Beispiel #1
 // 1. Another way to execute BELLATRIX is to create an API client plugin.
 // You can execute your logic in various points such as
 // OnClientInitialized - executed after the API client is initialized. Here you can fine-tune the client.
 // OnRequestTimeout - executed if some of the requests timeout.
 // OnMakingRequest - executed before making request.
 // OnRequestMade - executed after the request is made.
 // OnRequestFailed - executed in case of request failure.
 // To create a custom plugin, you need to derive the class- ApiClientExecutionPlugin
 // Then you can override some of its protected methods. In the example, the request execution time is measured and logged.
 // The plugin needs to be registered through App's method AddApiClientExecutionPlugin. Usually, this happens in the AssemblyInitialize method.
 // You can create plugins for logging the request failures, modifying the requests. The possibilities are limitless.
 public override void TestsArrange() => App.AddApiClientExecutionPlugin <LogRequestTimeApiClientExecutionPlugin>();