protected override void RefreshMainData() { Datos.DataSource = _entity; Datos_Lineas.DataSource = _entity.Conceptos; PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidAcreedor > 0) { Datos_Emisor.DataSource = ProviderBaseInfo.Get(_entity.OidAcreedor, _entity.ETipoAcreedor, true); } PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidSerie > 0) { SerieInfo serie = SerieInfo.Get(_entity.OidSerie, false); Serie_TB.Text = serie.Nombre; } PgMng.Grow(); DiasPago_NTB.Text = _entity.DiasPago.ToString(); Fecha_DTP.Value = _entity.Fecha; FechaRegistro_DTP.Value = _entity.FechaRegistro; Prevision_TB.Text = _entity.Prevision.ToShortDateString(); base.RefreshMainData(); }
private static SerieInfo Parse(string raw) { SerieInfo info = new SerieInfo(); info.ServiceAddress = SERVICE_ADDRESS; string[] lines = raw.Split('\n'); foreach (var line in lines) { string[] pair = line.Split('@'); if (pair.Length != 2) continue; switch (pair[0]) { case "Show Name": info.Name = pair[1]; break; case "Status": info.Status = pair[1]; break; case "Genres": info.Genres = pair[1]; break; case "Next Episode": info.NextEpisode = EpisodeInfo.Parse(pair[1]); break; case "Latest Episode": info.LatestEpisode = EpisodeInfo.Parse(pair[1]); break; case "Show URL": info.URL = pair[1]; break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Name)) { IsValid = true; return info; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(raw) && raw.StartsWith("No Show Results")) { return new EmptySerieInfo { ServiceAddress = SERVICE_ADDRESS }; } IsValid = false; return null; }
public override void PrintDetailAction() { if (ActiveItem == null) { return; } InputInvoiceReportMng reportMng = new InputInvoiceReportMng(AppContext.ActiveSchema, this.Text, this.FilterValues); InputInvoiceInfo item = InputInvoiceInfo.Get(ActiveOID, ActiveItem.ETipoAcreedor, true); FormatConfFacturaAlbaranReport conf = new FormatConfFacturaAlbaranReport(); ProviderBaseInfo provider = ProviderBaseInfo.Get(ActiveItem.OidAcreedor, ActiveItem.ETipoAcreedor, false); SerieInfo serie = SerieInfo.Get(ActiveItem.OidSerie, false); conf.nota = (provider.OidImpuesto == 1) ? Library.Invoice.Resources.Messages.NOTA_EXENTO_IGIC : string.Empty; conf.nota += (conf.nota != string.Empty) ? Environment.NewLine : string.Empty; conf.nota += (ActiveItem.Nota ? serie.Cabecera : ""); conf.cuenta_bancaria = ActiveItem.CuentaBancaria; PgMng.Grow(); ReportClass report = reportMng.GetDetailReport(item, conf); if (SettingsMng.Instance.GetUseDefaultPrinter()) { int n_copias = SettingsMng.Instance.GetDefaultNCopies(); PrintReport(report, n_copias); } else { ShowReport(report); } }
public static OutputDeliveryList GetList(bool childs, long oidHolder, ETipoEntidad holderType, long oidSerie, ETipoAlbaranes deliveryType, ETipoFactura invoiceType, DateTime from, DateTime till) { QueryConditions conditions = new QueryConditions { Serie = (oidSerie != 0) ? SerieInfo.New(oidSerie) : null, TipoEntidad = holderType, TipoAlbaranes = deliveryType, TipoFactura = invoiceType, FechaIni = from, FechaFin = till, }; switch (holderType) { case ETipoEntidad.Cliente: conditions.Cliente = (oidHolder != 0) ? ClienteInfo.New(oidHolder) : null; break; case ETipoEntidad.WorkReport: conditions.WorkReport = (oidHolder != 0) ? WorkReportInfo.New(oidHolder) : null; break; } return(GetList(childs, SELECT(conditions))); }
protected void SetSerie(SerieInfo source, bool newCode) { if (source == null) { return; } _serie = source; _delivery_type = (_entity.Contado) ? ETipoAlbaranes.Agrupados : ETipoAlbaranes.Todos; _entity.OidSerie = source.Oid; _entity.NumeroSerie = source.Identificador; _entity.NombreSerie = source.Nombre; Serie_TB.Text = _entity.NSerieSerie; Nota_TB.Text = source.Cabecera; if (newCode) { _entity.GetNewCode(_entity.EHolderType, _delivery_type); } Cache.Instance.Remove(typeof(BatchList)); Cache.Instance.Remove(typeof(ProductList)); ProductList.GetListBySerie(_serie.Oid, false, true); }
protected override void RefreshMainData() { Datos.DataSource = _entity; Datos_Concepto.DataSource = _entity.Conceptos; PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidCliente > 0) { Datos_Cliente.DataSource = ClienteInfo.Get(_entity.OidCliente, false); } PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidSerie > 0) { SerieInfo serie = SerieInfo.Get(_entity.OidSerie, false); Serie_TB.Text = serie.Nombre; Nota_TB.Text = serie.Cabecera; } PgMng.Grow(); Fecha_DTP.Value = _entity.Fecha; PgMng.Grow(); base.RefreshMainData(); }
public override void RefreshSecondaryData() { if (_entity.OidSerie != 0) { SetSerie(SerieInfo.Get(_entity.OidSerie, false), false); } PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidAcreedor != 0) { SetProvider(ProviderBaseInfo.Get(_entity.OidAcreedor, _entity.ETipoAcreedor, false)); } PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidAlmacen != 0) { SetStore(StoreInfo.Get(_entity.OidAlmacen, false)); } PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidExpediente != 0) { SetExpedient(ExpedientInfo.Get(_entity.OidExpediente, false), false); } PgMng.Grow(); base.RefreshSecondaryData(); }
public BudgetLineAddForm(ETipoProducto tipo, Budget proforma, SerieInfo serie, ClienteInfo cliente, Form parent) : base(tipo, proforma, serie, cliente, parent) { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = Resources.Labels.CONCEPTO_NEW_TITLE; }
protected void SetSerie(SerieInfo source, bool new_code) { if (source == null) { return; } _serie = source; _entity.OidSerie = source.Oid; _entity.NumeroSerie = source.Identificador; _entity.NombreSerie = source.Nombre; Serie_TB.Text = _entity.NSerieSerie; Observaciones_TB.Text = source.Cabecera; if (new_code) { _entity.GetNewCode(_deliveryType); } Cache.Instance.Remove(typeof(BatchList)); Cache.Instance.Remove(typeof(ProductList)); ProductList.GetListBySerie(_serie.Oid, false, true); }
/// <summary> /// Copia los atributos del objeto /// </summary> /// <param name="source">Objeto origen</param> protected void CopyValues(AlbaranTicketInfo source, ClienteInfo cliente, TicketInfo ticket, OutputDeliveryInfo Albaran) { if (source == null) { return; } Oid = source.Oid; _base.Record.OidAlbaran = source.OidAlbaran; _base.Record.OidTicket = source.OidTicket; SerieInfo serie = SerieInfo.Get(ticket.OidSerie, false); _base.CodigoTicket = ticket.Codigo; _total_factura = ticket.Total; _numero_serie = serie.Identificador; _fecha_factura = ticket.Fecha; _prevision = ticket.Prevision; //INNER JOIN _codigo_cliente = cliente.Codigo; _nombre = cliente.Nombre; _telefonos = cliente.Telefonos; _movil = cliente.Movil; _dias_pago = Albaran.Fecha.Subtract(ticket.Fecha).Days; }
public override void RefreshSecondaryData() { if (_entity.OidCliente != 0) { SetCliente(ClienteInfo.Get(_entity.OidCliente, false)); } PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidSerie != 0) { SetSerie(SerieInfo.Get(_entity.OidSerie, false), false); } PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidAlmacen != 0) { SetAlmacen(StoreInfo.Get(_entity.OidAlmacen, false, true)); } PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidExpediente != 0) { SetExpediente(ExpedientInfo.Get(_entity.OidExpediente, false, true)); } PgMng.Grow(); }
public virtual void Vende(Budget proforma, SerieInfo serie, ClienteInfo cliente, ProductInfo producto, BatchInfo partida) { if (cliente == null) { throw new iQException(Library.Invoice.Resources.Messages.NO_CLIENTE_SELECTED); } if (cliente.Productos == null) { cliente.LoadChilds(typeof(ProductoCliente), true); } ProductoClienteInfo productoCliente = cliente.Productos.GetByProducto(producto.Oid); if (partida == null) { CopyFrom(proforma, producto); } else { CopyFrom(partida); } SetTipoFacturacion(productoCliente, producto); SetImpuestos(serie, cliente, producto); Precio = producto.GetPrecioVenta(productoCliente, partida, ETipoFacturacion); }
private static void AppendSerieInfo(string raw, ref SerieInfo info) { try { XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(raw); string geners = (from extendedInfo in xdoc.Descendants("Series") select extendedInfo.Element("Genre").Value).FirstOrDefault(); info.Genres = geners.Trim('|').Replace("|", " | "); var episodes = from ep in xdoc.Descendants("Episode") select new EpisodeInfo { Name = ep.Element("EpisodeName").Value, Date = ep.Element("FirstAired").Value.ToDateTime(), Version = (ep.Element("SeasonNumber").Value + "x" + ep.Element("EpisodeNumber").Value).ToEpisodeVersion() }; DateTime dateNow = DateTime.Now; // Get last sent episode info.LatestEpisode = episodes.Reverse().SkipWhile(f => f.Date > dateNow || f.Date == DateTime.MinValue).FirstOrDefault(); // Get Next episode info.NextEpisode = episodes.Where(f => f.Date > dateNow).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception) { } }
public override void PrintDetailAction() { if (ActiveItem == null) { return; } InputDeliveryReportMng reportMng = new InputDeliveryReportMng(AppContext.ActiveSchema, Text, FilterValues); SerieInfo serie = SerieInfo.Get(ActiveItem.OidSerie, false); FormatConfFacturaAlbaranReport conf = new FormatConfFacturaAlbaranReport(); conf.nota = ActiveItem.Nota ? serie.Cabecera : ""; /*AlbaranProveedorRpt report = reportMng.GetAlbaranProveedorReport(InputDeliveryInfo.Get(ActiveOID, true), conf); * * if (report != null) * { * ReportViewer.SetReport(report); * ReportViewer.ShowDialog(); * } * else * { * MessageBox.Show(moleQule.Face.Resources.Messages.NO_DATA_REPORTS, * moleQule.Face.Resources.Labels.ADVISE_TITLE, * MessageBoxButtons.OK, * MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); * }*/ }
public override void RefreshSecondaryData() { if (_entity.OidSerie != 0) { SetSerie(SerieInfo.Get(_entity.OidSerie, false), false); } PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidAcreedor != 0) { SetAcreedor(ProviderBaseInfo.Get(_entity.OidAcreedor, _entity.ETipoAcreedor, false)); } PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidAlmacen != 0) { SetAlmacen(StoreInfo.Get(_entity.OidAlmacen, false)); } PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidExpediente != 0) { SetExpediente(ExpedientInfo.Get(_entity.OidExpediente, false)); } PgMng.Grow(); if (_acreedor != null) { ProductList.GetList(_acreedor, _serie, false, true); } }
protected override void RefreshMainData() { Datos.DataSource = _entity; Lines_BS.DataSource = _entity.ConceptoFacturas; PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidCliente > 0) { Client_BS.DataSource = ClienteInfo.Get(_entity.OidCliente, true); } PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidSerie > 0) { _serie = SerieInfo.Get(_entity.OidSerie, false); Serie_TB.Text = _serie.Nombre; Nota_TB.Text = _serie.Cabecera; } PgMng.Grow(); if (_entity.OidTransportista > 0) { _transporter = TransporterInfo.Get(_entity.OidTransportista, ETipoAcreedor.TransportistaDestino, false); Transportista_TB.Text = _transporter.Nombre; } PgMng.Grow(); DiasPago_NTB.Text = _entity.DiasPago.ToString(); Fecha_DTP.Value = _entity.Fecha; Prevision_TB.Text = _entity.Prevision.ToShortDateString(); base.RefreshMainData(); }
public InputDeliveryAddForm(IAcreedorInfo acreedor, PedidoProveedorInfo pedido, Form parent) : this(parent, ETipoAlbaranes.Todos) { SetProvider(acreedor); SetSerie(SerieInfo.Get(pedido.OidSerie, false), true); AddPedidoAction(pedido); }
public BatchSelectForm(Form parent, SerieInfo serie, BatchList lista) : base(true, parent, serie, lista) { InitializeComponent(); _view_mode = molView.Select; _action_result = DialogResult.Cancel; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public ConceptoProformaLibreAddForm(Form parent, Proforma Proforma, SerieInfo serie, ClienteInfo cliente) : base(parent, Proforma, serie, cliente) { InitializeComponent(); // Va aquí porque si no peta en el padre porque _entity es nulo _entity.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(Entity_PropertyChanged); }
public Serie GetSerie(SerieInfo serie) { return(new Serie { Name = serie.Name, Rounds = _roundManager.GetRounds(serie), Settings = _seriesRepository.GetSettings(serie) }); }
public BudgetLineEditForm(ETipoProducto productType, Budget budget, SerieInfo serie, ClienteInfo client, BudgetLine line, Form parent) : base(productType, budget, serie, client, parent) { InitializeComponent(); _entity = line; RefreshMainData(); }
public override void PrintDetailAction() { if (ActiveItem == null) { return; } PgMng.Reset(6, 1, Face.Resources.Messages.RETRIEVING_DATA, this); OutputInvoiceReportMng reportMng = new OutputInvoiceReportMng(AppContext.ActiveSchema, this.Text, this.FilterValues); SerieInfo serie = SerieInfo.Get(ActiveItem.OidSerie, false); PgMng.Grow(); ClienteInfo client = ClienteInfo.Get(ActiveItem.OidCliente, false); PgMng.Grow(); TransporterInfo transporter = TransporterInfo.Get(ActiveItem.OidTransportista, ETipoAcreedor.TransportistaDestino, false); PgMng.Grow(); FormatConfFacturaAlbaranReport conf = new FormatConfFacturaAlbaranReport(); conf.nota = (client.OidImpuesto == 1) ? Library.Invoice.Resources.Messages.NOTA_EXENTO_IGIC : string.Empty; conf.nota += (conf.nota != string.Empty) ? Environment.NewLine : string.Empty; conf.nota += (ActiveItem.Nota ? serie.Cabecera : ""); conf.cuenta_bancaria = ActiveItem.CuentaBancaria; PgMng.Grow(); OutputInvoiceInfo item = OutputInvoiceInfo.Get(ActiveOID, true); PgMng.Grow(Face.Resources.Messages.BUILDING_REPORT); ReportClass report = reportMng.GetDetailReport(item, serie, client, transporter, conf); PgMng.FillUp(); if (report != null) { if (SettingsMng.Instance.GetUseDefaultPrinter()) { int n_copias = SettingsMng.Instance.GetDefaultNCopies(); PrintReport(report, n_copias); } else { ShowReport(report); } if (item.EEstado == EEstado.Abierto) { ChangeStateAction(EEstadoItem.Emitido); } } }
public InvoiceAddForm(ClienteInfo client, OutputDeliveryInfo delivery, Form parent) : this(parent) { SetClient(client); SetSerie(SerieInfo.Get(delivery.OidSerie, false), true); _entity.AlbaranContado = delivery.Contado; _entity.Rectificativa = delivery.Rectificativo; _out_delivery = delivery; }
public DeliveryAddForm(ClienteInfo cliente, PedidoInfo pedido, Form parent) : this(new object[3] { null, ETipoEntidad.Cliente, ETipoAlbaranes.Todos }, parent) { SetCliente(cliente); SetSerie(SerieInfo.Get(pedido.OidSerie, false), true); AddPedidoAction(pedido); }
protected override void GetFormSourceData(object[] parameters) { if (parameters[0] == null) { ETipoEntidad holder_type = (ETipoEntidad)parameters[1]; _entity = OutputDelivery.New(holder_type); _entity.BeginEdit(); switch (holder_type) { case ETipoEntidad.Cliente: { if (parameters.Length >= 3) { _delivery_type = (ETipoAlbaranes)parameters[2]; if (_delivery_type == ETipoAlbaranes.Agrupados) { _entity.Contado = true; _entity.GetNewCode(ETipoEntidad.Cliente, ETipoAlbaranes.Agrupados); _entity.EMedioPago = EMedioPago.Efectivo; } } } break; case ETipoEntidad.WorkReport: { //Se ha pasado como parametro en el constructor if (parameters.Length >= 3) { _work_report = (WorkReportInfo)parameters[2]; } //Venimos de un parte de trabajo y esta en cache else if (Cache.Instance.Contains(typeof(WorkReport))) { _work_report = (Cache.Instance.Get(typeof(WorkReport)) as WorkReport).GetInfo(); } _entity.OidHolder = (_work_report != null) ? _work_report.Oid : 0; _entity.EMedioPago = EMedioPago.Efectivo; SerieInfo serie = SerieInfo.Get(Library.Invoice.ModulePrincipal.GetWorkDeliverySerieSetting(), false); _entity.OidSerie = (serie != null) ? serie.Oid : 0; } break; } } else { _entity = (OutputDelivery)parameters[0]; _entity.BeginEdit(); SerieInfo serie = SerieInfo.Get(_entity.OidSerie, false); _entity.OidSerie = (serie != null) ? serie.Oid : 0; } }
protected override void RefreshMainData() { if (Library.Invoice.ModulePrincipal.GetDefaultSerieSetting() > 0) { SetSerie(SerieInfo.Get(Library.Invoice.ModulePrincipal.GetDefaultSerieSetting(), false), true); } PgMng.Grow(); base.RefreshMainData(); }
private void Serie_BT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SerieSelectForm form = new SerieSelectForm(this); if (form.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { _serie = form.Selected as SerieInfo; Serie_TB.Text = _serie.Nombre; } }
/// Constructor /// </summary> public InputDeliveryLineUIForm(InputDeliveryLine line, InputDelivery delivery, SerieInfo serie, IAcreedorInfo provider, Form parent) : base(true, parent) { InitializeComponent(); _entity = line; _delivery = delivery; _serie = serie; _provider = provider; }
protected override void RefreshMainData() { if (_entity.OidSerie > 0) { SetSerie(SerieInfo.Get(_entity.OidSerie, false), false); } PgMng.Grow(); base.RefreshMainData(); }
public LineaPedidoAddForm(ETipoProducto tipo, Pedido albaran, SerieInfo serie, ClienteInfo cliente, Form parent) : base(tipo, albaran, serie, cliente, parent) { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = Resources.Labels.CONCEPTO_NEW_TITLE; // Va aquí porque si no peta en el padre porque _entity es nulo _entity.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(Entity_PropertyChanged); }
public void OutputInvoiceListHasItemsOnlyFromASerie() { OutputInvoiceList list = null; QueryConditions conditions = new QueryConditions { Serie = SerieInfo.New(1) }; list = OutputInvoiceList.GetList(conditions, false); Assert.IsNull(list.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OidSerie != conditions.Serie.Oid)); }
public SerieItem(SerieInfo a_info) { SerieInfo = a_info; Initialize(); }
static void Main() { var serviceUrl = ""; var login = "******"; // your Sandbox login here var pwd = "yourpassword"; // your Sandbox password here var service = ServiceFactory .GetConnectorForTesting(login, pwd, serviceUrl); var existingSeries = service.GetSeries(); service.DeleteSeries(existingSeries); var serie1 = new SerieInfo { Name = "MySerie1" }; var serie2 = new SerieInfo { Name = "MySerie2" }; var mySeries = new[] {serie1, serie2}; Console.WriteLine("Saving series..."); service.AddSeries(mySeries); // add values var value1 = new TimeValue { Time = new DateTime(2008, 7, 1), Value = 10 }; var value2 = new TimeValue { Time = new DateTime(2008, 7, 2), Value = 12 }; var value3 = new TimeValue { Time = new DateTime(2008, 7, 3), Value = 11 }; // create association between serie1 and values 1,2,3 var segment1 = new SegmentForSerie(serie1, new[] {value1, value2, value3}); // create association between serie2 and values 1,2 var segment2 = new SegmentForSerie(serie2, new[] {value1, value2}); Console.WriteLine("Saving values..."); service.UpdateSerieSegments(new[] {segment1, segment2}); // create new forecasting task // to create 3 days forecast with daily interval var task = new TaskInfo(serie1) { FuturePeriods = 3, Period = Period.Day }; Console.WriteLine("Saving Tasks..."); service.AddTasks(new[] {task}); Console.WriteLine("Retrieving forecasts..."); var forecasts = service.GetForecasts(new[] {task}); foreach (var forecast in forecasts) { Console.WriteLine("Forecast for task {0}", forecast.TaskID); foreach (var value in forecast.Values) { Console.WriteLine(" {0} - {1}", value.Time.ToShortDateString(), value.Value); } } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(true); }