public void GivenABasketWithTwoOffers(string[] product, int[] quantity, decimal expectedPrice)
            if (product.Length != quantity.Length)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Products and Quantity arrays must match");

            TestLogger butterOfferLogger = new TestLogger();
            TestLogger milkOfferLogger   = new TestLogger();

            IOffer butterOffer =
                new NItemsOfFirstProductDeterminesDiscountOnSecond(butterOfferLogger,
                                                                   (noOfDiscounts) => new FiftyPercentOffDiscount(butterOfferLogger, noOfDiscounts));

            IOffer milkOffer =
                new NthItemDiscount(milkOfferLogger,
                                    (noOfDiscounts) => new FreeItemDiscount(milkOfferLogger, noOfDiscounts));

            Basket basket = new Basket(new IOffer[] { butterOffer, milkOffer });

            // For each product, if this test requires it, put it into the basket with the appropriate quantity
            for (int i = 0; i < product.Length; i++)
                basket.AddProductToBasket(GetProduct(product[i]), quantity[i]);

            var result = basket.GetBasketTotalPrice();

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expectedPrice));
        public void GivenABasketWithNoOffers(string[] product, int[] quantity, decimal expectedPrice)
            if (product.Length != quantity.Length)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Products and Quantity arrays must match");

            Basket basket = new Basket(new IOffer[] { });

            // For each product, if this test requires it, put it into the basket with the appropriate quantity
            for (int i = 0; i < product.Length; i++)
                basket.AddProductToBasket(GetProduct(product[i]), quantity[i]);

            var result = basket.GetBasketTotalPrice();

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expectedPrice));