.DisplayTexture = displayTexture;


				vertices.Draw(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, drawCount * 2, 0, 0);


				count -= drawCount;
				drawn += drawCount;

Beispiel #40
        //NEW CODE
        private void DrawBoundingBoxes(DrawState state)
            //First, get the animated bone transforms of the model.
            //These transforms are in 'bone-space', not in world space.
            ReadOnlyArrayCollection <Transform> boneAnimationTransforms = model.GetAnimationController().GetTransformedBones(state);

            //Get a simple shader from Xen.Ex that fills a solid colour
            Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour shader = state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.FillSolidColour>();

            shader.FillColour = Color.White.ToVector4();


            //push the render state...

            //disable back face culling
            state.RenderState.DepthColourCull.CullMode = CullMode.None;
            //set to wireframe
            state.RenderState.DepthColourCull.FillMode = FillMode.WireFrame;

            //loop through all the geometry data in the model..
            //(note, the sample model has only 1 geometry instance)

            Xen.Ex.Graphics.Content.SkeletonData modelSkeleton = model.ModelData.Skeleton;
            Matrix matrix;
            int    boxIndex = 0;

            foreach (Xen.Ex.Graphics.Content.MeshData meshData in model.ModelData.Meshes)
                foreach (Xen.Ex.Graphics.Content.GeometryData geometry in meshData.Geometry)
                    //now loop through all bones used by this geometry

                    for (int geometryBone = 0; geometryBone < geometry.BoneIndices.Length; geometryBone++)
                        //index of the bone (a piece of geometry may not use all the bones in the model)
                        int boneIndex = geometry.BoneIndices[geometryBone];

                        //get the base transform of the bone (the transform when not animated)
                        Transform boneTransform = modelSkeleton.BoneWorldTransforms[boneIndex];

                        //multiply the transform with the animation bone-local transform

                        //it would be better to use Transform.Multiply() here to save data copying on the xbox
                        boneTransform *= boneAnimationTransforms[boneIndex];

                        //Get the transform as a matrix
                        boneTransform.GetMatrix(out matrix);

                        //push the matrix
                        state.PushWorldMatrix(ref matrix);

                        //draw the box
                        if (boundingBoxes[boxIndex].CullTest(state))


                        //pop the world matrix

            //pop the render state
Beispiel #41
        /// <summary>
        /// draws the particles from a CPU system
        /// </summary>
        protected override void DrawCpuParticles(DrawState state, Content.ParticleSystemTypeData particleType, uint particleCount, AlphaBlendState blendMode, Vector4[] positionSize, Vector4[] velocityRotation, Vector4[] colourData, Vector4[] userValues)
            Vector2 targetSize = state.DrawTarget.Size;

            state.RenderState.AlphaBlend = blendMode;
            state.RenderState.DepthColourCull.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

            VelocityLineParticles2DElement.GenerateLinesVertices(state, ref this.vertices);

            int count = (int)particleCount;

            DrawVelocityParticles_LinesCpu       shaderNoColour = null;
            DrawVelocityParticlesColour_LinesCpu shaderColour   = null;

            if (colourData != null)
                shaderColour = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityParticlesColour_LinesCpu>();
                shaderNoColour = state.GetShader <DrawVelocityParticles_LinesCpu>();

            Vector2 velScale = new Vector2(velocityScale, 0);

            if (this.useRotationToScaleVelocityEffect)
                velScale = new Vector2(0, velocityScale);

            int drawn = 0;

            while (count > 0)
                int drawCount;

                drawCount = Math.Min(count, 80);

                if (colourData != null)
                    shaderColour.PositionData.SetArray(positionSize, drawn);
                    shaderColour.VelocityData.SetArray(velocityRotation, drawn);
                    shaderColour.ColourData.SetArray(colourData, drawn);

                    shaderColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);

                    shaderNoColour.PositionData.SetArray(positionSize, drawn);
                    shaderNoColour.VelocityData.SetArray(velocityRotation, drawn);

                    shaderNoColour.SetVelocityScale(ref velScale);


                vertices.Draw(state, null, PrimitiveType.LineList, drawCount, 0, 0);

                count -= drawCount;
                drawn += drawCount;
