/// <summary>
        /// Called by Simulator after parse.
        /// Initializes here time-dependant but not state dependent variables.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulationDates">
        /// The dates at which the process realizations will be requested.
        /// </param>
        public void Setup(double[] simulationDates)
                if (File.Exists(this.FilePath))
                    // Store the lines of the file.
                    string[] fileLines = File.ReadAllLines(this.FilePath)
                                         .Where(s => s != string.Empty)

                    List <string> tmpList = new List <string>(fileLines);
                    tmpList.Sort((s1, s2) =>
                        string d1String = s1.Split(HistoricalSimulator.elementSeparators)[0];
                        DateTime d1     = DateTime.Parse(d1String);
                        string d2String = s2.Split(HistoricalSimulator.elementSeparators)[0];
                        DateTime d2     = DateTime.Parse(d2String);

                    fileLines = tmpList.ToArray();

                    // Use the file lines in order to get the file content.
                    this.fileContent = new List <Tuple <DateTime, Vector> >();
                    for (int i = 0; i < fileLines.Length; i++)
                        string[] lineTokens = fileLines[i].Split(HistoricalSimulator.elementSeparators);
                        DateTime date       = DateTime.Parse(lineTokens[0]);
                        double[] data       = new double[lineTokens.Length - 1];
                        for (int j = 0; j < data.Length; j++)
                            data[j] = DoubleHelper.FromString(lineTokens[j + 1]);

                        this.fileContent.Add(new Tuple <DateTime, Vector>(date, new Vector(data)));

                    // Calculate the entry point in the file (the index of the starting line).
                    DateTime nearestDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.fileContent.Count; i++)
                        DateTime date = this.fileContent[i].Item1;
                        if (i == 0)
                            nearestDate = date;
                            nearestDate = NearestDate(StartDate, nearestDate, date);

                        if (nearestDate == date)
                            this.startIndex = i;

                    // Calculate the list of dates in the file.
                    List <DateTime> dateList = new List <DateTime>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.fileContent.Count; i++)
                        DateTime date = this.fileContent[i].Item1;

                    // Calculate for each date the line of the file to use in order the get the
                    // values. Gets the nearest date between each simulation date and the dates
                    // present in the file (if the date is before the entry point use the entry
                    // point instead).
                    this.simulationDateIndexes = new Dictionary <double, int>();
                    foreach (double doubleDate in simulationDates)
                        DateTime date           = Document.ActiveDocument.DefaultProject.GetDate(doubleDate);
                        TimeSpan dateDifference = date - Document.ActiveDocument.SimulationStartDate;
                        int      dateIndex      = NearestDateIndex(StartDate + dateDifference, dateList.ToArray());
                        this.simulationDateIndexes.Add(doubleDate, Math.Max(dateIndex, this.startIndex));
                    this.fileContent = null;
                this.fileContent = null;

            // After reading the input, do the other initializations, if needed.
            if (OperatingMode == OperatingMode.Bootstrap)
                this.bootstrap = new Bootstrap(this.fileContent);