public string GetPowerUpTimeDescription()
            // this is generally a byte[] of length 8 directly representing a date and time.
            // the format is : first 2 bytes together are the year, and then each byte after
            //                 is month, day, hour, minute, second with the eighth byte unused
            // e.g., 2011:04:25 01:54:58

            var o = Directory.GetByteArray(NikonType2MakernoteDirectory.TagPowerUpTime);

            if (o == null)

            ushort year = ByteConvert.FromBigEndianToNative(BitConverter.ToUInt16(o, 0));

            return(string.Format($"{year}:{o[2]:D2}:{o[3]:D2} {o[4]:D2}:{o[5]:D2}:{o[6]:D2}"));