public void OnWorldClick(string world) { DestroyObjs(); CurrentWorld = world; _createdObjects.Add(CreateButton("<--", x => OnLoadClick())); _createdObjects.AddRange(CreateButtonList(DDA.GetWorldSaves(world), DoSceneTransition)); }
DataTable IMyMetaPlugin.GetTables(string database) { DataTable metaData = new DataTable(); IVistaDBDatabase db = null; try { metaData = context.CreateTablesDataTable(); db = DDA.OpenDatabase(this.GetFullDatabaseName(), VistaDBDatabaseOpenMode.NonexclusiveReadOnly, ""); ArrayList tables = db.EnumTables(); foreach (string table in tables) { IVistaDBTableSchema tblStructure = db.TableSchema(table); DataRow row = metaData.NewRow(); metaData.Rows.Add(row); row["TABLE_NAME"] = tblStructure.Name; row["DESCRIPTION"] = tblStructure.Description; } } finally { if (db != null) { db.Close(); } } return(metaData); }
void Start() { RebuildCache(); startingPoint = DDA.playerPos(); Game.Player.Reload(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); RebuildAll(); }
//-------------------------------------- public void SpawnLanes(int amountToSpawn, bool isInitialSpawn) { if(isInitialSpawn){ //GetComponent<BiomeClass> ().SwitchBiome (BiomeClass.Biomes.Start); gameManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Manager").GetComponent<GameManager> (); dDA = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Manager").GetComponent<DDA> (); ResetLanes(); } for(int i = 0; i < amountToSpawn; i++){ GameObject newLane = (GameObject)Instantiate(ChooseType(), new Vector3(0.75f, 0, spawnerZPos), Quaternion.identity); newLane.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; newLane.GetComponent<Lane>().OnLanePlaced(); if(newLane.GetComponent<Lane>().laneType == LaneClass.LaneTypes.Road && lastLanePlaced == LaneClass.LaneTypes.Road){ PlaceRoadLines(spawnerZPos, newLane); } lastLanePlaced = newLane.GetComponent<Lane>().laneType; //setting the cells in the Grid Matrix for (int j = 0; j < LaneClass.laneWidth; j++){ clutterSpawner.Grid[amountOfLanesSpawned, j] = newLane.GetComponent<Lane>().cells[j]; //telling clutter to be placed clutterSpawner.SpawnClutter(amountOfLanesSpawned, j); } dynamicPlacer.PlaceDynamics(newLane); clutterSpawner.SpawnExtras(newLane); spawnerZPos += ChosenLaneWidth(newLane.GetComponent<Lane>().laneType); amountOfLanesSpawned ++; CheckBiome(amountOfLanesSpawned); DestroyOld(amountOfLanesSpawned - destroyLeway); } if (isInitialSpawn) { DonePrePlacing (); } }
public void Start() { var playerPos = DDA.playerPos(); CreateMap(playerPos); Game.Player.Reload(playerPos); Game.Camera.MoveTo(playerPos); }
public static void Main() { Point[] points = DDA.rasteriza(new Point(-2, 3), new Point(10, 15)); foreach (Point point in points) { Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1})", point.x, point.y); } }
//---------------------------------------- public void SetUp() { gameManager = GameObject.Find("MANAGER").GetComponent <GameManager> (); dDA = GameObject.Find("MANAGER").GetComponent <DDA> (); forwardOffset = 0; gameStats = GameObject.Find("MANAGER").GetComponent <GameStats> (); GetComponent <MovementEffects> ().SetUp(); SetRects(); }
void Start() { gameManager = GameObject.Find ("MANAGER").GetComponent<GameManager> (); dDA = GameObject.Find ("MANAGER").GetComponent<DDA> (); camOrigin = gameObject.transform.position; P = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); //tar = gameObject.transform.FindChild ("TARGET").gameObject; //tar.transform.position = P.transform.position + new Vector3 (0, 0, 5f); cameraSpeed = dDA.gameSpeed; }
void Start() { gameManager = GameObject.Find("MANAGER").GetComponent <GameManager> (); dDA = GameObject.Find("MANAGER").GetComponent <DDA> (); camOrigin = gameObject.transform.position; P = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); //tar = gameObject.transform.FindChild ("TARGET").gameObject; //tar.transform.position = P.transform.position + new Vector3 (0, 0, 5f); cameraSpeed = dDA.gameSpeed; }
private void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.F5)) { _data = DDA.GetGameData(); needReload = true; } if (needReload) { GameObject.Destroy(cached); cached = new GameObject("cache"); foreach (var obj in objects) { GameObject.Destroy(obj.Value); } objects = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>(); try { Debug.Log(_data.playerPosition); Game.Player.Reload(_data.playerPosition); Game.Camera.MoveTo(new Vector3(_data.playerPosition.x, 0, _data.playerPosition.z)); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex); } try { Game.UI.SetUI(, _data.calendar); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex); } Debug.Log("reloading..."); GameObject.Destroy(frame); frame = new GameObject("frame"); frame.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform; foreach (var tile in { AddOrInstantiate(tile.loc, tile.ter, "t_unknown"); if (tile.furn != 0) { AddOrInstantiate(tile.loc, tile.furn, "f_unknown"); } // tyomalu: changed tile.ter to int } needReload = false; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _myBitmap = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height); _g = Graphics.FromImage(_myBitmap); DDA dda = new DDA(); Point2D p1 = new Point2D((double)numericUpDown1.Value, (double)numericUpDown2.Value); Point2D p2 = new Point2D((double)numericUpDown3.Value, (double)numericUpDown4.Value); dda.DrawLine(_g, p1, p2); pictureBox1.Image = _myBitmap; }
public static void StartDdaGame() { DDA.init(); var worlds = DDA.GetWorldNames(); Debug.Log("Found " + worlds.Length + " worlds"); WorldName = worlds[0]; Debug.Log("Loading " + WorldName); DDA.loadGame(WorldName); Debug.Log("Game loaded"); }
void Start() { clutterSpawner = clutterSpawner.GetComponent <ClutterSpawner> (); dynamicPlacer = dynamicPlacer.GetComponent <DynamicPlacer> (); biome = GetComponent <BiomeClass> (); dDA = dDA.GetComponent <DDA> (); gameStats = gameStats.GetComponent <GameStats> (); if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player")) { P = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); } pChecker = LaneClass.playerSpawnLocation + new Vector3(0, 0, 1.5f); }
void Start() { _ints = this; //screen things Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.AutoRotation; //---- gameManger = GetComponent <GameManager> (); adMan = GetComponent <AdMan> (); menuManager = GetComponent <MenuManager> (); dDA = GetComponent <DDA> (); currentGameState = GameStates.GameStart; SwitchGameState(GameStates.GameLoad); }
public void RebuildCache() { voxModelsCache.Clear(); terIds.Clear(); tilesFolder = tilesFolder.Trim(); if (!Directory.Exists(tilesFolder)) { return; } var files = Directory.GetFiles(tilesFolder, "*.vox"); Texture2D terrainTexture = null; foreach (var file in files) { var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).ToLower(); var model = new VOX.Model(file); if (terrainTexture == null) { scale = 1.0f / model.sizeX; tileSize = model.sizeX * scale; terrainTexture = VOX.Texture.FromModel(model, 16); } var mesh = VOX.Mesh.FromModel(model, scale, removeEdges, 1.0f / terrainTexture.width / 2.0f); voxModelsCache[name] = mesh; terIds[0] = "t_null"; int terId = DDA.terId(name); int monId = DDA.monId(name); int furnId = DDA.furnId(name); if (terId != 0) { terIds[terId] = name; } if (monId != -1) { monIds[monId] = name; } if (furnId != -1) { furnIds[furnId] = name; } } terrainMaterial = new UnityEngine.Material(Shader.Find("Standard")); terrainMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", terrainTexture); UpdateGrid(); terrainMaterial.EnableKeyword("_SPECULARHIGHLIGHTS_OFF"); terrainMaterial.SetFloat("_SpecularHighlights", 0f); }
List <string> IPlugin.GetPrimaryKeyColumns(string database, string table) { List <string> primaryKeys = new List <string>(); IVistaDBDatabase db = null; try { using (VistaDBConnection cn = new VistaDBConnection(context.ConnectionString)) { db = DDA.OpenDatabase(this.GetFullDatabaseName(), VistaDBDatabaseOpenMode.NonexclusiveReadOnly, GetPassword(cn)); } IVistaDBTableSchema tblStructure = db.TableSchema(table); string[] pks = null; if (tblStructure.Indexes.Contains("PrimaryKey")) { pks = tblStructure.Indexes["PrimaryKey"].KeyExpression.Split(';'); } else { foreach (IVistaDBIndexInformation pk in tblStructure.Indexes) { if (pk.Primary) { pks = pk.KeyExpression.Split(';'); break; } } } if (pks != null) { foreach (string pkColName in pks) { primaryKeys.Add(pkColName); } } } finally { if (db != null) { db.Close(); } } return(primaryKeys); }
DataTable IPlugin.GetTableIndexes(string database, string table) { DataTable metaData = new DataTable(); IVistaDBDatabase db = null; try { metaData = context.CreateIndexesDataTable(); using (VistaDBConnection cn = new VistaDBConnection(context.ConnectionString)) { db = DDA.OpenDatabase(this.GetFullDatabaseName(), VistaDBDatabaseOpenMode.NonexclusiveReadOnly, GetPassword(cn)); } ArrayList tables = db.EnumTables(); IVistaDBTableSchema tblStructure = db.TableSchema(table); foreach (IVistaDBIndexInformation indexInfo in tblStructure.Indexes) { string[] pks = indexInfo.KeyExpression.Split(';'); int index = 0; foreach (string colName in pks) { DataRow row = metaData.NewRow(); metaData.Rows.Add(row); row["TABLE_CATALOG"] = GetDatabaseName(); row["TABLE_NAME"] = tblStructure.Name; row["INDEX_CATALOG"] = GetDatabaseName(); row["INDEX_NAME"] = indexInfo.Name; row["UNIQUE"] = indexInfo.Unique; row["COLLATION"] = indexInfo.KeyStructure[index++].Descending ? 2 : 1; row["COLUMN_NAME"] = colName; } } } finally { if (db != null) { db.Close(); } } return(metaData); }
private void Start() { cached = new GameObject("cache"); try { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); sw.Stop(); Debug.Log(string.Format("Request sent in {0}ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); _data = DDA.GetGameData(); needReload = true; } catch (Exception) { Debug.Log("Map.json not created yet"); } }
public void RemoveOldChunks() { foreach (Transform child in gameObject.transform) { var chunk = child.gameObject.GetComponent <TestChunk>(); Vector3Int playerPos = DDA.playerPos(); Vector2Int truncStartingPoint = new Vector2Int(playerPos.x / chunkSize * chunkSize + chunkSize, playerPos.z / chunkSize * chunkSize + chunkSize); Vector2Int chunkStart = new Vector2Int(truncStartingPoint.x - chunkSize / 2 - chunkRadius * chunkSize, truncStartingPoint.y - chunkSize / 2 - 1 - chunkRadius * chunkSize); Vector2Int chunkEnd = new Vector2Int(truncStartingPoint.x + chunkSize / 2 + chunkRadius * chunkSize, truncStartingPoint.y + chunkSize / 2 - 1 + chunkRadius * chunkSize); if (chunk.start.x < chunkStart.x || chunk.start.y < chunkStart.y || chunk.end.x > chunkEnd.x || chunk.end.y > chunkEnd.y) { Destroy(child.gameObject); } } }
public void Update() { int i = 0; if (!needReload) { return; } needReload = false; Vector3Int playerPos = DDA.playerPos(); Vector2Int truncPlayerPos = new Vector2Int(playerPos.x / chunkSize * chunkSize, playerPos.z / chunkSize * chunkSize); Vector2Int truncStartingPoint = new Vector2Int(truncPlayerPos.x + chunkSize, truncPlayerPos.y + chunkSize); Vector2Int dTruncPos = new Vector2Int((playerPos.x - startingPoint.x) / chunkSize * chunkSize - chunkSize, (playerPos.z - startingPoint.z) / chunkSize * chunkSize - chunkSize); for (int x = -chunkRadius; x <= chunkRadius; x++) { for (int y = -chunkRadius; y <= chunkRadius; y++) { var chunkStart = new Vector2Int(x * chunkSize, y * chunkSize); Vector2Int start = new Vector2Int(truncStartingPoint.x - chunkSize / 2 - 1 + chunkStart.x, truncStartingPoint.y - chunkSize / 2 - 1 + chunkStart.y); Vector2Int end = new Vector2Int(truncStartingPoint.x + chunkSize / 2 - 1 + chunkStart.x, truncStartingPoint.y + chunkSize / 2 - 1 + chunkStart.y); string chunkName = "chunk_" + start.x.ToString("D2") + "_" + start.y.ToString("D2"); if (GameObject.Find("Map/" + chunkName) == null) { var obj = new GameObject(); var chunk = obj.AddComponent <TestChunk>(); chunk.start = start; chunk.end = end; obj.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; = chunkName; chunk.transform.localPosition = new Vector3( (chunkStart.x - startingPoint.x % chunkSize + dTruncPos.x + chunkSize / 2 + chunkSize - 1) * tileSize, 0, (chunkStart.y - startingPoint.z % chunkSize + dTruncPos.y + chunkSize / 2 + chunkSize - 1) * tileSize); chunk.Rebuild(i * 10); i++; } } } }
// TODO: almost the same as UpdateEntities, need to refactor public void UpdateFurniture() { GameObject furnObj = GameObject.Find("furniture"); if (furnObj != null) { ClearGameObject(furnObj); } else { furnObj = new GameObject("furniture"); } Vector3Int playerPos = DDA.playerPos(); int size = 60; Vector2Int from = new Vector2Int(playerPos.x - size, playerPos.z - size); Vector2Int to = new Vector2Int(playerPos.x + size, playerPos.z + size); Tile[] tiles = DDA.GetTilesBetween(from, to).tiles; foreach (var tile in tiles) { if (tile.furn == 0) { continue; } string stringId; furnIds.TryGetValue(tile.furn, out stringId); string name = stringId == null ? "f_unknown" : stringId; GameObject obj = new GameObject(name); obj.transform.parent = furnObj.transform; var pos = new Vector3(tile.loc.x, 0, tile.loc.z); obj.transform.Translate((pos - startingPoint) * tileSize); // probably should prepare GameObjects and do their clones instead var mr = obj.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); var mf = obj.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); mf.sharedMesh = voxModelsCache[name].ToMesh(); mr.sharedMaterial = terrainMaterial; mf.sharedMesh.RecalculateNormals(); } }
public void Rebuild() { Vector3Int playerPos = DDA.playerPos(); Game.Player.Reload((playerPos - startingPoint) * tileSize); //if (TestGame.Started == false) return; // only for editor mode: // ReattachMainDispatch(); RemoveOldChunks(); needReload = true; // reload on next frame because Destroy method finishes at the end of frame if (voxModelsCache.Count == 0) { RebuildCache(); } UpdateEntities(); UpdateFurniture(); }
public void Create(Vector3Int chunkSize) { if (_created) { return; } var sw = new Stopwatch(); var chunkFrom = new Vector2Int((int)(Location.x * chunkSize.x), (int)(Location.y * chunkSize.y)); var chunkTo = new Vector2Int((int)(chunkFrom.x + chunkSize.x - 1), (int)(chunkFrom.y + chunkSize.y - 1)); var map = DDA.GetTilesBetween(chunkFrom, chunkTo); foreach (var tile in map.tiles) { // _blocks.Add(tile.loc, BlockLoader.CreateBlock(tile.ter, tile.loc, this)); // tymalu: changed tile.ter to int type, so this does not work anymore } _created = true; sw.Stop(); CreateTiming = sw; }
public void UpdateEntities() { GameObject entitiesObj = GameObject.Find("entities"); if (entitiesObj != null) { ClearGameObject(entitiesObj); } else { entitiesObj = new GameObject("entities"); } Vector3Int playerPos = DDA.playerPos(); int size = 60; Vector2Int from = new Vector2Int(playerPos.x - size, playerPos.z - size); Vector2Int to = new Vector2Int(playerPos.x + size, playerPos.z + size); Entity[] entities = DDA.GetEntities(from, to); Debug.Log("found " + entities.Length + " entities: "); foreach (var entity in entities) { Debug.Log(; string stringId; monIds.TryGetValue(entity.type, out stringId); string name = stringId == null ? "mon_unknown" : stringId; GameObject obj = new GameObject(name); obj.transform.parent = entitiesObj.transform; var pos = new Vector3(entity.loc.x, 0, entity.loc.y); obj.transform.Translate((pos - startingPoint) * tileSize); // probably should prepare GameObjects and do their clones instead var mr = obj.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); var mf = obj.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); mf.sharedMesh = voxModelsCache[name].ToMesh(); mr.sharedMaterial = terrainMaterial; mf.sharedMesh.RecalculateNormals(); } }
public void Update() { var zoomDelta = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"); if (zoomDelta != 0f) { Game.Camera.AdjustZoom(zoomDelta); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q)) { Game.Camera.AdjustRotation(1); //Game.Camera.AdjustRotation(rotationDelta); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) { Game.Camera.AdjustRotation(-1); } var xDelta = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); var zDelta = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); if (xDelta != 0f || zDelta != 0f) { Game.Camera.AdjustPosition(xDelta, zDelta); } var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var binding = Bindings.GetInputCommand(); if (binding != null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log(string.Format("Command for key is {0}", binding.DDACommand)); DDA.doAction(binding.DDACommand); } sw.Stop(); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log(string.Format("Found binding in {0}ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); }
//-------------------------------------- public void SpawnLanes(int amountToSpawn, bool isInitialSpawn) { if (isInitialSpawn) { //GetComponent<BiomeClass> ().SwitchBiome (BiomeClass.Biomes.Start); gameManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Manager").GetComponent <GameManager> (); dDA = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Manager").GetComponent <DDA> (); ResetLanes(); } for (int i = 0; i < amountToSpawn; i++) { GameObject newLane = (GameObject)Instantiate(ChooseType(), new Vector3(0.75f, 0, spawnerZPos), Quaternion.identity); newLane.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; newLane.GetComponent <Lane>().OnLanePlaced(); if (newLane.GetComponent <Lane>().laneType == LaneClass.LaneTypes.Road && lastLanePlaced == LaneClass.LaneTypes.Road) { PlaceRoadLines(spawnerZPos, newLane); } lastLanePlaced = newLane.GetComponent <Lane>().laneType; //setting the cells in the Grid Matrix for (int j = 0; j < LaneClass.laneWidth; j++) { clutterSpawner.Grid[amountOfLanesSpawned, j] = newLane.GetComponent <Lane>().cells[j]; //telling clutter to be placed clutterSpawner.SpawnClutter(amountOfLanesSpawned, j); } dynamicPlacer.PlaceDynamics(newLane); clutterSpawner.SpawnExtras(newLane); spawnerZPos += ChosenLaneWidth(newLane.GetComponent <Lane>().laneType); amountOfLanesSpawned++; CheckBiome(amountOfLanesSpawned); DestroyOld(amountOfLanesSpawned - destroyLeway); } if (isInitialSpawn) { DonePrePlacing(); } }
DataTable IPlugin.GetTables(string database) { DataTable metaData = new DataTable(); IVistaDBDatabase db = null; try { metaData = context.CreateTablesDataTable(); using (VistaDBConnection cn = new VistaDBConnection(context.ConnectionString)) { db = DDA.OpenDatabase(this.GetFullDatabaseName(), VistaDBDatabaseOpenMode.NonexclusiveReadOnly, GetPassword(cn)); } IVistaDBTableNameCollection tables = db.GetTableNames(); foreach (string table in tables) { IVistaDBTableSchema tblStructure = db.TableSchema(table); DataRow row = metaData.NewRow(); metaData.Rows.Add(row); row["TABLE_NAME"] = tblStructure.Name; row["DESCRIPTION"] = tblStructure.Description; } } finally { if (db != null) { db.Close(); } } return(metaData); }
DataTable IPlugin.GetTableColumns(string database, string table) { DataTable metaData = new DataTable(); IVistaDBDatabase db = null; try { metaData = context.CreateColumnsDataTable(); using (VistaDBConnection cn = new VistaDBConnection(context.ConnectionString)) { db = DDA.OpenDatabase(this.GetFullDatabaseName(), VistaDBDatabaseOpenMode.NonexclusiveReadOnly, GetPassword(cn)); } ArrayList tables = db.EnumTables(); IVistaDBTableSchema tblStructure = db.TableSchema(table); foreach (IVistaDBColumnAttributes c in tblStructure) { string colName = c.Name; string def = ""; if (tblStructure.Defaults.Contains(colName)) { def = tblStructure.Defaults[colName].Expression; } int width = c.MaxLength; //c.ColumnWidth; int dec = 0; //c.ColumnDecimals; int length = 0; int octLength = width; IVistaDBIdentityInformation identity = null; if (tblStructure.Identities.Contains(colName)) { identity = tblStructure.Identities[colName]; } string[] pks = null; if (tblStructure.Indexes.Contains("PrimaryKey")) { pks = tblStructure.Indexes["PrimaryKey"].KeyExpression.Split(';'); } else { foreach (IVistaDBIndexInformation pk in tblStructure.Indexes) { if (pk.Primary) { pks = pk.KeyExpression.Split(';'); break; } } } System.Collections.Hashtable pkCols = null; if (pks != null) { pkCols = new Hashtable(); foreach (string pkColName in pks) { pkCols[pkColName] = true; } } switch (c.Type) { case VistaDBType.Char: case VistaDBType.NChar: case VistaDBType.NText: case VistaDBType.NVarChar: case VistaDBType.Text: case VistaDBType.VarChar: length = width; width = 0; dec = 0; break; case VistaDBType.Money: case VistaDBType.Float: case VistaDBType.Decimal: case VistaDBType.Real: break; default: width = 0; dec = 0; break; } DataRow row = metaData.NewRow(); metaData.Rows.Add(row); row["TABLE_NAME"] = tblStructure.Name; row["COLUMN_NAME"] = c.Name; row["ORDINAL_POSITION"] = c.RowIndex; row["IS_NULLABLE"] = c.AllowNull; row["COLUMN_HASDEFAULT"] = def == string.Empty ? false : true; row["COLUMN_DEFAULT"] = def; row["IS_AUTO_KEY"] = identity == null ? false : true; row["AUTO_KEY_SEED"] = 1; row["AUTO_KEY_INCREMENT"] = identity == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(identity.StepExpression); row["TYPE_NAME"] = c.Type.ToString(); row["NUMERIC_PRECISION"] = width; row["NUMERIC_SCALE"] = dec; row["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"] = length; row["CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH"] = octLength; row["DESCRIPTION"] = c.Description; string type = (string)row["TYPE_NAME"]; row["TYPE_NAME_COMPLETE"] = this.GetDataTypeNameComplete(type, length, (short)width, (short)dec); if (c.Type == VistaDBType.Timestamp) { row["IS_COMPUTED"] = true; } row["IS_CONCURRENCY"] = type == "Timestamp" ? true : false; } } finally { if (db != null) { db.Close(); } } return(metaData); }
public Cell[][] ComputeMap(Cell[][] baseMap, Enemy[] enemies, List <List <Vector2> > cellsByEnemy) { Cell[][] im = new Cell[cellsX][]; for (int x = 0; x < cellsX; x++) { im [x] = new Cell[cellsZ]; for (int y = 0; y < cellsZ; y++) { im [x] [y] = baseMap [x] [y].Copy(); } } for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Length; i++) { Enemy enemy = enemies [i]; // For every enemy, get their direction and current world position and scale into IM scale Vector2 dir = new Vector2(enemy.GetSimulatedForward().x, enemy.GetSimulatedForward().z); // Convert enemy position into Grid Coordinates Vector2 pos = new Vector2((enemy.GetSimulationPosition().x - minX) / tileSizeX, (enemy.GetSimulationPosition().z - minZ) / tileSizeZ); Vector2 p = new Vector2(); for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) { // Check map boundaries if (Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.x + x) >= 0 && Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.x + x) < cellsX && Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y + y) >= 0 && Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y + y) < cellsZ) { // (everything here is in world coord, so we must transform back from grid coord to world coord) // If the distance from the position of the guy to the middle of the 4 cells around him is leseer than the radius, we paint those cells if (Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(enemy.GetSimulationPosition().x, enemy.GetSimulationPosition().z), new Vector2((Mathf.Floor(pos.x + x) + tileSizeX) * tileSizeX + minX, (Mathf.Floor(pos.y + y) + tileSizeZ) * tileSizeZ + minZ)) < enemy.radius) { im [Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.x + x)] [Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y + y)].seen = true; cellsByEnemy [i].Add(new Vector2(pos.x + x, pos.y + y)); } } } } // if tileSizeX != tileSizeZ we can be in big trouble! float dist = enemy.fovDistance / ((tileSizeX + tileSizeZ) / 2); DDA dda = new DDA(tileSizeX, tileSizeZ, cellsX, cellsZ); for (int x = 0; x < cellsX; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < cellsZ; y++) { // Skip cells that are staticly blocked or seen by other enemies // Don't skip cells seen by other enemies or we won't have the correct seenCells computed if (im [x] [y].blocked || im [x] [y].safe) { continue; } // This enemy haven't seen it yet bool seen = false; for (int px = 0; px <= 1; px++) { for (int py = 0; py <= 1; py++) { // Destination of the ray p.Set(x + px, y + py); // Direction of the ray Vector2 res = (p - pos).normalized; // Is the target within our FoV? if (Vector2.Distance(p, pos) < dist && Vector2.Angle(res, dir) < enemy.fovAngle) { // Check if target is seen by this enemy seen = seen || dda.HasLOS(im, p, pos, res, x, y); } } } // If this enemy has seen it if (seen) { cellsByEnemy [i].Add(new Vector2(x, y)); } // Now take into account other enemies before modifying the cells value im [x] [y].seen = im [x] [y].seen || seen; } } } return(im); }
public void DoSceneTransition(string saveName) { DDA.loadSaveGame(CurrentWorld, saveName); SceneManager.LoadScene("main"); }
public Cell[][] ComputeMap(Cell[][] baseMap, Enemy[] enemies, List<List<Vector2>> cellsByEnemy) { Cell[][] im = new Cell[cellsX][]; for (int x = 0; x < cellsX; x++) { im [x] = new Cell[cellsZ]; for (int y = 0; y < cellsZ; y++) { im [x] [y] = baseMap [x] [y].Copy (); } } for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Length; i++) { Enemy enemy = enemies [i]; // For every enemy, get their direction and current world position and scale into IM scale Vector2 dir = new Vector2 (enemy.GetSimulatedForward ().x, enemy.GetSimulatedForward ().z); // Convert enemy position into Grid Coordinates Vector2 pos = new Vector2 ((enemy.GetSimulationPosition ().x - minX) / tileSizeX, (enemy.GetSimulationPosition ().z - minZ) / tileSizeZ); Vector2 p = new Vector2 (); for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) // Check map boundaries if (Mathf.FloorToInt (pos.x + x) >= 0 && Mathf.FloorToInt (pos.x + x) < cellsX && Mathf.FloorToInt (pos.y + y) >= 0 && Mathf.FloorToInt (pos.y + y) < cellsZ) // (everything here is in world coord, so we must transform back from grid coord to world coord) // If the distance from the position of the guy to the middle of the 4 cells around him is leseer than the radius, we paint those cells if (Vector2.Distance (new Vector2 (enemy.GetSimulationPosition ().x, enemy.GetSimulationPosition ().z), new Vector2 ((Mathf.Floor (pos.x + x) + tileSizeX) * tileSizeX + minX, (Mathf.Floor (pos.y + y) + tileSizeZ) * tileSizeZ + minZ)) < enemy.radius) { im [Mathf.FloorToInt (pos.x + x)] [Mathf.FloorToInt (pos.y + y)].seen = true; cellsByEnemy [i].Add (new Vector2 (pos.x + x, pos.y + y)); } // if tileSizeX != tileSizeZ we can be in big trouble! float dist = enemy.fovDistance / ((tileSizeX + tileSizeZ) / 2); DDA dda = new DDA(tileSizeX, tileSizeZ, cellsX, cellsZ); for (int x = 0; x < cellsX; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < cellsZ; y++) { // Skip cells that are staticly blocked or seen by other enemies // Don't skip cells seen by other enemies or we won't have the correct seenCells computed if (im [x] [y].blocked || im [x] [y].safe) continue; // This enemy haven't seen it yet bool seen = false; for (int px = 0; px <= 1; px++) { for (int py = 0; py <= 1; py++) { // Destination of the ray p.Set (x + px, y + py); // Direction of the ray Vector2 res = (p - pos).normalized; // Is the target within our FoV? if (Vector2.Distance (p, pos) < dist && Vector2.Angle (res, dir) < enemy.fovAngle) { // Check if target is seen by this enemy seen = seen || dda.HasLOS(im, p, pos, res, x, y); } } } // If this enemy has seen it if (seen) cellsByEnemy [i].Add (new Vector2 (x, y)); // Now take into account other enemies before modifying the cells value im [x] [y].seen = im [x] [y].seen || seen; } } } return im; }
public void OnLoadClick() { DestroyObjs(); CurrentWorld = null; _createdObjects = CreateButtonList(DDA.GetWorldNames(), OnWorldClick); }
void Start() { _ints = this; //screen things Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.AutoRotation; //---- gameManger = GetComponent<GameManager> (); adMan = GetComponent<AdMan> (); menuManager = GetComponent<MenuManager> (); dDA = GetComponent<DDA> (); currentGameState = GameStates.GameStart; SwitchGameState (GameStates.GameLoad); }
DataTable IPlugin.GetForeignKeys(string database, string tableName) { DataTable metaData = new DataTable(); IVistaDBDatabase db = null; try { metaData = context.CreateForeignKeysDataTable(); using (VistaDBConnection cn = new VistaDBConnection(context.ConnectionString)) { db = DDA.OpenDatabase(this.GetFullDatabaseName(), VistaDBDatabaseOpenMode.NonexclusiveReadOnly, GetPassword(cn)); } ArrayList tables = db.EnumTables(); foreach (string table in tables) { IVistaDBTableSchema tblStructure = db.TableSchema(table); //================================================================== // This works around a change that was made to the VistaDB provider // It's ugly, we know //================================================================== IEnumerator enumerator = null; if (useOldForeignKeyWay) { enumerator = tblStructure.ForeignKeys.GetEnumerator(); } else { try { enumerator = tblStructure.ForeignKeys.Values.GetEnumerator(); } catch { enumerator = tblStructure.ForeignKeys.GetEnumerator(); useOldForeignKeyWay = true; } } // Okay, now that the version issues are over we just use the 'enumerator' while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { IVistaDBRelationshipInformation relInfo = enumerator.Current as IVistaDBRelationshipInformation; if (relInfo.ForeignTable != tableName && relInfo.PrimaryTable != tableName) { continue; } string fCols = relInfo.ForeignKey; string pCols = String.Empty; string primaryTbl = relInfo.PrimaryTable; string pkName = ""; using (IVistaDBTableSchema pkTableStruct = db.TableSchema(primaryTbl)) { foreach (IVistaDBIndexInformation idxInfo in pkTableStruct.Indexes) { if (!idxInfo.Primary) { continue; } pkName = idxInfo.Name; pCols = idxInfo.KeyExpression; break; } } string [] fColumns = fCols.Split(';'); string [] pColumns = pCols.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < fColumns.GetLength(0); i++) { DataRow row = metaData.NewRow(); metaData.Rows.Add(row); row["PK_TABLE_CATALOG"] = GetDatabaseName(); row["PK_TABLE_SCHEMA"] = DBNull.Value; row["FK_TABLE_CATALOG"] = DBNull.Value; row["FK_TABLE_SCHEMA"] = DBNull.Value; row["FK_TABLE_NAME"] = tblStructure.Name; row["PK_TABLE_NAME"] = relInfo.PrimaryTable; row["ORDINAL"] = 0; row["FK_NAME"] = relInfo.Name; row["PK_NAME"] = pkName; row["PK_COLUMN_NAME"] = pColumns[i]; row["FK_COLUMN_NAME"] = fColumns[i]; row["UPDATE_RULE"] = relInfo.UpdateIntegrity; row["DELETE_RULE"] = relInfo.DeleteIntegrity; } } } } finally { if (db != null) { db.Close(); } } return(metaData); }
void Start() { clutterSpawner = clutterSpawner.GetComponent<ClutterSpawner> (); dynamicPlacer = dynamicPlacer.GetComponent<DynamicPlacer> (); biome = GetComponent<BiomeClass> (); dDA = dDA.GetComponent<DDA> (); gameStats = gameStats.GetComponent<GameStats> (); if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player")) { P = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); } pChecker = LaneClass.playerSpawnLocation + new Vector3 (0, 0, 1.5f); }