Beispiel #1
        public async Task mKick(string user, [Remainder] string reason)
                user = user.Substring(2);
                user = user.Remove(18);
                var userID            = Context.Guild.GetUser(Convert.ToUInt64(user));
                Discord.IDMChannel dm = await userID.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

                await dm.SendMessageAsync($"You have been kicked from {Context.Guild.Name} with the reason: {reason}");

                await dm.CloseAsync();

                await userID.KickAsync(reason);
                await ReplyAsync($"{Context.Message.Author.Mention} has kicked {userID}.\nReaon:\n`{reason}`");
                await ReplyAsync("Couldn't kick user.\nPlease make sure that you have mentioned the user you want to kick.");
        public static async Task LiveEvent()
            while (true)
                bool IsLive = TwitchBot.Commands.Drops.IsLive();
                if (StreamLive != IsLive && UserList.Count != 0)
                    StreamLive = IsLive;
                    TimeSpan TSPan = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - DateTime.Parse(Shared.ConfigHandler.Config["Notifications"]["LastLive"].ToString()));
                    if (StreamLive && (int)Math.Floor(TSPan.TotalMinutes) >= int.Parse(Shared.ConfigHandler.Config["Notifications"]["MinimumDownTime"].ToString()))
                        foreach (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken User in Shared.ConfigHandler.Config["Notifications"]["DiscordUsers"])
                            foreach (SocketGuildUser SocUser in UserList)
                                if (SocUser.Id.ToString() == User.ToString())
                                        Discord.IDMChannel DM = await SocUser.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

                                        await DM.SendMessageAsync(Shared.ConfigHandler.Config["Notifications"]["DiscordMessage"].ToString());
                                    catch { }
                if (IsLive)
                    Shared.ConfigHandler.Config["Notifications"]["LastLive"] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
        public async Task CreateCharacterAsync()
            var user = Context.User;

            Discord.IDMChannel dmChannel = await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

            // Check to make sure that the user is in a server before telling them "I'm going to DM you" (Since they might already be in a DM w/bot)
            if (Context.Message.Channel as SocketGuildChannel != null)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(user.Mention + " " + "I'm going to DM you some instructions on how to create your character!");

            await dmChannel.SendMessageAsync("Okay, the command for creating your character is a little complex, and a bit long.\n\n" +
                                             "The create_char command must have at least 5 *arguments*, and at most, 7 (Traits are optional, and you can just have 1 if you want).\n" +
                                             "The command treats every word seperated by a space as an *argument*, so be careful if you want to have a name with more than one word. " +
                                             "If you want to have a name with a space, wrap in in double quotes ex: \"Randy Smith\"\n\n" +
                                             // TODO: implement a config file so I can cleanly put in the prefix, instead of having to type out Services.CommandHandlerService.cmd_prefix
                                             "The order of *arguments* go as follows: **Name S.P.E.C.I.A.L. (Skill to Tag #1) (Skill to Tag #2) (Skill to Tag #3) [Trait #1] [Trait #2]**\n" +
                                             "Here's an example of the complete command: " + cPre + "createchar Rick XXX2233 Repair Speech Guns ww fe\n" +
                                             "The above command would create a character with 10 Strength, 10 Perception, 10 Endurance, 2 Charisma, 2 Intelligence, 3 Agility, and 3 Luck, " +
                                             "with the tagged skills Repair, Speech, and Guns, and with the traits Wild Wasteland and Four Eyes.\n\n" +
                                             "To get a list of what to write for your S.P.E.C.I.A.L., Skills to Tag, Traits, type " + cPre + "statshelp");