/// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of the Zeroit drop down button
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startLocation">Sets the start location</param>
        public ZeroitButtonDropDown(Point startLocation)

            //Set the style--------------------------------------

            //Remove title bar and set edge-style
            this.Text            = string.Empty;
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;

            BackColor = Color.Snow;

            //Disable normal window functions
            this.MinimizeBox   = false;
            this.MaximizeBox   = false;
            this.ControlBox    = false;
            this.ShowInTaskbar = false;
            this.TopMost       = true; //make it appear on the very top

            this.Capture = true; //allows mouse events to be triggered no matter where the mouse clicks

            //Match the position to the parent control
            this.Left = startLocation.X;
            this.Top  = startLocation.Y;

            ButtonAnimator animate = new ButtonAnimator();

            animate.Target        = this;
            animate.AnimationType = ButtonAnimator.GetAnimationType.TopAnchoredHeightEffect;
            animate.EasingType    = ButtonAnimator.EasingFunctionTypes.BounceEaseOut;
            animate.Duration      = 500;
            animate.ValueToReach  = 120;