Beispiel #1
 // 1. BELLATRIX hides the complexity of initialisation of WebDriver/Appium and all related services.
 // In some cases, you need to customise the set up of a Appium with using custom Appium options.
 // Using the App service methods you can add all of these with ease. Make sure to call them in the TestsArrange which is called before the
 // execution of the tests placed in the test class. These options are used only for the tests in this particular class.
 // Note: You can use all of these methods no matter which attributes you use- IOS, IOSSauceLabs, IOSBrowserStack or IOSCrossBrowserTesting.
 public override void TestsArrange()
     // 2. Add custom iOS Appium options.
     App.AddAdditionalCapability("autoAcceptAlerts", "true");
     App.AddAdditionalCapability("showIOSLog", "true");
     App.AddAdditionalCapability("remoteDebugProxy", "12000");
 // 1. BELLATRIX hides the complexity of initialization of WebDriver/Appium and all related services.
 // In some cases, you need to customise the set up of a Appium with using custom Appium options.
 // Using the App service methods you can add all of these with ease. Make sure to call them in the TestsArrange which is called before the
 // execution of the tests placed in the test class. These options are used only for the tests in this particular class.
 // Note: You can use all of these methods no matter which attributes you use- Android, AndroidSauceLabs, AndroidBrowserStack or AndroidCrossBrowserTesting.
 public override void TestsArrange()
     // 2. Add custom Appium options.
     App.AddAdditionalCapability("locale", "fr_CA");
     App.AddAdditionalCapability("language", "fr");
     App.AddAdditionalCapability("autoWebview", "true");
     App.AddAdditionalCapability("noReset", "false");
        // 1. BELLATRIX hides the complexity of initialisation of WebDriver and all related services.
        // In some cases, you need to customise the set up of a browser with using WebDriver options, adding driver capabilities or using browser profile.
        // Using the App service methods you can add all of these with ease. Make sure to call them in the TestsArrange which is called before the
        // execution of the tests placed in the test class. These options are used only for the tests in this particular class.
        // Note: You can use all of these methods no matter which attributes you use- Browser, Remote, SauceLabs, BrowserStack or CrossBrowserTesting.
        // You can add default arguments under the executionSettings\arguments in the testFrameworkSettings.json confuguration file.
        public override void TestsArrange()
            var firefoxOptions = new FirefoxOptions
                AcceptInsecureCertificates = true,
                UnhandledPromptBehavior    = UnhandledPromptBehavior.Accept,
                PageLoadStrategy           = PageLoadStrategy.Eager,

            // 2. Add custom WebDriver options.

            // 3. Add custom WebDriver capability.
            App.AddAdditionalCapability("disable-popup-blocking", true);

            // 4. Add an existing Firefox profile. You may want to test your application in together with some specific browser extension.
            var            profileManager = new FirefoxProfileManager();
            FirefoxProfile profile        = profileManager.GetProfile("Bellatrix");

 // 1. BELLATRIX hides the complexity of initialisation of WebDriver and all related services.
 // In some cases, you need to customise the set up of the app with adding driver capabilities.
 // Using the App service methods you can add all of these with ease. Make sure to call them in the TestsArrange which is called before the
 // execution of the tests placed in the test class. These options are used only for the tests in this particular class.
 public override void TestsArrange()
     // 2. Add custom WebDriver capability.
     App.AddAdditionalCapability("appArguments", @"MyTestFile.txt");
     ////App.AddAdditionalCapability("appWorkingDir", @"C:\MyTestFolder\");