// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // GAME OVER
        if (wilted)
            restartCountdown -= Time.deltaTime;

            if (restartCountdown <= 0f)

        energy = 1 + ((int)Mathf.Clamp(DayNightCycle.GetSunHeight(), 0, int.MaxValue) / 2);

        if (Input.touchCount > 0 && EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject(Input.GetTouch(0).fingerId))
            Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(0);
            //Update the Text on the screen depending on current position of the touch each frame
            //print("Touch Position : " + touch.position);

            waterLevel += fastGrow;
            if (meter_sld.value < 99f)
                // Too slow for my patience, disabling this system for now. -David
                growth += fastGrow; //* energy *Time.deltaTime;
        else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject())
            waterLevel += fastGrow;
            if (meter_sld.value < 99f)
                growth += fastGrow;// *energy*Time.deltaTime;
            if (meter_sld.value > 0f)
                waterLevel -= slowGrow;
                growth     += slowGrow;// *energy*Time.deltaTime;

        if (waterLevel >= meter_sld.maxValue)
            meter_sld.value = meter_sld.maxValue;
            meter_sld.value = waterLevel;

        if (waterLevel < 1f || waterLevel >= meter_sld.maxValue)
            wilt += 0.1f;
        else if (wilt > 0f)
            wilt -= 0.2f;

        if (wilt > wilt3 && growthLvl == 4)
            plant_anit.SetInteger("Wilt", 3);
            wilted = true;
        else if (wilt > wilt2 && growthLvl == 4)
            plant_anit.SetInteger("Wilt", 2);
        else if (wilt > wilt1)
            plant_anit.SetInteger("Wilt", 1);
            if (growthLvl < 4)
                wilt = wilt1 - 5f;
        else if (wilt < recover2 && plant_anit.GetInteger("Wilt") == 2)
            plant_anit.SetInteger("Wilt", 1);
        else if (wilt < recover1 && plant_anit.GetInteger("Wilt") == 1)
            plant_anit.SetInteger("Wilt", 0);

        print(growth + " " + wilt);

        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
            if (mouseX != -1f && mouseY != -1f)
                diffX = Input.mousePosition.x - mouseX;
                diffY = Input.mousePosition.y - mouseY;

            if (diffX < -15f && diffY > -10f && diffY < 10f)
                print("Swiped Left!");
            else if (diffX > 15f && diffY > -10f && diffY < 10f)
                print("Swiped Right!");

            mouseX = Input.mousePosition.x;
            mouseY = Input.mousePosition.y;
            mouseX = -1f;
            mouseY = -1f;
            diffX  = -1f;
            diffY  = -1f;

        if (Input.touchCount > 0)
            Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(0);

            print(touch.deltaPosition.x + " " + touch.deltaPosition.y);

            debug.text = "delta" + touch.deltaPosition.x + " " + touch.deltaPosition.y;

            if (touch.deltaPosition.x < -15f && touch.deltaPosition.y > -10f && touch.deltaPosition.y < 10f)
                debug.text = "delta" + touch.deltaPosition.x + " " + touch.deltaPosition.y + " LEFT";
            else if (touch.deltaPosition.x > 15f && touch.deltaPosition.y > -10f && touch.deltaPosition.y < 10f)
                debug.text = "delta" + touch.deltaPosition.x + " " + touch.deltaPosition.y + " RIGHT";

            //mouseX = Input.mousePosition.x;
            //mouseY = Input.mousePosition.y;
            /*mouseX = -1f;
             * mouseY = -1f;
             * diffX = -1f;
             * diffY = -1f;*/