Beispiel #1
    private int[] GifToIntAA(byte[] bytes, int length)
        AndroidJavaClass bmf = new AndroidJavaClass("");
        AndroidJavaClass bm  = new AndroidJavaClass("");
        // this bitmapfactory class method returns a Bitmap object
        AndroidJavaObject bmo = bmf.CallStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("decodeByteArray", new object[] { bytes, 0, length });
        // we can figure out the width and height of the gif data
        int h = bmo.Call <int>("getHeight", new object[] { });
        int w = bmo.Call <int>("getWidth", new object[] { });

        wh = new Vector2Int(w, h); // set the global wh for offsetment
                                   // the trick is getting the pixels without calling the JNI to often i.e. _getPixel()_
                                   // setup java inputs for BitMap.getPixels
        System.IntPtr pixs = AndroidJNI.NewIntArray(h * w);
        jvalue[]      gpargs;
        gpargs      = new jvalue[7];
        gpargs[0].l = pixs;
        gpargs[1].i = 0;
        gpargs[2].i = w;
        gpargs[3].i = 0;
        gpargs[4].i = 0;
        gpargs[5].i = w;
        gpargs[6].i = h;
        // this is the same as `bmo.getPixels(pixs,0,w,0,0,w,h)` but in raw AndroidJNI calls because pixs is a pointer to an int[] buffer
        AndroidJNI.CallVoidMethod(bmo.GetRawObject(), AndroidJNI.GetMethodID(bm.GetRawClass(), "getPixels", "([IIIIIII)V"), gpargs);
Beispiel #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android)
        //    player1 = new player;
        liveRawImage = GetComponent <RawImage>();

        //videoPlaying = new AndroidJavaObject("", "WW00001ASED5", 1, "", "admin", "admin", "L"); videoPlaying = new AndroidJavaObject("", "WW00001ASED5", 1, "", "admin", "admin", "L");
        videoPlaying = new AndroidJavaObject("", "VG500122", 1, "", "admin", "admin", "L");
        //videoPlaying = new AndroidJavaObject("", "TT001802", 1, "", "guest", "123456", "L");

        IntPtr            methodID   = AndroidJNI.GetMethodID(videoPlaying.GetRawClass(), "start", "()[I");
        AndroidJavaObject nullObject = null;

        UnityEngine.jvalue[] args = AndroidJNIHelper.CreateJNIArgArray(new[] { nullObject });
        IntPtr intArray           = AndroidJNI.CallObjectMethod(videoPlaying.GetRawObject(), methodID, args);

        if (intArray != IntPtr.Zero)
            wh = AndroidJNI.FromIntArray(intArray);

        Debug.LogFormat("============================= width : {0}, height : {0} =============================", wh[0], wh[1]);
Beispiel #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android)


            IntPtr            methodID2   = AndroidJNI.GetMethodID(videoPlaying.GetRawClass(), "getVideoImage", "()[I");
            AndroidJavaObject nullObject2 = null;

            UnityEngine.jvalue[] args2 = AndroidJNIHelper.CreateJNIArgArray(new[] { nullObject2 });
            IntPtr intArray2           = AndroidJNI.CallObjectMethod(videoPlaying.GetRawObject(), methodID2, args2);

            if (intArray2 == IntPtr.Zero)

            int[] videoData = AndroidJNI.FromIntArray(intArray2);

            int length = videoData.Length;
            if (length <= 0 || wh == null || wh[0] <= 0 || wh[1] <= 0)

            byte[] bytes = new byte[length * sizeof(int)];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(videoData, 0, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            Texture2D bmp = new Texture2D(wh[0], wh[1], TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);


            //			Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create(bmp, new Rect(0, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height), new Vector2 (0.5f, 0.5f), 100F, 0, SpriteMeshType.FullRect);

            //			Texture2D nativeTexture = Texture2D.CreateExternalTexture(wh[0], wh[1], TextureFormat.ARGB32, false, false, (IntPtr)intArray2);
            //			bmp.UpdateExternalTexture(nativeTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr());
            //			bmp.Apply();

            liveRawImage.texture = bmp;


            Debug.LogFormat("============================= Update : videoData int len : {0} =============================", length);
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.LogFormat("============================= Update : Exception {0} ====================================", e.Message);