Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Prepares all systems for use by zeroing them. This takes a while.
 /// </summary>
 public void InitializeSystems(BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode AppMode)
Beispiel #2
 private static void ParseArgs(string[] Args)
     if (Args == null || Args.Length == 0)
     }                                                 // Nothing to parse.
     for (int i = 0; i < Args.Length; i++)
         if (Args.Length > i + 1) // Dual-part arguments.
             if (Args[i] == "-s" || Args[i] == "--server")
                 IP = Args[i + 1]; i++;
             if (Args[i] == "-pt" || Args[i] == "--port-tcp")
                 PortTCP = int.Parse(Args[i + 1]); i++;
             if (Args[i] == "-pu" || Args[i] == "--port-udp")
                 PortUDP = int.Parse(Args[i + 1]); i++;
             if (Args[i] == "-l" || Args[i] == "--log")
                 if (Args[i + 1].Equals("DEBUG", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                     LogLevel = Log.Severity.DEBUG; i++;
                 else if (Args[i + 1].Equals("INFO", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                     LogLevel = Log.Severity.INFO; i++;
                 else if (Args[i + 1].Equals("WARNING", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                     LogLevel = Log.Severity.WARNING; i++;
                     Console.WriteLine("Unknown log level specified. Use 'DEBUG', 'INFO', or 'WARNING'."); i++;
         // Single-part arguments
         if (Args[i] == "-?" || Args[i] == "/?" || Args[i] == "-h" || Args[i] == "/h" || Args[i] == "help" || Args[i] == "-help" || Args[i] == "--help")
             Console.WriteLine("Command-line paramters:");
             Console.WriteLine("  -?|/?|-h|/h|help|-help|--help : Outputs this text.");
             Console.WriteLine("  -l|--log <Level> : Sets the default log level to 'DEBUG', 'INFO', or 'WARNING'.");
             Console.WriteLine(" Networking:");
             Console.WriteLine("  -s|--server <IP> : Connects to the given server instead of the default.");
             Console.WriteLine("  -pt|--port-tcp <Port> : Connects to the server via TCP using the given port instead of the default.");
             Console.WriteLine("  -pu|--port-udp <Port> : Connects to the server via UDP using the given port instead of the default.");
             Console.WriteLine(" Device Tree (BBB):");
             Console.WriteLine("  --no-dt : Do not attempt to remove/add device tree overlays.");
             Console.WriteLine("  --replace-dt : Remove all Scarlet DT overlays, then apply the new one. DANGEROUS!");
             Console.WriteLine("  --add-dt : Add device tree overlay even if there is one already.");
         if (Args[i] == "--no-dt")
             ApplyDevTree = BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.NO_CHANGES;
         if (Args[i] == "--replace-dt")
             ApplyDevTree = BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.REMOVE_AND_APPLY;
         if (Args[i] == "--add-dt")
             ApplyDevTree = BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.APPLY_REGARDLESS;