Beispiel #1
         * Constructs this record from the raw data
         * @param t the type
         * @param r the record
        public MarginRecord(Type t, Record r)
            : base(t)
            byte[] data = r.getData();

            margin = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 0);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary> Constructs this object from the raw data.  Creates either a
        /// NumberFormulaRecord or a StringFormulaRecord depending on whether
        /// this formula represents a numerical calculation or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">the raw data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="excelFile">the excel file
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="fr">the formatting records
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="es">the workbook, which contains the external sheet references
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nt">the name table
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="si">the sheet
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ws">the workbook settings
        /// </param>
        public FormulaRecord(Record t, File excelFile, FormattingRecords fr, ExternalSheet es, WorkbookMethods nt, SheetImpl si, WorkbookSettings ws) : base(t, fr, si)
            sbyte[] data = getRecord().Data;

            shared = false;

            // Check to see if this forms part of a shared formula
            int grbit = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[14], data[15]);

            if ((grbit & 0x08) != 0)
                shared = true;

                if (data[6] == 0 && data[12] == -1 && data[13] == -1)
                    // It is a shared string formula
                    formula = new SharedStringFormulaRecord(t, excelFile, fr, es, nt, si, ws);
                    // It is a numerical formula
                    double Value = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 6);
                    formula = new SharedNumberFormulaRecord(t, excelFile, Value, fr, es, nt, si);


            // microsoft and their goddam magic values determine whether this
            // is a string or a number value
            if (data[6] == 0 && data[12] == -1 && data[13] == -1)
                // we have a string
                formula = new StringFormulaRecord(t, excelFile, fr, es, nt, si, ws);
            else if (data[6] == 1 && data[12] == -1 && data[13] == -1)
                // We have a boolean formula
                // multiple values.  Thanks to Frank for spotting this
                formula = new BooleanFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
            else if (data[6] == 2 && data[12] == -1 && data[13] == -1)
                // The cell is in error
                formula = new ErrorFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
                // it is most assuredly a number
                formula = new NumberFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary> Constructs this object from the raw data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">the raw data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="fr">the available formats
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="si">the sheet
        /// </param>
        public NumberRecord(Record t, FormattingRecords fr, SheetImpl si) : base(t, fr, si)
            sbyte[] data = getRecord().Data;

            _Value = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 6);

            // Now get the number format
            format = fr.getNumberFormat(XFIndex);
            if (format == null)
                format = defaultFormat;
         * Constructs this object from the raw data
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param fr the formatting record
         * @param es the external sheet
         * @param nt the name table
         * @param si the sheet
        public NumberFormulaRecord(Record t, FormattingRecords fr,
                                   ExternalSheet es, WorkbookMethods nt,
                                   SheetImpl si)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            externalSheet = es;
            nameTable     = nt;
            data          = getRecord().getData();

            format = fr.getNumberFormat(getXFIndex());

            if (format == null)
                format = defaultFormat;

            value = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 6);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary> Constructor which creates this object from the binary data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">the record
        /// </param>
        internal SetupRecord(Record t) : base(NExcel.Biff.Type.SETUP)
            data = t.Data;

            paperSize   = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[0], data[1]);
            scaleFactor = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[2], data[3]);
            pageStart   = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[4], data[5]);
            fitWidth    = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[6], data[7]);
            fitHeight   = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[8], data[9]);
            horizontalPrintResolution = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[12], data[13]);
            verticalPrintResolution   = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[14], data[15]);
            copies = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[32], data[33]);

            headerMargin = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 16);
            footerMargin = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 24);

            int grbit = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[10], data[11]);

            portraitOrientation = ((grbit & 0x02) != 0);
Beispiel #6
         * Constructs this object from the raw data.  Creates either a
         * NumberFormulaRecord or a StringFormulaRecord depending on whether
         * this formula represents a numerical calculation or not
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param excelFile the excel file
         * @param fr the formatting records
         * @param es the workbook, which contains the external sheet references
         * @param nt the name table
         * @param si the sheet
         * @param ws the workbook settings
        public FormulaRecord(Record t,
                             File excelFile,
                             FormattingRecords fr,
                             ExternalSheet es,
                             WorkbookMethods nt,
                             SheetImpl si,
                             WorkbookSettings ws)
            : base(t, fr, si)
            byte[] data = getRecord().getData();

            shared = false;

            // Check to see if this forms part of a shared formula
            int grbit = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[14], data[15]);

            if ((grbit & 0x08) != 0)
                shared = true;

                if (data[6] == 0 && data[12] == 0xff && data[13] == 0xff)
                    // It is a shared string formula
                    formula = new SharedStringFormulaRecord(t, excelFile, fr, es, nt, si, ws);
                else if (data[6] == 3 && data[12] == 0xff && data[13] == 0xff)
                    // We have a string which evaluates to null
                    formula = new SharedStringFormulaRecord(t, excelFile, fr, es, nt, si, SharedStringFormulaRecord.EMPTY_STRING);
                else if (data[6] == 2 &&
                         data[12] == 0xff &&
                         data[13] == 0xff)
                    // The cell is in error
                    int errorCode = data[8];
                    formula = new SharedErrorFormulaRecord(t, excelFile, errorCode,
                                                           fr, es, nt, si);
                else if (data[6] == 1 &&
                         data[12] == 0xff &&
                         data[13] == 0xff)
                    bool value = data[8] == 1 ? true : false;
                    formula = new SharedBooleanFormulaRecord
                                  (t, excelFile, value, fr, es, nt, si);
                    // It is a numerical formula
                    double value = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 6);
                    SharedNumberFormulaRecord snfr = new SharedNumberFormulaRecord
                                                         (t, excelFile, value, fr, es, nt, si);
                    formula = snfr;


            // microsoft and their goddam magic values determine whether this
            // is a string or a number value
            if (data[6] == 0 && data[12] == 0xff && data[13] == 0xff)
                // we have a string
                formula = new StringFormulaRecord(t, excelFile, fr, es, nt, si, ws);
            else if (data[6] == 1 &&
                     data[12] == 0xff &&
                     data[13] == 0xff)
                // We have a bool formula
                // multiple values.  Thanks to Frank for spotting this
                formula = new BooleanFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
            else if (data[6] == 2 &&
                     data[12] == 0xff &&
                     data[13] == 0xff)
                // The cell is in error
                formula = new ErrorFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
            else if (data[6] == 3 && data[12] == 0xff && data[13] == 0xff)
                // we have a string which evaluates to null
                formula = new StringFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
                // it is most assuredly a number
                formula = new NumberFormulaRecord(t, fr, es, nt, si);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary> Reads the ptg data from the array starting at the specified position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">the RPN array
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pos">the current position in the array, excluding the ptg identifier
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> the number of bytes read
        /// </returns>
        public override int read(sbyte[] data, int pos)
            Value = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, pos);

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary> Constructs this record from the raw data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">the type
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="r">the record
        /// </param>
        protected internal MarginRecord(NExcel.Biff.Type t, Record r) : base(t)
            sbyte[] data = r.Data;

            margin = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 0);