        topic = new List<DialogueNode>();

        topic.Add(new DialogueLine(0, "Hello"));
        topic.Add(new DialogueLine(1, "Mornin'"));
        topic.Add(new DialogueLine(0, "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?"));
        topic.Add(new DialogueLine(1, "You stole the cookie from the cookie jar.")); // id = 3
        topic.Add(new DialogueLine(0, "Who me?"));
        topic.Add(new DialogueLine(1, "Yes, you!"));
        topic.Add(new DialogueLine(0, "Couldn't be!"));
        topic.Add(new DialogueLine(1, "Then who?"));

        DialogueChoice dc = new DialogueChoice();
        Choice c = new Choice();
        c.SetText("No idea.");
        c.AddOutcome(new OutcomeJump(3));
        c = new Choice();
        c.AddOutcome(new OutcomeMood(0, -10));
        c.SetText("I lied, it was me actually."); // Choices CAN have no outcome, dialogue continues from next line
        c = new Choice();
        c.AddOutcome(new OutcomeEnd());
        c.SetText("*Run Away*");


        topic.Add(new DialogueLine(1, "As expected, I'll be a master detective in no time."));
        topic.Add(new DialogueLine(0, "A master without cookies that is."));
 public DialogueLine(Sprite portrait = null, string text = null, float textSpeed = 0.001f, string name = "???", DialogueChoice choice = null)
     Portrait = portrait;
     Text = text;
     TextSpeed = (textSpeed == default(float) ? DEFAULT_SPEED : textSpeed);
     Name = name ?? DEFAULT_NAME;
     Choice = choice;
Beispiel #3
 public void MyTestInitialize()
     _mgr    = new DialogueManager();
     _dlg    = _mgr.AddDialogue(_dlgName);
     _part   = _dlg.AddParticipant(_partName);
     _entry1 = _dlg.AddEntry(_part, entryContent);
     _entry2 = _dlg.AddEntry(_part, entryContent2);
     _choice = _dlg.AddChoice(_entry1, choiceContent, _entry2);
Beispiel #4
        private void ChoiceListViewItemSelected(object parameter)
            DialogueChoice dialogueChoice = parameter as DialogueChoice;

            if (dialogueChoice != null)
Beispiel #5
        public ConnectorViewModel(CommandExecutor cmdExec, DialogueChoice dlgChoice, NodeViewModel parent)
            _cmdExec = cmdExec;

            _dialogueChoice = dlgChoice;

            ParentNode = parent;

            AttachedConnections = new List <ConnectionViewModel>();
Beispiel #6
    public IEnumerator DisplayAskCharacterPrompt(DialogueChoice DialogueChoiceOption, Action <int> callback)
        askCharacterView.UpdatePrompt(DialogueChoiceOption.prompt, DialogueChoiceOption.options, SetChoice);
        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => choice != -1));

Beispiel #7
        public IEnumerator <YieldInstruction> askDungeonQuestion(int dungeon, Action yes, Action no)
            ZoneData zoneEntry = DataManager.Instance.GetZone(dungeon);

            DialogueChoice[] choices = new DialogueChoice[2];
            choices[0] = new DialogueChoice(Text.FormatKey("DLG_CHOICE_YES"), yes);
            choices[1] = new DialogueChoice(Text.FormatKey("DLG_CHOICE_NO"), no);
            DungeonEnterDialog dialog = new DungeonEnterDialog(Text.FormatKey("DLG_ASK_ENTER_DUNGEON", zoneEntry.Name.ToLocal()), dungeon, false, choices, 0, 1);

            yield return(CoroutineManager.Instance.StartCoroutine(MenuManager.Instance.ProcessMenuCoroutine(dialog)));
    public void CreateChoice(EventChoice e)
        if (e.itemRequirement != null)
            useItem.Init(e, manager);
        DialogueChoice choice = Instantiate <DialogueChoice>(chiocePrefab, choiceContent.transform);

        choice.Init(e, manager);
 public void TriggerDialogue(string scene, int result, bool reset = false)
     dialogueScene = (dialogueScene == null  ? scene : dialogueScene);
     if (IsDialogueActive && scene == dialogueScene && !reset) // this dialogue already triggered
     if (scene == "END") throw new Exception("Scene called special value END");
     lineIndex = 0;
     lineFinished = false;
     lines = XmlDialogueReader.LoadDialogue(scene);
     choice = lines[lines.Length - 1].Choice;
     choiceLoaded = false;
Beispiel #10
    public void changeText( DialogueChoice current)
        currentDC = current;
        theDialogue.text = current.line;
        theChoice1.text = current.gotoLine1;
        theChoice2.text = current.gotoLine2;

        if (current.gotoId3 != null) {
            theChoice3.gameObject.SetActive( true );
            theChoice3.text = current.gotoLine3;
        } else {
            theChoice3.gameObject.SetActive( false );
Beispiel #11
    public static DialogueChoice getAlexDialogueChoiceFromId(int id)
        DialogueChoice toReturn = Alex_choices [0];

        for (int i = 0; i < Alex_choices.Length; i++)
            if (id == Alex_choices[i].id)
                toReturn = Alex_choices[i];
        private void OnTextInput(string inputText)
            DialogueChoice selectedOption = ChoiceSystem.DialogueChoices.Last();

            foreach (DialogueChoice option in ChoiceSystem.DialogueChoices)
                if (option.Text.Contains(inputText))
                    selectedOption = option;

Beispiel #13
 public void DungeonChoice(int dungeonid)
         m_choiceresult = null;
         ZoneData         zoneEntry = DataManager.Instance.GetZone(dungeonid);
         DialogueChoice[] choices   = new DialogueChoice[2];
         choices[0]  = new DialogueChoice(Text.FormatKey("DLG_CHOICE_YES"), () => { m_choiceresult = true; });
         choices[1]  = new DialogueChoice(Text.FormatKey("DLG_CHOICE_NO"), () => { m_choiceresult = false; });
         m_curchoice = new DungeonEnterDialog(Text.FormatKey("DLG_ASK_ENTER_DUNGEON", zoneEntry.GetColoredName()), dungeonid, false, choices, 0, 1);
     catch (Exception e)
         DiagManager.Instance.LogInfo(String.Format("ScriptUI.DungeonMenu(): Encountered exception:\n{0}", e.Message));
Beispiel #14
    private void Start()
        choices = new Word[2];
        Vector3        startPoint = pastDialogue.EndPoint();
        DialogueChoice dc         = new DialogueChoice();

        wordPrefab.GetComponent <Word>().word = "Who are you?";
        choices[0] = GameObject.Instantiate(wordPrefab, transform).GetComponent <Word>();
        wordPrefab.GetComponent <Word>().word = "How did I get here?";
        choices[1] = GameObject.Instantiate(wordPrefab, transform).GetComponent <Word>();
        choices[0].transform.position          = startPoint + new Vector3(2.0f, 3.5f);
        choices[0].GetComponent <Text>().color = new Color(0.2f, 0.6f, 0.2f);
        choices[1].transform.position          = startPoint + new Vector3(4.5f, -1.0f);
        choices[1].GetComponent <Text>().color = new Color(0.2f, 0.6f, 0.2f);
        transform.position = pastDialogue.transform.position;
    // Takes the information from the text file and puts it into separte nodes. Separate nodes are denoted by '~'.
    private void ParseInformation()
        List <DialogueChoice> playerChoices = new List <DialogueChoice>();

        for (int lI = 0; lI < textLines.Length; lI++)
            string currentLine = textLines[lI].Trim();
            int    lineLength  = currentLine.Length;

            if (char.IsNumber(currentLine[0]))
                int.TryParse(currentLine, out nodeID);
            else if (IsCharacterName(currentLine))
                characterName = currentLine;

            else if (currentLine[0] == '*')
                if (currentLine[lineLength - 2] == '-')
                    linkedNode = -1;
                    linkedNode = (int)char.GetNumericValue(currentLine[lineLength - 1]);

                currentLine = currentLine.Remove(lineLength - 2);
                DialogueChoice newChoice = new DialogueChoice(currentLine, linkedNode);
            else if (currentLine.Equals("~"))
                DialogueNode newNode = new DialogueNode(nodeID, characterName, prompt, playerChoices);
                prompt = "";
                prompt += currentLine;
Beispiel #16
        private void Current_RefreshUI(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <DialogueChoice> dialogueChoicesList = null;
            Conversation          runninConversation  = GameManager.Current.ConversationsManager.RunningConversation;
            ConversationNode      currentNode         = null;
            Character             currentCharacter    = null;
            string text          = null;
            string characterID   = null;
            string characterName = null;

            if (runninConversation != null && runninConversation.CurrentNode != null)
                currentNode = GameManager.Current.ConversationsManager.RunningConversation.CurrentNode;
                text        = currentNode.Text;
                characterID = currentNode.CharacterID;
                if (GameManager.Current.Characters.ContainsKey(characterID))
                    currentCharacter = GameManager.Current.Characters[characterID];
                if (currentCharacter != null)
                    characterName = currentCharacter.FullName;

                this.CharacterName       = characterName;
                this.CurrentDialogueText = text;

                dialogueChoicesList = new List <DialogueChoice>();

                foreach (ConversationChoice conversationChoice in currentNode.Choices)
                    DialogueChoice currentChoice = new DialogueChoice();

                    currentChoice.ID   = conversationChoice.ID;
                    currentChoice.Text = conversationChoice.Text;

                    if (conversationChoice.CanShow)

                this.DialogueChoices = dialogueChoicesList.ToArray();
Beispiel #17
    private void ShowCurrentConversationStep()
        CurrentDialogue = CurrentTree.dialogue[CurrentStep];
        string text = CurrentDialogue.text;

        if (CurrentDialogue.choices != null && CurrentDialogue.choices.Count > 0)
            text += "\n";
            for (int i = 0; i < CurrentDialogue.choices.Count; i++)
                DialogueChoice choice = CurrentDialogue.choices[i];
                text += "\n " + (i + 1).ToString() + ". <color=" + (i == CurrentChoice ? "Blue" : choice.visited ? "DarkBlue" : "Green") + ">" + choice.text + "</color>";
        Globals.DialogueCanvasController.AdjustBustsHighlight(CurrentDialogue.npc == "N");
Beispiel #18
    public void changeText(DialogueChoice current)
        currentDC        = current;
        theDialogue.text = current.line;
        theChoice1.text  = current.gotoLine1;
        theChoice2.text  = current.gotoLine2;

        if (current.gotoId3 != null)
            theChoice3.text = current.gotoLine3;
Beispiel #19
        public NodeViewModel(CommandExecutor cmdExec, DialogueEntry entry, Dialogue dialogue, NetworkViewModel network)
            _dialogue      = dialogue;
            _dialogueEntry = entry;
            _cmdExec       = cmdExec;
            _network       = network;

            incomingConnector = new ConnectorViewModel(_cmdExec, null, this);

            for (int i = 0; i < entry.NumChoices; ++i)
                DialogueChoice choice = entry.Choice(i);
                if (choice != null)
                    OutgoingConnectors.Add(new ConnectorViewModel(_cmdExec, choice, this));
Beispiel #20
    public IEnumerator DisplayPrompt(DialogueChoice DialogueChoiceOption, Action <int> callback)
        if (DialogueChoiceOption.isYesNo())
            yield return(StartCoroutine(DisplayYesNoPrompt(DialogueChoiceOption, callback)));
        else if (DialogueChoiceOption.isFour())
            yield return(StartCoroutine(DisplayFourSquarePrompt(DialogueChoiceOption, callback)));
        else if (DialogueChoiceOption.isTwo())
            yield return(StartCoroutine(DisplayAskCharacterPrompt(DialogueChoiceOption, callback)));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(DisplayCharacterSelectPrompt(DialogueChoiceOption, callback)));
Beispiel #21
    public void getNextChoiceBasedOnBox(int choiceNumber)
        int idClickedOn = 0;

        if (choiceNumber == 1)
            idClickedOn = currentDC.gotoId1;
        else if (choiceNumber == 2)
            idClickedOn = currentDC.gotoId2;
        else if (choiceNumber == 3)
            idClickedOn = currentDC.gotoId3;

        DialogueChoice nextChoice = DialogueManager.getAlexDialogueChoiceFromId(idClickedOn);

Beispiel #22
    public void UseDialogueChoice(int index)
        Debug.Log("Choice index " + index + " was used");

        DialogueChoice choice = activeDialogue.dialogueChoices[index];

        //Display answer/response
        StartCoroutine(TypeSentence(choice.response, false));


        //Perform choice actions
        if (choice.followUpDialogue)

        //End dialogue button enable
        activeDialogue = null;
        continueButton.interactable = true;
        public void OnChoicesStarted(Yarn.OptionSet.Option[] options, ILineLocalisationProvider localisationProvider)
            IEnumerable <DialogueChoice> dialogueChoices = options.Select((option) => {
                string text = localisationProvider.GetLocalisedTextForLine(option.Line);

                // Sanity check
                if (text == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning($"Line {option.Line.ID} doesn't have any localised text.");
                    text = option.Line.ID;

                DialogueChoice dialogueChoice = new DialogueChoice()
                    Text = text,
                    ID   = option.ID


    public static DialogueLine[] LoadDialogue(string scene)
        var lines = new List<DialogueLine>();
        XDocument xml = XDocument.Load("Assets/Dialogue/" + scene + ".xml");

        foreach (var eLine in xml.Element("dialogue").Element("lines").Elements())
            XElement text = eLine.Element("text");
            lines.Add(new DialogueLine
                    Resources.Load<Sprite>("Sprites/" + (string)eLine.Element("portrait")),
                    (text.Attribute("speed") == null ? DialogueLine.DEFAULT_SPEED : (float)text.Attribute("speed")),
                    (text.Attribute("name") == null ? DialogueLine.DEFAULT_NAME : (string)text.Attribute("name"))

        var choices = xml.Element("dialogue").Element("choice");
        if (choices != null)
            var choice = new DialogueChoice(); // temp value

            int i = 0;
            foreach (var eLine in choices.Elements()) // not cooperating to let me make a for loop here... wweh
                choice.ChoiceText[i] = (string)eLine;

                string target = (string)eLine.Attribute("target");
                choice.Targets.Add((int)eLine.Attribute("id"),(target != null ? target : "END"));
            lines[lines.Count - 1].Choice = choice; // choice always lies in the last line of dialogue

        return lines.ToArray();
Beispiel #25
    public void Show(ScriptableDialogue dialogue, GameObject player)

        // show text
        welcomeText.text = dialogue.GetText(player);

        // show choices
        List <DialogueChoice> choices = dialogue.GetChoices(player);

        // instantiate/destroy enough slots
        UIUtils.BalancePrefabs(slotPrefab.gameObject, choices.Count, content);

        // refresh all choices
        for (int i = 0; i < choices.Count; ++i)
            UIDialogueChoice slot = content.GetChild(i).GetComponent <UIDialogueChoice>();

            DialogueChoice choice = choices[i];
            slot.button.interactable = choice.interactable;
            slot.button.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = choice.text;
 public void DisplayChoice(DialogueChoice dc)
     CurrentNode = dc;
     //show = true;
Beispiel #27
        public static List<DialogueChoice> getDialogueChoices(int day, List<int> ResponseChildren, Character.Player player)
            string childrenString = "";
            int childCounter = 0;

            int id = 0;
            List<int> children = new List<int>();
            int choiceDay = 0;
            List<Condition> conditions = new List<Condition>();
            List<effect> effects = new List<effect>();
            string text = "";

            int ChoiceCounter = 0;
            List<DialogueChoice> Choices = new List<DialogueChoice>();

            foreach (int child in ResponseChildren)
                childCounter += 1;
                if (childCounter < ResponseChildren.Count)
                    childrenString = childrenString + "id = " + child + " or ";
                    childrenString = childrenString + "id = " + child;

            string strExpression = "/dialogue/dialogueChoice[(" + childrenString + ") and @day='" + day.ToString() + "']/*";
            XPathDocument dialogueFile = new XPathDocument(DialogueFileLocation);
            XPathNavigator nav = dialogueFile.CreateNavigator();
            XPathNodeIterator nodeIter = nav.Select(strExpression);

            //we've selected all the child dialogue choices. Now we need to read them into dialogueChoice objects.
            while (nodeIter.MoveNext())
                switch (nodeIter.Current.Name)

                    case "children":
                        //read and parse this comma delimited string, turn it into a List<int> object
                        String ChildrenString = nodeIter.Current.Value;
                        string[] childrenArray = ChildrenString.Split(',');
                        foreach (string s in childrenArray)
                    case "condition":
                        //create condition and add it to condition list.
                        Condition condition = new Condition();
                        //go through condition attribute values and populate the condition object with them.
                        String subject = nodeIter.Current.GetAttribute("subject", "");
                        condition.Subject = subject;

                        String attribute = nodeIter.Current.GetAttribute("attribute", "");
                        condition.Attribute = attribute;

                        String upperLimit = nodeIter.Current.GetAttribute("upperLimit", "");
                        if (upperLimit != "")
                            condition.UpperLimit = Convert.ToInt32(upperLimit);

                        String lowerLimit = nodeIter.Current.GetAttribute("lowerLimit", "");
                        if (lowerLimit != "")
                            condition.LowerLimit = Convert.ToInt32(lowerLimit);

                        String value = nodeIter.Current.Value;
                        if (value != "")
                            condition.Value = Convert.ToInt32(value);

                        String type = nodeIter.Current.GetAttribute("type", "");
                        condition.Type = type;

                        String decisionID = nodeIter.Current.GetAttribute("id", "");
                        if (decisionID != "")
                            condition.DecisionID = Convert.ToInt32(decisionID);


                    case "effect":
                        effect effect = new effect();

                        String effectType = nodeIter.Current.GetAttribute("type", "");
                        effect.type = effectType;

                        String effectSubject = nodeIter.Current.GetAttribute("subject", "");
                        effect.Subject = effectSubject;

                        String effectAttribute = nodeIter.Current.GetAttribute("attribute", "");
                        effect.Attribute = effectAttribute;

                        String effectChange = nodeIter.Current.GetAttribute("change", "");
                        if (effectChange != "")
                            effect.change = Convert.ToInt32(effectChange);

                        String effectDecisionId = nodeIter.Current.GetAttribute("id", "");
                        if (effectDecisionId != "")
                            effect.DecisionID = Convert.ToInt32(effectDecisionId);

                        String decisionValue = nodeIter.Current.Value;
                        int n;
                        if (Int32.TryParse(decisionValue, out n))
                            effect.DecisionValue = Convert.ToInt32(decisionValue);

                        String effectDescription = nodeIter.Current.GetAttribute("desc", "");
                        effect.Description = effectDescription;


                    case "text":
                        text = nodeIter.Current.Value;

                    case "id":
                        //add one to the response counter - we got a new response!
                        ChoiceCounter += 1;
                        id = Convert.ToInt32(nodeIter.Current.Value);
                        //Now we can create a new response object and fill it.

                        DialogueChoice Choice = new DialogueChoice();

                        Choice.Day = day;
                        Choice.ID = id;
                        Choice.Text = text;
                        Choice.children = children;
                        Choice.Conditions = conditions;
                        Choice.Effects = effects;
                        //Add new response to response list


                        //reset values to default for the next dialogue

                        id = 0;
                        text = "";
                        children = new List<int>();
                        conditions = new List<Condition>();
            List<DialogueChoice> parsedChoices = ParseChoices(Choices, player);

            return parsedChoices;
Beispiel #28
        public static void parseEffects(DialogueChoice choice)
            if (choice.Effects.Count > 0)
                foreach (effect e in choice.Effects)
                    switch (e.type)
                        case "immediate":
                            // look for subject, attribute, etc
                            if (e.Subject != null && e.Attribute != null && e.change != null)
                                Character.ModifyCharacter(e.Subject, e.Attribute, e.change);
                        case "timed":
                            // look for subject attribute, howlong, etc
                        case "decision":
                            //look for decisionID, decision value, etc
                            Character.decision decision = new Character.decision();

                            decision.id = e.DecisionID;
                            decision.value = Convert.ToInt32(e.DecisionValue);
                            decision.description = e.Description;
    private DialogueChoice ProcessNodeChoice()
        DialogueChoice ChoiceNode = new DialogueChoice();
        string line;

            line = GetValidLine();
            if(line != null)
                if(line[0] == '}')
                    line = line.ToLower();
                    if(line.CompareTo("option") == 0)
                        Choice c = ProcessChoiceOption();
                        if(c != null)

        } while(line != null);

        return ChoiceNode;
Beispiel #30
 private void setChoiceButton(GameObject button, DialogueChoice choice)
     button.GetComponent <Text>().text = choice.getChoiceText();
     button.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(delegate { SetSelectedOption(choice.getLinkedNode()); });
Beispiel #31
 public static string SaveToJson(DialogueChoice data)
     return(JsonUtility.ToJson(data, true));
Beispiel #32
    private static void setupAlex()
        DialogueChoice dc = new DialogueChoice();

        dc.line          = "...";
        dc.id            = 0;
        dc.gotoLine1     = "Hi";
        dc.gotoId1       = 1;
        dc.gotoLine2     = "Hey";
        dc.gotoId2       = 1;
        dc.gotoLine3     = "Hey, how are you?";
        dc.gotoId3       = 2;
        Alex_choices [0] = dc;

        dc               = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line          = "Hi, how are you?";
        dc.id            = 1;
        dc.gotoLine1     = "Fine, you?";
        dc.gotoId1       = 2;
        dc.gotoLine2     = "I'm alright, what about you?";
        dc.gotoId2       = 2;
        dc.gotoLine3     = "Not having the best day actually";
        dc.gotoId3       = 3;
        Alex_choices [1] = dc;

        dc               = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line          = "I'm feeling great!";
        dc.id            = 2;
        dc.gotoLine1     = "Are you enjoying this club?";
        dc.gotoId1       = 6;
        dc.gotoLine2     = "And how is the night treating you so far?";
        dc.gotoId2       = 8;
        dc.gotoLine3     = " ";
        dc.gotoId3       = 0;
        Alex_choices [2] = dc;

        dc               = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line          = "Really? What happened?";
        dc.id            = 3;
        dc.gotoLine1     = "Oh you know, just life.";
        dc.gotoId1       = 4;
        dc.gotoLine2     = "Life stuff you know, but I dont wanna bother you with that.";
        dc.gotoId2       = 7;
        dc.gotoLine3     = " ";
        dc.gotoId3       = 0;
        Alex_choices [3] = dc;

        dc               = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line          = "That sucks, did you want something from me?";
        dc.id            = 4;
        dc.gotoLine1     = "..I guess not.";
        dc.gotoId1       = 5;
        dc.gotoLine2     = "Yeah, you seem nice, just wanted someone to talk to.";
        dc.gotoId2       = 7;
        dc.gotoLine3     = " ";
        dc.gotoId3       = 0;
        Alex_choices [4] = dc;

        dc               = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line          = "K, bye!";
        dc.id            = 5;
        dc.gotoLine1     = "...bye.";
        dc.gotoId1       = 0;
        dc.gotoLine2     = " ";
        dc.gotoId2       = 0;
        dc.gotoLine3     = " ";
        dc.gotoId3       = 0;
        Alex_choices [5] = dc;

        dc               = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line          = "Yeah, the music is really good!";
        dc.id            = 6;
        dc.gotoLine1     = "It sure is.";
        dc.gotoId1       = 10;
        dc.gotoLine2     = "You seem really nice, can I pay you a drink?";
        dc.gotoId2       = 8;
        dc.gotoLine3     = "You like this kind of music? That's sad.";
        dc.gotoId3       = 5;
        Alex_choices [6] = dc;

        dc               = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line          = "Sorry about that, I just don't like when people keep complaining about their problems you know?";
        dc.id            = 7;
        dc.gotoLine1     = "Yeah, I understand... Anyway, are you enjoying the club?";
        dc.gotoId1       = 6;
        dc.gotoLine2     = "That's okay! Maybe I can pay you a drink to make it up for that?";
        dc.gotoId2       = 8;
        dc.gotoLine3     = " ";
        dc.gotoId3       = 0;
        Alex_choices [7] = dc;

        dc               = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line          = "Uhmm, I don't know... I don't really know you.";
        dc.id            = 8;
        dc.gotoLine1     = "Oh, that's okay...";
        dc.gotoId1       = 5;
        dc.gotoLine2     = "Well, if you accept my offer you will.";
        dc.gotoId2       = 9;
        dc.gotoLine3     = " ";
        dc.gotoId3       = 0;
        Alex_choices [8] = dc;

        dc               = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line          = "...Okay, sure.";
        dc.id            = 9;
        dc.gotoLine1     = "";
        dc.gotoId1       = 0;
        dc.gotoLine2     = "";
        dc.gotoId2       = 0;
        dc.gotoLine3     = " ";
        dc.gotoId3       = 0;
        Alex_choices [9] = dc;

        dc                = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line           = "What about you? Are you enjoying it?";
        dc.id             = 10;
        dc.gotoLine1      = "I guess it's alright.";
        dc.gotoId1        = 11;
        dc.gotoLine2      = "I am, but I would enjoy it more if you had a drink with me!";
        dc.gotoId2        = 8;
        dc.gotoLine3      = " ";
        dc.gotoId3        = 0;
        Alex_choices [10] = dc;

        dc                = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line           = "Oh c'mon! Let's get a drink then, maybe it'll make it better.";
        dc.id             = 11;
        dc.gotoLine1      = "Sure, that would be awesome!";
        dc.gotoId1        = 0;
        dc.gotoLine2      = "Nah, i'm ok.";
        dc.gotoId2        = 5;
        dc.gotoLine3      = " ";
        dc.gotoId3        = 0;
        Alex_choices [11] = dc;
Beispiel #33
 public ConnectionViewModel(CommandExecutor cmdExe, DialogueChoice choice)
     _cmdExe = cmdExe;
     _choice = choice;
    static DialogueTreeNode CreateNodeFromFile(string path, string fileName)
        DialogueTreeNode node = new DialogueTreeNode();

        string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + fileName);

        List <string> sentences = new List <string>();

        int index = 0;

        for ( ; index < lines.Length; index++)
            if (lines[index].Contains("Choice:"))
            if (lines[index].Length > 0)

        List <DialogueChoice> choices = new List <DialogueChoice>();

        for (; index < lines.Length; index++)
            if (lines[index].Contains("Choice:"))
                DialogueChoice choice = new DialogueChoice();

                //Is this a success/failure choice?
                if (lines[index].Contains("[") && lines[index].Contains("]"))
                    choice.requirement = new DialogueRequirement();

                    string   requirementAsString = lines[index].Split('[')[1].Split(']')[0];
                    string[] split = requirementAsString.Split(' ');

                    choice.requirement.type   = split[0];
                    choice.requirement.points = int.Parse(split[1]);

                    choice.successSentence = lines[index];
                    choice.failureSentence = lines[index + 1];
                    choice.successNext     = CreateNodeFromFile(path, lines[index + 2]);
                    choice.failureNext     = CreateNodeFromFile(path, lines[index + 3]);
                    index += 4;
                    choice.successSentence = lines[index];
                    choice.successNext = CreateNodeFromFile(path, lines[index]);


        node.sentences = sentences.ToArray();
        node.choices   = choices.ToArray();

Beispiel #35
        public void SelectChoice(DialogueChoice selectedChoice)

Beispiel #36
    private static void setupAlex()
        DialogueChoice dc = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line = "...";
        dc.id = 0;
        dc.gotoLine1 = "Hi";
        dc.gotoId1 = 1;
        dc.gotoLine2 = "Hey";
        dc.gotoId2 = 1;
        dc.gotoLine3 = "Hey, how are you?";
        dc.gotoId3 = 2;
        Alex_choices [0] = dc;

        dc = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line = "Hi, how are you?";
        dc.id = 1;
        dc.gotoLine1 = "Fine, you?";
        dc.gotoId1 = 2;
        dc.gotoLine2 = "I'm alright, what about you?";
        dc.gotoId2 = 2;
        dc.gotoLine3 = "Not having the best day actually";
        dc.gotoId3 = 3;
        Alex_choices [1] = dc;

        dc = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line = "I'm feeling great!";
        dc.id = 2;
        dc.gotoLine1 = "Are you enjoying this club?";
        dc.gotoId1 = 6;
        dc.gotoLine2 = "And how is the night treating you so far?";
        dc.gotoId2 = 8;
        dc.gotoLine3 = " ";
        dc.gotoId3 = 0;
        Alex_choices [2] = dc;

        dc = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line = "Really? What happened?";
        dc.id = 3;
        dc.gotoLine1 = "Oh you know, just life.";
        dc.gotoId1 = 4;
        dc.gotoLine2 = "Life stuff you know, but I dont wanna bother you with that.";
        dc.gotoId2 = 7;
        dc.gotoLine3 = " ";
        dc.gotoId3 = 0;
        Alex_choices [3] = dc;

        dc = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line = "That sucks, did you want something from me?";
        dc.id = 4;
        dc.gotoLine1 = "..I guess not.";
        dc.gotoId1 = 5;
        dc.gotoLine2 = "Yeah, you seem nice, just wanted someone to talk to.";
        dc.gotoId2 = 7;
        dc.gotoLine3 = " ";
        dc.gotoId3 = 0;
        Alex_choices [4] = dc;

        dc = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line = "K, bye!";
        dc.id = 5;
        dc.gotoLine1 = "...bye.";
        dc.gotoId1 = 0;
        dc.gotoLine2 = " ";
        dc.gotoId2 = 0;
        dc.gotoLine3 = " ";
        dc.gotoId3 = 0;
        Alex_choices [5] = dc;

        dc = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line = "Yeah, the music is really good!";
        dc.id = 6;
        dc.gotoLine1 = "It sure is.";
        dc.gotoId1 = 10;
        dc.gotoLine2 = "You seem really nice, can I pay you a drink?";
        dc.gotoId2 = 8;
        dc.gotoLine3 = "You like this kind of music? That's sad.";
        dc.gotoId3 = 5;
        Alex_choices [6] = dc;

        dc = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line = "Sorry about that, I just don't like when people keep complaining about their problems you know?";
        dc.id = 7;
        dc.gotoLine1 = "Yeah, I understand... Anyway, are you enjoying the club?";
        dc.gotoId1 = 6;
        dc.gotoLine2 = "That's okay! Maybe I can pay you a drink to make it up for that?";
        dc.gotoId2 = 8;
        dc.gotoLine3 = " ";
        dc.gotoId3 = 0;
        Alex_choices [7] = dc;

        dc = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line = "Uhmm, I don't know... I don't really know you.";
        dc.id = 8;
        dc.gotoLine1 = "Oh, that's okay...";
        dc.gotoId1 = 5;
        dc.gotoLine2 = "Well, if you accept my offer you will.";
        dc.gotoId2 = 9;
        dc.gotoLine3 = " ";
        dc.gotoId3 = 0;
        Alex_choices [8] = dc;

        dc = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line = "...Okay, sure.";
        dc.id = 9;
        dc.gotoLine1 = "";
        dc.gotoId1 = 0;
        dc.gotoLine2 = "";
        dc.gotoId2 = 0;
        dc.gotoLine3 = " ";
        dc.gotoId3 = 0;
        Alex_choices [9] = dc;

        dc = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line = "What about you? Are you enjoying it?";
        dc.id = 10;
        dc.gotoLine1 = "I guess it's alright.";
        dc.gotoId1 = 11;
        dc.gotoLine2 = "I am, but I would enjoy it more if you had a drink with me!";
        dc.gotoId2 = 8;
        dc.gotoLine3 = " ";
        dc.gotoId3 = 0;
        Alex_choices [10] = dc;

        dc = new DialogueChoice();
        dc.line = "Oh c'mon! Let's get a drink then, maybe it'll make it better.";
        dc.id = 11;
        dc.gotoLine1 = "Sure, that would be awesome!";
        dc.gotoId1 = 0;
        dc.gotoLine2 = "Nah, i'm ok.";
        dc.gotoId2 = 5;
        dc.gotoLine3 = " ";
        dc.gotoId3 = 0;
        Alex_choices [11] = dc;
Beispiel #37
    void CallChoices()
        if (currentStory.currentChoices.Count <= 0)

        int          activeQuestsCount = 0;
        List <Quest> activeQuests      = new List <Quest>();
        int          openQuestsCount   = 0;
        List <Quest> openQuests        = new List <Quest>();

        if (checkingTopics)
            if (QuestSystem.QuestNPC(NPC, out activeQuests))
                activeQuestsCount = activeQuests.Count;

            openQuests      = Core.Instance.DB.QuestDB.GetOpenQuests(NPC);
            openQuestsCount = openQuests.Count;

            checkingTopics = false;

        int totalCount = currentStory.currentChoices.Count + activeQuestsCount + openQuestsCount;

        choices = new DialogueChoice[totalCount];

        int elementIndex = 0;

        int i = 0;

        while (i < activeQuestsCount)
            DialogueChoice choice = Instantiate(choicePrefab, choiceParent).GetComponent <DialogueChoice>();
            choice.SetQuestTopic(NPC, activeQuests[i]);
            choices[elementIndex] = choice;

        i = 0;
        while (i < openQuestsCount)
            DialogueChoice choice = Instantiate(choicePrefab, choiceParent).GetComponent <DialogueChoice>();
            choice.SetQuestTopic(NPC, openQuests[i]);
            choices[elementIndex] = choice;

        i = 0;
        while (i < currentStory.currentChoices.Count)
            DialogueChoice choice = Instantiate(choicePrefab, choiceParent).GetComponent <DialogueChoice>();
            choice.SetChoice(NPC, currentStory.currentChoices[i]);
            choices[elementIndex] = choice;
Beispiel #38
    void Start()
        AS = GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        // this reads easier if you start from the bottom and go up.
        // If you want to do this somewhere else copy and paste the script and redo this part I'm not making it modular.
        DialogueMessage failMsg2 = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Neighborhood Man", dialogue = "f**k off", endAction = SpeechCheckFail
        DialogueMessage failMsg = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Neighborhood Man", dialogue = "f**k off", next = failMsg2
        DialogueMessage passMsg2 = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Neighborhood Man", dialogue = "I'll take 50 cans.", endAction = SpeechCheckPass
        DialogueMessage passMsg = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Neighborhood Man", dialogue = "I'll take 50 cans.", next = passMsg2

        DialogueMessage msg6_2 = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Neighborhood Man", dialogue = "Oh that makes sense.", next = passMsg
        DialogueMessage msg6_1 = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Skipper", dialogue = "It's very good for dipping and complements starches as a side.", next = msg6_2
        DialogueMessage msg5_4 = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Skipper", dialogue = "I'm going to force feed you it.", next = failMsg
        DialogueMessage msg5_3 = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Neighborhood Man", dialogue = "I'm not too sure about this.", next = msg5_4
        DialogueMessage msg5_2 = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Neighborhood Man", dialogue = "*sips soup*", next = msg5_3
        DialogueMessage msg5_1 = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Skipper", dialogue = "Here, give it a taste, it will change your mind.", next = msg5_2
        DialogueChoice ch2_2 = new DialogueChoice()
            optionText = "Explain yourself", next = msg6_1
        DialogueChoice ch2_1 = new DialogueChoice()
            optionText = "Give a sample", next = msg5_1
        DialogueMessage msg4 = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Neighborhood Man", dialogue = "That sounds disgusting."

        DialogueMessage msg3_1 = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Skipper", dialogue = "I have a new flavor of soup here. It's called spicy nacho cheese.", next = msg4
        DialogueMessage msg2_1 = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Skipper", dialogue = "How I shove this soup can up your ass.", next = failMsg
        DialogueChoice ch1_2 = new DialogueChoice()
            optionText = "Be gentle", next = msg3_1
        DialogueChoice ch1_1 = new DialogueChoice()
            optionText = "Be aggressive", next = msg2_1
        DialogueMessage msg1 = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Neighborhood Man", dialogue = "What do you mean? Are you selling me something?"

        topMessage = new DialogueMessage()
            name = "Skipper", dialogue = "do you have time to listen to soup?", next = msg1
        nextMessage = topMessage;

        wc = FindObjectOfType <WinController>();

        foreach (Button button in choiceButtons)
Beispiel #39
        public NetworkViewModel(CommandExecutor cmdExe, Dialogue dialogue)
            _dialogue = dialogue;
            _cmdExec = cmdExe;

            if (_dialogue == null)

            var entryToModel = new Dictionary<DialogueEntry, NodeViewModel>();

            for (int i = 0; i < _dialogue.NumEntries; ++i)
                DialogueEntry entry = _dialogue.Entry(i);
                if (entry != null)
                    var model = new NodeViewModel(cmdExe, entry, _dialogue, this);

                    entryToModel.Add(entry, model);

            for (int i = 0; i < _dialogue.NumChoices; ++i)
                DialogueChoice choice = _dialogue.Choice(i);
                if (choice != null)
                    var connection = new ConnectionViewModel(cmdExe, choice);

                    if (choice.SourceEntry != null && choice.DestinationEntry != null)
                        NodeViewModel srcNode = entryToModel[choice.SourceEntry];
                        foreach (ConnectorViewModel connector in srcNode.OutgoingConnectors)
                            if (connector.DialogueChoice.Equals(choice))
                                connection.SourceConnector = connector;

                        NodeViewModel dstNode = entryToModel[choice.DestinationEntry];
                        connection.DestConnector = dstNode.IncomingConnector;

            for (int i = 0; i < _dialogue.NumParticipants; ++i)
                Participant participant = _dialogue.Participant(i);
                if (participant != null)
                    var model = new ParticipantViewModel(cmdExe, participant, _dialogue);
Beispiel #40
 public SetChoiceDestUndoableCommand(ConnectorViewModel destConnector, ConnectionViewModel connection, DialogueChoice choice)
     _destConnector = destConnector;
     _connection    = connection;
     _choice        = choice;