private string GetErrorResponse(string[] DE, string msg)
            //whatever Iso Operation passed, We change the 3 char in MTI
            //to 1 to indicate response
            string MTI = DE[129];

            char[] array = MTI.ToCharArray();
            array[2] = '1';
            MTI      = new string(array);

            string response = "";

            //2.Create an object BIM-ISO8583.ISO8583
            BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583 Buildiso8583 = new BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583();

            //3. Create Arrays
            string[] ResponseDE = new string[130];

            //4. Assign corresponding data to each array
            //   Ex: ISO8583 Data Element No.2 (PAN) shall assign to newly created array, DE[2];
            ResponseDE[39] = "06";   //Error flag for ISO 8583
            ResponseDE[47] = msg;    //Error msg
            ResponseDE[48] = "";
            ResponseDE[49] = DE[11]; //Request Id

            //5.Use "Build" method of object iso8583 to create a new  message.
            response = Buildiso8583.Build(ResponseDE, MTI);
Beispiel #2
        public void TestISO8583Message()
            string MTI = "0200";

            BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583 iso8583 = new BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583();
            string[] DE = new string[130];
            DE[22] = "021";
            //DE[32] = "437586002";

            string NewISOmsg = iso8583.Build(DE, MTI);

            string test = "0200323a448128e21881013000000000";

            test += "00200001090438520005961538520109";
            test += "01095811002141080043758637518868";
            test += "0100002858d15122015301010540000f";
            test += "35303039313533383035393653393231";
            test += "38313633343337353836303030202020";
            test += "202020383030204c414e47444f4e2053";
            test += "542c202020202020202020204d414449";
            test += "534f4e20202020202041553032385443";
            test += "4330315c45464330303030303030305c";
            test += "434349305c46424b565cab702f27a85e";
            test += "87130000000000000001000000000000";
            test += "cf74bdce00000000";
            string[] decode = iso8583.Parse(test);
        private string ReturnOperationNotSupportedError(string[] DE)
            //whatever ISO Operation passed, We change the 3rd character in MTI
            //to 1 to indicate response
            string MTI = DE[129];

            char[] array = MTI.ToCharArray();
            array[2] = '1';
            MTI      = array.ToString();

            string response = "";

            //2.Create an object BIM-ISO8583.ISO8583
            BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583 Buildiso8583 = new BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583();

            //3. Create Arrays
            string[] ResponseDE = new string[130];

            //4. Assign corresponding data to each array
            //   Ex: ISO8583 Data Element No.2 (PAN) shall assign to newly created array, DE[2];
            ResponseDE[39] = "06";                                                //Error flag for ISO 8583
            ResponseDE[47] = "THIS_ISO_OPERATION_IS_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED_AT_PEGPAY"; //Error msg
            ResponseDE[48] = "";
            ResponseDE[49] = DE[11];                                              //Request Id

            //5.Use "Build" method of object iso8583 to create a new  message.
            response = Buildiso8583.Build(ResponseDE, MTI);
Beispiel #4
        private static void TestGetMiniStatement()
            Socket clientSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

            clientSocket.Connect("", 4128);

            BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583 Parseiso8583 = new BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583();
            string HexISOMessage = GetISO8583MiniStatementMessageToSend();

            Console.WriteLine("ISO 8583 Request:" + HexISOMessage);
            byte[] outStream = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(HexISOMessage);
            byte[] inStream = new byte[100025];
            int    result   = clientSocket.Receive(inStream);

            string returndata = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(inStream, 0, result);

            Console.WriteLine("Response:" + returndata);
            string[] DE = new string[130];
            DE = Parseiso8583.Parse(returndata);
            string[] lines      = DE[125].Split('|');
            string   statusCode = DE[39];
            string   StatusDesc = DE[47];
            string   PegPayId   = DE[48];

Beispiel #5
        public static string GetISO8583ReversalMessageToSend()
            string MTI              = "0400";
            string ToAccount        = "";                                                             //DE[103]
            string FromAccount      = "";                                                             //DE[102]
            string TranAmount       = "";                                                             //DE[4]
            string BankTranId       = "9095";                                                         //DE[11]
            string PaymentDate      = "";                                                             //DE[7]  (format: MMDDhhmmss)
            string Teller           = "Pegasus";                                                      //DE[42]
            string ApprovedBy       = "Mr.Ronald";                                                    //DE[61]
            string BankCode         = "12345";                                                        //DE[2]----NO
            string Narration        = "";                                                             //DE[104]----ans100
            string Password         = "******";                                                     //DE[47]
            string DigitalSignature = "kjhgfdyuioplkjbvgvhok2kj3h454j32k3j45v6b543mnb4345h65434554n"; //DE[46]
            string TranCategory     = "=";                                                            //DE[48]
            string BranchCode       = "=";                                                            //DE[43]
            string CurrencyCode     = "";                                                             //DE[49]
            string CustomerName     = "";
            string PaymentType      = "";
            string ChequeNumber     = "";

            //2.Create an object BIM-ISO8583.ISO8583
            BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583 Buildiso8583 = new BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583();

            //3. Create Arrays
            string[] DE = new string[130];

            //4. Assign corresponding data to each array
            //   Ex: ISO8583 Data Element No.2 (PAN) shall assign to newly created array, DE[2];
            DE[103] = ToAccount;
            DE[102] = FromAccount;
            DE[4]   = TranAmount;
            DE[11]  = BankTranId;
            DE[7]   = "0429104720";
            DE[73]  = PaymentDate;
            DE[42]  = Teller;
            DE[62]  = ApprovedBy;
            DE[2]   = BankCode;
            DE[104] = Narration;
            DE[47]  = Password;
            DE[46]  = DigitalSignature;
            DE[48]  = TranCategory;
            DE[43]  = BranchCode;
            DE[49]  = CurrencyCode;
            DE[41]  = PaymentType;
            DE[56]  = CustomerName;
            DE[61]  = ChequeNumber;

            //5.Use "Build" method of object iso8583 to create a new  message.
            string NewISOmsg = Buildiso8583.Build(DE, MTI);

Beispiel #6
        private static string GetISO8583EchoMessageToSend()
            BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583 Parseiso8583 = new BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583();
            string echoRequest = "";
            string MTI         = "0800";
            string echo        = "309";

            string[] DE = new string[130];
            DE[70]      = echo;
            echoRequest = Parseiso8583.Build(DE, MTI);
        public string ProcessRequest(string content)
            string response = "";

                //4. <<< Use "Parse" method of object iso8583. >>>
                BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583 Parseiso8583 = new BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583();
                string[] DE = Parseiso8583.Parse(content);


                string MTI = DE[129];

                switch (MTI)
                case "0200":
                    response = DoTransactOperation(DE);

                case "0400":
                    response = DoReversalOperation(DE);

                case "0800":
                    response = DoEchoOperation(DE);

                case "0100":
                    response = DoAccountInquiryOperation(DE);

                case "0500":
                    response = DoGetMiniStatementOperation(DE);

                    response = ReturnOperationNotSupportedError(DE);
            catch (Exception ex)
                response = InvalidISOformatErrorMessage();
        private string InvalidISOformatErrorMessage()
            string MTI      = "0610";
            string response = "";

            //2.Create an object BIM-ISO8583.ISO8583
            BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583 Buildiso8583 = new BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583();

            //3. Create Arrays
            string[] ResponseDE = new string[130];

            //4. Assign corresponding data to each array
            //   Ex: ISO8583 Data Element No.2 (PAN) shall assign to newly created array, DE[2];
            ResponseDE[39] = "96";                         //Error flag for ISO 8583
            ResponseDE[47] = "INVALID ISO MESSAGE FORMAT"; //Error msg
            ResponseDE[48] = "";
            ResponseDE[49] = "";                           //Request Id

            //5.Use "Build" method of object iso8583 to create a new  message.
            response = Buildiso8583.Build(ResponseDE, MTI);
        private string GetFinicialOpFailureResponse(TransactionRequest tran, Result result)
            string response = "";
            string MTI      = "0210";

            //2.Create an object BIM-ISO8583.ISO8583
            BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583 Buildiso8583 = new BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583();

            //3. Create Arrays
            string[] ResponseDE = new string[130];

            //4. Assign corresponding data to each array
            //   Ex: ISO8583 Data Element No.2 (PAN) shall assign to newly created array, DE[2];
            ResponseDE[39] = GetIso8583ResponseCode(tran.StatusDesc);//Error flag for ISO 8583
            ResponseDE[47] = result.StatusDesc;
            ResponseDE[48] = result.PegPayId;
            ResponseDE[49] = result.RequestId;

            //5.Use "Build" method of object iso8583 to create a new  message.
            response = Buildiso8583.Build(ResponseDE, MTI);
        private string GetAccountBalSuccessResponse(BankAccount account, string AccountNumber)
            string response = "";
            string MTI      = "0110";

            //2.Create an object BIM-ISO8583.ISO8583
            BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583 Buildiso8583 = new BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583();

            //3. Create Arrays
            string[] ResponseDE = new string[130];

            //4. Assign corresponding data to each array
            //   Ex: ISO8583 Data Element No.2 (PAN) shall assign to newly created array, DE[2];
            ResponseDE[39] = "00";
            ResponseDE[47] = account.StatusDesc;
            ResponseDE[48] = account.AccountBalance;
            ResponseDE[49] = AccountNumber;

            //5.Use "Build" method of object iso8583 to create a new  message.
            response = Buildiso8583.Build(ResponseDE, MTI);
        private string ReturnMiniStatementSuccessResponse(BankAccountStatement state, string AccountNumber)
            string response = "";
            string MTI      = "0510";

            //2.Create an object BIM-ISO8583.ISO8583
            BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583 Buildiso8583 = new BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583();

            //3. Create Arrays
            string[] ResponseDE = new string[130];

            //4. Assign corresponding data to each array
            //   Ex: ISO8583 Data Element No.2 (PAN) shall assign to newly created array, DE[2];
            ResponseDE[39]  = "00";//success response code
            ResponseDE[47]  = state.StatusDesc;
            ResponseDE[48]  = "";
            ResponseDE[125] = GetStatementString(state);

            //5.Use "Build" method of object iso8583 to create a new  message.
            response = Buildiso8583.Build(ResponseDE, MTI);
        private string DoEchoOperation(string[] DE)
            string response = "";
            string MTI      = "0810";

                string echo = DE[70];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(echo))
                    BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583 echoResponse = new BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583();
                    response = echoResponse.Build(DE, MTI);
                    response = ReturnOperationNotSupportedError(DE);
            catch (Exception ex)
                response = GetErrorResponse(DE, ex.Message);
Beispiel #13
        public static string getISOData()
            string MTI = "0800";

            //2.Create an object BIM-ISO8583.ISO8583
            BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583 iso8583 = new BIM_ISO8583.NET.ISO8583();

            //3. Create Arrays
            string[] DE = new string[130];

            //4. Assign corresponding data to each array
            //   Ex: ISO8583 Data Element No.2 (PAN) shall assign to newly created array, DE[2];
            DE[7]  = "0411123431";
            DE[11] = "000032";
            DE[37] = "810112000029";
            DE[70] = "071";

            //5.Use "Build" method of object iso8583 to create a new  message.
            string NewISOmsg = iso8583.Build(DE, MTI);
            string lengths   = NewISOmsg.Length.ToString();
