Beispiel #1
        public void Basket_when1GiftVoucherAnd1OfferVoucherIsApplied_return_Total()
            Cart         cart         = new Cart();
            Product      product1     = cart.Add(new Product("Hat", 25.00), 1);
            Product      product2     = cart.Add(new Product("Jumper", 26.00), 1);
            GiftVoucher  giftVoucher  = new GiftVoucher("XXX-XXX", 5.00);
            OfferVoucher offerVoucher = new OfferVoucher("YYY-YYY", 5.00, 50.00);
            Basket       basket       = new Basket(cart);

            bool IsCodeValid1 = basket.ApplyVoucher("XXX-XXX");
            bool IsCodeValid2 = basket.ApplyVoucher("YYY-YYY");

            Assert.AreEqual(41.00, basket.Total);
Beispiel #2
        public void Basket_whenOfferVoucherIsAppliedAndTreshholdreached_return_Total()
            Cart    cart     = new Cart();
            Product product1 = cart.Add(new Product("Hat", 25.00), 1);
            Product product2 = cart.Add(new Product("£30 Gift Voucher", 30.00), 1);

            product2.BlockVouchers = true;
            OfferVoucher offerVoucher = new OfferVoucher("YYY-YYY", 5.00, 50.00);
            Basket       basket       = new Basket(cart);

            double thresholdReached = basket.ThresholdReached;

            Assert.AreEqual(55.00, basket.Total);
            // .BeTrue("You have not reached the spend threshold for voucher YYY-YYY. Spend another £25.01 to receive £5.00 discount from your basket total.");
        public void AddVoucher_DelegatesToValidator()
            var discountToAddMock        = new Mock <IMayApplyDiscount>();
            var expectedValidationResult = DiscountApplicationResult.CreateSuccess();

            .Setup(x => x.CanApplyDiscount(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <IMayApplyDiscount> >(), discountToAddMock.Object))

            var basket = new Basket(_discountValidatorMock.Object);

            var applicationResult = basket.AddVoucher(discountToAddMock.Object);

            Assert.Equal(expectedValidationResult, applicationResult);
            _discountValidatorMock.Verify(x => x.CanApplyDiscount(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <IMayApplyDiscount> >(), discountToAddMock.Object), Times.Once);
        public void Basket_CalulatesWithoutVoucherForTooLargeDiscount()
            var testProduct = new Product("Hat", 10.50m);
            var testVoucher = new GiftVoucher(15m);


        public void Basket_AcceptsGiftVoucher()
            var testProduct = new Product("Hat", 10m);
            var testVoucher = new GiftVoucher(5m);

