Beispiel #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        CannonBallBehavior loadedCannonBallScript = ((CannonBallBehavior)cannonController.loadedCannonBall.GetComponent(typeof(CannonBallBehavior)));
        List <Vector3>     newPositionsList       = new List <Vector3>();


        //Generate Curve
        if (loadedCannonBallScript != null)
            Vector3 direction = (startingGameObject.transform.position).normalized; //need to update this with direction of Cannon

            float   angle        = cannonController.getXRotation();
            float   initialForce = loadedCannonBallScript.calculateFireForce(cannonController.getChargePercent()).magnitude;
            float   mass         = loadedCannonBallScript.myRigidbody.mass;
            float   drag         = loadedCannonBallScript.myRigidbody.drag;
            Vector3 gravity      = Physics.gravity * loadedCannonBallScript.gravityScalar;

            float initialVelocity = initialForce / mass; //we can fudge this math because the acceleration will be applied instantly over 1 frame
            float distanceFlown   = Mathf.Pow(initialVelocity, 2) * Mathf.Sin(2 * angle) / gravity.magnitude;
            float flightTime      = distanceFlown / (initialVelocity * Mathf.Cos(angle));

            for (int t = 1; t <= numSamplePoints; t++)
                float percent = (t * 1.0f) / numSamplePoints;
                float currentTime = percent * flightTime;
                float height   = gravity.magnitude * Mathf.Pow(currentTime, 2) + Mathf.Sin(angle) * initialVelocity;
                float distance = initialVelocity * Mathf.Cos(angle) * currentTime;
                Debug.Log(new Vector3(direction.x * distance, direction.y * distance, height));
                newPositionsList.Add(new Vector3(direction.x * distance, direction.y * distance, height));
        textureOffset -= textureScrollSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
        lineRenderer.material.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", new Vector2(textureOffset, 0));