Beispiel #1
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     currentHealth = maxHealth;
     dissolve      = GetComponent <Dissolve>();
     gun           = FindObjectOfType <FireGun>().gameObject;
Beispiel #2
 private void OnEnable()
     EventManager.onGameEvent += OnGameEvent;
     fallTime = 0f;
     dissolve = GetComponent <Dissolve>();
     wasHit   = false;
Beispiel #3
 private void Start()
     rb            = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     lr            = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
     _myDissolve   = GetComponent <Dissolve>();
     _baseDissolve = _base.GetComponent <Dissolve>();
Beispiel #4
 private void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Ghost"))
         Dissolve ghost = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Dissolve>();
         GhostProximity proximity = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <GhostProximity>();
         proximity.isGhostDead = true;
 public void AddScoredObject(GameObject aScoredObject)
     if (myScoredObjects.Count >= myMaxScoredObjects)
         Dissolve dissolve = myScoredObjects[0].GetComponent <Dissolve>();
         if (dissolve != null)
Beispiel #6
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    private void Start()
        bc             = GetComponent <BlockCollision>();
        bm             = GetComponent <BlockMovement>();
        spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        spriteColor    = spriteRenderer.color;

        dissolve      = GetComponent <Dissolve>();
        arrowDissolve = arrowTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <Dissolve>();

        obstacleChildRenderer = spike.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        obstacleChildCollider = spike.GetComponent <Collider2D>();
        collider = GetComponent <Collider2D>();
        private bool DissolveFeatures(IFeatureClass inFC, string outName, string fieldName)
            bool didDissolve = true;

            mLog.Debug("inside Dissolve Features");
            Dissolve d = new Dissolve();

            d.in_features       = inFC;
            d.out_feature_class = outName;
            d.dissolve_field    = fieldName as object;
            d.multi_part        = "SINGLE_PART";
            didDissolve         = RunProcess(d, null);
            mLog.Debug("didDissolve = " + didDissolve.ToString());
Beispiel #8
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        enemyCount += 1;

        particle = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
        sprite   = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        coll     = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
        dissolve = GetComponent <Dissolve>();

        gun.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0);
        if (isFlipped)
Beispiel #9
    void Start()
        target         = GameObject.Find("Player");
        guardAnimation = GetComponent <Animator>();
        rb2d           = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        dissolveMat    = GetComponent <Dissolve>();

        if (transform.localScale.x < 0)
            limit = -limit;
        speed = ConfigManager.appConfig.GetInt("guardSpeed");
        if (speed == 0)
            speed = 9;
Beispiel #10
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        highlightScript = gameObject.GetComponent <InteractableHighlight>();
        dissolveScript  = gameObject.GetComponent <Dissolve>();

        foreach (Transform shard in transform)
            MeshRenderer shardRenderer = shard.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            // Destroy(shardRenderer);
            shard.gameObject.AddComponent <Dissolve>();

            Dissolve shardDissolve = shard.gameObject.GetComponent <Dissolve>();
            shardDissolve.dissolveMat = this.dissolveMat;
            shardDissolve.mainTex     = this.mainTex;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Aggregates features based on specified attributes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">The filter.</param>
        /// <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param>
        /// <param name="workspace">The workspace.</param>
        /// <param name="dissolveFields">The field or fields on which to aggregate features.</param>
        /// <param name="statisticFields">The fields and statistics with which to summarize attributes.</param>
        /// <param name="multiPart">if set to <c>true</c> when multipart features are allowed.</param>
        /// <param name="unsplitLines">
        ///     if set to <c>false</c> the lines are dissolved into a single feature. When UNSPLIT_LINES is
        ///     specified, only two lines that have a common endpoint (known as pseudonode) are merged into one continuous line.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel">The track cancel.</param>
        /// <param name="eventHandler">The event handler.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a <see cref="IFeatureClass" /> representing the feature class that contains the aggregated features.</returns>
        public static IFeatureClass Dissolve(this IFeatureClass source, IQueryFilter filter, string tableName, IWorkspace workspace, string[] dissolveFields, List <KeyValuePair <string, StatisticType> > statisticFields, bool multiPart, bool unsplitLines, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGeoProcessorEvents eventHandler)
            object input = source;

            if (filter != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.WhereClause))
                var name = string.Format("{0}_V", ((IDataset)source).Name);
                input = source.MakeView(name, filter, null, trackCancel, eventHandler);

            Dissolve gp = new Dissolve();

            gp.in_features       = input;
            gp.out_feature_class = workspace.GetAbsolutePath(tableName);

            gp.dissolve_field = string.Join("; ", dissolveFields);

            if (statisticFields != null)
                string        x  = null;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var kvp in statisticFields)
                    sb.AppendFormat("{0} {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                    x = ";";

                gp.statistics_fields = sb.ToString().ToUpperInvariant();

            gp.multi_part    = multiPart ? "MULTI_PART" : "SINGLE_PART";
            gp.unsplit_lines = unsplitLines ? "UNSPLIT_LINES" : "DISSOLVE_LINES";

            if (gp.Run(trackCancel, eventHandler) == esriJobStatus.esriJobSucceeded)

Beispiel #12
        private void DissolveFeatures(string layerName, string outName, string fieldName)
            int      numTrys = 0;
            Dissolve d       = new Dissolve();

            d.in_features       = layerName;
            d.out_feature_class = outName;
            d.dissolve_field    = fieldName as object;
            d.multi_part        = "SINGLE_PART";
            while (numTrys <= 10)
                if (numTrys == 10)
                    //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Tried dissolve 10 times and failed");
                    //Infinite loop
                    if (RunProcess(d, null))
                        mLog.Debug("Passed dissolve features after " + (numTrys + 1).ToString() + " trys");
                        numTrys = 999;
                        mLog.Debug("****************************Failed dissolve " + numTrys + " times");
                        mLog.Debug("Attempting repair geometry");
                        RepairGeometry r = new RepairGeometry();
                        r.in_features = layerName;
                        RunProcess(r, null);
                        mLog.Debug("Reseting geoprocessor");
                        myProcessor = null;
                        myProcessor = new Geoprocessor();
Beispiel #13
        private Dissolve GetDissolve(string str)
            var    strs = str.Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            double val;
            var    ok = double.TryParse(strs[strs.Length - 1], out val);

            if (!ok)
            if (val == 0)
                val = 1.0f;
            var d = new Dissolve {
                Factor = val

            if (strs[0] == "-halo")
                d.Halo = true;
        public void Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel trackcancel,
                            IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages messages)
            // Remember the original GP environment settings and temporarily override these settings

            var gpSettings = envMgr as IGeoProcessorSettings;
            bool origAddOutputsToMapSetting = gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap;
            bool origLogHistorySetting = gpSettings.LogHistory;
            gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap = false;
            gpSettings.LogHistory = false;

            // Create the Geoprocessor

            Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor();

                // Validate our values

                IGPMessages validateMessages = ((IGPFunction2)this).Validate(paramvalues, false, envMgr);
                if ((validateMessages as IGPMessage).IsError())
                    messages.AddError(1, "Validate failed");

                // Unpack values

                IGPParameter gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputMtdDSTTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputMtdDSTTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputMtdCntryRefTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputMtdCntryRefTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputMtdAreaTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputMtdAreaTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputAdminBndyFeatureClasses) as IGPParameter;
                var inputAdminBndyFeatureClassesMultiValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam) as IGPMultiValue;
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(OutputFileGDB) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue outputFileGDBValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputStreetsFeatureClass) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputStreetsFeatureClassValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);

                bool processStreetsFC = (!(inputStreetsFeatureClassValue.IsEmpty()));
                string timeZoneIDBaseFieldName = "";
                if (!(inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.IsEmpty()))
                    timeZoneIDBaseFieldName = inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.GetAsText();

                // Get the path to the output file GDB

                string outputFileGdbPath = outputFileGDBValue.GetAsText();

                // Create the new file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Creating the file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                int lastBackslash = outputFileGdbPath.LastIndexOf("\\");
                CreateFileGDB createFGDBTool = new CreateFileGDB();
                createFGDBTool.out_folder_path = outputFileGdbPath.Remove(lastBackslash);
                createFGDBTool.out_name = outputFileGdbPath.Substring(lastBackslash + 1);
                gp.Execute(createFGDBTool, trackcancel);

                // Copy the MtdDST table to the file geodatabase and add the ADMIN_LVL and AREACODE fields to it

                AddMessage("Copying the MtdDST table to the file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                TableToTable importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                string inputMtdDSTTablePath = inputMtdDSTTableValue.GetAsText();
                importTableTool.in_rows = inputMtdDSTTablePath;
                importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                importTableTool.out_name = "MtdDST";
                importTableTool.field_mapping = "AREA_ID \"AREA_ID\" true true false 4 Long 0 0 ,First,#," + inputMtdDSTTablePath + ",AREA_ID,-1,-1;" +
                                                "TIME_ZONE \"TIME_ZONE\" true true false 4 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + inputMtdDSTTablePath + ",TIME_ZONE,-1,-1;" +
                                                "DST_EXIST \"DST_EXIST\" true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + inputMtdDSTTablePath + ",DST_EXIST,-1,-1";
                gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                string mtdDSTTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\MtdDST";

                AddField addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdDSTTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "ADMIN_LVL";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdDSTTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "AREACODE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 76;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Copy the MtdArea table to the file geodatabase and index the AREA_ID field

                AddMessage("Copying the MtdArea table to the file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                importTableTool.in_rows = inputMtdAreaTableValue.GetAsText();
                importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                importTableTool.out_name = "MtdArea";
                gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                string mtdAreaTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\MtdArea";

                AddIndex addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "AREA_ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "AREA_ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Calculate the ADMIN_LVL and AREACODE fields on the MtdDST table

                MakeTableView makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                makeTableViewTool.in_table = mtdDSTTablePath;
                makeTableViewTool.out_view = "MtdDST_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                AddJoin addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdDST_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "AREA_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "AREA_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the ADMIN_LVL field...", messages, trackcancel);

                CalculateField calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdDST_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "MtdDST.ADMIN_LVL";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[MtdArea.ADMIN_LVL]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the AREACODE field...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdDST_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "MtdDST.AREACODE";
                calcFieldTool.code_block = "lvl = [MtdArea.ADMIN_LVL]\n" +
                                           "s = CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_1])\n" +
                                           "If lvl >= 2 Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_2])\n" +
                                           "If lvl >= 3 Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_3])\n" +
                                           "If lvl >= 4 Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_4])\n" +
                                           "If lvl >= 5 Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_5])\n" +
                                           "If lvl >= 6 Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_6])\n" +
                                           "If lvl >= 7 Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_7])";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "s";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                RemoveJoin removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdDST_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdArea";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                Delete deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "MtdDST_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Create the MtdDST# tables by admin levels and index the AREACODE field

                TableSelect tableSelectTool = null;
                for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
                    string iAsString = Convert.ToString(i, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    AddMessage("Extracting level " + iAsString + " MtdDST rows...", messages, trackcancel);

                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = mtdDSTTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = mtdDSTTablePath + iAsString;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "ADMIN_LVL = " + iAsString;
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = mtdDSTTablePath + iAsString;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "AREACODE";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "AREACODE";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = mtdDSTTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Copy the MtdCntryRef table to the file geodatabase (use Statistics tool to remove duplicate rows)

                AddMessage("Copying the MtdCntryRef table to the file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                string inputMtdCntryRefTablePath = inputMtdCntryRefTableValue.GetAsText();
                string mtdCntryRefTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\MtdCntryRef";
                Statistics statsTool = new Statistics();
                statsTool.in_table = inputMtdCntryRefTablePath;
                statsTool.out_table = mtdCntryRefTablePath;
                statsTool.statistics_fields = "ISO_CODE COUNT";
                statsTool.case_field = "GOVT_CODE;ISO_CODE;DRIVING_SD;ADMINLEVEL";
                gp.Execute(statsTool, trackcancel);

                DeleteField deleteFieldTool = new DeleteField();
                deleteFieldTool.in_table = mtdCntryRefTablePath;
                deleteFieldTool.drop_field = "FREQUENCY;COUNT_ISO_CODE";
                gp.Execute(deleteFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Index the GOVT_CODE field

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = mtdCntryRefTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "GOVT_CODE";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "GOVT_CODE";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Extract the top level (country) records from the MtdArea table and index the AREACODE_1 field

                AddMessage("Extracting the top-level rows from the MtdArea table...", messages, trackcancel);

                string mtdTopAreaTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\TopArea";

                tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.out_table = mtdTopAreaTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "AREACODE_2 = 0 AND AREA_TYPE = 'B'";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = mtdTopAreaTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "AREACODE_1";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "AREACODE_1";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the TOP_GOVT_CODE field on the MtdArea table

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "TOP_GOVT_CODE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "LONG";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                makeTableViewTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                makeTableViewTool.out_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "AREACODE_1";
                addJoinTool.join_table = mtdTopAreaTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "AREACODE_1";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the TOP_GOVT_CODE field...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdArea_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "MtdArea.TOP_GOVT_CODE";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[TopArea.GOVT_CODE]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "TopArea";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = mtdTopAreaTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the ISO_CODE and DRIVING_SD string fields

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "ISO_CODE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 3;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "DRIVING_SD";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 1;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "TOP_GOVT_CODE";
                addJoinTool.join_table = mtdCntryRefTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "GOVT_CODE";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the ISO_CODE field...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdArea_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "MtdArea.ISO_CODE";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[MtdCntryRef.ISO_CODE]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the DRIVING_SD field...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdArea_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "MtdArea.DRIVING_SD";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[MtdCntryRef.DRIVING_SD]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdCntryRef";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the FullAREACODE# string fields and the UTCOffset and DST fields

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                addFieldTool.field_name = "UTCOffset";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_name = "DST";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                string codeBlock = "lvl = [ADMIN_LVL]\ns = CStr([AREACODE_1])";
                for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
                    string iAsString = Convert.ToString(i, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    string iPlusOne = Convert.ToString(i+1, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    string fullAreaCodeFieldName = "FullAREACODE" + iAsString;
                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                    addFieldTool.field_name = fullAreaCodeFieldName;
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                    addFieldTool.field_length = 76;
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the FullAREACODE" + iAsString + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = fullAreaCodeFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = codeBlock;
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "s";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    codeBlock = codeBlock + "\nIf lvl >= " + iPlusOne + " Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([AREACODE_" + iPlusOne + "])";

                    string dstJoinTableName = "MtdDST" + iAsString;
                    string dstJoinTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + dstJoinTableName;

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = fullAreaCodeFieldName;
                    addJoinTool.join_table = dstJoinTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "AREACODE";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the UTCOffset field (" + iAsString + " of 7)...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdArea_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = "MtdArea.UTCOffset";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = [MtdArea.UTCOffset]\n" +
                                               "joinValue = [" + dstJoinTableName + ".TIME_ZONE]\n" +
                                               "If Not IsNull(joinValue) Then\n" +
                                               "  If Trim(joinValue) <> \"\" Then s = CInt(joinValue) * 6\n" +
                                               "End If";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "s";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the DST field (" + iAsString + " of 7)...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdArea_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = "MtdArea.DST";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = [MtdArea.DST]\n" +
                                               "joinValue = [" + dstJoinTableName + ".DST_EXIST]\n" +
                                               "If Not IsNull(joinValue) Then\n" +
                                               "  Select Case Trim(joinValue)\n" +
                                               "    Case \"Y\": s = 1\n    Case \"N\": s = 0\n" +
                                               "  End Select\n" +
                                               "End If";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "s";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = dstJoinTableName;
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = dstJoinTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "MtdArea_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the sortable MSTIMEZONE field on the MtdArea table

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 60;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                calcFieldTool.field = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeSortableMSTIMEZONECode("ISO_CODE");
                calcFieldTool.expression = "z";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Extract the MtdArea rows to be used for generating the time zone polygons and index the AREA_ID field

                string mtdAreaForTZPolysTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\MtdAreaForTZPolys";
                tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.out_table = mtdAreaForTZPolysTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = CreateWhereClauseForAdminLvlByCountry(outputFileGdbPath, "MtdCntryRef");
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = mtdAreaForTZPolysTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "AREA_ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "AREA_ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // We no longer need the MtdCntryRef table anymore

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = mtdCntryRefTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Merge the AdminBndy feature classes together into one feature class

                int numAdminBndyFCs = inputAdminBndyFeatureClassesMultiValue.Count;
                string mergeToolInputs = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < numAdminBndyFCs; i++)
                    mergeToolInputs = mergeToolInputs + inputAdminBndyFeatureClassesMultiValue.get_Value(i).GetAsText() + ";";
                mergeToolInputs = mergeToolInputs.Remove(mergeToolInputs.Length - 1);
                string adminBndyFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\AdminBndy";

                AddMessage("Merging the Administrative Boundary feature classes...", messages, trackcancel);

                Merge mergeTool = new Merge();
                mergeTool.inputs = mergeToolInputs;
                mergeTool.output = adminBndyFCPath;
                gp.Execute(mergeTool, trackcancel);

                // Join the AdminBndy polygons to the MtdArea rows to be used for generating the time zone polygons

                MakeFeatureLayer makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = adminBndyFCPath;
                makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "AdminBndy_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminBndy_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "AREA_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = mtdAreaForTZPolysTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "AREA_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                FeatureClassToFeatureClass importFCTool = new FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
                importFCTool.in_features = "AdminBndy_Layer";
                importFCTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                importFCTool.out_name = "UndissolvedTZPolys";
                importFCTool.field_mapping = "SortableMSTIMEZONE \"SortableMSTIMEZONE\" true true false 60 Text 0 0 ,First,#," +
                                             mtdAreaForTZPolysTablePath + ",MtdAreaForTZPolys.SortableMSTIMEZONE,-1,-1";
                gp.Execute(importFCTool, trackcancel);
                string undissolvedTZPolysFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\UndissolvedTZPolys";

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminBndy_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdAreaForTZPolys";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "AdminBndy_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = adminBndyFCPath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                deleteTool.in_data = mtdAreaForTZPolysTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Dissolve the time zone polygons together

                AddMessage("Dissolving the time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                string timeZoneFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + TimeZoneFCName;
                Dissolve dissolveTool = new Dissolve();
                dissolveTool.in_features = undissolvedTZPolysFCPath;
                dissolveTool.out_feature_class = timeZoneFCPath;
                dissolveTool.dissolve_field = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                dissolveTool.multi_part = "MULTI_PART";
                gp.Execute(dissolveTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = undissolvedTZPolysFCPath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the MSTIMEZONE field

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = timeZoneFCPath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "MSTIMEZONE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 50;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = timeZoneFCPath;
                calcFieldTool.field = "MSTIMEZONE";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "Mid([SortableMSTIMEZONE], 7)";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Delete the old sortable MSTIMEZONE field

                deleteFieldTool = new DeleteField();
                deleteFieldTool.in_table = timeZoneFCPath;
                deleteFieldTool.drop_field = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                gp.Execute(deleteFieldTool, trackcancel);

                if (processStreetsFC)
                    // Create the network dataset time zone table

                    AddMessage("Creating the time zones table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = timeZoneFCPath;
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = TimeZonesTableName;
                    importTableTool.field_mapping = "MSTIMEZONE \"MSTIMEZONE\" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#," +
                                                    timeZoneFCPath + ",MSTIMEZONE,-1,-1";
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                    // Separate the MtdArea table by driving side and index the AREA_ID field on each

                    AddMessage("Extracting rows for the left-side driving areas...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string drivingLTablePath = mtdAreaTablePath + "DrivingL";
                    string drivingRTablePath = mtdAreaTablePath + "DrivingR";

                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = drivingLTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "DRIVING_SD = 'L'";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = drivingLTablePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "AREA_ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "AREA_ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Extracting rows for the right-side driving areas...", messages, trackcancel);

                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = drivingRTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "DRIVING_SD = 'R'";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = drivingRTablePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "AREA_ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "AREA_ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    // Import the Streets feature class to the file geodatabase and
                    // add the FT_TimeZoneID and TF_TimeZoneID fields

                    AddMessage("Copying the Streets feature class to the geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importFCTool = new FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
                    importFCTool.in_features = inputStreetsFeatureClassValue.GetAsText();
                    importFCTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importFCTool.out_name = StreetsFCName;
                    gp.Execute(importFCTool, trackcancel);

                    string pathToStreetsFC = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + StreetsFCName;

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = pathToStreetsFC;
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Calculate the TimeZoneID fields

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = pathToStreetsFC;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "R_AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = drivingLTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " field for left driving side roads...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeTimeZoneIDCode(outputFileGdbPath, TimeZonesTableName, "MtdAreaDrivingL.SortableMSTIMEZONE");
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "tzID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdAreaDrivingL";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "L_AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = drivingRTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " field for right driving side roads...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeTimeZoneIDCode(outputFileGdbPath, TimeZonesTableName, "MtdAreaDrivingR.SortableMSTIMEZONE");
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "tzID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdAreaDrivingR";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "L_AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = drivingLTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " field for left driving side roads...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeTimeZoneIDCode(outputFileGdbPath, TimeZonesTableName, "MtdAreaDrivingL.SortableMSTIMEZONE");
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "tzID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdAreaDrivingL";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "R_AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = drivingRTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " field for right driving side roads...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeTimeZoneIDCode(outputFileGdbPath, TimeZonesTableName, "MtdAreaDrivingR.SortableMSTIMEZONE");
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "tzID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdAreaDrivingR";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = drivingLTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool.in_data = drivingRTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    // Create a dummy TimeZones table and a dummy Streets feature class

                    CreateTable createTableTool = new CreateTable();
                    createTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    createTableTool.out_name = TimeZonesTableName;
                    gp.Execute(createTableTool, trackcancel);

                    CreateFeatureclass createFCTool = new CreateFeatureclass();
                    createFCTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    createFCTool.out_name = StreetsFCName;
                    createFCTool.geometry_type = "POLYLINE";
                    gp.Execute(createFCTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = mtdAreaTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Compact the output file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Compacting the output file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                Compact compactTool = new Compact();
                compactTool.in_workspace = outputFileGdbPath;
                gp.Execute(compactTool, trackcancel);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (gp.MaxSeverity == 2)
                    object missing = System.Type.Missing;
                    messages.AddError(1, gp.GetMessages(ref missing));
                messages.AddError(1, e.Message);
                messages.AddError(1, e.StackTrace);
                // Restore the original GP environment settings

                gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap = origAddOutputsToMapSetting;
                gpSettings.LogHistory = origLogHistorySetting;
Beispiel #15
        private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor();

            gp.AddOutputsToMap = true;
            gp.OverwriteOutput = true;
            CreateThiessenPolygons ct = new CreateThiessenPolygons();
            ILayer        points      = GetLayerByName(map, "public_library_shp");
            IFeatureClass fc          = (points as IFeatureLayer2).FeatureClass;

            ct.in_features       = fc;
            ct.out_feature_class = output;
            ILayer    bounds      = GetLayerByName(map, "cty00_shp");
            IEnvelope envelope    = bounds.AreaOfInterest.Envelope;
            string    envelopestr = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}",
                                                  envelope.XMin, envelope.YMax, envelope.XMax, envelope.YMin);

            gp.SetEnvironmentValue("Extent", envelopestr);
            gp.Execute(ct, null);

            AddJoin joined = new AddJoin();

            joined.join_table        = population;
            joined.in_layer_or_view  = "trt00_shp";
            joined.in_field          = "STFID2";
            joined.join_field        = "GEO_ID";
            joined.out_layer_or_view = output + @"\joinedoutput";
            gp.Execute(joined, null);

            Intersect intersect = new Intersect();

            intersect.in_features       = "marketshare" + ";" + tracts;
            intersect.join_attributes   = "ALL";
            intersect.out_feature_class = output + @"\intersect";
            gp.Execute(intersect, null);

            AddField addedfield = new AddField();

            addedfield.in_table   = "intersect";
            addedfield.field_name = "field";
            addedfield.field_type = "FLOAT";
            gp.Execute(addedfield, null);

            AddJoin joined2 = new AddJoin();

            joined2.join_table        = population;
            joined2.in_layer_or_view  = "intersect";
            joined2.in_field          = "STFID2";
            joined2.join_field        = "GEO_ID";
            joined2.out_layer_or_view = output + @"\joinedoutput";
            gp.Execute(joined2, null);

            CalculateField calc = new CalculateField();

            calc.in_table   = "intersect";
            calc.field      = "field";
            calc.expression = "!population.P001001!*!intersect.Shape_Area!/!intersect_Area!";
            gp.Execute(calc, null);

            Dissolve dissolved = new Dissolve();

            dissolved.in_features       = intersect;
            dissolved.statistics_fields = "field";
            dissolved.out_feature_class = output + @"\dissolve";
            gp.Execute(dissolved, null);
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 多边形合并二
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dirpath"></param>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <param name="socreInterval"></param>
        /// <param name="distance"></param>
        public void AggreationProcessing2(string dirpath, string filename, string filed, int[] socreInterval, int distance)
            //1.Make a layer form the origin featureclass ;
            MakeFeatureLayer makefeaturelayer = new MakeFeatureLayer();
            makefeaturelayer.in_features = m_Dirpath + m_Filename + ".shp";
            makefeaturelayer.out_layer = "origin_lyr";
            m_GP.Execute(makefeaturelayer, null);

            #region Dissovle and Aggregation
            for (int i = 0; i < socreInterval.Length - 1; i++)
                //2.Select the feature in the interval, lik score in [low,high)
                SelectLayerByAttribute selectbyattri = new SelectLayerByAttribute();
                selectbyattri.in_layer_or_view = "origin_lyr";
                int scorenode_low = socreInterval[i];
                int scorenode_high = socreInterval[i + 1];
                selectbyattri.selection_type = "NEW_SELECTION";
                string clause = "";
                if (i == socreInterval.Length - 2)
                    clause = filed + " >= " + scorenode_low.ToString() + " AND " + filed + " <= " + scorenode_high.ToString();
                    clause = filed + " >= " + scorenode_low.ToString() + " AND " + filed + " < " + scorenode_high.ToString();
                selectbyattri.where_clause = clause;
                m_GP.Execute(selectbyattri, null);

                //3.Dissolve first
                m_GP.SetEnvironmentValue("workspace", m_OutputTemp_Dissolve);
                string dissolepath = "dissolve" + i.ToString();
                Dissolve dissolvetool = new Dissolve();
                dissolvetool.in_features = "origin_lyr";
                dissolvetool.out_feature_class = dissolepath;
                dissolvetool.multi_part = "SINGLE_PART";
                m_GP.Execute(dissolvetool, null);
                    //set Id value
                IFeatureClass feacls_dissolve = m_GP.Open(dissolvetool.out_feature_class) as IFeatureClass;
                setFeatureClassFieldValue(feacls_dissolve, "Id",i+1);

                //3. aggregating for the selected features and save it in aggregation folder
                string outname = "aggregation" + i.ToString();
                m_GP.SetEnvironmentValue("workspace", m_OutputTemp_Aggregation);
                AggregatePolygons aggregateTool = new AggregatePolygons();
                aggregateTool.in_features = dissolvetool.out_feature_class;
                aggregateTool.aggregation_distance = distance;
                aggregateTool.out_feature_class = outname;
                m_GP.Execute(aggregateTool, null);
                    //set Id Value
                IFeatureClass feacls_agg = m_GP.Open(aggregateTool.out_feature_class) as IFeatureClass;
                setFeatureClassFieldValue(feacls_agg, "Id", i + 1);


            #region Append all layers
            // 4. Compositing all the shapfiles into one file
            //    Use Append tool

            appendFeatureClasses(m_OutputTemp_Dissolve, "result_dissolve");

            appendFeatureClasses(m_OutputTemp_Aggregation, "result_aggregation");
Beispiel #17
        private void mnuMakeXZQTown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (m_xzqLayer == null)

            string strXZQTownListPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\tempResult";
            string strXZQTownListName = "XZQTownList.txt";
            string filepath           = strXZQTownListPath + "\\" + strXZQTownListName;

            if (!File.Exists(filepath))
            string strOutputPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\tempResult";
            string strOutputName = "xzqtown.shp";

            IFeatureLayer pFeatLyr = m_xzqLayer as IFeatureLayer;
            IFeatureClass pFeatCls = pFeatLyr.FeatureClass;
            bool          bSuccess = Function.saveFeatureClass(pFeatCls, strOutputPath);

            if (!bSuccess)
                string shpSrcPath = strOutputPath + "\\" + "GPL0.shp";
                Function.reNameShpFile(shpSrcPath, strOutputPath + "\\" + strOutputName);
            string        strAddFieldName = "XZQTDM";
            IFeatureClass fc_XZQTown      = Function.OpenShpFile(strOutputPath, "xzqtown");

            Function.AddFiled2Layer(ref fc_XZQTown, "XZQTMC", esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, 15);
            bSuccess = Function.AddFiled2Layer(ref fc_XZQTown, strAddFieldName, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, 9);
            if (!bSuccess)

            CalculateField fieldcalc = new CalculateField();

            fieldcalc.expression = "Left([XZQDM],9)";//可能这个写法不对
            //fieldcalc.expression = "Left([XZQDM]";
            fieldcalc.expression_type = "VBScript";
            IField field = fc_XZQTown.Fields.get_Field(fc_XZQTown.Fields.FindField(strAddFieldName));

            fieldcalc.field    = field;
            fieldcalc.in_table = fc_XZQTown;

            Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor();

            gp.OverwriteOutput = true;                  //允许运算结果覆盖现有文件
            gp.Execute(fieldcalc, null);                //执行

            Dissolve dissolve = new Dissolve();

            dissolve.in_features    = fc_XZQTown;
            dissolve.dissolve_field = field;
            string shpPath = m_prjMan.m_projectPath + "\\" + m_prjMan.m_projectName + "\\" + ProjectManage.m_baseData;

            dissolve.out_feature_class = shpPath + "\\xzqtown.shp";
            dissolve.statistics_fields = "SUM([KZMJ],SUM[JSMJ],FIRST[XZQTMC]";
            gp.Execute(dissolve, null);

Beispiel #18
 private void OnEnable()
     dissolve = GetComponent <Dissolve>();
        public void Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel trackcancel,
                            IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages messages)
            // Remember the original GP environment settings and temporarily override these settings

            var gpSettings = envMgr as IGeoProcessorSettings;
            bool origAddOutputsToMapSetting = gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap;
            bool origLogHistorySetting = gpSettings.LogHistory;
            gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap = false;
            gpSettings.LogHistory = false;

            // Create the Geoprocessor

            Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor();

                // Validate our values

                IGPMessages validateMessages = ((IGPFunction2)this).Validate(paramvalues, false, envMgr);
                if ((validateMessages as IGPMessage).IsError())
                    messages.AddError(1, "Validate failed");

                // Unpack values

                IGPParameter gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputAETable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputAETableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputAdminAreaFeatureClasses) as IGPParameter;
                var inputAdminAreaFeatureClassesMultiValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam) as IGPMultiValue;
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(OutputFileGDB) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue outputFileGDBValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTATable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputTATableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputNWFeatureClass) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputNWFeatureClassValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);

                if (inputTATableValue.IsEmpty() ^ inputNWFeatureClassValue.IsEmpty())
                    messages.AddError(1, "The TA table and NW feature class must be specified together.");

                bool processStreetsFC = (!(inputNWFeatureClassValue.IsEmpty()));
                string timeZoneIDBaseFieldName = "";
                if (!(inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.IsEmpty()))
                    timeZoneIDBaseFieldName = inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.GetAsText();

                // Get the path to the output file GDB

                string outputFileGdbPath = outputFileGDBValue.GetAsText();

                // Create the new file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Creating the file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                int lastBackslash = outputFileGdbPath.LastIndexOf("\\");
                CreateFileGDB createFGDBTool = new CreateFileGDB();
                createFGDBTool.out_folder_path = outputFileGdbPath.Remove(lastBackslash);
                createFGDBTool.out_name = outputFileGdbPath.Substring(lastBackslash + 1);
                gp.Execute(createFGDBTool, trackcancel);

                // Copy the admin area feature classes

                int numAdminAreaFCs = inputAdminAreaFeatureClassesMultiValue.Count;
                string mergeToolInputs = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < numAdminAreaFCs; i++)
                    AddMessage("Copying the Administrative Area feature classes (" + Convert.ToString(i+1) + " of " + Convert.ToString(numAdminAreaFCs) + ")...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string origAdminFCPath = inputAdminAreaFeatureClassesMultiValue.get_Value(i).GetAsText();
                    FeatureClassToFeatureClass importFCTool = new FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
                    importFCTool.in_features = origAdminFCPath;
                    importFCTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importFCTool.out_name = "Admin" + Convert.ToString(i, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    importFCTool.field_mapping = "ID \"ID\" true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#," + origAdminFCPath + ",ID,-1,-1;" +
                                                 "FEATTYP \"FEATTYP\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + origAdminFCPath + ",FEATTYP,-1,-1;" +
                                                 "ORDER00 \"ORDER00\" true true false 3 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + origAdminFCPath + ",ORDER00,-1,-1;" +
                                                 "NAME \"NAME\" true true false 100 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + origAdminFCPath + ",NAME,-1,-1;" +
                                                 "NAMELC \"NAMELC\" true true false 3 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + origAdminFCPath + ",NAMELC,-1,-1";
                    gp.Execute(importFCTool, trackcancel);

                    mergeToolInputs = mergeToolInputs + outputFileGdbPath + "\\Admin" + Convert.ToString(i, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ";";
                mergeToolInputs = mergeToolInputs.Remove(mergeToolInputs.Length - 1);

                // Merge the admin area feature classes together into one feature class

                AddMessage("Merging the Administrative Area feature classes...", messages, trackcancel);

                string adminFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\AdminFC";

                Merge mergeTool = new Merge();
                mergeTool.inputs = mergeToolInputs;
                mergeTool.output = adminFCPath;
                gp.Execute(mergeTool, trackcancel);

                Delete deleteTool = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < numAdminAreaFCs; i++)
                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = outputFileGdbPath + "\\Admin" + Convert.ToString(i, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Extract the time zone information and index it

                AddMessage("Extracting the time zone information...", messages, trackcancel);

                string tzTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\TZ";
                TableSelect tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = inputAETableValue.GetAsText();
                tableSelectTool.out_table = tzTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "ATTTYP = 'TZ'";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                AddIndex addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = tzTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Add the UTCOffset field and calculate it

                AddField addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = adminFCPath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "UTCOffset";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                MakeFeatureLayer makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = adminFCPath;
                makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "AdminFC_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                AddJoin addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFC_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = tzTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the UTCOffset information on the Administrative Area feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                CalculateField calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "AdminFC_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "AdminFC.UTCOffset";
                calcFieldTool.code_block = "u = Null\ns = Trim([TZ.ATTVALUE])\nIf Not IsNull(s) Then\n" +
                                           "  sign = 1\n  If Left(s, 1) = \"-\" Then sign = -1\n" +
                                           "  u = sign * ( (60 * Abs(CInt(Mid(s, 1, Len(s) - 3)))) + CInt(Right(s, 2)) )\n" +
                                           "End If";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "u";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                RemoveJoin removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFC_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "TZ";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "AdminFC_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = tzTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Extract out only the admin areas that have time zone information

                AddMessage("Extracting Administrative Areas with time zone information...", messages, trackcancel);

                string adminTZFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\AdminFCwTZ";
                Select selectTool = new Select();
                selectTool.in_features = adminFCPath;
                selectTool.out_feature_class = adminTZFCPath;
                selectTool.where_clause = "NOT UTCOffset IS NULL";
                gp.Execute(selectTool, trackcancel);

                // Extract the daylight saving time information and index it

                AddMessage("Extracting the daylight saving time information...", messages, trackcancel);

                string suTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\SU";
                tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = inputAETableValue.GetAsText();
                tableSelectTool.out_table = suTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "ATTTYP = 'SU'";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = suTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Add the daylight saving field and calculate it

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = adminTZFCPath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "DST";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = adminTZFCPath;
                makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = suTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_ALL";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Copying the DST information to the Administrative Area feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "AdminFCwTZ.DST";
                calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = 0\nIf Not IsNull( [SU.ATTVALUE] ) Then s = CInt( [SU.ATTVALUE] )";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "s";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "SU";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = suTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the sortable MSTIMEZONE field

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = adminTZFCPath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 60;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = adminTZFCPath;
                calcFieldTool.field = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeSortableMSTIMEZONECode("ORDER00");
                calcFieldTool.expression = "z";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                Rename renameTool = new Rename();
                renameTool.in_data = adminTZFCPath;
                renameTool.out_data = adminTZFCPath + "wNulls";
                gp.Execute(renameTool, trackcancel);

                selectTool = new Select();
                selectTool.in_features = adminTZFCPath + "wNulls";
                selectTool.out_feature_class = adminTZFCPath;
                selectTool.where_clause = "NOT SortableMSTIMEZONE IS NULL";
                gp.Execute(selectTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = adminTZFCPath + "wNulls";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Dissolve the time zone polygons together

                AddMessage("Dissolving the time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                string timeZoneFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + TimeZoneFCName;
                Dissolve dissolveTool = new Dissolve();
                dissolveTool.in_features = adminTZFCPath;
                dissolveTool.out_feature_class = timeZoneFCPath;
                dissolveTool.dissolve_field = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                dissolveTool.multi_part = "MULTI_PART";
                gp.Execute(dissolveTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the MSTIMEZONE field

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = timeZoneFCPath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "MSTIMEZONE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 50;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = timeZoneFCPath;
                calcFieldTool.field = "MSTIMEZONE";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "Mid([SortableMSTIMEZONE], 7)";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Delete the old sortable MSTIMEZONE field

                DeleteField deleteFieldTool = new DeleteField();
                deleteFieldTool.in_table = timeZoneFCPath;
                deleteFieldTool.drop_field = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                gp.Execute(deleteFieldTool, trackcancel);

                if (processStreetsFC)
                    // Create the network dataset time zone table

                    AddMessage("Creating the time zones table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    TableToTable importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = timeZoneFCPath;
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = TimeZonesTableName;
                    importTableTool.field_mapping = "MSTIMEZONE \"MSTIMEZONE\" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#," +
                                                    timeZoneFCPath + ",MSTIMEZONE,-1,-1";
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                    // Import the NW feature class to the file geodatabase

                    AddMessage("Copying the NW feature class to the geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                    FeatureClassToFeatureClass importFCTool = new FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
                    importFCTool.in_features = inputNWFeatureClassValue.GetAsText();
                    importFCTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importFCTool.out_name = "nw";
                    gp.Execute(importFCTool, trackcancel);

                    string pathToLocalNW = outputFileGdbPath + "\\nw";

                    // Create Join polygon feature class

                    AddMessage("Creating the join polygon feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string joinPolygonFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\JoinPolygonFC";

                    MultipartToSinglepart multipartToSinglepartTool = new MultipartToSinglepart();
                    multipartToSinglepartTool.in_features = timeZoneFCPath;
                    multipartToSinglepartTool.out_feature_class = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    gp.Execute(multipartToSinglepartTool, trackcancel);

                    // Add and calculate the time zone ID fields to the join polygons

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = "FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[ORIG_FID]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = "TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[ORIG_FID]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Delete the MSTIMEZONE and ORIG_FID fields from the join polygon FC

                    deleteFieldTool = new DeleteField();
                    deleteFieldTool.in_table = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    deleteFieldTool.drop_field = "MSTIMEZONE;ORIG_FID";
                    gp.Execute(deleteFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Perform a spatial join between the Streets and the join polygons

                    AddMessage("Creating Streets feature class with time zone ID fields...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string outputStreetsFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + StreetsFCName;
                    SpatialJoin spatialJoinTool = new SpatialJoin();
                    spatialJoinTool.target_features = pathToLocalNW;
                    spatialJoinTool.join_features = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    spatialJoinTool.out_feature_class = outputStreetsFCPath;
                    spatialJoinTool.match_option = "IS_WITHIN";
                    gp.Execute(spatialJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    // Delete the extraneous fields

                    deleteFieldTool = new DeleteField();
                    deleteFieldTool.in_table = outputStreetsFCPath;
                    deleteFieldTool.drop_field = "Join_Count;TARGET_FID;Shape_Length_1";
                    gp.Execute(deleteFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Delete the temporary NW and Join feature classes

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = pathToLocalNW;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Extract the drive side information and index it

                    AddMessage("Extracting the drive side information...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string driveSideTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\DriveSide";
                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = inputAETableValue.GetAsText();
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = driveSideTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "ATTTYP = '3D'";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = driveSideTablePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    // Add the DriveSide field and calculate it

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = adminFCPath;
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "DriveSide";
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = adminFCPath;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "AdminFC_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFC_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = driveSideTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Copying the drive side information to the Administrative Area feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "AdminFC_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = "AdminFC.DriveSide";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "CInt( [DriveSide.ATTVALUE] )";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFC_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "DriveSide";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "AdminFC_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = driveSideTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Extract out only the admin areas that have drive side information and index the ORDER00 field

                    AddMessage("Extracting Administrative Areas with drive side information...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string adminFCwDriveSidePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\AdminFCwDriveSide";
                    selectTool = new Select();
                    selectTool.in_features = adminFCPath;
                    selectTool.out_feature_class = adminFCwDriveSidePath;
                    selectTool.where_clause = "NOT DriveSide IS NULL";
                    gp.Execute(selectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = adminFCwDriveSidePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "ORDER00";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "ORDER00";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    // Add the DriveSide field to the AdminFCwTZ feature class and calculate it.

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = adminTZFCPath;
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "DriveSide";
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = adminTZFCPath;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "ORDER00";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = adminFCwDriveSidePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "ORDER00";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the DriveSide field on the AdminFCwTZ feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = "AdminFCwTZ.DriveSide";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[AdminFCwDriveSide.DriveSide]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "AdminFCwDriveSide";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = adminFCwDriveSidePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Extract the information for boundary roads

                    AddMessage("Extracting the information for boundary roads...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string taTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\TA";
                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = inputTATableValue.GetAsText();
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = taTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "ARETYP <= 1120 AND SOL > 0";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    // Join the boundary road information with the AdminFCwTZ feature class to
                    // create the FT_BoundaryTimeZones and TF_BoundaryTimeZones join tables

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = adminTZFCPath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    MakeTableView makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                    makeTableViewTool.in_table = taTablePath;
                    makeTableViewTool.out_view = "TA_View";
                    gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "TA_View";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "AREID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = adminTZFCPath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Extracting the boundary FT time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = "TA_View";
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = "FT_BoundaryTimeZones";
                    importTableTool.where_clause = "TA.SOL = AdminFCwTZ.DriveSide";
                    importTableTool.field_mapping = "ID \"ID\" true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#," + taTablePath + ",TA.ID,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "SortableMSTIMEZONE \"SortableMSTIMEZONE\" true true false 60 Text 0 0 ,First,#," +
                                                    adminTZFCPath + ",AdminFCwTZ.SortableMSTIMEZONE,-1,-1";
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                    string ftBoundaryTimeZonesPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\FT_BoundaryTimeZones";

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = ftBoundaryTimeZonesPath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Extracting the boundary TF time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = "TA_View";
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = "TF_BoundaryTimeZones";
                    importTableTool.where_clause = "TA.SOL <> AdminFCwTZ.DriveSide";
                    importTableTool.field_mapping = "ID \"ID\" true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#," + taTablePath + ",TA.ID,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "SortableMSTIMEZONE \"SortableMSTIMEZONE\" true true false 60 Text 0 0 ,First,#," +
                                                    adminTZFCPath + ",AdminFCwTZ.SortableMSTIMEZONE,-1,-1";
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                    string tfBoundaryTimeZonesPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\TF_BoundaryTimeZones";

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = tfBoundaryTimeZonesPath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "TA_View";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "AdminFCwTZ";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "TA_View";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool.in_data = taTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Calculate the boundary time zone ID values

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = outputStreetsFCPath;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = ftBoundaryTimeZonesPath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the boundary FT time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeTimeZoneIDCode(outputFileGdbPath, TimeZonesTableName, "FT_BoundaryTimeZones.SortableMSTIMEZONE");
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "tzID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "FT_BoundaryTimeZones";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = tfBoundaryTimeZonesPath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the boundary TF time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeTimeZoneIDCode(outputFileGdbPath, TimeZonesTableName, "TF_BoundaryTimeZones.SortableMSTIMEZONE");
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "tzID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "TF_BoundaryTimeZones";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = ftBoundaryTimeZonesPath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool.in_data = tfBoundaryTimeZonesPath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    // Create a dummy TimeZones table and a dummy Streets feature class

                    CreateTable createTableTool = new CreateTable();
                    createTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    createTableTool.out_name = TimeZonesTableName;
                    gp.Execute(createTableTool, trackcancel);

                    CreateFeatureclass createFCTool = new CreateFeatureclass();
                    createFCTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    createFCTool.out_name = StreetsFCName;
                    createFCTool.geometry_type = "POLYLINE";
                    gp.Execute(createFCTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = adminFCPath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = adminTZFCPath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Compact the output file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Compacting the output file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                Compact compactTool = new Compact();
                compactTool.in_workspace = outputFileGdbPath;
                gp.Execute(compactTool, trackcancel);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (gp.MaxSeverity == 2)
                    object missing = System.Type.Missing;
                    messages.AddError(1, gp.GetMessages(ref missing));
                messages.AddError(1, e.Message);
                messages.AddError(1, e.StackTrace);
                // Restore the original GP environment settings

                gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap = origAddOutputsToMapSetting;
                gpSettings.LogHistory = origLogHistorySetting;