Beispiel #1
        private static void Taskbar()
            var Data    = new byte[Compositor.PACKET_SIZE];
            var Request = (GuiRequest *)Data.GetDataOffset();

            Request->ClientID = 0;
            Request->Type     = RequestType.NewWindow;

            var Window = (NewWindow *)Request;

            Window->X      = 0;
            Window->Y      = 0;
            Window->Width  = VBE.Xres;
            Window->Height = 30;


            string HashCode = new string(Window->Buffer);
            var    aBuffer  = SHM.Obtain(HashCode, 0, false);

            TaskbarID = Window->WindowID;

            uint surface = Cairo.ImageSurfaceCreateForData(Window->Width * 4, Window->Height, Window->Width, ColorFormat.ARGB32, aBuffer);
            uint context = Cairo.Create(surface);

            uint pattern = Cairo.PatternCreateLinear(30, 0, 0, 0);

            Cairo.PatternAddColorStopRgba(0.7, 0.42, 0.42, 0.42, 0, pattern);
            Cairo.PatternAddColorStopRgba(0.6, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.5, pattern);
            Cairo.PatternAddColorStopRgba(0.7, 0.42, 0.42, 0.42, 1, pattern);

            Cairo.SetOperator(Operator.Over, context);
            Cairo.Rectangle(30, VBE.Xres, 0, 0, context);
            Cairo.SetSource(pattern, context);

            Cairo.Rectangle(2, VBE.Xres, 30 - 2, 0, context);
            Cairo.SetSourceRGBA(0.7, 0.41, 0.41, 0.41, context);


            Request->Type = RequestType.Redraw;
            var Redraw = (Redraw *)Request;

            Redraw->WindowID = TaskbarID;
            Redraw->X        = 0;
            Redraw->Y        = 0;
            Redraw->Width    = VBE.Xres;
            Redraw->Height   = 40;

            TaskbarSurface = surface;
            TaskbarContext = context;
		public override void Draw (Mono.TextEditor.MonoTextEditor editor, Cairo.Context cr, LineMetrics metrics, int startOffset, int endOffset)
			this.editor = editor;
			var line = editor.GetLine (loc.Line);
			if (line == null)
			var x = editor.ColumnToX (line, loc.Column) - editor.HAdjustment.Value + editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + editor.TextViewMargin.TextStartPosition;

			cr.Rectangle (Math.Floor (x) + 0.5, Math.Floor (metrics.LineYRenderStartPosition) + 0.5 + (line == editor.GetLineByOffset (startOffset) ? editor.LineHeight - tagMarkerHeight - 1 : 0), tagMarkerWidth * cr.LineWidth, tagMarkerHeight * cr.LineWidth);

			if (HslColor.Brightness (editor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Background) < 0.5) {
				cr.SetSourceRGBA (0.8, 0.8, 1, 0.9);
			} else {
				cr.SetSourceRGBA (0.2, 0.2, 1, 0.9);
			cr.Stroke ();
 public static void DrawPixbuf(Cairo.Context cr, Pixbuf pixbuf)
     cr.SetSourceRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
     cr.Operator = Cairo.Operator.DestIn;
     Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf (cr, pixbuf, 0, 0);
     cr.Paint ();
     cr.Operator = Cairo.Operator.Over;
     cr.Paint ();
Beispiel #4
 protected override bool OnDrawn(Cairo.Context cr)
     cr.Save ();
     Gdk.RGBA color = Hyena.Gui.GtkUtilities.ColorBlend (
         StyleContext.GetBackgroundColor (StateFlags.Normal),
         StyleContext.GetColor (StateFlags.Normal));
     cr.SetSourceRGBA (color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue, color.Alpha);
     DrawCairo (cr);
     cr.Restore ();
     return false;
Beispiel #5
        public void FillRectangle(Rectangle rect,Cairo.Context ctx,bool known,bool selected)
                    ctx.SetSourceRGBA (0, 0,0.7, 0.3);
                    ctx.SetSourceRGBA (0.7, 0,0, 1.3);

                ctx.LineWidth = selected ? 8.2 : 0.8 ;
                Rectangle r = ImageCoordsToWindow (rect);
                Log.Debug("Fill Rectangle"+rect.ToString()+ "  >>>  "+r.ToString()  + "  ["+XOffset +","+YOffset+"]" );
                ctx.MoveTo (r.X, r.Y);
                ctx.LineTo (r.X + r.Width, r.Y);
                ctx.LineTo (r.X + r.Width, r.Y + r.Height);
                ctx.LineTo (r.X, r.Y + r.Height);
                ctx.LineTo (r.X, r.Y);
                ctx.Stroke ();
		static void DrawCloseButton (Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Point center, bool hovered, double opacity, double animationProgress)
			if (hovered) {
				double radius = 6;
				context.Arc (center.X, center.Y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
				context.SetSourceRGBA (.6, .6, .6, opacity);
				context.Fill ();

				context.SetSourceRGBA (0.95, 0.95, 0.95, opacity);
				context.LineWidth = 2;

				context.MoveTo (center.X - 3, center.Y - 3);
				context.LineTo (center.X + 3, center.Y + 3);
				context.MoveTo (center.X - 3, center.Y + 3);
				context.LineTo (center.X + 3, center.Y - 3);
				context.Stroke ();
			} else {
				double lineColor = .63 - .1 * animationProgress;
				double fillColor = .74;

				double heightMod = Math.Max (0, 1.0 - animationProgress * 2);
				context.MoveTo (center.X - 3, center.Y - 3 * heightMod);
				context.LineTo (center.X + 3, center.Y + 3 * heightMod);
				context.MoveTo (center.X - 3, center.Y + 3 * heightMod);
				context.LineTo (center.X + 3, center.Y - 3 * heightMod);

				context.LineWidth = 2;
				context.SetSourceRGBA (lineColor, lineColor, lineColor, opacity);
				context.Stroke ();

				if (animationProgress > 0.5) {
					double partialProg = (animationProgress - 0.5) * 2;
					context.MoveTo (center.X - 3, center.Y);
					context.LineTo (center.X + 3, center.Y);

					context.LineWidth = 2 - partialProg;
					context.SetSourceRGBA (lineColor, lineColor, lineColor, opacity);
					context.Stroke ();

					double radius = partialProg * 3.5;

					// Background
					context.Arc (center.X, center.Y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
					context.SetSourceRGBA (fillColor, fillColor, fillColor, opacity);
					context.Fill ();

					// Inset shadow
					using (var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient (0, center.Y - 5, 0, center.Y)) {
						context.Arc (center.X, center.Y + 1, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
						lg.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0.2 * opacity));
						lg.AddColorStop (1, new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0));
						context.Pattern = lg;
						context.Stroke ();

					// Outline
					context.Arc (center.X, center.Y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
					context.SetSourceRGBA (lineColor, lineColor, lineColor, opacity);
					context.Stroke ();
		void DrawIconMarginBackground (TextEditor ed, Cairo.Context cr, MarginDrawMetrics metrics)
			cr.Rectangle (metrics.X, metrics.Y, metrics.Width, metrics.Height);
			cr.SetSourceColor (IconMarginColor.Color);
			cr.Fill ();
			cr.MoveTo (metrics.Right - 0.5, metrics.Y);
			cr.LineTo (metrics.Right - 0.5, metrics.Bottom);
			cr.SetSourceColor (IconMarginColor.BorderColor);
			cr.Stroke ();
			if (cache.CurrentSelectedTextMarker != null && cache.CurrentSelectedTextMarker != this) {
				cr.Rectangle (metrics.X, metrics.Y, metrics.Width, metrics.Height);
				cr.SetSourceRGBA (ed.ColorStyle.IndicatorMargin.Color.R, ed.ColorStyle.IndicatorMargin.Color.G, ed.ColorStyle.IndicatorMargin.Color.B, 0.5);
				cr.Fill ();
		void DrawEolMarker (Cairo.Context cr, DocumentLine line, bool selected, double x, double y)
			if (!textEditor.Options.IncludeWhitespaces.HasFlag (IncludeWhitespaces.LineEndings))

			Pango.Layout layout;
			Pango.Rectangle rect;

			var index = GetEolMarkerIndex (line.UnicodeNewline);
			layout = eolMarkerLayout [index];
			rect = eolMarkerLayoutRect [index];
			cr.Save ();
			cr.Translate (x, y + System.Math.Max (0, LineHeight - rect.Height - 1));
			var col = ColorStyle.PlainText.Foreground;

			if (selected && !SelectionColor.TransparentForeground) {
				col = SelectionColor.Foreground;
			} else {
				if (line != null && line.NextLine != null && line.NextLine.StartSpan != null && line.NextLine.StartSpan.Count > 0) {
					var span = line.NextLine.StartSpan.Peek ();
					var chunkStyle = ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle (span.Color);
					if (chunkStyle != null)
						col = ColorStyle.GetForeground (chunkStyle);

			cr.SetSourceRGBA (col.R, col.G, col.B, whitespaceMarkerAlpha * 1.4); // needs to more opaque due to font rendering
			cr.ShowLayout (layout);
			cr.Restore ();
			public override void Draw (TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context cr, Pango.Layout layout, bool selected, int startOffset, int endOffset, double y, double startXPos, double endXPos)
				var line = editor.GetLine (loc.Line);
				var x = editor.ColumnToX (line, loc.Column) - editor.HAdjustment.Value + editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + editor.TextViewMargin.TextStartPosition;

				cr.Rectangle (Math.Floor (x) + 0.5, Math.Floor (y) + 0.5 + (line == editor.GetLineByOffset (startOffset) ? editor.LineHeight - tagMarkerHeight - 1 : 0), tagMarkerWidth * cr.LineWidth, tagMarkerHeight * cr.LineWidth);

				if (HslColor.Brightness (editor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Background) < 0.5) {
					cr.SetSourceRGBA (0.8, 0.8, 1, 0.9);
				} else {
					cr.SetSourceRGBA (0.2, 0.2, 1, 0.9);
				cr.Stroke ();
		void RenderLineNumberIcon (Widget widget, Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle cell_area, int markupHeight, int yOffset)
			if (Frame == null)

			cr.Save ();

			cr.Translate (cell_area.X + Padding, (cell_area.Y + (cell_area.Height - RoundedRectangleHeight) / 2.0));
			cr.Translate (cell_area.X + Padding, cell_area.Y + Padding + yOffset);

			cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.Subpixel;

			cr.RoundedRectangle (0.0, 0.0, RoundedRectangleWidth, RoundedRectangleHeight, RoundedRectangleRadius);
			cr.Clip ();

			if (IsUserCode)
				cr.SetSourceRGBA (0.90, 0.60, 0.87, 1.0); // 230, 152, 223
				cr.SetSourceRGBA (0.77, 0.77, 0.77, 1.0); // 197, 197, 197

			cr.RoundedRectangle (0.0, 0.0, RoundedRectangleWidth, RoundedRectangleHeight, RoundedRectangleRadius);
			cr.Fill ();

			cr.SetSourceRGBA (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.11);
			cr.RoundedRectangle (0.0, 0.0, RoundedRectangleWidth, RoundedRectangleHeight, RoundedRectangleRadius);
			cr.LineWidth = 2;
			cr.Stroke ();

			var lineNumber = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (Frame.File) ? Frame.Line : -1;

			using (var layout = PangoUtil.CreateLayout (widget, lineNumber != -1 ? lineNumber.ToString () : "???")) {
				layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Left;
				layout.FontDescription = LineNumberFont;

				int width, height;
				layout.GetPixelSize (out width, out height);

				double y_offset = (RoundedRectangleHeight - height) / 2.0;
				double x_offset = (RoundedRectangleWidth - width) / 2.0;

				// render the text shadow
				cr.Save ();
				cr.SetSourceRGBA (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.34);
				cr.Translate (x_offset, y_offset + 1);
				cr.ShowLayout (layout);
				cr.Restore ();

				cr.SetSourceRGBA (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
				cr.Translate (x_offset, y_offset);
				cr.ShowLayout (layout);

			cr.Restore ();
			public override void DrawForeground (TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context cr, MarginDrawMetrics metrics)
				cr.Arc (metrics.X + metrics.Width / 2 + 2, metrics.Y + metrics.Height / 2, 7 * editor.Options.Zoom, 0, Math.PI * 2);
				isFailed = false;
				var test = NUnitService.Instance.SearchTestById (unitTest.UnitTestIdentifier);
				bool searchCases = false;

				if (unitTest.IsIgnored) {
					cr.SetSourceRGB (0.9, 0.9, 0);
				} else {

					if (test != null) {
						var result = test.GetLastResult ();
						if (result == null) {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
							searchCases = true;

						} else if (result.IsNotRun) {
							cr.SetSourceRGBA (0.9, 0.9, 0, test.IsHistoricResult ? 0.5 : 1.0);
						} else if (result.IsSuccess) {
							cr.SetSourceRGBA (0, 1, 0, test.IsHistoricResult ? 0.2 : 1.0);
						} else if (result.IsFailure) {
							cr.SetSourceRGBA (1, 0, 0, test.IsHistoricResult ? 0.2 : 1.0);
							failMessage = result.Message;
							isFailed = true;
						} else if (result.IsInconclusive) {
							cr.SetSourceRGBA (0, 1, 1, test.IsHistoricResult ? 0.2 : 1.0);
						} else {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
					} else {
						cr.SetSourceRGB (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
						searchCases = true;
					if (searchCases) {
						foreach (var caseId in unitTest.TestCases) {
							test = NUnitService.Instance.SearchTestById (unitTest.UnitTestIdentifier + caseId);
							if (test != null) {
								var result = test.GetLastResult ();
								if (result == null || result.IsNotRun || test.IsHistoricResult) {
								} else if (result.IsNotRun) {
									cr.SetSourceRGB (0.9, 0.9, 0);
								} else if (result.IsSuccess) {
									cr.SetSourceRGB (0, 1, 0);
								} else if (result.IsFailure) {
									cr.SetSourceRGB (1, 0, 0);
									failMessage = result.Message;
									isFailed = true;
								} else if (result.IsInconclusive) {
									cr.SetSourceRGB (0, 1, 1);

				cr.FillPreserve ();
				if (unitTest.IsIgnored) {
					cr.SetSourceRGB (0.4, 0.4, 0);
					cr.Stroke ();

				} else {
					if (test != null) {
						var result = test.GetLastResult ();
						if (result == null) {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
							cr.Stroke ();
						} else if (result.IsNotRun && !test.IsHistoricResult) {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0.4, 0.4, 0);
							cr.Stroke ();
						} else if (result.IsSuccess && !test.IsHistoricResult) {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0, 0.5, 0);
							cr.Stroke ();
						} else if (result.IsFailure && !test.IsHistoricResult) {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0.5, 0, 0);
							cr.Stroke ();
						} else if (result.IsInconclusive && !test.IsHistoricResult) {
							cr.SetSourceRGB (0, 0.7, 0.7);
							cr.Stroke ();
				cr.NewPath ();
Beispiel #12
        private static unsafe void DrawTaskbar(GuiRequest *request, byte[] xData)
            request->Type  = RequestType.NewWindow;
            request->Error = ErrorType.None;
            var taskbar = (NewWindow *)request;
            int height  = 30;

            taskbar->X      = 0;
            taskbar->Y      = 0;
            taskbar->Width  = VBE.Xres;
            taskbar->Height = height;


            if (request->Error != ErrorType.None)
                Debug.Write("Error4: %d\n", (int)request->Error);

            string HashCode = new string(taskbar->Buffer);
            var    aBuffer  = SHM.Obtain(HashCode, 0, false);
            int    winID    = taskbar->WindowID;

            Debug.Write("winID: %d\n", winID);

            uint surface = Cairo.ImageSurfaceCreateForData(VBE.Xres * 4, height, VBE.Xres, ColorFormat.ARGB32, aBuffer);
            uint cr      = Cairo.Create(surface);

            uint pattern = Cairo.PatternCreateLinear(height, 0, 0, 0);

            Cairo.PatternAddColorStopRgba(0.7, 0.42, 0.42, 0.42, 0, pattern);
            Cairo.PatternAddColorStopRgba(0.6, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.5, pattern);
            Cairo.PatternAddColorStopRgba(0.7, 0.42, 0.42, 0.42, 1, pattern);

            Cairo.SetOperator(Operator.Over, cr);
            Cairo.Rectangle(height, VBE.Xres, 0, 0, cr);
            Cairo.SetSource(pattern, cr);

            Cairo.Rectangle(2, VBE.Xres, height - 2, 0, cr);
            Cairo.SetSourceRGBA(0.7, 0.41, 0.41, 0.41, cr);

            Cairo.SetSourceRGBA(1, 1, 1, 1, cr);
            Cairo.SelectFontFace(FontWeight.Bold, FontSlant.Normal, Marshal.C_String(""), cr);
            Cairo.SetFontSize(20, cr);
            Cairo.MoveTo(20, 1215, cr);
            Cairo.ShowText(Marshal.C_String("20:10"), cr);


            request->Type = RequestType.Redraw;
            var req = (Redraw *)request;

            req->WindowID = winID;
            req->X        = 0;
            req->Y        = 0;
            req->Width    = VBE.Xres;
            req->Height   = height;
		void RenderShadowedText (Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Point position, double opacity, Pango.Layout layout)
			context.MoveTo (position.X, position.Y + 2);
			context.SetSourceRGBA (0, 0, 0, 0.3 * opacity);
			Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (context, layout);
			context.MoveTo (position.X, position.Y);
			context.SetSourceRGBA (1, 1, 1, opacity);
			Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (context, layout);
		void DrawIndicator (Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Color color, Cairo.Color borderColor)
			const int indicatorPadding = 3;
			const int indicatorDiameter = 8;
			var x1 = Allocation.Width / 2d;
			var y1 = indicatorPadding + indicatorDiameter / 2d;

			cr.Arc (x1, y1 + 1, indicatorDiameter / 2d, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
			cr.SetSourceRGBA (0, 0, 0, 0.2);
			cr.Fill ();

			cr.Arc (x1, y1, indicatorDiameter / 2d, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
			cr.SetSourceColor (color);
			cr.Fill ();

			cr.Arc (x1, y1, indicatorDiameter / 2d - 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
			cr.SetSourceRGBA (1, 1, 1, 0.1);
			cr.Stroke ();

			cr.Arc (x1, y1, indicatorDiameter / 2d, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
			cr.SetSourceColor (borderColor);
			cr.Stroke ();
Beispiel #15
        public void Draw(Cairo.Context g, double scale, bool fillSelection)
            g.Save ();
            g.Translate (0.5, 0.5);
            g.Scale (scale, scale);

            g.AppendPath (selection_path);

            if (fillSelection)
                g.SetSourceRGBA(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.2);
                g.FillRule = Cairo.FillRule.EvenOdd;
                g.FillPreserve ();

            g.LineWidth = 1 / scale;

            // Draw a white line first so it shows up on dark backgrounds
            g.SetSourceRGB (1, 1, 1);
            g.StrokePreserve ();

            // Draw a black dashed line over the white line
            g.SetDash (new double[] { 2 / scale, 4 / scale }, 0);
            g.SetSourceRGB (0, 0, 0);

            g.Stroke ();
            g.Restore ();
Beispiel #16
 protected void paintTrail(Cairo.Context context, int x, int y)
     context.Save ();
     context.SetSourceRGB (0, 1, 0);
     context.Translate (x, y);
     context.Rectangle (new Cairo.Rectangle (0, 0, fieldSize, fieldSize));
     context.SetSourceRGBA (0, 1, 0, 0.3);
     context.FillPreserve ();
     context.NewPath ();
     context.Restore ();
Beispiel #17
 protected void paintSquare(Cairo.Context context, int x, int y, bool fill)
     context.Save ();
     context.SetSourceRGB (0, 0, 1);
     context.Translate (x, y);
     context.Rectangle (new Cairo.Rectangle (0, 0, fieldSize, fieldSize));
     context.SetSourceRGBA (0, 0, 0, fill ? 0.5 : 0.3);
     context.FillPreserve ();
     context.NewPath ();
     context.Restore ();
		void RenderButton (Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Point corner, double opacity, bool hovered)
			Gdk.Rectangle region = new Gdk.Rectangle (corner.X,
			                                          ButtonSize.Width, ButtonSize.Height);

			context.RoundedRectangle (region.X + 0.5, region.Y + 0.5, region.Width - 1, region.Height - 1, 3);
			using (var lg = new LinearGradient (0, region.Top, 0, region.Bottom)) {
				if (hovered) {
					lg.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (.15, .76, .09, opacity));
					lg.AddColorStop (1, new Cairo.Color (.41, .91, .46, opacity));
				} else {
					lg.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (.41, .91, .46, opacity));
					lg.AddColorStop (1, new Cairo.Color (.15, .76, .09, opacity));

				context.SetSource (lg);
				context.FillPreserve ();

			context.SetSourceRGBA (.29, .79, .28, opacity);
			context.LineWidth = 1;
			context.Stroke ();

			region.Inflate (-1, -1);
			context.RoundedRectangle (region.X + 0.5, region.Y + 0.5, region.Width - 1, region.Height - 1, 2);

			using (var lg = new LinearGradient (0, region.Top, 0, region.Bottom)) {
				lg.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, .74 * opacity));
				lg.AddColorStop (0.1, new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, 0));
				lg.AddColorStop (0.9, new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0));
				lg.AddColorStop (1, new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, .34 * opacity));

				context.SetSource (lg);
				context.Stroke ();

			using (var layout = ButtonLayout (PangoContext)) {
				int w, h;
				layout.GetPixelSize (out w, out h);

				RenderShadowedText (context, new Gdk.Point (corner.X + ButtonSize.Width / 2 - w / 2, corner.Y + ButtonSize.Height / 2 - h / 2 - 1), opacity, layout);
Beispiel #19
 public override void DrawRowRule(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height)
     cr.SetSourceRGBA (rule_color.R, rule_color.G, rule_color.B, Context.FillAlpha);
     cr.Rectangle (x, y, width, height);
     cr.Fill ();
Beispiel #20
        private static unsafe void DrawWindow(GuiRequest *request, byte[] xData)
            request->Type  = RequestType.NewWindow;
            request->Error = ErrorType.None;
            var window = (NewWindow *)request;

            window->X      = 340;
            window->Y      = 159;
            window->Width  = 600;
            window->Height = 450;


            if (request->Error != ErrorType.None)
                Debug.Write("Error5: %d\n", (int)request->Error);

            string HashCode = new string(window->Buffer);
            var    aBuffer  = SHM.Obtain(HashCode, 0, false);
            int    winID    = window->WindowID;

            Debug.Write("winID: %d\n", winID);

            uint surface = Cairo.ImageSurfaceCreateForData(600 * 4, 450, 600, ColorFormat.ARGB32, aBuffer);
            uint cr      = Cairo.Create(surface);

            Cairo.SetOperator(Operator.Over, cr);

            Cairo.Rectangle(450, 600, 0, 0, cr);
            Cairo.SetSourceRGBA(1, 0.41, 0.41, 0.41, cr);
            Cairo.Rectangle(446, 596, 2, 2, cr);
            Cairo.SetSourceRGBA(1, 0.87, 0.87, 0.87, cr);
            Cairo.Rectangle(410, 580, 30, 10, cr);
            Cairo.SetSourceRGBA(1, 1, 1, 1, cr);

            Cairo.SetSourceRGBA(1, 0.41, 0.41, 0.41, cr);
            Cairo.SelectFontFace(FontWeight.Normal, FontSlant.Normal, Marshal.C_String(""), cr);
            Cairo.SetFontSize(15, cr);
            Cairo.MoveTo(18, 215, cr);
            Cairo.ShowText(Marshal.C_String("Atom OS : Installation Guide"), cr);

            Cairo.SelectFontFace(FontWeight.Bold, FontSlant.Normal, Marshal.C_String(""), cr);
            Cairo.MoveTo(18, 580, cr);
            Cairo.ShowText(Marshal.C_String("X"), cr);


            request->Type = RequestType.Redraw;
            var req = (Redraw *)request;

            req->WindowID = winID;
            req->X        = 0;
            req->Y        = 0;
            req->Width    = 600;
            req->Height   = 450;

            Debug.Write("Time: %d\n", Timer.TicksFromStart);
            while (true)
                if (request->Error != ErrorType.None)
                if (request->Type != RequestType.MouseEvent)
                var mreq = (MouseEvent *)request;
                if (mreq->WindowID != winID)
                if ((mreq->Function & MouseFunction.Click) != 0)
                    int x = mreq->Xpos;
                    int y = mreq->Ypos;
                    if (y < 40)
                        request->Type = RequestType.DragRequest;
                        var mv = (DragRequest *)request;
                        mv->WindowID = winID;
		public void Draw (Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Rectangle area)
			TextViewMargin textViewMargin = editor.TextViewMargin;
			ISyntaxMode mode = Document.SyntaxMode != null && editor.Options.EnableSyntaxHighlighting ? Document.SyntaxMode : new SyntaxMode (Document);

			TextViewMargin.LayoutWrapper lineLayout = null;
			double brightness = HslColor.Brightness (editor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Background);

			int colorCount = foldSegments.Count + 2;
			cr.SetSourceColor (GetColor (-1, brightness, colorCount));
			cr.Rectangle (area);
			cr.Fill ();
			var rectangles = new Cairo.Rectangle[foldSegments.Count];
			const int xPadding = 4;
			const int yPadding = 2;
			const int rightMarginPadding = 16;
			for (int i = foldSegments.Count - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
				var segment = foldSegments [i];
				if (segment.IsInvalid)
				var segmentStartLine = segment.StartLine;
				var segmentEndLine = segment.EndLine;

				int curWidth = 0;
				var endLine = segmentEndLine.NextLine;
				var y = editor.LineToY (segmentStartLine.LineNumber);
				if (y < editor.VAdjustment.Value) {
					segmentStartLine = editor.GetLine (editor.YToLine (editor.VAdjustment.Value));
					y = editor.LineToY (segmentStartLine.LineNumber);

				for (var curLine = segmentStartLine; curLine != endLine && y < editor.VAdjustment.Value + editor.Allocation.Height; curLine = curLine.NextLine) {
					var curLayout = textViewMargin.CreateLinePartLayout (mode, curLine, curLine.Offset, curLine.Length, -1, -1);
					var width = (int)(curLayout.Width);
					curWidth = System.Math.Max (curWidth, width);
					y += editor.GetLineHeight (curLine);

				double xPos = textViewMargin.XOffset;
				double rectangleWidth = 0, rectangleHeight = 0;
				lineLayout = textViewMargin.CreateLinePartLayout (mode, segmentStartLine, segmentStartLine.Offset, segmentStartLine.Length, -1, -1);
				var rectangleStart = lineLayout.Layout.IndexToPos (GetFirstNonWsIdx (lineLayout.Layout.Text));
				xPos = System.Math.Max (textViewMargin.XOffset, (textViewMargin.XOffset + textViewMargin.TextStartPosition + rectangleStart.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale) - xPadding);

				lineLayout = textViewMargin.CreateLinePartLayout (mode, segmentEndLine, segmentEndLine.Offset, segmentEndLine.Length, -1, -1);
				var rectangleEnd = lineLayout.Layout.IndexToPos (GetFirstNonWsIdx (lineLayout.Layout.Text));
				xPos = System.Math.Min (xPos, System.Math.Max (textViewMargin.XOffset, (textViewMargin.XOffset + textViewMargin.TextStartPosition + rectangleEnd.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale) - xPadding));

				rectangleWidth = textViewMargin.XOffset + textViewMargin.TextStartPosition + curWidth - xPos + xPadding * 2;

				if (i < foldSegments.Count - 1) {
					rectangleWidth = System.Math.Max ((rectangles [i + 1].X + rectangles[i + 1].Width + rightMarginPadding) - xPos, rectangleWidth);

				y = editor.LineToY (segment.StartLine.LineNumber);
				var yEnd = editor.LineToY (segment.EndLine.LineNumber + 1) + (segment.EndLine.LineNumber == editor.LineCount ? editor.LineHeight : 0);
				if (yEnd == 0)
					yEnd = editor.VAdjustment.Upper;
				rectangleHeight = yEnd - y;

				rectangles[i] = new Cairo.Rectangle (xPos, y - yPadding, rectangleWidth, rectangleHeight + yPadding * 2);

			for (int i = 0; i < foldSegments.Count; i++) {
				Cairo.Rectangle clampedRect;
				var rect = rectangles[i];

				if (i == foldSegments.Count - 1) {
/*					var radius = (int)(editor.Options.Zoom * 2);
					int w = 2 * radius;
					using (var shadow = new Blur (
						System.Math.Min ((int)rect.Width + w * 2, editor.Allocation.Width),
						System.Math.Min ((int)rect.Height + w * 2, editor.Allocation.Height), 
						radius)) {
						using (var gctx = shadow.GetContext ()) {
							gctx.Color = new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0);
							gctx.Fill ();

							var a = 0;
							var b = 0;
							DrawRoundRectangle (gctx, true, true, w - a, w - b, editor.LineHeight / 4, rect.Width + a * 2, rect.Height + a * 2);
							var bg = editor.ColorStyle.Default.CairoColor;
							gctx.Color = new Cairo.Color (bg.R, bg.G, bg.B, 0.6);
							gctx.Fill ();

						cr.Save ();
						cr.Translate (rect.X - w - editor.HAdjustment.Value, rect.Y - editor.VAdjustment.Value - w);
						shadow.Draw (cr);
						cr.Restore ();

					var curPadSize = 1;

					var age = (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds;
					var alpha = 0.1;
					if (age < animationLength) {
						var animationState = age / (double)animationLength;
						curPadSize = (int)(3 + System.Math.Sin (System.Math.PI * animationState) * 3);
						alpha = 0.1 + (1.0 - animationState) / 5;

					var bg = editor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Foreground;
					cr.SetSourceRGBA (bg.R, bg.G, bg.B, alpha);
					clampedRect = ClampRect (rect.X - editor.HAdjustment.Value - curPadSize , rect.Y - editor.VAdjustment.Value - curPadSize, editor.LineHeight / 2, rect.Width + curPadSize * 2, rect.Height + curPadSize * 2, area);
					DrawRoundRectangle (cr, true, true, clampedRect.X, clampedRect.Y, editor.LineHeight / 2, clampedRect.Width, clampedRect.Height);
					cr.Fill ();

					if (age < animationLength) {
						var animationState = age / (double)animationLength;
						curPadSize = (int)(2 + System.Math.Sin (System.Math.PI * animationState) * 2);
						clampedRect = ClampRect (rect.X - editor.HAdjustment.Value - curPadSize, rect.Y - editor.VAdjustment.Value - curPadSize, editor.LineHeight / 2, rect.Width + curPadSize * 2, rect.Height + curPadSize * 2, area);
						DrawRoundRectangle (cr, true, true, clampedRect.X, clampedRect.Y, editor.LineHeight / 2, clampedRect.Width, clampedRect.Height);
						cr.SetSourceColor (GetColor (i, brightness, colorCount));
						cr.Fill ();


				clampedRect = ClampRect (rect.X - editor.HAdjustment.Value, rect.Y - editor.VAdjustment.Value, editor.LineHeight / 2, rect.Width, rect.Height, area);
				DrawRoundRectangle (cr, true, true,  clampedRect.X, clampedRect.Y, editor.LineHeight / 2, clampedRect.Width, clampedRect.Height);
				cr.SetSourceColor (GetColor (i, brightness, colorCount));
				cr.Fill ();
		// Taken from Mono.TextEditor.HelperMethods.
		public static void SetSourceColor (Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Color color)
			cr.SetSourceRGBA (color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
Beispiel #23
        //Draws the dots on the screen, end is a moot parameter
        public void DrawDot(Cairo.Context ctx, PointD start, PointD end)
            if (!start.Equals (prevDot)) {

                    ctx.SetSourceRGBA (R, G, B, A);
                    ctx.Arc (start.X, start.Y, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
                    ctx.StrokePreserve ();
                    ctx.Fill ();
                if (startRecordPoints) {

                    currentDrawnPoints.Add (start);

                prevDot = start;

Beispiel #24
		void DecorateTabsAndSpaces (Cairo.Context ctx, LayoutWrapper layout, int offset, int length, double xPos, double y, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd)
			uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;
			bool first = true, oldSelected = false;
			int index, trailing;
			layout.Layout.XyToIndex ((int)textEditor.HAdjustment.Value, 0, out index, out trailing);
			var curchunk = layout.Chunks != null ? layout.Chunks.FirstOrDefault () : null;
			for (int i = index; i < layout.LineChars.Length; i++) {
				char ch = layout.LineChars [i];
				if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t')
				if (ch == ' ' && !textEditor.Options.IncludeWhitespaces.HasFlag (IncludeWhitespaces.Space))
				if (ch == '\t' && !textEditor.Options.IncludeWhitespaces.HasFlag (IncludeWhitespaces.Tab))
				bool selected = selectionStart <= offset + i && offset + i < selectionEnd;
				if (first || oldSelected != selected) {
					first = false;
					oldSelected = selected;
				if (!selected && textEditor.Options.ShowWhitespaces != ShowWhitespaces.Always)
				Pango.Rectangle pos = layout.Layout.IndexToPos ((int)TranslateToUTF8Index (layout.LineChars, (uint)i, ref curIndex, ref byteIndex));
				double ypos = y + pos.Y / Pango.Scale.PangoScale;
				double xpos = xPos + pos.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale;
				if (xpos > textEditor.Allocation.Width)
				Pango.Rectangle pos2 = layout.Layout.IndexToPos ((int)TranslateToUTF8Index (layout.LineChars, (uint)i + 1, ref curIndex, ref byteIndex));
				double ypos2 = y + pos2.Y / Pango.Scale.PangoScale;
				double xpos2 = xPos + pos2.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale;
				Cairo.Color col = new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0);
				if (SelectionColor.TransparentForeground) {
					while (curchunk != null && curchunk.EndOffset < offset + i)
						curchunk = curchunk.Next;
					if (curchunk != null && curchunk.SpanStack.Count > 0 && curchunk.SpanStack.Peek ().Color != "Plain Text") {
						var chunkStyle = ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle (curchunk.SpanStack.Peek ().Color);
						if (chunkStyle != null)
							col = ColorStyle.GetForeground (chunkStyle);
					} else {
						col = ColorStyle.PlainText.Foreground;
				} else {
					col = selected ? SelectionColor.Foreground : col = ColorStyle.PlainText.Foreground;
				ctx.SetSourceRGBA (col.R, col.G, col.B, whitespaceMarkerAlpha);

				if (ch == '\t') {
					DrawTabMarker (ctx, selected, xpos, xpos2, ypos);
				} else {
					DrawSpaceMarker (ctx, selected, xpos, xpos2, ypos);
Beispiel #25
 //Original function which draws a straight line from start to end
 void DrawLine(Cairo.Context ctx, PointD start, PointD end)
		void InnerDecorateTabsAndSpaces (Cairo.Context ctx, LayoutWrapper layout, int offset, double x, double y, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd, char spaceOrTab)
			var chars = layout.LineChars;
			if (Array.IndexOf (chars, spaceOrTab) == -1)

			uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;
			bool first = true, oldSelected = false;
			var curchunk = layout.Chunks != null ? layout.Chunks.FirstOrDefault () : null;

			var dotThickness = textEditor.Options.Zoom * 2;
			var textEditorWidth = textEditor.Allocation.Width;

			//Get 1st visible character index from left based on HAdjustment
			int index, trailing;
			layout.Layout.XyToIndex ((int)textEditor.HAdjustment.Value, 0, out index, out trailing);

			double ypos;
			if (spaceOrTab == ' ') {
				ypos = System.Math.Floor (y + (LineHeight - dotThickness) / 2);
			} else {
				ypos = 0.5 + System.Math.Floor (y + LineHeight / 2);

			var showOnlySelected = textEditor.Options.ShowWhitespaces != ShowWhitespaces.Always;

			var lastColor = new Cairo.Color ();
			bool firstDraw = true;
			var foregroundColor = ColorStyle.PlainText.Foreground;

			int lastIndex = -1;
			int lastPosX = 0;

			for (int i = index; i < chars.Length; i++) {
				if (spaceOrTab != chars [i])

				bool selected = selectionStart <= offset + i && offset + i < selectionEnd;
				if (first || oldSelected != selected) {
					first = false;
					oldSelected = selected;

				if (showOnlySelected && !selected)
				int line, posX;
				if (lastIndex == i) {
					posX = lastPosX;
				} else {
					layout.Layout.IndexToLineX ((int)TranslateToUTF8Index (chars, (uint)i, ref curIndex, ref byteIndex), false, out line, out posX);
				double xpos = x + posX / Pango.Scale.PangoScale;
				if (xpos > textEditorWidth)
				layout.Layout.IndexToLineX ((int)TranslateToUTF8Index (chars, (uint)i + 1, ref curIndex, ref byteIndex), false, out line, out posX);
				lastPosX = posX;
				lastIndex = i + 1;
				double xpos2 = x + posX / Pango.Scale.PangoScale;
				var col = new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0);
				if (SelectionColor.TransparentForeground) {
					while (curchunk != null && curchunk.EndOffset < offset + i)
						curchunk = curchunk.Next;
					if (curchunk != null && curchunk.SpanStack.Count > 0 && curchunk.SpanStack.Peek ().Color != "Plain Text") {
						var chunkStyle = ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle (curchunk.SpanStack.Peek ().Color);
						if (chunkStyle != null)
							col = ColorStyle.GetForeground (chunkStyle);
					} else {
						col = foregroundColor;
				} else {
					col = selected ? SelectionColor.Foreground : foregroundColor;

				if (firstDraw || (lastColor.R != col.R && lastColor.G != col.G && lastColor.B != col.B)) {
					ctx.SetSourceRGBA (col.R, col.G, col.B, whitespaceMarkerAlpha);
					lastColor = col;
					firstDraw = false;

				if (spaceOrTab == ' ') {
					ctx.Rectangle (xpos + (xpos2 - xpos - dotThickness) / 2, ypos, dotThickness, dotThickness);
				} else {
					ctx.MoveTo (0.5 + xpos, ypos);
					ctx.LineTo (0.5 + xpos2 - charWidth / 2, ypos);
			if (!firstDraw) {//Atleast one draw was called
				if (spaceOrTab == ' ') {
					ctx.Fill ();
				} else {
					ctx.Stroke ();
Beispiel #27
        private void RenderSelection(Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle background_area,
            bool selected, StateFlags state)
            if (view == null) {

            if (selected) {
                Gdk.Rectangle rect = background_area;
                rect.X -= 2;
                rect.Width += 4;

                // clear the standard GTK selection and focus
                Gdk.RGBA rgba = view.StyleContext.GetBackgroundColor (StateFlags.Normal);
                cr.SetSourceRGBA (rgba.Red, rgba.Green, rgba.Blue, rgba.Alpha);
                cr.Rectangle (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
                cr.Fill ();

                // draw the hot cairo selection
                if (!view.EditingRow) {
                    view.Theme.DrawRowSelection (cr, background_area.X + 1, background_area.Y + 1,
                        background_area.Width - 2, background_area.Height - 2);
            } else if (!TreeIter.Zero.Equals (iter) && iter.Equals (view.HighlightedIter)) {
                view.Theme.DrawRowSelection (cr, background_area.X + 1, background_area.Y + 1,
                    background_area.Width - 2, background_area.Height - 2, false);
            } else if (view.NotifyStage.ActorCount > 0) {
                if (!TreeIter.Zero.Equals (iter) && view.NotifyStage.Contains (iter)) {
                    Actor<TreeIter> actor = view.NotifyStage[iter];
                    Cairo.Color color = CairoExtensions.GdkRGBAToCairoColor (view.StyleContext.GetBackgroundColor (StateFlags.Active));
                    color.A = Math.Sin (actor.Percent * Math.PI);

                    view.Theme.DrawRowSelection (cr, background_area.X + 1, background_area.Y + 1,
                        background_area.Width - 2, background_area.Height - 2, true, true, color);
		void DrawScrollShadow (Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double _lineHeight)
			if (textEditor.HAdjustment.Value > 0) {
				cr.LineWidth = textEditor.Options.Zoom;
				for (int i = 0; i < verticalShadowAlphaTable.Length; i++) {
					cr.SetSourceRGBA (0, 0, 0, 1 - verticalShadowAlphaTable [i]);
					cr.MoveTo (x + i * cr.LineWidth + 0.5, y);
					cr.LineTo (x + i * cr.LineWidth + 0.5, y + 1 + _lineHeight);
					cr.Stroke ();
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the label.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context.</param>
        /// <param name="bordertype">Bordertype.</param>
        /// <param name="pin">Pin.</param>
        /// <param name="xpos">Xpos.</param>
        /// <param name="ypos">Ypos.</param>
        private static void DrawLabel(Cairo.Context context, BorderType bordertype, IPin pin, int xpos = 0, int ypos = 0)
            const int widht = 100;
            const int height = BoldHeight;
            const int fontsize = 12;
            context.Rectangle (xpos, ypos, widht, 26);
            context.SetSourceRGBA (BackgroundColor.R, BackgroundColor.G, BackgroundColor.B, BackgroundColor.A);
            context.Fill ();

            string displaytext = pin.Name;

            if (displaytext.Length > 12) {
                displaytext = displaytext.Substring (0, 12);
                displaytext += "...";

            if (bordertype == BorderType.Line) {
                context.SetSourceRGB (0, 0, 0);
                context.LineWidth = .5;
                context.Rectangle (xpos, ypos, widht, height);
                context.Stroke ();

            context.Rectangle (xpos, ypos, 5, height);
            context.SetSourceRGB (pin.PlotColor.Red, pin.PlotColor.Green, pin.PlotColor.Blue);
            context.Fill ();

            context.SetSourceRGB (0, 0, 0);
            context.SelectFontFace ("Sans", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);
            context.SetFontSize (fontsize);
            context.MoveTo (xpos + 5, ypos + fontsize);
            context.ShowText (pin.DisplayNumberShort);

            context.MoveTo (xpos + 5, ypos + fontsize * 2);
            context.ShowText (displaytext);
			void DrawArrow (Cairo.Context g, double x, double y)
				var editor = mode.editor;
				double phi = 1.618;
				double arrowLength = editor.LineHeight * phi;
				double arrowHeight = editor.LineHeight / phi;
				g.MoveTo (x - arrowLength, y - arrowHeight);
				g.LineTo (x, y);
				g.LineTo (x - arrowLength, y + arrowHeight);
				g.LineTo (x - arrowLength / phi, y);
				g.ClosePath ();
				g.SetSourceRGB (1.0, 0, 0);
				g.StrokePreserve ();
				g.SetSourceRGBA (1.0, 0, 0, 0.1);
				g.Fill ();
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the label flat.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context.</param>
        /// <param name="bordertype">Bordertype.</param>
        /// <param name="labelposition">Labelposition.</param>
        /// <param name="pin">Pin.</param>
        /// <param name="xpos">Xpos.</param>
        /// <param name="ypos">Ypos.</param>
        private static void DrawLabelFlat(Cairo.Context context, BorderType bordertype, LabelPosition labelposition, IPin pin, int xpos = 0, int ypos = 0)
            string displaytext = "";
            var color = GdkToCairo (pin.PlotColor);

            displaytext = pin.DisplayNumberShort + " " + pin.Name;

            if (displaytext.Length > 12) {
                displaytext = displaytext.Substring (0, 12);
                displaytext += "...";

            if (bordertype == BorderType.Line) {
                DrawRoundedRectangle (context, xpos, ypos, LabelWidth - LabelBorderWeight, FlatHeight, 5);
                context.SetSourceRGBA (color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
                context.LineWidth = LabelBorderWeight;
                context.Stroke ();

            int xposlabelline = 0;
            int yposlabelline = 0;
            switch (labelposition) {
            case LabelPosition.Left:
                xposlabelline = xpos + LabelWidth;
                yposlabelline = ypos + (FlatHeight / 2);
            case LabelPosition.Right:
                xposlabelline = xpos;
                yposlabelline = ypos + (FlatHeight / 2);
            case LabelPosition.Bottom:
                xpos = xpos + LabelWidth / 2;
                yposlabelline = ypos;

            if (PinLocations.ContainsKey ((int)pin.RealNumber)) {
                DrawLines (
                    (int)(MCUImageXZero + PinLocations [(int)pin.RealNumber].x),
                    (int)(MCUImageYZero + PinLocations [(int)pin.RealNumber].y),

            context.SetSourceRGB (0, 0, 0);
            context.SelectFontFace ("Sans", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);
            context.SetFontSize (LabelFontSize);
            context.MoveTo (xpos + 5, ypos + LabelFontSize + LabelBorderWeight);
            context.ShowText (displaytext);
Beispiel #32
        void DrawBackground(Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Rectangle region, int radius, StateType state)
            double rad = radius - 0.5;
            int centerX = region.X + region.Width / 2;
            int centerY = region.Y + region.Height / 2;

            context.MoveTo (centerX + rad, centerY);
            context.Arc (centerX, centerY, rad, 0, Math.PI * 2);

            double high;
            double low;
            switch (state) {
            case StateType.Selected:
                high = 0.85;
                low = 1.0;
            case StateType.Prelight:
                high = 1.0;
                low = 0.9;
            case StateType.Insensitive:
                high = 0.95;
                low = 0.83;
                high = 1.0;
                low = 0.85;
            using (var lg = new LinearGradient (0, centerY - rad, 0, centerY +rad)) {
                lg.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (high, high, high));
                lg.AddColorStop (1, new Cairo.Color (low, low, low));
                context.SetSource (lg);
                context.FillPreserve ();

            context.SetSourceRGBA (0, 0, 0, 0.4);
            context.LineWidth = 1;
            context.Stroke ();
Beispiel #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the lines.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">Context.</param>
 /// <param name="xStart">X start.</param>
 /// <param name="yStart">Y start.</param>
 /// <param name="xEnd">X end.</param>
 /// <param name="yEnd">Y end.</param>
 /// <param name="color">Color.</param>
 private static void DrawLines(Cairo.Context context, int xStart, int yStart, int xEnd, int yEnd, Cairo.Color color)
     context.Save ();
     context.SetSourceRGBA (color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
     context.MoveTo (xStart, yStart);
     context.LineTo (xEnd, yEnd);
     context.ClosePath ();
     context.Restore ();
     context.LineWidth = 1;
     context.Stroke ();