public void Onclick_Close() { if (hrChannel) { hrChannel.onChannelResponse -= OnChannelResponse; hrChannel.Close(); CancelInvoke("HRMTransmit"); hrChannel = null; } if (speedChannel) { speedChannel.onReceiveData -= ReceivedSpeedAntData; speedChannel.Close(); speedChannel = null; } if (backgroundScanChannel) { backgroundScanChannel.onReceiveData -= ReceivedBackgroundScanData; backgroundScanChannel.onChannelResponse -= OnChannelResponse; backgroundScanChannel.Close(); backgroundScanChannel = null; } StopCoroutine("Reconnect"); }
void ReceivedBackgroundScanData(Byte[] data) { byte deviceType = (data[12]); // extended info Device Type byte //use the Extended Message Formats to identify nodes switch (deviceType) { case AntplusDeviceType.FitnessEquipment: { backgroundScanChannel.Close(); deviceNumber = (ushort)((data[10]) | data[11] << 8); transType = data[13]; Debug.Log("found FEC trainer, opening channel, device number is " + deviceNumber); FECChannel = AntManager.Instance.OpenChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00, 1, deviceNumber, 17, transType, 57, 8192, false); FECChannel.onReceiveData += FECData; FECChannel.hideRXFAIL = true; break; } default: { break; } } }
public void Onclick_Start_BackgroundScan() { init_Device(); backgroundScanChannel = AntManager.Instance.OpenBackgroundScanChannel(0); backgroundScanChannel.onReceiveData += ReceivedBackgroundScanData; backgroundScanChannel.onChannelResponse += OnChannelResponse; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) { Debug.Log("init device and start background scan"); AntManager.Instance.Init(); backgroundScanChannel = AntManager.Instance.OpenBackgroundScanChannel(0); backgroundScanChannel.onReceiveData += ReceivedBackgroundScanData; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D)) { Debug.Log("setting resistance to 0 %"); byte[] pageToSend = new byte[8] { 0x30, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 4, 55, 0 }; FECChannel.sendAcknowledgedData(pageToSend); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F)) { Debug.Log("setting resistance to 100 %"); byte[] pageToSend = new byte[8] { 0x30, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 4, 55, 200 }; //unit is 0.50% FECChannel.sendAcknowledgedData(pageToSend); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) { Debug.Log("setting resistance to 75 %"); byte[] pageToSend = new byte[8] { 0x30, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 4, 55, 150 }; //unit is 0.50% FECChannel.sendAcknowledgedData(pageToSend); } }
public AntChannel OpenContinuousScanChannel(byte radioFreq, byte USBDeviceNum = 0) { AntChannel channel = this.gameObject.AddComponent <AntChannel>(); channel.ConfigureContinuousScan(0x00, radioFreq, USBDeviceNum); return(channel); }
void ReceivedBackgroundScanData(Byte[] data) { byte deviceType = (data[12]); // extended info Device Type byte //use the Extended Message Formats to identify nodes switch (deviceType) { case AntplusDeviceType.BikeSpeed: { BikeDisplay b = new BikeDisplay(); bikeDisplayList.Add(b); b.deviceNumber = (data[10]) | data[11] << 8; lastChannelUsed++; AntChannel speedChannel = AntManager.Instance.OpenChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00, (byte)lastChannelUsed, 0, 123, 0, 57, 8118, false); //bike speed Display speedChannel.onReceiveData += b.GetSpeed; speedChannel.hideRXFAIL = true; Debug.Log("found bike speed #" + bikeDisplayList.Count); break; } default: { break; } } }
public AntChannel OpenBackgroundScanChannel(byte userChannel) { AntChannel channel = this.gameObject.AddComponent <AntChannel>(); channelList.Add(channel); channel.ConfigureScan(userChannel); return(channel); }
public AntChannel OpenChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType channelType, byte userChannel, ushort deviceNum, byte deviceType, byte transType, byte radioFreq, ushort channelPeriod, bool pairing) { AntChannel channel = this.gameObject.AddComponent <AntChannel>(); channelList.Add(channel); channel.ConfigureAnt(channelType, userChannel, deviceNum, deviceType, transType, radioFreq, channelPeriod, pairing); return(channel); }
void CloseBackgroundScan() { nScanRequest--; if (nScanRequest == 0) { backgroundScanChannel.Close(); backgroundScanChannel = null; Debug.Log("all devices connected, closing background scan channel"); } }
void ConnectToDevice(AntDevice device) { AntManager.Instance.CloseBackgroundScanChannel(); byte channelID = AntManager.Instance.GetFreeChannelID(); deviceChannel = AntManager.Instance.OpenChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00, channelID, (ushort)device.deviceNumber, device.deviceType, device.transType, (byte)device.radiofreq, (ushort)device.period, false); connected = true; deviceChannel.onReceiveData += Data; deviceChannel.onChannelResponse += ChannelResponse; deviceChannel.hideRXFAIL = true; }
public void Onclick_Init_HRSensor() { init_Device(); //call the ConfigureAnt method for a master channel with the correct ANT speed display settings //found in ANT_Device_Profile_Heart_Rate_Monitor.pdf on //using channel 1 hrChannel = AntManager.Instance.OpenChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Master_Transmit_0x10, 1, 255, 120, 0, 57, 8070, false); //hr sensor hrChannel.onChannelResponse += OnChannelResponse; InvokeRepeating("HRMTransmit", 1, 1 / 4f); // let's fake a HRM by updating a HR beat every 1/4 second }
public void Onclick_Init_SpeedDisplay() { init_Device(); //call the ConfigureAnt method for a slave channel with the correct ANT speed display settings //found in ANT+_Device_Profile_-_Bicycle_Speed_and_Cadence_2.0.pdf on //using channel 2 //note: collision is a normal behaviour searching for a master. speedChannel = AntManager.Instance.OpenChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00, 2, 0, 123, 0, 57, 8118, false); //bike speed Display speedChannel.onChannelResponse += OnChannelResponse; speedChannel.onReceiveData += ReceivedSpeedAntData; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (AntManager.Instance.device == null) { AntManager.Instance.Init(); // AntManager.Instance.onDeviceResponse += OnDeviceResponse; // AntManager.Instance.onSerialError += OnSerialError; //if usb dongle is unplugged for example } AntChannel scanChannel = AntManager.Instance.OpenContinuousScanChannel(57); // scanChannel.onChannelResponse += OnChannelResponse; scanChannel.onReceiveData += ReceiveContinuouScanData; }
public AntChannel OpenBackgroundScanChannel(byte userChannel, byte USBDeviceNum = 0) { nScanRequest++; if (backgroundScanChannel) //if a background Scan channel already exist { return(backgroundScanChannel); } channelIDUsed[USBDeviceNum, userChannel] = true; backgroundScanChannel = this.gameObject.AddComponent <AntChannel>(); channelList.Add(backgroundScanChannel); backgroundScanChannel.ConfigureScan(userChannel, USBDeviceNum); return(backgroundScanChannel); }
void Start() { //INIT HR Display on usb device 0 and 1 init_Device(0); AntChannel c = AntManager.Instance.OpenChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00, 0, 0, 120, 0, 57, 8070, false, 0); c.onChannelResponse += OnChannelResponse; c.onReceiveData += USB0; c.hideRXFAIL = true; init_Device(1); AntChannel d = AntManager.Instance.OpenChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00, 0, 0, 120, 0, 57, 8070, false, 1); d.onChannelResponse += OnChannelResponse; d.onReceiveData += USB1; d.hideRXFAIL = true; }
//Start a background Scan to find the device public void StartScan() { Debug.Log("Looking for ANT + Speed sensor"); #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR //java: connect_speed(String gameobjectName, float wheel, boolean useAndroidUI, boolean skipPreferredSearch, int deviceID) AndroidJNI.AttachCurrentThread(); using (AndroidJavaClass javaClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.ant.plugin.Ant_Connector")) { using (AndroidJavaObject activity = javaClass.GetStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("mContext")) { activity.Call("connect_speed",, wheelCircumference, useAndroidUI, skipPreferredSearch, deviceID); } } #else AntManager.Instance.Init(); scanResult = new List <AntDevice>(); backgroundScanChannel = AntManager.Instance.OpenBackgroundScanChannel(0); backgroundScanChannel.onReceiveData += ReceivedBackgroundScanData; #endif }
void StartScan() { Debug.Log("starting scan"); backgroundScanChannel = AntManager.Instance.OpenBackgroundScanChannel(0); backgroundScanChannel.onReceiveData += ReceivedBackgroundScanData; }