Beispiel #1
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            for (int i = 0; i < Collisions.Length; ++i)
                CollisionComponent data = Collisions.Data[i];

                if (EntityManager.Exists(data.source) && !EntityManager.HasComponent <Destroy>(data.source) && EntityManager.HasComponent <Stats>(data.source) &&
                    EntityManager.Exists( && !EntityManager.HasComponent <Destroy>( && EntityManager.HasComponent <Stats>(
                    Stats sourceStats = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Stats>(data.source);
                    Stats targetStats = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Stats>(;

                    if (sourceStats.Aggression > targetStats.Aggression)
                        // Eating
                        sourceStats.Health      += targetStats.Nutrition;
                        sourceStats.TotalMeals  += targetStats.Nutrition;
                        sourceStats.LastMealTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

                        PostUpdateCommands.SetComponent <Stats>(data.source, sourceStats);
                        PostUpdateCommands.AddComponent <Destroy>(, new Destroy());
Beispiel #2
        public static Entity Create(string saveData)
            var loaded = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <SaveData>(saveData);

            var entity = new Entity().Init(entityId: loaded.EntityId, entityName: loaded.EntityName);

            foreach (var component in loaded.Components)

            // TODO: Formalize this into a "template" concept
            if (entity.EntityName == "boundary sign")
                entity.AddComponent(CollisionComponent.Create(true, false));
                entity.AddComponent(DefenderComponent.Create(9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, logDamage: false, isInvincible: true));
                entity.AddComponent(DisplayComponent.Create("res://resources/sprites/edge_blocker.png", "Trying to run away, eh? Get back to your mission!", true, 2));
            }/* else if (entity.EntityName == "satellite") {
              * entity.AddComponent(CollisionComponent.Create(blocksMovement: true, blocksVision: true));
              * entity.AddComponent(DefenderComponent.Create(baseDefense: int.MaxValue, maxHp: int.MaxValue, isInvincible: true, logDamage: false));
              * entity.AddComponent(DisplayComponent.Create("res://resources/sprites/asteroid.png", "Space junk. Blocks movement and projectiles. Cannot be destroyed.", true, 2));
              * }*/

Beispiel #3
        public void IncludesEntityGroup()
            var         component    = CollisionComponent.Create(false, false);
            JsonElement deserialized = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <JsonElement>(component.Save());

            Assert.Equal(CollisionComponent.ENTITY_GROUP, deserialized.GetProperty("EntityGroup").GetString());
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            List <Tuple <int, CollisionComponent, PositionComponent> > c = new List <Tuple <int, CollisionComponent, PositionComponent> >();

            foreach (var entity in collisions)
                CollisionComponent collisionComponent = entity.Item1;
                PositionComponent  positionComponent  = entity.Item2;

                c.Add(new Tuple <int, CollisionComponent, PositionComponent>(entity.Entity, collisionComponent, positionComponent));

            for (int i = 0; i < c.Count; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < c.Count; j++)
                    Rectangle r1, r2;
                    r1 = c[i].Item2.CollisionBox;
                    r1.Offset(-r1.Width / 2, -r1.Height / 2);

                    r2 = c[j].Item2.CollisionBox;
                    r2.Offset(-r2.Width / 2, -r2.Height / 2);

                    if (r1.Intersects(r2))
                        ResolveCollision(c[i], c[j], r1, r2);
Beispiel #5
    void InitGrass()
        string content = FileTool.ReadStringByFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/Map/GrassData.txt");

        string[] contentArray = content.Split('\n');

        for (int i = 0; i < contentArray.Length; i++)
            if (contentArray[i] != "")
                SyncComponent sc = new SyncComponent();

                Area           aera = deserializer.Deserialize <Area>(contentArray[i]);
                GrassComponent gc   = new GrassComponent();

                CollisionComponent cc = new CollisionComponent();
                cc.area     = aera;
                cc.isStatic = true;

                m_world.CreateEntityImmediately("Grass" + i, gc, cc, sc);

                //Debug.Log("Create Grass");
Beispiel #6
    public void InitMap()
        List <Area> list = new List <Area>();

        string content = FileTool.ReadStringByFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/Map/mapData.txt");

        string[] contentArray = content.Split('\n');

        for (int i = 0; i < contentArray.Length; i++)
            if (contentArray[i] != "")
                list.Add(deserializer.Deserialize <Area>(contentArray[i]));

        Debug.Log("Create map list " + list.Count);

        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
            CollisionComponent cc = new CollisionComponent();
            cc.area = list[i];

            cc.isStatic = true;

            SyncComponent sc = new SyncComponent();

            BlockComponent bc = new BlockComponent();

            m_world.CreateEntityImmediately("Block" + i, cc, sc, bc);

            //Debug.Log("Create map");
     * 动态更新:
     *  从根节点深入四叉树,检查四叉树各个节点存储的物体是否依旧属于该节点(象限)的范围之内,如果不属于,则重新插入该物体。
    public void Refresh(QuadTree root = null)
        if (root == null)
            root = this;

        for (int i = 0; i < m_objectListCount; i++)
            CollisionComponent cc = m_objectList[i];
            if (!cc.isStatic)
                if (!m_body.CheckIsInnner(cc.area))


        for (int i = 0; i < m_childListCount; i++)
     * 检索功能:
     *  给出一个物体对象,该函数负责将该物体可能发生碰撞的所有物体选取出来。该函数先查找物体所属的象限,该象限下的物体都是有可能发生碰撞的,然后再递归地查找子象限..
    public List <CollisionComponent> Retrieve(CollisionComponent coll)

        //Debug.Log("m_childListCount " + m_childListCount);

        if (m_childListCount != 0)
            bool[] indexList = GetRetrieveIndex(coll.area);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (indexList[i])


        //Debug.Log("Retrieve " + listCache.Count + " depth " + m_depth);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an new Player with Controlls
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pixlePer"> True if pixelPerfect shall be used </param>
        /// <param name="GamePade"> True if GamePad the player uses a gamepad </param>
        /// <param name="PadJump"> Key binding to gamePad </param>
        /// <param name="Jump"> key binding to keybord </param>
        /// <param name="position"> Player start Position </param>
        /// <param name="name"> The name off the player</param>
        /// <param name="dir"> The players starting direction</param>
        /// <param name="index">  Playerindex For GamePad </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int CreatePlayer(bool pixlePer, bool GamePade, Buttons PadJump, Keys Jump, Vector2 position, string name, Direction dir, PlayerIndex index, Color colour)
            SpriteEffects     flip;
            GamePadComponent  gam;
            KeyBoardComponent kcb;
            int id = ComponentManager.Instance.CreateID();

            if (dir == Direction.Left)
                flip = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;
                flip = SpriteEffects.None;

            if (GamePade == true)
                gam = new GamePadComponent(index);
                gam.gamepadActions.Add(ActionsEnum.Jump, PadJump);
                ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, gam);
                kcb = new KeyBoardComponent();
                kcb.keyBoardActions.Add(ActionsEnum.Jump, Jump);
                ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, kcb);
            DirectionComponent          dc   = new DirectionComponent(dir);
            DrawableComponent           comp = new DrawableComponent(Game.Instance.GetContent <Texture2D>("Pic/kanin1"), flip);
            PositionComponent           pos  = new PositionComponent(position);
            VelocityComponent           vel  = new VelocityComponent(new Vector2(200F, 0), 50F);
            JumpComponent               jump = new JumpComponent(300F, 200F);
            CollisionRectangleComponent CRC  = new CollisionRectangleComponent(new Rectangle((int)pos.position.X, (int)pos.position.Y, comp.texture.Width, comp.texture.Height));
            CollisionComponent          CC   = new CollisionComponent(pixlePer);
            PlayerComponent             pc   = new PlayerComponent(name);
            DrawableTextComponent       dtc  = new DrawableTextComponent(name, Color.Black, Game.Instance.GetContent <SpriteFont>("Fonts/TestFont"));
            HUDComponent    hudc             = new HUDComponent(Game.Instance.GetContent <Texture2D>("Pic/PowerUp"), new Vector2(pos.position.X, pos.position.Y));
            HUDComponent    hudc2            = new HUDComponent(Game.Instance.GetContent <Texture2D>("Pic/PowerUp"), Vector2.One);
            HealthComponent hc = new HealthComponent(3, false);

            //AnimationComponent ani = new AnimationComponent(100, 114, comp.texture.Width, comp.texture.Height, 0.2);

            comp.colour = colour;

            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, vel);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, comp);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, pos);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, CRC);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, CC);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, pc);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, dtc);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, hudc);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, hc);
            //ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, ani);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, dc);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, jump);
        public static Entity NewOutOfBounds(Vector3 positionStart, Vector3 positionEnd)
            Entity             outOfBounds = EntityFactory.NewEntity(GameEntityFactory.OUTOFBOUNDS);
            CollisionComponent box         = new CollisionComponent(outOfBounds, new BoxVolume(new BoundingBox(positionStart, positionEnd)));

            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(outOfBounds, box, typeof(CollisionComponent));
Beispiel #11
        private void SetupTest()
            go         = new GameObject();
            Collisions = new CollisionComponent();

            otherGo       = new GameObject();
            otherCollider = otherGo.AddComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
Beispiel #12
 void DebugLogic(CollisionComponent a, CollisionComponent b)
     if (Filter(a, b))
         Debug.Log("Collision print a " + a.Entity.ID + " -> " + Serializer.Serialize(a.area)
                   + "\n b " + b.Entity.ID + " ->" + Serializer.Serialize(b.area)
                   + "\n AreaCollideSucceed " + a.area.AreaCollideSucceed(b.area) + " frame " + m_world.FrameCount);
Beispiel #13
        public bool IsColliding(Entity entity)
            if (entity == null)

Beispiel #14
        private bool CollidesWith(CollisionComponent collision, GameObject object2)
            if (collision.collidesWith.Count == 0 || collision.collidesWith.Contains(object2.GroupName))

Beispiel #15
    public override void FixedUpdate(int deltaTime)
        //Debug.Log(" ---------------CollisionComponent---------------");

        List <EntityBase> list = GetEntityList();

        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
            CollisionComponent acc = (CollisionComponent)list[i].GetComp("CollisionComponent");


        //string content = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < clist.Count; i++)
            CollisionComponent acc = clist[i];

            if (list[i].GetExistComp("MoveComponent"))
                MoveComponent amc = (MoveComponent)list[i].GetComp("MoveComponent");

                acc.area.position  = amc.pos.ToVector();
                acc.area.direction = amc.dir.ToVector();

            for (int j = i + 1; j < list.Count; j++)
                CollisionComponent bcc = clist[j];

                if (acc.isStatic && bcc.isStatic)

                if (list[j].GetExistComp("MoveComponent"))
                    MoveComponent bmc = (MoveComponent)list[j].GetComp("MoveComponent");

                    bcc.area.position  = bmc.pos.ToVector();
                    bcc.area.direction = bmc.dir.ToVector();

                if (acc.area.AreaCollideSucceed(bcc.area))

Beispiel #16
        // This method is called in the handleFireWeapon method to create the bullet
        // that is fired from the entity. It will give the bullet all the necessary components.
        public void CreateBullet(InputEvent inputEvent, SpriteComponent bulletSpriteComponent, WeaponComponent weaponComponent, MoveComponent moveComponent, RenderComponent renderComponent, PositionComponent positionComponent)
            // We create an new position instance for the bullet that starts from the player but should
            // not be the same as the players, as we found out when we did our test, otherwise the player
            // will follow the same way ass the bullet.
            var bulletPositionComponent = new PositionComponent()
                Position = new Vector2(positionComponent.Position.X, positionComponent.Position.Y),
                ZIndex   = positionComponent.ZIndex

            int bulletEntityId = EntityManager.GetEntityManager().NewEntity();

            var bulletRenderComponent = new RenderComponent()
                DimensionsComponent = new DimensionsComponent()
                    Height = 10,
                    Width  = 10
            var bulletMoveComponent = new MoveComponent()
                AccelerationSpeed = 0,
                Speed             = 1000,
                MaxVelocitySpeed  = 1000,
                Direction         = moveComponent.Direction
            var bulletComponent = new BulletComponent()
                Damage          = weaponComponent.Damage,
                ShooterEntityId = inputEvent.EntityId
            var bulletCollisionComponent = new CollisionComponent();
            var animationComponent       = new AnimationComponent();

            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(bulletPositionComponent, bulletEntityId);
            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(bulletComponent, bulletEntityId);
            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(bulletSpriteComponent, bulletEntityId);
            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(bulletMoveComponent, bulletEntityId);
            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(bulletRenderComponent, bulletEntityId);
            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(bulletCollisionComponent, bulletEntityId);
            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(animationComponent, bulletEntityId);

            var animation = new GeneralAnimation()
                AnimationType    = "BulletAnimation",
                StartOfAnimation = inputEvent.EventTime,
                Length           = 2000,
                Unique           = true

            NewBulletAnimation(animation, bulletEntityId);
        private void DrawCollisionRect(CollisionComponent component)
            RectangleShape rect = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(component.Size.X, component.Size.Y));

            rect.Position         = new Vector2f(component.Position.X, component.Position.Y);
            rect.FillColor        = Color.Transparent;
            rect.OutlineThickness = 1;
            rect.OutlineColor     = Color.White;
Beispiel #18
        public static Entity CreateEdgeBlockerEntity()
            var e = CreateEntity(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "boundary sign");

            e.AddComponent(CollisionComponent.Create(true, false));
            e.AddComponent(DefenderComponent.Create(0, 100, logDamage: false, isInvincible: true));
            e.AddComponent(DisplayComponent.Create(_texEdgeBlockerPath, "Trying to run away, eh? Get back to your mission!", true, ENTITY_Z_INDEX));

Beispiel #19
         * Translates a bounding sphere component to be at the same world position as a transform component.
        public static void SetInitialBoundingSpherePos(CollisionComponent collisionComponent, TransformComponent transformComponent)
            Matrix translation = EngineHelper.Instance().WorldMatrix *Matrix.CreateTranslation(transformComponent.Position.X, transformComponent.Position.Y, transformComponent.Position.Z);

            //var boundingSphere = collisionComponent.BoundingShape;
            //boundingSphere = collisionComponent.BoundingShape.Transform(translation);
            //collisionComponent.BoundingShape = boundingSphere;

Beispiel #20
        public static Entity CreateSatelliteEntity()
            var e = CreateEntity(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "satellite");

            e.AddComponent(CollisionComponent.Create(blocksMovement: true, blocksVision: true));
            e.AddComponent(DefenderComponent.Create(baseDefense: int.MaxValue, maxHp: int.MaxValue, isInvincible: true, logDamage: false));
            e.AddComponent(DisplayComponent.Create(_texSatellitePath, "Space junk. Blocks movement and projectiles. Cannot be destroyed.", true, ENTITY_Z_INDEX));

Beispiel #21
    public void AddCube(Transform cube)
        cube.tag = "PlayerItem";
        CollisionComponent collComp = cube.gameObject.AddComponent <CollisionComponent>();

        collComp.ContainerComponent = this;

        _camera.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0.5f, 0, 0));
        public void TestCollision()
            IEntity entity             = new Entity(null, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, false);
            var     collisionComponent = new CollisionComponent(entity);


            Assert.IsTrue(entity.HasComponent <CollisionComponent>());
            Assert.AreSame(collisionComponent, entity.GetComponent <CollisionComponent>());
            Assert.AreSame(entity, entity.GetComponent <CollisionComponent>().Parent);
Beispiel #23
 public bool CheckIfCollision(CollisionComponent a, CollisionComponent b)
     if (a.BBox.Intersects(b.BBox))
    bool CanCreate(CollisionComponent comp)
        for (int i = 0; i < comp.CollisionList.Count; i++)
            if (comp.CollisionList[i].GetExistComp <ItemComponent>())

Beispiel #25
        protected override void Initialize()
            if (Owner != null)
                collide             = new CollisionComponent(ID + "Collision", bounds);
                collide.OnCollided += new CollisionEvent(_Collided);


        public void ConstructorSetsOwnerTag()
            // Used to set something collideable where the other side handles the collision
            // eg. this is a wall and the player will collide against it
            var expectedTag = "Wall";

            var c = new CollisionComponent(expectedTag);

            Assert.That(c.OwnerTag, Is.EqualTo(expectedTag));
            Assert.That(c.TargetTag, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(c.OnCollide, Is.Null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates this system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game"></param>
        public WeaponSystem(DungeonCrawlerGame game)
            _game = game;

            //To simplfy some things, I'm keeping a reference to components I often use.
            _collisionComponent    = _game.CollisionComponent;
            _equipmentComponent    = _game.EquipmentComponent;
            _playerInfoComponent   = _game.PlayerInfoComponent;
            _weaponComponent       = _game.WeaponComponent;
            _weaponSpriteComponent = _game.WeaponSpriteComponent;
            _positionComponent     = _game.PositionComponent;
Beispiel #28
        private void UpdatePos(CollisionComponent c)
            ComponentManager    cm = ComponentManager.Instance;
            Entity              e  = cm.GetEntityOfComponent <CollisionComponent>(c);
            Position2DComponent p  = cm.GetEntityComponent <Position2DComponent>(e);

            if (p != null)
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates this system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game"></param>
        public WeaponSystem(DungeonCrawlerGame game)
            _game = game;

            //To simplfy some things, I'm keeping a reference to components I often use.
            _collisionComponent = _game.CollisionComponent;
            _equipmentComponent = _game.EquipmentComponent;
            _playerInfoComponent = _game.PlayerInfoComponent;
            _weaponComponent = _game.WeaponComponent;
            _weaponSpriteComponent = _game.WeaponSpriteComponent;
            _positionComponent = _game.PositionComponent;
Beispiel #30
        public void SerializesAndDeserializesCorrectly()
            var    component = CollisionComponent.Create(true, false, true, true);
            string saved     = component.Save();

            var newComponent = CollisionComponent.Create(saved);

            Assert.Equal(component.BlocksMovement, newComponent.BlocksMovement);
            Assert.Equal(component.BlocksVision, newComponent.BlocksVision);
            Assert.Equal(component.OnCollisionAttack, newComponent.OnCollisionAttack);
            Assert.Equal(component.OnCollisionSelfDestruct, newComponent.OnCollisionSelfDestruct);
Beispiel #31
    void AddCollisionEvent(Collision _collision, CollisionEvent.EVENT_TYPE _type)
        CollisionComponent cc = _collision.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <CollisionComponent>();

        if (cc != null)
            CollisionEvent ce = GetCollisionEvent();
            ce.m_Collision      = _collision;
            ce.m_EventType      = _type;
            ce.m_OtherComponent = cc;
Beispiel #32
        public void CheckCollisionsAgainst(CollisionComponent other)
            int collision = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < prims.Count; ++i)
                for(int y = 0; y < other.prims.Count; ++y)
                    CollResult c = prims[i].CheckAgainst(other.prims[y], tran, other.tran);

                        if (callback != null) callback(this, other, c, collision);
                        CollResult otherC = c;
                        otherC.normal *= -1;
                        if(other.callback != null) other.callback(other, this, otherC, collision++);
                    } //Note, currently multiple callbacks can be made, each with their own index
        public override void Initialize()

            _collision = new CollisionComponent();
            _collision.Parent = EntityMock.Object;
            _movement = new MovementComponent();
            _movement.Parent = EntityMock.Object;
            _position = new PositionComponent();
            _position.Parent = EntityMock.Object;

        public static Boolean AreColliding(CollisionComponent comp1, CollisionComponent comp2)
            if (comp1 is CollisionRectangle && comp2 is CollisionRectangle)
                return RectRect((CollisionRectangle)comp1, (CollisionRectangle)comp2);
            else if (comp1 is CollisionRectangle && comp2 is CollisionCircle)
                return RectCirc((CollisionRectangle)comp1, (CollisionCircle)comp2);
            else if (comp1 is CollisionCircle && comp2 is CollisionRectangle)
                // n.b. - arguments are reversed
                return RectCirc((CollisionRectangle)comp2, (CollisionCircle)comp1);
            else if (comp1 is CollisionCircle && comp2 is CollisionCircle)
                return CircCirc((CollisionCircle)comp1, (CollisionCircle)comp2);

            throw new Exception("CollisionDetector.AreColliding cannot handle arguments: " + comp1 + " and " + comp2);
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            AggregateFactory = new AggregateFactory(this);
            WeaponFactory = new WeaponFactory(this);
            DoorFactory = new DoorFactory(this);
            RoomFactory = new RoomFactory(this);
            CollectableFactory = new CollectibleFactory(this);
            WallFactory = new WallFactory(this);
            EnemyFactory = new EnemyFactory(this);
            SkillEntityFactory = new SkillEntityFactory(this);
            NPCFactory = new NPCFactory(this);

            // Initialize Components
            PlayerComponent = new PlayerComponent();
            LocalComponent = new LocalComponent();
            RemoteComponent = new RemoteComponent();
            PositionComponent = new PositionComponent();
            MovementComponent = new MovementComponent();
            MovementSpriteComponent = new MovementSpriteComponent();
            SpriteComponent = new SpriteComponent();
            DoorComponent = new DoorComponent();
            RoomComponent = new RoomComponent();
            HUDSpriteComponent = new HUDSpriteComponent();
            HUDComponent = new HUDComponent();
            InventoryComponent = new InventoryComponent();
            InventorySpriteComponent = new InventorySpriteComponent();
            ContinueNewGameScreen = new ContinueNewGameScreen(graphics, this);
            EquipmentComponent = new EquipmentComponent();
            WeaponComponent = new WeaponComponent();
            BulletComponent = new BulletComponent();
            PlayerInfoComponent = new PlayerInfoComponent();
            WeaponSpriteComponent = new WeaponSpriteComponent();
            StatsComponent = new StatsComponent();
            EnemyAIComponent = new EnemyAIComponent();
            NpcAIComponent = new NpcAIComponent();

            CollectibleComponent = new CollectibleComponent();
            CollisionComponent = new CollisionComponent();
            TriggerComponent = new TriggerComponent();
            EnemyComponent = new EnemyComponent();
            NPCComponent = new NPCComponent();
            //QuestComponent = new QuestComponent();
            LevelManager = new LevelManager(this);
            SpriteAnimationComponent = new SpriteAnimationComponent();
            SkillProjectileComponent = new SkillProjectileComponent();
            SkillAoEComponent = new SkillAoEComponent();
            SkillDeployableComponent = new SkillDeployableComponent();
            SoundComponent = new SoundComponent();
            ActorTextComponent = new ActorTextComponent();
            TurretComponent = new TurretComponent();
            TrapComponent = new TrapComponent();
            ExplodingDroidComponent = new ExplodingDroidComponent();
            HealingStationComponent = new HealingStationComponent();
            PortableShieldComponent = new PortableShieldComponent();
            PortableStoreComponent = new PortableStoreComponent();
            ActiveSkillComponent = new ActiveSkillComponent();
            PlayerSkillInfoComponent = new PlayerSkillInfoComponent();

            Quests = new List<Quest>();

            #region Initialize Effect Components
            AgroDropComponent = new AgroDropComponent();
            AgroGainComponent = new AgroGainComponent();
            BuffComponent = new BuffComponent();
            ChanceToSucceedComponent = new ChanceToSucceedComponent();
            ChangeVisibilityComponent = new ChangeVisibilityComponent();
            CoolDownComponent = new CoolDownComponent();
            DamageOverTimeComponent = new DamageOverTimeComponent();
            DirectDamageComponent = new DirectDamageComponent();
            DirectHealComponent = new DirectHealComponent();
            FearComponent = new FearComponent();
            HealOverTimeComponent = new HealOverTimeComponent();
            InstantEffectComponent = new InstantEffectComponent();
            KnockBackComponent = new KnockBackComponent();
            TargetedKnockBackComponent = new TargetedKnockBackComponent();
            ReduceAgroRangeComponent = new ReduceAgroRangeComponent();
            ResurrectComponent = new ResurrectComponent();
            StunComponent = new StunComponent();
            TimedEffectComponent = new TimedEffectComponent();
            EnslaveComponent = new EnslaveComponent();
            CloakComponent = new CloakComponent();

 private void LoadCollisionComponent(GameEntity entity, CollisionComponentInfo info)
     var comp = new CollisionComponent();
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            AggregateFactory = new AggregateFactory(this);
            WeaponFactory = new WeaponFactory(this);
            DoorFactory = new DoorFactory(this);
            RoomFactory = new RoomFactory(this);
            CollectableFactory = new CollectibleFactory(this);
            WallFactory = new WallFactory(this);
            EnemyFactory = new EnemyFactory(this);

            // Initialize Components
            PlayerComponent = new PlayerComponent();
            LocalComponent = new LocalComponent();
            RemoteComponent = new RemoteComponent();
            PositionComponent = new PositionComponent();
            MovementComponent = new MovementComponent();
            MovementSpriteComponent = new MovementSpriteComponent();
            SpriteComponent = new SpriteComponent();
            DoorComponent = new DoorComponent();
            RoomComponent = new RoomComponent();
            HUDSpriteComponent = new HUDSpriteComponent();
            HUDComponent = new HUDComponent();
            InventoryComponent = new InventoryComponent();
            InventorySpriteComponent = new InventorySpriteComponent();
            ContinueNewGameScreen = new ContinueNewGameScreen(graphics, this);
            EquipmentComponent = new EquipmentComponent();
            WeaponComponent = new WeaponComponent();
            BulletComponent = new BulletComponent();
            PlayerInfoComponent = new PlayerInfoComponent();
            WeaponSpriteComponent = new WeaponSpriteComponent();
            StatsComponent = new StatsComponent();
            EnemyAIComponent = new EnemyAIComponent();
            CollectibleComponent = new CollectibleComponent();
            CollisionComponent = new CollisionComponent();
            TriggerComponent = new TriggerComponent();
            EnemyComponent = new EnemyComponent();
            QuestComponent = new QuestComponent();
            LevelManager = new LevelManager(this);
            SpriteAnimationComponent = new SpriteAnimationComponent();
            SkillProjectileComponent = new SkillProjectileComponent();
            SkillAoEComponent = new SkillAoEComponent();
            SkillDeployableComponent = new SkillDeployableComponent();

            //TurretComponent = new TurretComponent();
            //TrapComponent = new TrapComponent();
            //PortableShopComponent = new PortableShopComponent();
            //PortableShieldComponent = new PortableShieldComponent();
            //MotivateComponent =  new MotivateComponent();
            //FallbackComponent = new FallbackComponent();
            //ChargeComponent = new ChargeComponent();
            //HealingStationComponent = new HealingStationComponent();
            //ExplodingDroidComponent = new ExplodingDroidComponent();

        public void Initialize()
            _entityMock = new Mock<IEntity>();
            _container = new FakeGameplayContainer();
            _screen = new Mock<ITiledScreen>();
            _entityMock.SetupGet(e => e.Screen).Returns(_screen.Object);
            _entityMock.SetupGet(e => e.Container).Returns(_container);
            _entityMock.SetupGet(e => e.IsGravitySensitive).Returns(false);
            _container.IsGravityFlipped = false;

            _collision = new CollisionComponent();
            _collision.Parent = _entityMock.Object;