Beispiel #1
 public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
         RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
         List <ListValue>     list  = new List <ListValue>
             new ListValue
                 strMark = "$archiveid",
                 strVal  = model.RecordID
             new ListValue
                 strMark = "$name",
                 strVal  = model.CustomerName
         for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
             List <ListValue> list2 = this.getList(i.ToString());
             if (list2 != null)
         return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\13一到二岁儿童健康检查记录表.xps", list));
Beispiel #2
        public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
                List <ListValue> list       = new List <ListValue>();
                HealthHouseModel Housemodel = new HealthHouseBLL().GetMaxData(this.CardID);
                if (Housemodel != null)
                    HealthHouseEcgModel ecgModel = new HealthHouseEcgBLL().GetModel(Housemodel.ID);
                    if (ecgModel != null)
                        if (!File.Exists(ecgModel.ImgPath))
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "&ecg",
                                strVal  = ""
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "&ecg",
                                strVal  = ecgModel.ImgPath
                return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\38心电图.xps", list));

Beispiel #3
        public List <ListValue> getList(string MonthType)
            List <ListValue>  list  = new List <ListValue>();
            KidsTcmhmOneModel model = this.getModel(MonthType);

            if (model == null)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "sfrq",
                strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model.FollowupDate)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "sfys",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToStr(model.FollowDoctor)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "xcsf",
                strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model.NextFollowDate)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "qt",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToStr(model.TcmhmOther)
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.Tcmhm, MonthType, "glfw", 4));
Beispiel #4
 public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
         List <ListValue> list       = new List <ListValue>();
         HealthHouseModel Housemodel = new HealthHouseBLL().GetMaxData(this.CardID);
         if (Housemodel != null)
             if (!File.Exists(Housemodel.LImgPath))
                 list.Add(new ListValue
                     strMark = "&feigongneng",
                     strVal  = ""
                 list.Add(new ListValue
                     strMark = "&feigongneng",
                     strVal  = Housemodel.LImgPath
         return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\" + PrintName, list));
Beispiel #5
        protected void FormatPrepare(int AFirstDrawItemNo, int ALastItemNo = -1)
            if (FFormatCount != 0)


            if ((AFirstDrawItemNo > 0) && (!DrawItems[AFirstDrawItemNo].LineFirst))
                throw new Exception("行中格式化必需从行首开始,否则会影响分散的计算!");
            //vFirstDrawItemNo := Items[AStartItemNo].FirstDItemNo;

            int vLastItemNo = -1, vFmtTopOffset = -1;

            if (ALastItemNo < 0)
                vLastItemNo = DrawItems[AFirstDrawItemNo].ItemNo;
                vLastItemNo = ALastItemNo;

            int vLastDrawItemNo = GetItemLastDrawItemNo(vLastItemNo);

            DrawItems.MarkFormatDelete(AFirstDrawItemNo, vLastDrawItemNo);
            if (AFirstDrawItemNo > 0)
                FFormatStartTop = DrawItems[AFirstDrawItemNo - 1].Rect.Bottom;
                vFmtTopOffset   = DrawItems[AFirstDrawItemNo].Rect.Top - FFormatStartTop;
                FFormatStartTop = 0;
                vFmtTopOffset   = 0;

            for (int i = AFirstDrawItemNo + 1; i <= vLastDrawItemNo; i++)
                if (DrawItems[i].LineFirst)
                    vFmtTopOffset = vFmtTopOffset + DrawItems[i].Rect.Top - DrawItems[i - 1].Rect.Bottom;

            if (vFmtTopOffset != 0)
                FFormatEndBottom = -1;
                FFormatEndBottom = DrawItems[vLastDrawItemNo].Rect.Bottom - vFmtTopOffset;
Beispiel #6
 public void ResetDrawData()
     lock (listLock)
Beispiel #7
        public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
                List <ListValue>      list       = new List <ListValue>();
                HealthHouseGuideModel modelGuide = new HealthHouseGuideBLL().GetGuideData(this.CardID);

                if (modelGuide != null)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$name",
                        strVal  = modelGuide.CustomerName

                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$sex",
                        strVal  = StringPlus.GetSex(modelGuide.Sex)

                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$age",
                        strVal  = timeParser.GetAge(modelGuide.Birthday)

                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$date",
                        strVal  = modelGuide.CheckDate.ToString().Substring(0, 10)

                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "%summary",
                        strVal  = modelGuide.Summary

                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "%healthGuid",
                        strVal  = modelGuide.HealthGuid

                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "%medGuid",
                        strVal  = modelGuide.MedGuid

                return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\" + PrintName, list));

Beispiel #8
        private void FormatRange(int aStartDrawItemNo, int aLastItemNo)
            int         vPrioDrawItemNo = -1, vStartItemNo = -1, vStartOffset = -1;
            HCParaStyle vParaStyle = null;
            POINT       vPos       = new POINT();

            FFormatStartDrawItemNo = aStartDrawItemNo;

            // 获取起始DrawItem的上一个序号及格式化开始位置
            if (aStartDrawItemNo > 0)
                vPrioDrawItemNo = aStartDrawItemNo - 1;  // 上一个最后的DrawItem
                vStartItemNo    = DrawItems[aStartDrawItemNo].ItemNo;
                vStartOffset    = DrawItems[aStartDrawItemNo].CharOffs;
                vParaStyle      = Style.ParaStyles[Items[vStartItemNo].ParaNo];
                if (DrawItems[aStartDrawItemNo].LineFirst)
                    vPos.X = vParaStyle.LeftIndentPix;
                    vPos.Y = DrawItems[vPrioDrawItemNo].Rect.Bottom;
                    vPos.X = DrawItems[vPrioDrawItemNo].Rect.Right;
                    vPos.Y = DrawItems[vPrioDrawItemNo].Rect.Top;
            else  // 是第一个
                vPrioDrawItemNo = -1;
                vStartItemNo    = 0;
                vStartOffset    = 1;
                vParaStyle      = Style.ParaStyles[Items[vStartItemNo].ParaNo];
                vPos.X          = vParaStyle.LeftIndentPix;
                vPos.Y          = 0;

            FormatItemToDrawItems(vStartItemNo, vStartOffset, vParaStyle.LeftIndentPix,
                                  FWidth - vParaStyle.RightIndentPix, FWidth, ref vPos, ref vPrioDrawItemNo);

            for (int i = vStartItemNo + 1; i <= aLastItemNo; i++)  // 格式
                if (Items[i].ParaFirst)
                    vParaStyle = Style.ParaStyles[Items[i].ParaNo];
                    vPos.X     = vParaStyle.LeftIndentPix;

                FormatItemToDrawItems(i, 1, vParaStyle.LeftIndentPix,
                                      FWidth - vParaStyle.RightIndentPix, FWidth, ref vPos, ref vPrioDrawItemNo);

        public string GenerateRbr()
            string drawgift     = string.Empty;
            string bonusitems   = string.Empty;
            string specialitems = string.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                Gift gift = DrawItems?.ElementAtOrDefault(i);
                drawgift += $" {(gift == null ? "-1.0" : $"{gift.VNum}.{gift.Amount}")}";
Beispiel #10
 private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IDCard))
         this.Title = "居民健康档案打印";
     // this.Topmost = true;
Beispiel #11
        public void saveFun()
            string[] idCardsStrings = CardID.Split(';');

            count = 0;
            IGetReport igp;

            foreach (string idCardNo in idCardsStrings)
                switch (PrintType)
                case "btnHousePhysical":
                    igp = new HousePhysical();
                    saveInvoke(igp, idCardNo);

                case "btnTypeBUI":
                    igp        = new TypeBchao();
                    igp.CardID = idCardNo;
                    saveInvoke(igp, idCardNo);

                case "btnECG":
                    string ecgType = DrawItems.GetECGConfig();

                    if (ecgType == "2")
                        igp        = new ElectroCardioGramcs();
                        igp.CardID = idCardNo;
                        saveInvoke(igp, idCardNo);
                        igp = null;

                    igp = null;

Beispiel #12
        public void SaveTo(IGetReport igp, string idCardNo, string no, int sortNo)
            igp.BaseModel = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(idCardNo);
            igp.CardID    = idCardNo;

            if (igp.hasData())
                this.setMsg("正在处理:" + igp.PrintName);
                DrawItems.SaveReport(Path + no + sortNo.ToString() + igp.PrintName.Replace(".xps", "") + idCardNo + ".xps", igp.getReport());

            if (frmShowSave.count < 50)
                frmShowSave.count += 2;
Beispiel #13
        public void SaveTo(IGetReport igp, string idCardNo)
            igp.BaseModel = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(idCardNo);
            igp.CardID    = idCardNo;

            //if (igp.hasData())
            setMsg("正在处理:" + igp.PrintName);
            DrawItems.SaveReport(Path + igp.PrintName.Replace(".xps", "") + idCardNo + ".xps", igp.getReport());

            if (count < 50)
                count = count + 2;
Beispiel #14
        public List <ListValue> getJws(int i, DataTable dt)
            if (dt.Rows.Count < i + 1)
            List <ListValue> list = new List <ListValue>();
            string           str  = (i + 1).ToString();

            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "#jb" + str,
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToStr(dt.Rows[i]["illnessname"])
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$qj" + str,
                strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(dt.Rows[i]["diagnosetime"], 3)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DrawItems.objToStr(dt.Rows[i]["therioma"])))
                list.Add(new ListValue
                    strMark = "$exzl",
                    strVal  = DrawItems.objToStr(dt.Rows[i]["therioma"])
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DrawItems.objToStr(dt.Rows[i]["jobillness"])))
                list.Add(new ListValue
                    strMark = "$zyb",
                    strVal  = DrawItems.objToStr(dt.Rows[i]["jobillness"])
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DrawItems.objToStr(dt.Rows[i]["illnessother"])))
                list.Add(new ListValue
                    strMark = "$jwsqt",
                    strVal  = DrawItems.objToStr(dt.Rows[i]["illnessother"])
Beispiel #15
        public bool UpdateDrawData(DrawItem item)
            lock (listLock)
                var group = DrawHistory.FirstOrDefault();
                if (group != null)
                    if ((!group.Items.Contains(item)) && DrawItems.Contains(item))
                        group.Items.Insert(0, item.ToWinnerItem(group.groupIndex));

Beispiel #16
        private void NewDrawItem(int aItemNo, int aCharOffs, int aCharLen, RECT aRect, bool aParaFirst, bool aLineFirst,
                                 ref int vLastDrawItemNo)
            HCCustomDrawItem vDrawItem = new HCCustomDrawItem();

            vDrawItem.ItemNo    = aItemNo;
            vDrawItem.CharOffs  = aCharOffs;
            vDrawItem.CharLen   = aCharLen;
            vDrawItem.ParaFirst = aParaFirst;
            vDrawItem.LineFirst = aLineFirst;
            vDrawItem.Rect      = aRect;
            DrawItems.Insert(vLastDrawItemNo, vDrawItem);
            if (aCharOffs == 1)
                Items[aItemNo].FirstDItemNo = vLastDrawItemNo;
Beispiel #17
        public void SaveTo(IGetReport igp, string idCardNo, string no)
            if (igp != null)
                igp.BaseModel = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(idCardNo);
                igp.CardID    = idCardNo;

                if (igp.hasData())
                    IsHaveReport = true;
                    setMsg("正在处理:" + igp.PrintName);
                    no = Convert.ToInt32(no).ToString("000000");
                    DrawItems.SaveReport("printtemp\\" + no + igp.PrintName.Replace(".xps", "") + idCardNo + ".xps", igp.getReport());

            if (count < 50)
                count = count + 2;
Beispiel #18
        public void saveFun()
            frmShowSave.count = 0;
            IGetReport igp;
            int        no = 1;

            string[] idCardsStrings = CardID.Split(';');

            foreach (string idCardNo in idCardsStrings)
                igp = new HousePhysical();
                this.saveInvoke(igp, idCardNo, no.ToString());
                igp = new TypeBchao();
                this.saveInvoke(igp, idCardNo, no.ToString());
                igp = new HouseBone();
                this.saveInvoke(igp, idCardNo, no.ToString());
                igp = new HealthVascular();
                this.saveInvoke(igp, idCardNo, no.ToString());
                igp = new HealthLung();
                this.saveInvoke(igp, idCardNo, no.ToString());
                igp = new HealthAssess();
                this.saveInvoke(igp, idCardNo, no.ToString());
                igp = new HealthGuide();
                this.saveInvoke(igp, idCardNo, no.ToString());
                string ecgType = DrawItems.GetECGConfig();
                if (ecgType == "2")
                    igp = new ElectroCardioGramcs();
                    this.saveInvoke(igp, idCardNo, no.ToString());

Beispiel #19
        public virtual void ReFormat()
            if (FFormatCount == 0)

                DrawItems.MarkFormatDelete(0, DrawItems.Count - 1);

                FormatRange(0, Items.Count - 1);

                FFormatHeightChange = true;

            if ((SelectInfo.StartItemNo >= 0) && (SelectInfo.StartItemNo < Items.Count))
                ReSetSelectAndCaret(SelectInfo.StartItemNo, SelectInfo.StartItemOffset);  // 防止清空后格式化完成后没有选中起始访问出错
                ReSetSelectAndCaret(0, 0);
Beispiel #20
        public List <ListValue> getList(string MonthType)
            string text = "";

            if (MonthType != null)
                if (MonthType == "1")
                    text = "12";
                else if (MonthType == "2")
                    text = "18";
                else if (MonthType == "3")
                    text = "24";
                else if (MonthType == "4")
                    text = "30";

            List <ListValue>           list  = new List <ListValue>();
            KidsOneToThreeYearOldModel model = this.getModel(MonthType);

            if (model == null)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "sfrq",
                strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model.FollowupDate)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "tz",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Weight)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "sc",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Stature, 0)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "ql",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.BregmaLeft)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "qr",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.BregmaRight)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "cy",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.TeethDcnLeft, 0)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "qc",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.TeethDcnRight, 0)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "xh",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.HemoglobinValue)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "hw",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.OutdoorActivities, 1)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "wss",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.TakingVitaminsd)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "qt",
                strVal  = model.Other
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "zzyy",
                strVal  = model.ReferralReason
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "wssm",
                strVal  = model.AgenciesDepartments
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "xcsf",
                strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model.NextFollowupDate)

            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "zdqt",
                strVal  = model.GuidanceOther
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "fy",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.PneumoniaCounts, 0)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "fx",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.DiarrheaCounts, 0)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "ws",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.TraumaCounts, 0)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "$" + MonthType + "hbqt",
                strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.SickOther, 0)

            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "&" + MonthType + "sfys",
                strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_Month_{2}_Doc.png", SignPath, model.IDCardNo, text)
            list.Add(new ListValue
                strMark = "&" + MonthType + "qm",
                strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_Month_{2}.png", SignPath, model.IDCardNo, text)
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.Gait, MonthType, "bt", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.EarAppearance, MonthType, "ew", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.Stomach, MonthType, "fb", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.AuxeEstimate, MonthType, "fypg", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.SuspiciousRickets, MonthType, "glb", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.ColourFace, MonthType, "ms", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.Skin, MonthType, "pf", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.Bregma, MonthType, "qx", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.StatureAnalysis, MonthType, "s", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.AmongTwoFollowup, MonthType, "sfhb", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.FourLimb, MonthType, "sz", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.WeightAnalysis, MonthType, "t", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.Listening, MonthType, "tl", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.HeartLung, MonthType, "xf", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.EyeAppearance, MonthType, "yw", 3));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.Guidance, MonthType, "zd", 5));
            list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model.ReferralAdvice, MonthType, "zz", 3));
Beispiel #21
        public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
                if (File.Exists("printtemp\\ecg.png"))

                string          xdWhere  = string.Format(" IDCardNo='{0}' AND LEFT(CreateTime,4)='{1}' ORDER BY CreateTime DESC,ID DESC LIMIT 0,1 ", this.CardID, DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());
                RecordsEcgModel ecgModel = new RecordsEcgBLL().GetModelByWhere(xdWhere);

                if (ecgModel == null)
                    ecgModel = new RecordsEcgModel();

                List <ListValue> list = new List <ListValue>();
                string           path = ECGReport + "\\" + ecgModel.MID + ".png";

                if (!File.Exists(path))
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "&ecg",
                        strVal  = ""
                    FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                    int    byteLength = (int)fs.Length;
                    byte[] fileBytes  = new byte[byteLength];
                    fs.Read(fileBytes, 0, byteLength);

                    Image image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(fileBytes));

                    //if (community.Equals("聊城东昌府区"))
                    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image);

                    #region 禹城 检查医生取文字版,审核医生取手写版,检查日期取心电createTime
                    if (area.Equals("禹城"))
                        RecordsSignatureModel signModel = new RecordsSignatureBLL().GetModelByOutKey(0, "签字维护");
                        if (signModel == null)
                            signModel = new RecordsSignatureModel();

                        // 加载检查医生签名
                        string signPath = SignPath + "_Doctor16.png";

                        if (File.Exists(signPath))
                            string imgJianChaKong = SignPath + "_JianChaKongBai.png";
                            string imgJianChaZi   = SignPath + "Date//" + CardID + "_imgJianChaZi.png";

                            if (!File.Exists(imgJianChaKong))
                                Bitmap   b1 = new Bitmap(200, 80);                             //新建位图zdb1
                                Graphics g1 = Graphics.FromImage(b1);                          //创建版b1的Graphics
                                g1.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 80)); //把b1涂成红色

                            if (!File.Exists(SignPath + "Date"))
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(SignPath + "Date");

                            if (File.Exists(imgJianChaZi))

                            Bitmap     bitmap = new Bitmap(imgJianChaKong);
                            Graphics   gp     = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
                            Font       font   = new Font("KaiTi", 40, FontStyle.Bold);
                            SolidBrush sbrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
                            gp.DrawString(signModel.AECGSn, font, sbrush, 10, 2);


                            Image imgrq = Image.FromFile(imgJianChaZi);
                            g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
                            g.DrawImage(imgrq, 300, 1950, imgrq.Width, imgrq.Height);

                        string imgKong = SignPath + "_KongBai.png";
                        string imgZi   = SignPath + "Date//" + CardID + "_imgZi.png";

                        DateTime checkDate;
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(ecgModel.CreateTime.ToString(), out checkDate))
                            // 加载心电检查医生签名
                            string examinePath = SignPath + "_Doctor16.png";

                            if (File.Exists(SignPath + checkDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "//_Doctor16.png"))
                                Image img = Image.FromFile(SignPath + checkDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "//_Doctor16.png");

                                // 将医生签名拼接到检查医生的位置
                                g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
                                g.DrawImage(img, 1300, 1950, img.Width, img.Height);
                                if (File.Exists(examinePath))
                                    Image img = Image.FromFile(examinePath);

                                    // 将医生签名拼接到检查医生的位置
                                    g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
                                    g.DrawImage(img, 1300, 1950, img.Width, img.Height);

                            if (!File.Exists(imgKong))
                                Bitmap   b1 = new Bitmap(200, 40);                             //新建位图zdb1
                                Graphics g1 = Graphics.FromImage(b1);                          //创建版b1的Graphics
                                g1.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 40)); //把b1涂成红色

                            if (!File.Exists(SignPath + "Date"))
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(SignPath + "Date");

                            if (File.Exists(imgZi))

                            Bitmap     bitmap = new Bitmap(imgKong);
                            Graphics   gp     = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
                            string     label  = checkDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                            Font       font   = new Font("KaiTi", bitmap.Width / 10, FontStyle.Bold);
                            SolidBrush sbrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
                            gp.DrawString(label, font, sbrush, 10, 2);


                            Image imgrq = Image.FromFile(imgZi);
                            g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
                            g.DrawImage(imgrq, 1830, 1950, imgrq.Width, imgrq.Height);
                            // 加载心电检查医生签名
                            string examinePath = SignPath + "_Doctor16.png";

                            if (File.Exists(examinePath))
                                Image img = Image.FromFile(examinePath);

                                // 将医生签名拼接到检查医生的位置
                                g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
                                g.DrawImage(img, 1300, 1950, img.Width, img.Height);
                    #region 乐陵
                    else if (area.Equals("乐陵"))
                        // 加载心电医生签名
                        string signPath = SignPath + "_Doctor16.png";

                        if (File.Exists(signPath))
                            Image img = Image.FromFile(signPath);

                            // 将医生签名拼接到检查医生的位置
                            g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
                            g.DrawImage(img, 300, 1950, img.Width, img.Height);

                        // 加载心电检查医生签名
                        string examinePath = SignPath + "_Doctor23.png";

                        if (File.Exists(examinePath))
                            Image img = Image.FromFile(examinePath);

                            // 将医生签名拼接到检查医生的位置
                            g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
                            g.DrawImage(img, 1300, 1950, img.Width, img.Height);

                        RecordsCustomerBaseInfoModel model2 = new RecordsCustomerBaseInfoModel();
                        string strYear  = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
                        string strWhere = string.Format(" IDCardNo='{0}'AND LEFT(CheckDate,4)='{1}' ORDER BY CheckDate DESC LIMIT 0,1 ", this.CardID, DateTime.Now.Year);

                        string imgKong = SignPath + "_KongBai.png";
                        string imgZi   = SignPath + "Date//" + CardID + "_imgZi.png";

                        model2 = new RecordsCustomerBaseInfoBLL().GetModelByWhere(strWhere);
                        if (model2 != null)
                            DateTime checkDate;
                            if (DateTime.TryParse(model2.CheckDate.ToString(), out checkDate))
                                if (!File.Exists(imgKong))
                                    Bitmap   b1 = new Bitmap(200, 40);                             //新建位图zdb1
                                    Graphics g1 = Graphics.FromImage(b1);                          //创建版b1的Graphics
                                    g1.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 40)); //把b1涂成红色

                                if (!File.Exists(SignPath + "Date"))
                                    Directory.CreateDirectory(SignPath + "Date");

                                if (File.Exists(imgZi))

                                Bitmap     bitmap = new Bitmap(imgKong);
                                Graphics   gp     = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
                                string     label  = checkDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                                Font       font   = new Font("KaiTi", bitmap.Width / 10, FontStyle.Bold);
                                SolidBrush sbrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
                                gp.DrawString(label, font, sbrush, 10, 2);


                                Image imgrq = Image.FromFile(imgZi);
                                g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
                                g.DrawImage(imgrq, 1770, 1960, imgrq.Width, imgrq.Height);
                        // 加载心电医生签名
                        string signPath = SignPath + "_Doctor16.png";

                        if (File.Exists(signPath))
                            Image img = Image.FromFile(signPath);

                            // 将医生签名拼接到检查医生的位置
                            g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
                            g.DrawImage(img, 300, 1950, img.Width, img.Height);

                    // 旋转图片


                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "&ecg",
                        strVal  = "printtemp\\ecg.png"


                return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\38心电图.xps", list));

Beispiel #22
        public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
                List <ListValue> list = new List <ListValue>();
                BaseModel = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
                if (BaseModel != null)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$name",
                        strVal  = BaseModel.CustomerName
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$archiveid",
                        strVal  = BaseModel.RecordID
                #region 健康问询
                HealthAssessExamModel model1 = new HealthAssessExamBLL().GetMaxModel(this.CardID);
                if (model1 != null)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#jzjb",
                        strVal  = model1.FamilyHistory
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#jb",
                        strVal  = model1.MedicalHistory
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#yscs",
                        strVal  = model1.DietaryHabit
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#ysglx",
                        strVal  = model1.DietaryLaw
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ysqt",
                        strVal  = model1.DietaryOther

                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#dlpl",
                        strVal  = model1.ExerciseRate
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$dlsj",
                        strVal  = model1.ExerciseTimes.ToString()
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#zys",
                        strVal  = model1.HospitalHistory
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#fy",
                        strVal  = model1.TakingMedicine
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#zlnl",
                        strVal  = model1.OldSelfCareability
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zldf",
                        strVal  = model1.GloomyScore.ToString()
                    string strtyfs = "";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model1.ExerciseExistense))
                        foreach (char c in model1.ExerciseExistense)
                            switch (c)
                            case '1': strtyfs = strtyfs + "散步;";

                            case '2': strtyfs = strtyfs + "跑步;";

                            case '3': strtyfs = strtyfs + "广场舞;";

                            default: break;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model1.ExerciseExistenseOther))
                        strtyfs = strtyfs + model1.ExerciseExistenseOther + ";";
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$dlfs",
                        strVal  = strtyfs
                    #region 体检评估
                    HealthHouseModel model2 = new HealthHouseBLL().GetDataByID(model1.PID);
                    if (model2 != null)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$tjsj",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.CheckDate)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$bmi",
                            strVal  = model2.BMI.ToString()
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$gy",
                            strVal  = model2.LeftHeight.ToString()
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$dy",
                            strVal  = model2.LeftPre.ToString()
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$ml",
                            strVal  = model2.PulseRate.ToString()
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$xy",
                            strVal  = model2.BloodOxygen

                        HealthHouseBCHAOModel BchaoModel = new HealthHouseBCHAOBLL().GetModel(model2.ID);//B超表
                        if (BchaoModel != null)
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "#bc",
                                strVal  = BchaoModel.BCHAO
                        HealthHouseEcgModel EcgModel = new HealthHouseEcgBLL().GetModel(model2.ID);//心电
                        if (EcgModel != null)
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "#xd",
                                strVal  = EcgModel.ECG
                        HHCardiovascularModel VascularModel = new HHCardiovascularBLL().GetData(this.CardID, model2.ID);//心血管
                        if (VascularModel != null)
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "#xx",
                                strVal  = VascularModel.Result
                        HHBoneModel BoneModel = new HHBoneBLL().GetData(this.CardID, model2.ID);//骨密度
                        if (BoneModel != null)
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "#gm",
                                strVal  = BoneModel.Result
                        HHLungModel LungModel = new HHLungBLL().GetData(this.CardID, model2.ID);//肺功能
                        if (LungModel != null)
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "#fg",
                                strVal  = LungModel.Result
                        HealthHousePhysicalAssistCheckModel HHAssistCheck = new HealthHousePhysicalAssistCheckBLL().GetModel(model2.ID);//辅助检查表
                        if (HHAssistCheck != null)
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "#xb",
                                strVal  = HHAssistCheck.CHESTX
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HHAssistCheck.PRO) &&
                                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HHAssistCheck.GLU) &&
                                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HHAssistCheck.KET) &&
                                if (HHAssistCheck.PRO.Contains("+") ||
                                    HHAssistCheck.GLU.Contains("+") ||
                                    HHAssistCheck.KET.Contains("+") ||
                                    list.Add(new ListValue
                                        strMark = "#nc",
                                        strVal  = "2"
                                    list.Add(new ListValue
                                        strMark = "#nc",
                                        strVal  = "1"
                        HealthHouseMediPhyModel MedModel = new HealthHouseMediPhyBLL().GetModel(model2.ID);//中医体质类型
                        if (MedModel != null)
                            string strMed = "";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.Mild))
                                strMed += "平和质,";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.Faint))
                                strMed += "气虚质,";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.Yang))
                                strMed += "阳虚质,";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.Yin))
                                strMed += "阴虚质,";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.PhlegmDamp))
                                strMed += "痰湿质,";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.Muggy))
                                strMed += "湿热质,";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.BloodStasis))
                                strMed += "血瘀质,";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.QiConstraint))
                                strMed += "气郁质,";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.Characteristic))
                                strMed += "特兼质,";
                            if (strMed != "")
                                list.Add(new ListValue
                                    strMark = "$zytz",
                                    strVal  = strMed.Remove(strMed.Length - 1, 1)

                    #region 范围值
                    List <HealthOverviewSetModel> SetList = new List <HealthOverviewSetModel>();
                    SetList = new HealthOverviewSetBLL().GetList(" and Type in (1,2,3,4) ");
                    string strBMI = "", strxueya = "", strxinlv = "", strxueyang = "";
                    if (SetList != null)
                        foreach (HealthOverviewSetModel setmodel in SetList)
                            if (setmodel.Type == "1")//体质指数
                                strBMI = setmodel.minValues + "~" + setmodel.maxValues;
                            else if (setmodel.Type == "2")//血压
                                strxueya = setmodel.minValues + "~" + setmodel.maxValues;
                            else if (setmodel.Type == "3")//心率
                                strxinlv = setmodel.minValues + "~" + setmodel.maxValues;
                            else if (setmodel.Type == "4")//血氧
                                strxueyang = setmodel.minValues + "~" + setmodel.maxValues;
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$bmifw",
                        strVal  = strBMI
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xzfw",
                        strVal  = strxueya
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xlfw",
                        strVal  = strxinlv
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xyfw",
                        strVal  = strxueyang
                return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\" + PrintName, list));
Beispiel #23
        public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
            List <ListValue> list = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
                RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
                list = new List <ListValue>
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$archiveid",
                        strVal  = model.RecordID
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$name",
                        strVal  = model.CustomerName
                ChronicStrokeVisitModel model2 = new ChronicStrokeVisitBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
                if (model2 != null)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xyzy",
                        strVal  = model2.SmokeDrinkAttention
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tzqt",
                        strVal  = model2.SignOther
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xdy",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Hypotension, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xgy",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Hypertension, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "%zzqt",
                        strVal  = model2.SymptomOther
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#zz",
                        strVal  = model2.Symptom
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xcsfsj",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.NextFollowupDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$sfys",
                        strVal  = model2.FollowUpDoctor
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$sfrq",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.FollowupDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "%fyhzyw",
                        strVal  = model2.EatingDrug
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#sffs",
                        strVal  = model2.FollowupWay
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zzjg",
                        strVal  = model2.ReferralOrg
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zzyy",
                        strVal  = model2.ReferralReason
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#sffl",
                        strVal  = model2.FollowupType
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ywbly",
                        strVal  = model2.AdrEx
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#ywbl",
                        strVal  = model2.Adr
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#fyyc",
                        strVal  = model2.MedicationCompliance
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "%fzjc",
                        strVal  = model2.AssistantExam
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#zyxw",
                        strVal  = model2.ObeyDoctorBehavio
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#xltz",
                        strVal  = model2.PsychicAdjust
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$syzy",
                        strVal  = model2.EatSaltAttention
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ydzy",
                        strVal  = model2.SportAttention
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tz",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Weight)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "&qm",
                        strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model2.FollowupDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd"))
                    List <ChronicDrugConditionModel> modelList = new ChronicDrugConditionBLL().GetModelList(string.Format(" IDCardNo = '{0}' and TYPE = '{1}' and OUTKey ='" + model2.ID + "' ", this.CardID, "5"));
                    if (modelList != null && modelList.Count > 0)
            return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\" + this.PrintName, list));
Beispiel #24
        public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
                RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
                List <ListValue>     list  = new List <ListValue>
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$archiveid",
                        strVal  = model.RecordID
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$name",
                        strVal  = model.CustomerName
                WomenGravidaFirstVisitModel model2 = new WomenGravidaFirstVisitDAL().GetModel(this.CardID);
                if (model2 != null)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ylc",
                        strVal  = model2.AbortionInfo
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ylcr",
                        strVal  = model2.ArtificialAbortion
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$yst",
                        strVal  = model2.Deadfetus
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ysc",
                        strVal  = model2.StillBirthInfo
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ysw",
                        strVal  = model2.NewBornDead
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$yqx",
                        strVal  = model2.NewBornDefect
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$sg",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Height, 2)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tz",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Weight)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tzzs",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Bmi)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xgy",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.HBloodpressure)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xdy",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.LBloodpressure)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#t",
                        strVal  = model2.Heart
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tzxz",
                        strVal  = model2.Heartex
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#f",
                        strVal  = model2.Lung
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tzfb",
                        strVal  = model2.Lungex
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#w",
                        strVal  = model2.Vulva
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$wy",
                        strVal  = model2.VulvaEx
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#y",
                        strVal  = model2.V****a
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$fkyd",
                        strVal  = model2.VaginaEx
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#g",
                        strVal  = model2.CervixuTeri
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$gj",
                        strVal  = model2.CervixuTeriex
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#z",
                        strVal  = model2.Corpus
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$fkzg",
                        strVal  = model2.CorpusEx
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#j",
                        strVal  = model2.Attach
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$fj",
                        strVal  = model2.AttachEx
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#ztpg",
                        strVal  = model2.OverAlassessMent
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ztpjyc",
                        strVal  = model2.OverAlassessmentEx
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#bjzd",
                        strVal  = model2.HealthZhiDao
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zdqt",
                        strVal  = model2.HealthZhiDaoOthers
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#zz",
                        strVal  = model2.Referral
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zzyy",
                        strVal  = model2.ReferralReason
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zzjg",
                        strVal  = model2.ReferralOrg
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zzlxr",
                        strVal  = model2.ReferralContacts
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zzlxfs",
                        strVal  = model2.ReferralContactsTel
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#zzjg",
                        strVal  = model2.ReferralResult
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xcsfrq",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.NextfollowupDate)
                    //list.Add(new ListValue
                    //    strMark = "$sfys",
                    //    strVal = model2.FollowUpDoctor
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$fksqt",
                        strVal  = model2.GynecologyHistoryEx
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tbrq",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.RecordDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tbyz",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.PregancyWeeks, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$yfnl",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.CustomerAge, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zfxm",
                        strVal  = model2.HusbandName
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tzfnl",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.HusbandAge, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zfdh",
                        strVal  = model2.HusbandPhone
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$yc",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.PregancyCount, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ydcc",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.NatrualChildBirthCount, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$pgcc",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.CaeSareanCount, 0)
                    if (model2.LastMenStruation == "0")
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$mcyj",
                            strVal  = "不详"
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$mcyj",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.LastMenStruationDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ycc",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.ExpectedDueDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#jws",
                        strVal  = model2.CustomerHistory
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$jwsqt",
                        strVal  = model2.CustomerHistoryEx
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#jzs",
                        strVal  = model2.FamilyHistory
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$jzsqt",
                        strVal  = model2.FamilyHistoryEx
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#grs",
                        strVal  = model2.PersonalHistory
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$grsqt",
                        strVal  = model2.PersonalHistoryEx
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#fks",
                        strVal  = model2.GyNecoloGyHistory
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$jcjg",
                        strVal  = model2.BooksInstitution
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#jcqk",
                        strVal  = model2.BooksInfo
                WomenGravidaPreAssistCheckModel model3 = new WomenGravidaPreAssistCheckDAL().GetModel(this.CardID);
                if (model3 != null)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xhdb",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.HB)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xbxb",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.WBC)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xxb",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.PlT)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xcqt",
                        strVal  = model3.BloodOther
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ndb",
                        strVal  = model3.PRO
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$nt",
                        strVal  = model3.GLU
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ntt",
                        strVal  = model3.KET
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$nqx",
                        strVal  = model3.BLD
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$nqt",
                        strVal  = model3.UrineOthers
                    string bLOODTYPE;
                    string strVal;
                    if ((bLOODTYPE = model3.BloodType) != null)
                        if (bLOODTYPE == "1")
                            strVal = "A型";
                            goto IL_BBF;
                        if (bLOODTYPE == "2")
                            strVal = "B型";
                            goto IL_BBF;
                        if (bLOODTYPE == "3")
                            strVal = "O型";
                            goto IL_BBF;
                        if (bLOODTYPE == "4")
                            strVal = "AB型";
                            goto IL_BBF;
                        if (bLOODTYPE == "5")
                            strVal = "不详";
                            goto IL_BBF;
                    strVal = "";
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$abo",
                        strVal  = strVal
                    if (model3.RH == "1")
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$rh",
                            strVal  = "阴性"
                        if (model3.RH == "2")
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "$rh",
                                strVal  = "阳性"
                            if (model3.RH == "3")
                                list.Add(new ListValue
                                    strMark = "$rh",
                                    strVal  = "不详"

                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xt",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.FPGL)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ggb",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.SGPT)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ggc",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.GOT)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$gdb",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.BP)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$gdh",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.TBIL)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$gjh",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.CB)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$sxq",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.SCR)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$sxn",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.BUN)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#ydfm",
                        strVal  = model3.VaginalSecretions
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ydqt",
                        strVal  = model3.VaginalSecretionSothers
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#ydqj",
                        strVal  = model3.VaginalCleaess
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ygby",
                        strVal  = model3.HBSAG
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xtt",
                        strVal  = model3.HBSAB
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ygey",
                        strVal  = model3.HBEAG
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xet",
                        strVal  = model3.HBEAB
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$yght",
                        strVal  = model3.HBCAB
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#mdxq",
                        strVal  = model3.LUES
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#hiv",
                        strVal  = model3.HIV
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$bc",
                        strVal  = model3.BCHAO
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$fzqt",
                        strVal  = model3.AssistOther
                list.Add(new ListValue
                    strMark = "&qm",
                    strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}.png", SignPath, model.IDCardNo, "PrenatalS_1")
                list.Add(new ListValue
                    strMark = "&sfys",
                    strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}_Doc.png", SignPath, model.IDCardNo, "PrenatalS_1")
                return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\15第一次产前随访服务记录表.xps", list));
Beispiel #25
 public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
         RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
         List <ListValue>     list  = new List <ListValue>
             new ListValue
                 strMark = "$idcard",
                 strVal  = model.IDCardNo
             new ListValue
                 strMark = "$name",
                 strVal  = model.CustomerName
             new ListValue
                 strMark = "$adress",
                 strVal  = model.Address
         string strsex = "";
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Sex))
             if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "1")
                 strsex = "男";
             if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "2")
                 strsex = "女";
             if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "0")
                 strsex = "未知";
             if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "9")
                 strsex = "未说明";
         list.Add(new ListValue
             strMark = "$sex",
             strVal  = strsex
         ReceiveTreatBaseInfoModel receivemodel = new ReceiveTreatBaseInfoBLL().GetMaxModel(this.CardID);
         if (receivemodel != null)
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "%zgzl",
                 strVal  = receivemodel.SubjectiveData
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "%pinggu",
                 strVal  = receivemodel.Assessment
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "%kgzl",
                 strVal  = receivemodel.ObjectiveData
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "%czjh",
                 strVal  = receivemodel.ManagePlane
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$Doctname",
                 strVal  = receivemodel.Doctor
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$jiezhenDate",
                 strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(receivemodel.ReceiveDate, 1)
         return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\30接诊记录表.xps", list));
Beispiel #26
        public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
                RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
                List <ListValue>     list  = new List <ListValue>
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$archiveid",
                        strVal  = model.RecordID
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$name",
                        strVal  = model.CustomerName
                KidsTcmhmOneModel modelOne = this.getModel("3");
                if (modelOne != null)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$1sfrq",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(modelOne.FollowupDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$1xcsf",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(modelOne.NextFollowDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$1qt",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToStr(modelOne.TcmhmOther)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "&1sfys",
                        strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_Mec6_Doc.png", SignPath, this.CardID)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "&1jz",
                        strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_Mec6.png", SignPath, this.CardID)
                    list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(modelOne.Tcmhm, "1glfw", 4));

                KidsTcmhmOneToThreeModel modelTwo1 = this.getTwoModel("1");
                if (modelTwo1 != null)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$2sfrq",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(modelTwo1.FollowupDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$2xcsf",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(modelTwo1.NextFollowupDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$2qt",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToStr(modelTwo1.TcmhmOther)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "&2sfys",
                        strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_Mec12_Doc.png", SignPath, this.CardID)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "&2jz",
                        strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_Mec12.png", SignPath, this.CardID)
                    list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(modelTwo1.Tcmhm, "2glfw", 4));
                KidsTcmhmOneToThreeModel modelTwo2 = this.getTwoModel("2");
                if (modelTwo2 != null)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$3sfrq",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(modelTwo2.FollowupDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$3xcsf",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(modelTwo2.NextFollowupDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$3qt",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToStr(modelTwo2.TcmhmOther)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "&3sfys",
                        strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_Mec18_Doc.png", SignPath, this.CardID)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "&3jz",
                        strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_Mec18.png", SignPath, this.CardID)
                    list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(modelTwo2.Tcmhm, "3glfw", 4));

                //for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                //    List<ListValue> list2 = this.getList(i.ToString());
                //    if (list2 != null)
                //    {
                //        list.AddRange(list2);
                //    }
                //return DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\21一岁以内儿童中医药健康管理.xps", list);
                return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\6-18月龄儿童中医药健康管理服务记录表.xps", list));
        public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
                RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
                string strsex = "";
                if (model.Sex != null)
                    if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "1")
                        strsex = "男";
                    if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "2")
                        strsex = "女";
                    if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "0")
                        strsex = "未知";
                    if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "9")
                        strsex = "未说明";
                List <ListValue> dicVal = new List <ListValue>
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$dahnum",
                        strVal  = model.RecordID
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xunum",
                        strVal  = ""
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$name",
                        strVal  = model.CustomerName
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$IdCardNo",
                        strVal  = model.IDCardNo
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$sex",
                        strVal  = strsex
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$address",
                        strVal  = model.Address
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$huji",
                        strVal  = model.HouseHoldAddress
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$lianxi",
                        strVal  = model.Phone
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$jdrq",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model.CreateDate)
                string strUnit  = "";
                string orgcode  = ConfigHelper.GetNode("orgCode");
                string TownCode = (orgcode.Length < 9) ? "" : orgcode.Substring(0, 9);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TownCode))
                    SysOrgTownModel TownModel = new SysOrgTownBLL().GetModel(TownCode);
                    strUnit = TownModel.Name;
                dicVal.Add(new ListValue
                    strMark = "$jddw",
                    strVal  = strUnit
                RecordsCustomerBaseInfoModel model2 = new RecordsCustomerBaseInfoBLL().GetMaxModel(this.CardID);
                if (model2 != null)
                    dicVal.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tjrq",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.CheckDate, 1)
                string path = PhotoPath + this.CardID + ".jpeg";

                if (area.Equals("菏泽"))
                    string path2 = PhotosPath + "Base//" + model.IDCardNo + ".jpg";
                    if (File.Exists(path2))
                        path = path2;
                dicVal.Add(new ListValue
                    strMark = "&photo",
                    strVal  = path
                return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\" + PrintName, dicVal));
 public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
         RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
         List <ListValue>     list  = new List <ListValue>
             new ListValue
                 strMark = "$archiveid",
                 strVal  = model.RecordID
             new ListValue
                 strMark = "$name",
                 strVal  = model.CustomerName
         WomenGravidaPostpartumModel model2 = new WomenGravidaPostpartumDAL().GetModel(this.CardID);
         if (model2 != null)
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$sfrq",
                 strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.FollowupDate)
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$tw",
                 strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Tem, 1)
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "%ybjk",
                 strVal  = model2.HealthCondition
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "%ybxl",
                 strVal  = model2.Mentalcondition
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$xgy",
                 strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.HBbloodPressure, 0)
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$xdy",
                 strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.LBloodPressure, 0)
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "#rf",
                 strVal  = model2.Breast
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$rfyc",
                 strVal  = model2.BreastEx
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "#el",
                 strVal  = model2.Lochia
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$elyc",
                 strVal  = model2.LochiaEx
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "#zg",
                 strVal  = model2.Uterus
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$zgyc",
                 strVal  = model2.UterusEx
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "#sk",
                 strVal  = model2.Wound
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$skyc",
                 strVal  = model2.WoundEx
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "%qt",
                 strVal  = model2.Other
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "#fl",
                 strVal  = model2.Classification
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$flyc",
                 strVal  = model2.ClassificationEx
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "#zd",
                 strVal  = model2.Advising
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$zdqt",
                 strVal  = model2.AdvisingOther
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "#zz",
                 strVal  = model2.Referral
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$zzyy",
                 strVal  = model2.ReferralReason
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$zzjg",
                 strVal  = model2.ReferralOrg
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$xcsfrq",
                 strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.NextFollowupDate)
             //list.Add(new ListValue
             //    strMark = "$sfysqm",
             //    strVal = model2.FollowupDoctor
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$fmrq",
                 strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.DeliveryDate)
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$cyrq",
                 strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.LeaveHospitalDate)
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$zzlxr",
                 strVal  = model2.ReferralContacts
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "$zzlxfs",
                 strVal  = model2.ReferralContactsTel
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "#zzjg",
                 strVal  = model2.ReferralResult
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "&qm",
                 strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, "PostpartumS")
             list.Add(new ListValue
                 strMark = "&sfysqm",
                 strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}_Doc.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, "PostpartumS")
         return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\17产后访视记录表.xps", list));
Beispiel #29
        public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
                RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
                string     strage = "", strsex = "";
                TimeParser timeParser = new TimeParser();
                strage = timeParser.GetAge(model.Birthday);

                if (model.Sex != null)
                    if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "1")
                        strsex = "男";
                    if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "2")
                        strsex = "女";
                    if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "0")
                        strsex = "未知";
                    if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "9")
                        strsex = "未说明";
                List <ListValue> list = new List <ListValue>
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$archiveid",
                        strVal  = model.RecordID
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$age",
                        strVal  = strage
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$sex",
                        strVal  = strsex
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$name",
                        strVal  = model.CustomerName
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$phone",
                        strVal  = model.Phone
                OlderSelfCareabilityModel olderself = new OlderSelfCareabilityBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
                if (olderself != null)
                    this.OutKey = olderself.ID;
                    OlderMedicineCnModel model2 = new OlderMedicineCnBLL().GetModel(this.CardID, this.OutKey);

                    if (model2 != null)
                        if (community.Equals("顾官屯卫生院"))
                            if (File.Exists(SignPath + "Year//" + Convert.ToDateTime(model2.RecordDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "//" + "_Doctor24.png"))
                                list.Add(new ListValue
                                    strMark = "&ysqm",
                                    strVal  = SignPath + "Year//" + Convert.ToDateTime(model2.RecordDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "//" + "_Doctor24.png"
                                list.Add(new ListValue
                                    strMark = "&ysqm",
                                    strVal  = SignPath + "Year//" + "_Doctor24.png"
                            string a = FingerPath + model2.IDCardNo + Convert.ToDateTime(model2.RecordDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_Finger.png";
                            if (File.Exists(a))
                                list.Add(new ListValue
                                    strMark = "&zw",
                                    strVal  = a
                            if (File.Exists(SignPath + "OldVisit//" + model2.IDCardNo + "_" + Convert.ToDateTime(model2.RecordDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_Asses.png"))
                                list.Add(new ListValue
                                    strMark = "&ysqm",
                                    strVal  = SignPath + "OldVisit//" + model2.IDCardNo + "_" + Convert.ToDateTime(model2.RecordDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_Asses.png"
                                list.Add(new ListValue
                                    strMark = "&ysqm",
                                    strVal  = SignPath + "Year//" + "_Doctor18.png"
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$ysqm",
                            strVal  = olderself.FollowUpDoctor
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$tbrq",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.RecordDate, 1)
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Coolfood), "pcl", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Defecate), "dbnz", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Defecatedry), "dbgz", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Tongue), "sthn", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Vein), "sxjm", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Energy), "jlcp", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Tired), "rypf", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Breath), "ryqd", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Voice), "shwl", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Emotion), "mmbl", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Spirit), "jsjz", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Alone), "shsl", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Fear), "gdhp", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Weight), "stcz", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Eye), "yjgs", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Abdomen), "fbfd", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Smell), "kkyw", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Thirsty), "kgyz", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.FootHand), "sjfl", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Spot), "msha", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Greasy), "mbyn", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Arms), "ztmm", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Mouth), "pfg", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Scratch), "pfh", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Skin), "qy", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Urticaria), "xmz", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Allergy), "gm", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Snore), "knkn", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Nasal), "bs", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Influenza), "yhgm", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Cold), "bnyh", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Stomach), "wbpl", 5));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.Eczema), "pfsz", 5));
                    OlderMedicineResultModel model3 = new OlderMedicineResultBLL().GetModel(this.CardID, this.OutKey);
                    if (model3 != null)
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.Mild, "tph", 2));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.Faint, "tqx", 3));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.Yang, "tyxa", 3));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.Yin, "tyy", 3));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.PhlegmDamp, "tts", 3));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.Muggy, "tsr", 3));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.BloodStasis, "txy", 3));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.QiConstraint, "tqy", 3));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.Characteristic, "ttl", 3));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.MildAdvising, "tphzd", 6));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.FaintAdvising, "tqxzd", 6));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.YangAdvising, "tyxzd", 6));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.YinAdvising, "tyyzd", 6));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.PhlegmdampAdvising, "ttszd", 6));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.MuggyAdvising, "tsrzd", 6));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.BloodStasisAdvising, "txyzd", 6));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.QiconstraintAdvising, "tqyzd", 6));
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(model3.CharacteristicAdvising, "ttlzd", 6));
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$tphdf",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.MildScore)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$tqxdf",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.FaintScore)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$tyxdf",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.YangsCore)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$tyydf",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.YinScore)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$ttsdf",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.PhlegmdampScore)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$tsrdf",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.MuggyScore)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$txydf",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.BloodStasisScore)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$tqydf",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.QiConstraintScore)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$ttldf",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.CharacteristicScore)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "%tphqt",
                            strVal  = model3.MildAdvisingEx
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "%tqxqt",
                            strVal  = model3.FaintAdvisingEx
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "%tyxqt",
                            strVal  = model3.YangadvisingEx
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "%tyyqt",
                            strVal  = model3.YinAdvisingEx
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "%ttsqt",
                            strVal  = model3.PhlegmdampAdvisingEx
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "%tsrqt",
                            strVal  = model3.MuggyAdvisingEx
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "%txyqt",
                            strVal  = model3.BloodStasisAdvisingEx
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "%tqyqt",
                            strVal  = model3.QiconstraintAdvisingEx
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "%ttlqt",
                            strVal  = model3.CharacteristicAdvisingEx
                return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\" + this.PrintName, list));
Beispiel #30
        public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
            List <ListValue> list = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
                RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
                list = new List <ListValue>
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$archiveid",
                        strVal  = model.RecordID
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$name",
                        strVal  = model.CustomerName
                int Year = DateTime.Now.Year;

                string strWhere = string.Format("IDCardNo='{0}'order by VisitDate desc limit 0,4 ", this.CardID);
                List <ChronicDiadetesVisitModel> model1 = new ChronicDiadetesVisitBLL().GetModelList(strWhere);
                int count = model1.Count;
                foreach (ChronicDiadetesVisitModel model2 in model1)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zsx" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.StapleFooddailygTarget)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$sfrq" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.VisitDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xcsfsj" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.NextVisitDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#zz" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.Symptom
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "%zzqt" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.SymptomOther
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xgy" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Hypertension)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xdy" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Hypotension)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tz" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Weight)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tzzs" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.BMI)

                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#tzzs" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(model2.DorsalisPedispulse))

                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tzqt" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.PhysicalSymptomMother
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$rxy" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.DailySmokeNum, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ryj" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.DailyDrinkNum, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ydz" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.SportTimePerWeek, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ydc" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.SportPerMinuteTime, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zs" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.StapleFooddailyg)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#xltz" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.PsychoAdjustment
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#zyxw" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.ObeyDoctorBehavior
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$kfxt" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.FPG)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$xh" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.HbAlc)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$fzrq" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.ExamDate)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "%fzjcqt" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.AssistantExam
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#fyyc" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.MedicationCompliance
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#blfy" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.Adr
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$fyqt" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.AdrEx
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#dxtfy" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.HypoglyceMiarreAction
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#sffl" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.VisitType
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ydzl" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.InsulinType
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ydyf" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.InsulinUsage
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#sffs" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.VisitWay
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zzyy" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.ReferralReason
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zzjg" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.ReferralOrg
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tzx" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.TargetWeight)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tzzsx" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.BMITarget)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$rxyx" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.DailySmokeNumTarget, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ryjx" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.DailyDrinkNumTarget, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ydzx" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.SportTimePerWeekTarget, 0)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ydcx" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.SportPerMinuteTimeTarget, 0)
                    if ((int)model2.DorsalisPedispulse.Value == 2)
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.DorsalisPedispulseType), "jr" + count.ToString(), 3));
                    else if ((int)model2.DorsalisPedispulse.Value == 3)
                        list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.DorsalisPedispulseType), "xs" + count.ToString(), 3));
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#xbcs" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.NextMeasures
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zzlx" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.ReferralContacts
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "#zzjg" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.ReferralResult
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$bz" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.Remarks
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ydtzzl" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.InsulinAdjustType
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$ydtzyf" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.InsulinAdjustUsage
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$qm" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model.CustomerName
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$sfys" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = model2.VisitDoctor

                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "&qm" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model2.VisitDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd"))
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "&sfys" + count.ToString(),
                        strVal  = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}_Doc.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model2.VisitDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd"))
                    List <ChronicDrugConditionModel> modelList = new ChronicDrugConditionBLL().GetModelList(string.Format(" IDCardNo = '{0}' and TYPE = '{1}' and OUTKey = '" + model2.ID + "' ", this.CardID, "2"));
                    if (modelList != null && modelList.Count > 0)
                        list.AddRange(this.getDrug(modelList, count, 0).ToArray());
                    List <ChronicDrugConditionModel> modelListTZ = new ChronicDrugConditionBLL().GetModelList(string.Format(" IDCardNo = '{0}' and TYPE = '{1}' and OUTKey ='" + model2.ID + "' ", this.CardID, "8"));//用药调整类型为8
                    if (modelListTZ != null && modelListTZ.Count > 0)
                        list.AddRange(this.getDrug(modelListTZ, count, 3).ToArray());
            return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\" + this.PrintName, list));