Beispiel #1
	static void draw (Cairo.Context gr, int width, int height)
		gr.Scale (width, height);
		gr.LineWidth = 0.04;
		gr.MoveTo ( new PointD (0.5, 0.1) );
		gr.LineTo ( new PointD (0.9, 0.9) );
		gr.RelLineTo ( new Distance (-0.4, 0.0) );
		gr.CurveTo ( new PointD (0.2, 0.9),
			     new PointD ( 0.2, 0.5),
			     new PointD (0.5, 0.5)
		gr.ClosePath ();
		gr.MoveTo ( new PointD (0.25, 0.1) );
		gr.RelLineTo ( new Distance (0.2, 0.2) );
		gr.RelLineTo ( new Distance ( -0.2, 0.2) );
		gr.RelLineTo ( new Distance (-0.2, -0.2) );
		gr.ClosePath ();	       
		gr.Color = new Color (0, 0, 1, 1);
		gr.FillPreserve ();
		gr.Color = new Color ( 0, 0, 0, 1);
		gr.Stroke ();
		protected void DrawCircle (Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double size)
			x += 0.5; y += 0.5;
			cr.NewPath ();
			cr.Arc (x + size/2, y + size / 2, (size-4)/2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
			cr.ClosePath ();
Beispiel #3
        public static void DrawRoundedRectangle(Cairo.Context gr, double x, double y,
		                                        double width, double height, double radius,
		                                        Cairo.Color color, Cairo.Color borderColor)

            if((radius > height / 2) || (radius > width / 2))
                radius = Math.Min(height / 2, width / 2);

            gr.MoveTo(x, y + radius);
            gr.Arc(x + radius, y + radius, radius, Math.PI, -Math.PI / 2);
            gr.LineTo(x + width - radius, y);
            gr.Arc(x + width - radius, y + radius, radius, -Math.PI / 2, 0);
            gr.LineTo(x + width, y + height - radius);
            gr.Arc(x + width - radius, y + height - radius, radius, 0, Math.PI / 2);
            gr.LineTo(x + radius, y + height);
            gr.Arc(x + radius, y + height - radius, radius, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI);

            gr.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;
            gr.Color = borderColor;
            gr.Color = color;
Beispiel #4
	static void oval_path (Cairo.Context gr, double xc, double yc, double xr, double yr)
		gr.Translate (xc, yc);
		gr.Scale (1.0, yr / xr);
		gr.MoveTo (new PointD (xr, 0.0) );
		gr.Arc (0, 0, xr, 0, 2 * M_PI);
		gr.ClosePath ();
Beispiel #5
        public static void DrawTriangle(Cairo.Context g, double x, double y,
		                                int width, int height, Cairo.Color color)
            g.Color = color;
            g.MoveTo(x, y);
            g.LineTo(x + width/2, y-height);
            g.LineTo(x - width/2, y-height);
Beispiel #6
		void DrawHand (double fThickness, double length, Cairo.Color color, double radians, Cairo.Context e)
			e.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (center.X - (length / 9 * Math.Sin (radians)), center.Y + (length / 9 * Math.Cos (radians))));
			e.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (center.X + (length * Math.Sin (radians)), center.Y - (length * Math.Cos (radians))));
			e.ClosePath ();
			e.LineCap = Cairo.LineCap.Round;
			e.LineJoin = Cairo.LineJoin.Round;
			e.Color = color;
			e.LineWidth = fThickness;
			e.Stroke ();
Beispiel #7
 public static void RenderCircle(Cairo.Context g, Cairo.Color c, double r, double x, double y)
     g.Color = c;
     g.MoveTo(x, y);
     g.Arc(x, y, r, 0, 6.28);
     g.LineWidth = 3;
		protected void DrawDiamond (Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double size)
			x += 0.5; y += 0.5;
			size -= 2;
			cr.NewPath ();
			cr.MoveTo (x + size/2, y);
			cr.LineTo (x + size, y + size/2);
			cr.LineTo (x + size/2, y + size);
			cr.LineTo (x, y + size/2);
			cr.LineTo (x + size/2, y);
			cr.ClosePath ();
Beispiel #9
        static void DrawRoundedRectangle(Cairo.Context gr, double x, double y, double width, double height, double radius)
            gr.Save ();

            if ((radius > height / 2) || (radius > width / 2))
                radius = min (height / 2, width / 2);
            gr.Color = new Color (200, 10, 210, 1);
            gr.MoveTo (x, y + radius);
            gr.Arc (x + radius, y + radius, radius, Math.PI, -Math.PI / 2);
            gr.LineTo (x + width - radius, y);
            gr.Arc (x + width - radius, y + radius, radius, -Math.PI / 2, 0);
            gr.LineTo (x + width, y + height - radius);
            gr.Arc (x + width - radius, y + height - radius, radius, 0, Math.PI / 2);
            gr.LineTo (x + radius, y + height);
            gr.Arc (x + radius, y + height - radius, radius, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI);
            gr.ClosePath ();
            gr.Restore ();
		public static void CurvedRectangle (Cairo.Context c, RectangleD rect, double radius) {
			if (rect.Width < (radius * 2.0) ) {
				radius = rect.Width/2.0;

			if (rect.Height < (radius * 2.0) ) {
				radius = rect.Height/2.0;
			c.MoveTo (rect.X, rect.Y+radius);
			c.LineTo (rect.X, rect.Y2-radius);
			c.CurveTo (rect.X, rect.Y2-radius, rect.X, rect.Y2, rect.X+radius, rect.Y2);
			c.LineTo (rect.X2-radius, rect.Y2);
			c.CurveTo (rect.X2-radius, rect.Y2, rect.X2, rect.Y2, rect.X2, rect.Y2-radius);
			c.LineTo (rect.X2, rect.Y+radius);
			c.CurveTo (rect.X2, rect.Y+radius, rect.X2, rect.Y, rect.X2-radius, rect.Y);
			c.LineTo (rect.X+radius, rect.Y);
			c.CurveTo (rect.X+radius, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Y+radius);
		protected void DrawCaret (Cairo.Context cr)
			if (TextEditor.ColorStyle == null || caretLine < 0)
			double y = GetYPosition (caretLine);
			cr.MoveTo (0, y - 4);
			cr.LineTo (7, y);
			cr.LineTo (0, y + 4);
			cr.ClosePath ();
			cr.SetSourceColor (TextEditor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Foreground);
			cr.Fill ();
Beispiel #12
		protected void DrawArrow (Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double size)
			y += 2.5;
			x += 2.5;
			size -= 4;
			double awidth = 0.5;
			double aheight = 0.4;
			double pich = (size - (size * aheight)) / 2;
			cr.NewPath ();
			cr.MoveTo (x + size * awidth, y);
			cr.LineTo (x + size, y + size / 2);
			cr.LineTo (x + size * awidth, y + size);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, -pich);
			cr.RelLineTo (-size * awidth, 0);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, -size * aheight);
			cr.RelLineTo (size * awidth, 0);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, -pich);
			cr.ClosePath ();
		void DrawErrorMarkers (TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context g, LineMetrics metrics, double y)
			uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;

			var o = metrics.LineSegment.Offset;

			foreach (var task in errors.Select (t => t.Task)) {
				var column = (uint)(Math.Min (Math.Max (0, task.Column - 1), metrics.Layout.LineChars.Length));
				int index = (int)metrics.Layout.TranslateToUTF8Index (column, ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
				var pos = metrics.Layout.Layout.IndexToPos (index);
				var co = o + task.Column - 1;
				g.SetSourceColor (GetMarkerColor (false, metrics.SelectionStart <= co && co < metrics.SelectionEnd));
				g.MoveTo (
					metrics.TextRenderStartPosition + editor.TextViewMargin.TextStartPosition + pos.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale,
					y + editor.LineHeight - 3
				g.RelLineTo (3, 3);
				g.RelLineTo (-6, 0);
				g.ClosePath ();

				g.Fill ();
Beispiel #14
        public void Draw(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            if (!_visible)

            if (_w > 0 && _h > 0)
                Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(d);

                d.DrawPixbuf(gc, _background, 0, 0, _x, _y, _w, _h, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);

                int x0 = _x, x1 = _x + _w;
                int y0 = _y, y1 = _y + _h;

                g.MoveTo(x0 + 3, y0);
                g.LineTo(x1 - 3, y0);
                g.LineTo(x1, y0 + 3);
                g.LineTo(x1, y1 - 3);
                g.LineTo(x1 - 3, y1);
                g.LineTo(x0 + 3, y1);
                g.LineTo(x0, y1 - 3);
                g.LineTo(x0, y0 + 3);
                g.LineTo(x0 + 3, y0);
                g.LineWidth = 6;
                g.Color = BorderColor;


            DrawContents(d, g, width, height, screenChanged);

		static void RoundBorder (Cairo.Context ctx, double x, double y, double w, double h)
			double r = h / 2;
			ctx.Arc (x + r, y + r, r, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI + Math.PI / 2);
			ctx.LineTo (x + w - r, y);
			ctx.Arc (x + w - r, y + r, r, Math.PI + Math.PI / 2, Math.PI + Math.PI + Math.PI / 2);
			ctx.LineTo (x + r, y + h);
			ctx.ClosePath ();
		public bool DrawBackground (TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context g, TextViewMargin.LayoutWrapper layout2, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd, int startOffset, int endOffset, double y, double startXPos, double endXPos, ref bool drawBg)
			if (!IsVisible || DebuggingService.IsDebugging)
				return true;
			EnsureLayoutCreated (editor);
			double x = editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset;
			int right = editor.Allocation.Width;
			int errorCounterWidth = 0;
			bool isCaretInLine = startOffset <= editor.Caret.Offset && editor.Caret.Offset <= endOffset;
			int ew = 0, eh = 0;
			if (errors.Count > 1 && errorCountLayout != null) {
				errorCountLayout.GetPixelSize (out ew, out eh);
				errorCounterWidth = ew + 10;
			double x2 = System.Math.Max (right - LayoutWidth - border - (ShowIconsInBubble ? errorPixbuf.Width : 0) - errorCounterWidth, fitsInSameLine ? editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + editor.LineHeight / 2 : editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset);
			bool isEolSelected = editor.IsSomethingSelected && editor.SelectionMode != SelectionMode.Block ? editor.SelectionRange.Contains (lineSegment.Offset + lineSegment.EditableLength) : false;
			int active = editor.Document.GetTextAt (lineSegment) == initialText ? 0 : 1;
			int highlighted = active == 0 && isCaretInLine ? 1 : 0;
			int selected = 0;
			double topSize = editor.LineHeight / 2;
			double bottomSize = editor.LineHeight / 2 + editor.LineHeight % 2;
			if (!fitsInSameLine) {
				if (isEolSelected) {
					x -= (int)editor.HAdjustment.Value;
					editor.TextViewMargin.DrawRectangleWithRuler (g, x, new Cairo.Rectangle (x, y + editor.LineHeight, editor.TextViewMargin.TextStartPosition, editor.LineHeight), editor.ColorStyle.Default.CairoBackgroundColor, true);
					editor.TextViewMargin.DrawRectangleWithRuler (g, x + editor.TextViewMargin.TextStartPosition, new Cairo.Rectangle (x + editor.TextViewMargin.TextStartPosition, y + editor.LineHeight, editor.Allocation.Width + (int)editor.HAdjustment.Value, editor.LineHeight), editor.ColorStyle.Selection.CairoBackgroundColor, true);
					x += (int)editor.HAdjustment.Value;
				} else {
					editor.TextViewMargin.DrawRectangleWithRuler (g, x, new Cairo.Rectangle (x, y + editor.LineHeight, x2, editor.LineHeight), editor.ColorStyle.Default.CairoBackgroundColor, true);
			DrawRectangle (g, x, y, right, topSize);
			g.Color = colorMatrix[active, TOP, LIGHT, highlighted, selected];
			g.Fill ();
			DrawRectangle (g, x, y + topSize, right, bottomSize);
			g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LIGHT, highlighted, selected];
			g.Fill ();
			g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x, y + 0.5));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x + right, y + 0.5));
			g.Color = colorMatrix[active, TOP, LINE, highlighted, selected];
			g.Stroke ();
			g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x, y + editor.LineHeight - 0.5));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD ((fitsInSameLine ? x + right : x2 + 1), y + editor.LineHeight - 0.5));
			g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, selected];
			g.Stroke ();
			if (editor.Options.ShowRuler) {
				double divider = Math.Max (editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, x + editor.TextViewMargin.RulerX);
				g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y));
				g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y + editor.LineHeight));
				g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, selected];
				g.Stroke ();
			// draw background
			if (layout2.StartSet || selectionStart == endOffset) {
				double startX;
				double endX;
				if (selectionStart != endOffset) {
					var start = layout2.Layout.IndexToPos ((int)layout2.SelectionStartIndex);
					startX = (int)(start.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
					var end = layout2.Layout.IndexToPos ((int)layout2.SelectionEndIndex);
					endX = (int)(end.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
				} else {
					startX = x2;
					endX = startX;
				if (editor.MainSelection.SelectionMode == SelectionMode.Block && startX == endX)
					endX = startX + 2;
				startX += startXPos;
				endX += startXPos;
				startX = Math.Max (editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, startX);
				// clip region to textviewmargin start
				if (isEolSelected)
					endX = editor.Allocation.Width + (int)editor.HAdjustment.Value;
				if (startX < endX) {
					DrawRectangle (g, startX, y, endX - startX, topSize);
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, TOP, LIGHT, highlighted, 1];
					g.Fill ();
					DrawRectangle (g, startX, y + topSize, endX - startX, bottomSize);
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LIGHT, highlighted, 1];
					g.Fill ();
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (startX, y + 0.5));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (endX, y + 0.5));
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, TOP, LINE, highlighted, 1];
					g.Stroke ();
					if (startX < x2) {
						g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (startX, y + editor.LineHeight - 0.5));
						g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (System.Math.Min (endX, x2 + 1), y + editor.LineHeight - 0.5));
						g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, 1];
						g.Stroke ();
						if (x2 + 1 < endX) {
							g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 1, y + editor.LineHeight - 0.5));
							g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (endX, y + editor.LineHeight - 0.5));
							g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LIGHT, highlighted, 1];
							g.Stroke ();
					if (editor.Options.ShowRuler) {
						double divider = Math.Max (editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, x + editor.TextViewMargin.RulerX);
						g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y));
						g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y + editor.LineHeight));
						g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, 1];
						g.Stroke ();
			if (!fitsInSameLine)
				y += editor.LineHeight;
			double y2 = y + 0.5;
			double y2Bottom = y2 + editor.LineHeight - 1;
			selected = isEolSelected && (CollapseExtendedErrors || errors.Count == 1) ? 1 : 0;
			// draw message text background
			if (CollapseExtendedErrors || errors.Count == 1) {
				if (!fitsInSameLine) {
					// draw box below line 
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2 - 1));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2 - 1));
					g.ClosePath ();
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LIGHT, highlighted, selected];
					g.Fill ();
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2 - 1));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, selected];
					g.Stroke ();
				} else {
					// draw 'arrow marker' in the same line
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2));
					double mid = y2 + topSize;
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 - editor.LineHeight / 2 + 0.5, mid));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, mid));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2));
					g.ClosePath ();
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, TOP, DARK, highlighted, selected];
					g.Fill ();
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 - editor.LineHeight / 2 + 0.5, mid));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, mid));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
					g.ClosePath ();
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, DARK, highlighted, selected];
					g.Fill ();
					// draw border
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 - editor.LineHeight / 2 + 0.5, y2 + editor.LineHeight / 2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2));
					g.ClosePath ();
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, selected];
					g.Stroke ();
			} else {
				if (!fitsInSameLine) {
					// draw box below line
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2 - 1));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2 - 1));
					g.ClosePath ();
				} else {
					// draw filled arrow box
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 - editor.LineHeight / 2 + 0.5, y2 + editor.LineHeight / 2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2));
					g.ClosePath ();
				g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LIGHT, highlighted, selected];
				g.Fill ();
				// draw light bottom line
				g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
				g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
				g.Stroke ();
				// stroke left line
				if (fitsInSameLine) {
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 - editor.LineHeight / 2 + 0.5, y2 + editor.LineHeight / 2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
				} else {
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2 - 1));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom + 1));
				g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, selected];
				g.Stroke ();
				// stroke top line
				if (fitsInSameLine) {
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, selected];
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2));
					g.Stroke ();
			if (editor.Options.ShowRuler) {
				double divider = Math.Max (editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, x + editor.TextViewMargin.RulerX);
				if (divider >= x2) {
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, DARK, highlighted, selected];
					g.Stroke ();
			if (errors.Count > 1 && errorCountLayout != null) {
				double rX = x2 + (ShowIconsInBubble ? errorPixbuf.Width : 0) + border + LayoutWidth;
				double rY = y + editor.LineHeight / 6;
				double rW = errorCounterWidth - 2;
				double rH = editor.LineHeight * 3 / 4;
				BookmarkMarker.DrawRoundRectangle (g, rX, rY, 8, rW, rH);
				g.Color = oldIsOver ? new Cairo.Color (0.3, 0.3, 0.3) : new Cairo.Color (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
				g.Fill ();
				if (CollapseExtendedErrors) {
					g.Color = gcLight;
					g.Save ();
					g.Translate (x2 + (ShowIconsInBubble ? errorPixbuf.Width : 0) + border + LayoutWidth + 4, y + (editor.LineHeight - eh) / 2 + eh % 2);
					g.ShowLayout (errorCountLayout);
					g.Restore ();
				} else {
					g.MoveTo (rX + rW / 2 - rW / 4, rY + rH - rH / 4);
					g.LineTo (rX + rW / 2 + rW / 4, rY + rH - rH / 4);
					g.LineTo (rX + rW / 2, rY + rH / 4);
					g.ClosePath ();
					g.Color = new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1);
					g.Fill ();
			for (int i = 0; i < layouts.Count; i++) {
				LayoutDescriptor layout = layouts[i];
				x2 = right - layout.Width - border - errorPixbuf.Width;
				if (i == 0)
					x2 -= errorCounterWidth;
				x2 = System.Math.Max (x2, fitsInSameLine ? editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + editor.LineHeight / 2 : editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset);
				if (i > 0) {
					editor.TextViewMargin.DrawRectangleWithRuler (g, x, new Cairo.Rectangle (x, y, right, editor.LineHeight), isEolSelected ? editor.ColorStyle.Selection.CairoBackgroundColor : editor.ColorStyle.Default.CairoBackgroundColor, true);
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y + editor.LineHeight));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y + editor.LineHeight));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y));
					g.ClosePath ();
					if (CollapseExtendedErrors) {
						Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x2, y, x2, y + editor.LineHeight);
						pat.AddColorStop (0, colorMatrix[active, TOP, LIGHT, highlighted, selected]);
						pat.AddColorStop (1, colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LIGHT, highlighted, selected]);
						g.Pattern = pat;
					} else {
						g.Color = colorMatrix[active, TOP, LIGHT, highlighted, selected];
					g.Fill ();
					if (editor.Options.ShowRuler) {
						double divider = Math.Max (editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, x + editor.TextViewMargin.RulerX);
						if (divider >= x2) {
							g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y));
							g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y + editor.LineHeight));
							g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, DARK, highlighted, selected];
							g.Stroke ();
				int lw, lh;
				layout.Layout.GetPixelSize (out lw, out lh);
				g.Color = (HslColor)(selected == 0 ? gc : gcSelected);
				g.Save ();
				g.Translate (x2 + errorPixbuf.Width + border, y + (editor.LineHeight - layout.Height) / 2 + layout.Height % 2);
				g.ShowLayout (layout.Layout);
				g.Restore ();
				y += editor.LineHeight;
				if (!UseVirtualLines)
			return true;
		public void Draw (TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context g, int lineNr, Cairo.Rectangle lineArea)
			EnsureLayoutCreated (editor);
			int lineNumber = editor.Document.OffsetToLineNumber (lineSegment.Offset);
			int errorNumber = lineNr - lineNumber;
			double x = editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset;
			double y = lineArea.Y;
			double right = editor.Allocation.Width;
			int errorCounterWidth = 0;
			int ew = 0, eh = 0;
			if (errors.Count > 1 && errorCountLayout != null) {
				errorCountLayout.GetPixelSize (out ew, out eh);
				errorCounterWidth = ew + 10;
			double x2 = System.Math.Max (right - LayoutWidth - border - (ShowIconsInBubble ? errorPixbuf.Width : 0) - errorCounterWidth, fitsInSameLine ? editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + editor.LineHeight / 2 : editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset);
//			bool isEolSelected = editor.IsSomethingSelected && editor.SelectionMode != SelectionMode.Block ? editor.SelectionRange.Contains (lineSegment.Offset  + lineSegment.EditableLength) : false;
			int active = editor.Document.GetTextAt (lineSegment) == initialText ? 0 : 1;
			bool isCaretInLine = lineSegment.Offset <= editor.Caret.Offset && editor.Caret.Offset <= lineSegment.EndOffset;
			int highlighted = active == 0 && isCaretInLine ? 1 : 0;
			int selected = 0;
			LayoutDescriptor layout = layouts[errorNumber];
			x2 = right - LayoutWidth - border - (ShowIconsInBubble ? errorPixbuf.Width : 0);
			x2 -= errorCounterWidth;
			x2 = System.Math.Max (x2, fitsInSameLine ? editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + editor.LineHeight / 2 : editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset);
			g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y + editor.LineHeight));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y + editor.LineHeight));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y));
			g.ClosePath ();
			g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LIGHT, highlighted, selected];
			g.Fill ();
			g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, selected];
			g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y + editor.LineHeight));
			if (errorNumber == errors.Count - 1)
				g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (lineArea.X + lineArea.Width, y + editor.LineHeight));
			g.Stroke ();
			if (editor.Options.ShowRuler) {
				double divider = Math.Max (editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, x + editor.TextViewMargin.RulerX);
				if (divider >= x2) {
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y + editor.LineHeight));
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, DARK, highlighted, selected];
					g.Stroke ();
			g.Save ();
			g.Translate (x2 + (ShowIconsInBubble ? errorPixbuf.Width : 0) + border, y + (editor.LineHeight - layout.Height) / 2 + layout.Height % 2);
			g.Color = selected == 0 ? gc : gcSelected;
			g.ShowLayout (layout.Layout);
			g.Restore ();
//			if (ShowIconsInBubble)
//				win.DrawPixbuf (editor.Style.BaseGC (Gtk.StateType.Normal), errors[errorNumber].IsError ? errorPixbuf : warningPixbuf, 0, 0, x2, y + (editor.LineHeight - errorPixbuf.Height) / 2, errorPixbuf.Width, errorPixbuf.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
Beispiel #18
		void DrawTab (Cairo.Context ctx, DockNotebookTab tab, Gdk.Rectangle allocation, Gdk.Rectangle tabBounds, bool highlight, bool active, bool dragging, Pango.Layout la)
			// This logic is stupid to have here, should be in the caller!
			if (dragging) {
				tabBounds.X = (int) (tabBounds.X + (dragX - tabBounds.X) * dragXProgress);
				tabBounds.X = Clamp (tabBounds.X, tabStartX, tabEndX - tabBounds.Width);
			int padding = LeftRightPadding;
			padding = (int) (padding * Math.Min (1.0, Math.Max (0.5, (tabBounds.Width - 30) / 70.0)));

			ctx.LineWidth = 1;
			LayoutTabBorder (ctx, allocation, tabBounds.Width, tabBounds.X, 0, active);
			ctx.ClosePath ();
			using (LinearGradient gr = new LinearGradient (tabBounds.X, TopBarPadding, tabBounds.X, allocation.Bottom)) {
				if (active) {
					gr.AddColorStop (0, Styles.BreadcrumbGradientStartColor.MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity));
					gr.AddColorStop (1, Styles.BreadcrumbBackgroundColor.MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity));
				} else {
					gr.AddColorStop (0, CairoExtensions.ParseColor ("f4f4f4").MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity));
					gr.AddColorStop (1, CairoExtensions.ParseColor ("cecece").MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity));
				ctx.SetSource (gr);
			ctx.Fill ();
			ctx.SetSourceColor (new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, .5).MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity));
			LayoutTabBorder (ctx, allocation, tabBounds.Width, tabBounds.X, 1, active);
			ctx.Stroke ();

			ctx.SetSourceColor (Styles.BreadcrumbBorderColor.MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity));
			LayoutTabBorder (ctx, allocation, tabBounds.Width, tabBounds.X, 0, active);
			ctx.StrokePreserve ();

			if (tab.GlowStrength > 0) {
				Gdk.Point mouse = tracker.MousePosition;
				using (var rg = new RadialGradient (mouse.X, tabBounds.Bottom, 0, mouse.X, tabBounds.Bottom, 100)) {
					rg.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, 0.4 * tab.Opacity * tab.GlowStrength));
					rg.AddColorStop (1, new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, 0));
					ctx.SetSource (rg);
					ctx.Fill ();
			} else {
				ctx.NewPath ();

			// Render Close Button (do this first so we can tell how much text to render)
			var ch = allocation.Height - TopBarPadding - BottomBarPadding + CloseImageTopOffset;
			var crect = new Gdk.Rectangle (tabBounds.Right - padding - CloseButtonSize + 3, 
			                               tabBounds.Y + TopBarPadding + (ch - CloseButtonSize) / 2, 
			                               CloseButtonSize, CloseButtonSize);
			tab.CloseButtonAllocation = crect;
			tab.CloseButtonAllocation.Inflate (2, 2);

			bool closeButtonHovered = tracker.Hovered && tab.CloseButtonAllocation.Contains (tracker.MousePosition) && tab.WidthModifier >= 1.0f;
			bool drawCloseButton = tabBounds.Width > 60 || highlight || closeButtonHovered;
			if (drawCloseButton) {
				DrawCloseButton (ctx, new Gdk.Point (crect.X + crect.Width / 2, crect.Y + crect.Height / 2), closeButtonHovered, tab.Opacity, tab.DirtyStrength);

			// Render Text
			int w = tabBounds.Width - (padding * 2 + CloseButtonSize);
			if (!drawCloseButton)
				w += CloseButtonSize;

			int textStart = tabBounds.X + padding;

			ctx.MoveTo (textStart, tabBounds.Y + TopPadding + TextOffset + VerticalTextSize);
			if (!MonoDevelop.Core.Platform.IsMac && !MonoDevelop.Core.Platform.IsWindows) {
				// This is a work around for a linux specific problem.
				// A bug in the proprietary ATI driver caused TAB text not to draw. 
				// If that bug get's fixed remove this HACK asap.
				la.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
				la.Width = (int)(w * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
				ctx.SetSourceColor (tab.Notify ? new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 1) : Styles.TabBarActiveTextColor);
				Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayoutLine (ctx, la.GetLine (0));
			} else {
				// ellipses are for space wasting ..., we cant afford that
				using (var lg = new LinearGradient (textStart + w - 5, 0, textStart + w + 3, 0)) {
					var color = tab.Notify ? new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 1) : Styles.TabBarActiveTextColor;
					color = color.MultiplyAlpha (tab.Opacity);
					lg.AddColorStop (0, color);
					color.A = 0;
					lg.AddColorStop (1, color);
					ctx.SetSource (lg);
					Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayoutLine (ctx, la.GetLine (0));
			la.Dispose ();
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// The draw rounded rectangle.
        /// </summary>
        protected void DrawRoundedRectangle(Cairo.Context gr, double x, double y, double width, double height, double radius)

            if ((radius > height / 2) || (radius > width / 2))
                radius = Math.Min(height / 2, width / 2);

            gr.MoveTo(this._x + x, this._y + y + radius);
            gr.Arc(this._x + x + radius, this._y + y + radius, radius, Math.PI, -Math.PI / 2);
            gr.LineTo(this._x + x + width - radius, this._y + y);
            gr.Arc(this._x + x + width - radius, this._y + y + radius, radius, -Math.PI / 2, 0);
            gr.LineTo(this._x + x + width, this._y + y + height - radius);
            gr.Arc(this._x + x + width - radius, this._y + y + height - radius, radius, 0, Math.PI / 2);
            gr.LineTo(this._x + x + radius, this._y + y + height);
            gr.Arc(this._x + x + radius, this._y + y + height - radius, radius, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI);
Beispiel #20
		void RenderTriangleUp (Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double w, double h)
			cr.MoveTo (x + w / 2.0, y);
			cr.LineTo (x, y + h);
			cr.LineTo (x + w, y + h);
			cr.ClosePath ();
			cr.Fill ();
		void DrawChangeSymbol (Cairo.Context ctx, double x, int width, BlockInfo block)
			if (!IsChangeBlock (block.Type))
			Gdk.Color color = block.Type == BlockType.Added ? baseAddColor : baseRemoveColor;

			int ssize = 8;
			int barSize = 3;
			if (ssize - 2 > lineHeight)
				ssize = lineHeight - 2;
			if (ssize <= 0)

			double inSize = (ssize / 2) - (barSize / 2);
			double py = block.YStart + ((block.YEnd - block.YStart) / 2 - ssize / 2) + 0.5;
			double px = x + (LeftPaddingBlock/2) - (ssize / 2) + 0.5;
			if (block.Type == BlockType.Added) {
				ctx.MoveTo (px + inSize, py);
				ctx.RelLineTo (barSize, 0);
				ctx.RelLineTo (0, inSize);
				ctx.RelLineTo (inSize, 0);
				ctx.RelLineTo (0, barSize);
				ctx.RelLineTo (-inSize, 0);
				ctx.RelLineTo (0, inSize);
				ctx.RelLineTo (-barSize, 0);
				ctx.RelLineTo (0, -inSize);
				ctx.RelLineTo (-inSize, 0);
				ctx.RelLineTo (0, -barSize);
				ctx.RelLineTo (inSize, 0);
				ctx.RelLineTo (0, -inSize);
				ctx.ClosePath ();
			} else {
				ctx.MoveTo (px, py + inSize);
				ctx.RelLineTo (ssize, 0);
				ctx.RelLineTo (0, barSize);
				ctx.RelLineTo (-ssize, 0);
				ctx.RelLineTo (0, -barSize);
				ctx.ClosePath ();
			ctx.Color = color.ToCairoColor ();
			ctx.FillPreserve ();
			ctx.Color = color.AddLight (-0.2).ToCairoColor ();;
			ctx.LineWidth = 1;
			ctx.Stroke ();
		static double min (params double[] arr)
			int minp = 0;
			for (int i = 1; i < arr.Length; i++)
				if (arr[i] < arr[minp])
					minp = i;
			return arr[minp];

		static void DrawRectangle (Cairo.Context g, int x, int y, int width, int height)
			int right = x + width;
			int bottom = y + height;
			g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x, y));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, bottom));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x, bottom));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x, y));
			g.ClosePath ();
		static void DrawRectangle (Cairo.Context g, double x, double y, double width, double height)
			double right = x + width;
			double bottom = y + height;
			g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x, y));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, bottom));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x, bottom));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x, y));
			g.ClosePath ();
Beispiel #24
		void DrawRoundedRectangle (Cairo.Context c, Cairo.Rectangle rect)
			double x = rect.X;
			double y = rect.Y;
			double width = rect.Width;
			double height = rect.Height;
			double radius = 5;
			c.MoveTo (x, y + radius);
			c.Arc (x + radius, y + radius, radius, Math.PI, -Math.PI / 2);
			c.LineTo (x + width - radius, y);
			c.Arc (x + width - radius, y + radius, radius, -Math.PI / 2, 0);
			c.LineTo (x + width, y + height - radius);
			c.Arc (x + width - radius, y + height - radius, radius, 0, Math.PI / 2);
			c.LineTo (x + radius, y + height);
			c.Arc (x + radius, y + height - radius, radius, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI);
			c.ClosePath ();
			c.Color = new Cairo.Color (161 / 255.0, 40 / 255.0, 48 / 255.0);
			c.Fill ();
			void DrawArrow (Cairo.Context g, double x, double y)
				var editor = mode.editor;
				double phi = 1.618;
				double arrowLength = editor.LineHeight * phi;
				double arrowHeight = editor.LineHeight / phi;
				g.MoveTo (x - arrowLength, y - arrowHeight);
				g.LineTo (x, y);
				g.LineTo (x - arrowLength, y + arrowHeight);
				g.LineTo (x - arrowLength / phi, y);
				g.ClosePath ();
				g.SetSourceRGB (1.0, 0, 0);
				g.StrokePreserve ();
				g.SetSourceRGBA (1.0, 0, 0, 0.1);
				g.Fill ();
Beispiel #26
		public void Draw (Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Rectangle rectangle)
			if (IsSeparator) {
				cr.NewPath ();
				double x = Math.Ceiling (rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2) + 0.5;
				cr.MoveTo (x, rectangle.Y + 0.5 + 2);
				cr.RelLineTo (0, rectangle.Height - 1 - 4);
				cr.ClosePath ();
				cr.Color = (HslColor)parent.Style.Dark (StateType.Normal);
				cr.LineWidth = 1;
				cr.Stroke ();
			if (Active || HoverPosition.X >= 0) {
				if (Active) {
					cr.Rectangle (rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);
					using (var gr = new LinearGradient (rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height)) {
						gr.AddColorStop (0, Tabstrip.ActiveGradientStart);
						gr.AddColorStop (1, Tabstrip.ActiveGradientEnd);
						cr.Pattern = gr;
					cr.Fill ();
					cr.Rectangle (rectangle.X + 0.5, rectangle.Y + 0.5, rectangle.Width - 1, rectangle.Height - 1);
					cr.Color = new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, 0.05);
					cr.LineWidth = 1;
					cr.Stroke ();
				} else if (HoverPosition.X >= 0) {
					cr.Rectangle (rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);
					using (var gr = new LinearGradient (rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height)) {
						var c1 = Tabstrip.ActiveGradientStart;
						var c2 = Tabstrip.ActiveGradientEnd;
						c1.A = 0.2;
						c2.A = 0.2;
						gr.AddColorStop (0, c1);
						gr.AddColorStop (1, c2);
						cr.Pattern = gr;
					cr.Fill ();
			if (Active)
				cr.Color = new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1);
				cr.Color = parent.Style.Text (StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor ();

			cr.MoveTo (rectangle.X + (rectangle.Width - w) / 2, (rectangle.Height - h) / 2);
			Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout);
Beispiel #27
		public static void DrawRoundRectangle (Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double r, double w, double h)
			const double ARC_TO_BEZIER = 0.55228475;
			double radius_x = r;
			double radius_y = r / 4;
			if (radius_x > w - radius_x)
				radius_x = w / 2;
			if (radius_y > h - radius_y)
				radius_y = h / 2;
			double c1 = ARC_TO_BEZIER * radius_x;
			double c2 = ARC_TO_BEZIER * radius_y;
			cr.NewPath ();
			cr.MoveTo (x + radius_x, y);
			cr.RelLineTo (w - 2 * radius_x, 0.0);
			cr.RelCurveTo (c1, 0.0, 
			               radius_x, c2, 
			               radius_x, radius_y);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, h - 2 * radius_y);
			cr.RelCurveTo (0.0, c2, c1 - radius_x, radius_y, -radius_x, radius_y);
			cr.RelLineTo (-w + 2 * radius_x, 0);
			cr.RelCurveTo (-c1, 0, -radius_x, -c2, -radius_x, -radius_y);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, -h + 2 * radius_y);
			cr.RelCurveTo (0.0, -c2, radius_x - c1, -radius_y, radius_x, -radius_y);
			cr.ClosePath ();
		void DrawMessageExtendIcon (Mono.TextEditor.TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context g, double y, int errorCounterWidth, int eh)
			EnsureLayoutCreated (editor);
			double rW = errorCounterWidth - 2;
			double rH = editor.LineHeight * 3 / 4;
			double rX = editor.Allocation.Width - rW - 2;
			double rY = y + (editor.LineHeight - rH) / 2;
			BookmarkMarker.DrawRoundRectangle (g, rX, rY, 8, rW, rH);
			g.Color = oldIsOver ? new Cairo.Color (0.3, 0.3, 0.3) : new Cairo.Color (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
			g.Fill ();
			if (CollapseExtendedErrors) {
				if (errorCountLayout != null) {
					g.Color = cache.gcLight;
					g.Save ();
					g.Translate (rX + rW / 4, rY + (rH - eh) / 2);
					g.ShowLayout (errorCountLayout);
					g.Restore ();
				} else {
					g.MoveTo (rX + rW / 2 - rW / 4, rY + rH / 4);
					g.LineTo (rX + rW / 2 + rW / 4, rY + rH / 4);
					g.LineTo (rX + rW / 2, rY + rH - rH / 4);
					g.ClosePath ();
					g.Color = new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1);
					g.Fill ();
			} else {
				g.MoveTo (rX + rW / 2 - rW / 4, rY + rH - rH / 4);
				g.LineTo (rX + rW / 2 + rW / 4, rY + rH - rH / 4);
				g.LineTo (rX + rW / 2, rY + rH / 4);
				g.ClosePath ();
				g.Color = new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1);
				g.Fill ();
Beispiel #29
        protected override void onDraw(Cairo.Context gr)
            gr.Save ();

            int spacing = (Parent as TabView).Spacing;

            gr.MoveTo (0.5, TabTitle.Slot.Bottom-0.5);
            gr.LineTo (TabTitle.Slot.Left - spacing, TabTitle.Slot.Bottom-0.5);
            gr.CurveTo (
                TabTitle.Slot.Left - spacing / 2, TabTitle.Slot.Bottom-0.5,
                TabTitle.Slot.Left - spacing / 2, 0.5,
                TabTitle.Slot.Left, 0.5);
            gr.LineTo (TabTitle.Slot.Right, 0.5);
            gr.CurveTo (
                TabTitle.Slot.Right + spacing / 2, 0.5,
                TabTitle.Slot.Right + spacing / 2, TabTitle.Slot.Bottom-0.5,
                TabTitle.Slot.Right + spacing, TabTitle.Slot.Bottom-0.5);
            gr.LineTo (Slot.Width-0.5, TabTitle.Slot.Bottom-0.5);

            gr.LineTo (Slot.Width-0.5, Slot.Height-0.5);
            gr.LineTo (0.5, Slot.Height-0.5);
            gr.ClosePath ();
            gr.LineWidth = 2;
            Foreground.SetAsSource (gr);
            gr.StrokePreserve ();

            gr.Clip ();
            base.onDraw (gr);
            gr.Restore ();
Beispiel #30
		void DrawPathSeparator (Cairo.Context ctx, double x, double y, double size)
			ctx.MoveTo (x, y);
			ctx.LineTo (x + arrowSize, y + size / 2);
			ctx.LineTo (x, y + size);
			ctx.ClosePath ();
			ctx.SetSourceColor (CairoExtensions.ColorShade (Style.Dark (State).ToCairoColor (), 0.6));
			ctx.Fill ();