Beispiel #1
    public void SetUtility()
        hasSpecial = true;
        CardUtility card = cardDataBase.FindUtilityCardByID(id);

        backgroundSR.sprite = card.image;
        if (card.GetType().Name == "SO_UtilityAp")
            specialTitle.text       = "AP Increase";
            specialDescription.text = "This type of utility card, increases the amount of AP you have this turn";
        else if (card.GetType().Name == "SO_UtilityDamage")
            specialTitle.text       = "Damage";
            specialDescription.text = "This type of utility card, deals damage to the monster when played";
        else if (card.GetType().Name == "SO_UtilityDeBuff")
            specialTitle.text       = "Debuff";
            specialDescription.text = "This type of utility card, decreases the abilities of the monster";
        else if (card.GetType().Name == "SO_UtilityDoubleAttack")
            specialTitle.text       = "Double Attack";
            specialDescription.text = "This type of utility card, makes you attack twice this turn";
        else if (card.GetType().Name == "SO_UtilityDraw")
            specialTitle.text       = "Draw";
            specialDescription.text = "This type of utility card, draws extra cards, but you may have to dicard some";
        else if (card.GetType().Name == "SO_UtilityHealth")
            specialTitle.text       = "Health";
            specialDescription.text = "This type of utility card, gives you back some of your banished card";
        else if (card.GetType().Name == "SO_UtilityPermaBuff")
            specialTitle.text       = "Perment Buff";
            specialDescription.text = "This type of utility card, gives you buff which last until the of the battle";
        else if (card.GetType().Name == "SO_UtilityRage")
            specialTitle.text       = "Rage";
            specialDescription.text = "For each weapon you have, add your rage bonus to your attacks";
        else if (card.GetType().Name == "SO_UtilityRecycle")
            specialTitle.text       = "Recycle";
            specialDescription.text = "Allways you to take cards from your discard pile, back op to your hand";