public static BaseC3dObject CreateAlignment(
            string alName,
            string layerName,
            string stil,
            string labelSet,
            string desc)
            Document      doc      = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database      db       = doc.Database;
            CivilDocument civilDoc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument;
            ObjectId      al       = Alignment.Create(civilDoc, alName, null, layerName, stil, labelSet);
            BaseC3dObject alObject = new BaseC3dObject();

            using (Transaction ts = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                    Alignment alignment = al.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite) as Alignment;
                    alignment.Layer       = layerName;
                    alignment.Description = desc;
                    alObject.Name         = alignment.Name;
                    alObject.Id           = alignment.ObjectId;
                catch (System.Exception)
Beispiel #2
        public void TestConstructor_SqueezeConsecutiveEmptyParts()
            var alignment = Alignment.Create(new[]
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 0 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 1 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 2 }, new [] { 'C', 'D' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'E' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'F' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'G' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 3 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 4 }, new [] { 'H', 'I' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 5 }, new [] { 'J' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'K' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'L' }),

            var expected = new Alignment <int, char>(new[]
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 0, 1 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 2 }, new [] { 'C', 'D' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'E', 'F', 'G' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 3 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 4 }, new [] { 'H', 'I' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 5 }, new [] { 'J' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'K', 'L' }),

            Assert.Equal(expected, alignment);
Beispiel #3
        public void TestConcat()
            var left = Alignment.Create(new[]
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 0, 1 }, new [] { 'A', 'B' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 2 }, new [] { 'C', 'D' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 3, 4 }, new [] { 'E' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'F' }),

            var right = Alignment.Create(new[]
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'G' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 5 }, new [] { 'H' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 6, 7 }, new [] { 'I' }),

            var expected = new Alignment <int, char>(new[]
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 0, 1 }, new [] { 'A', 'B' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 2 }, new [] { 'C', 'D' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 3, 4 }, new [] { 'E' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'F', 'G' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 5 }, new [] { 'H' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 6, 7 }, new [] { 'I' }),

            var concatenated = left.Concat(right);

            Assert.Equal(expected, concatenated);
Beispiel #4
        public void TestConstructor_RemoveEmptyPairs()
            var alignment = Alignment.Create(new[]
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 1 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 2 }, new [] { 'C', 'D' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'E' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 1 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'E' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 3 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new char[0]),

            var expected = new Alignment <int, char>(new[]
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 1 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 2 }, new [] { 'C', 'D' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'E' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 1 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'E' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 3 }, new char[0]),

            Assert.Equal(expected, alignment);
Beispiel #5
        public void Test()
            var a1 = Alignment.Create(new[]
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 1 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 2 }, new [] { 'C', 'D' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'E' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 1 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'F' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 3 }, new char[0]),

            Assert.Equal(a1, a1.DetachLeft().AttachLeft(a1.GetRight()));
            Assert.Equal(a1, a1.DetachRight().AttachRight(a1.GetLeft()));

            var a2 = Alignment.Create(new[]
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 4 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'G', 'H' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 5, 6 }, new [] { 'I' }),

            var a3 = a1.Concat(a2);

            Assert.Equal(a3, a1.DetachRight().Join(a2.DetachRight().Translate(a1.GetLeft().Length)).AttachRight(a3.GetLeft()));
            Assert.Equal(a3, a1.DetachLeft().Join(a2.DetachLeft().Translate(a1.GetRight().Length)).AttachLeft(a3.GetRight()));
Beispiel #6
        addAlignmentFromPoly(string nameAlign, string nameLayer, ObjectId idPoly, string nameStyle, string nameLabelStyle, bool eraseEx, bool addCurves = false)
            Alignment       align = null;
            PolylineOptions opts  = new PolylineOptions();

            opts.AddCurvesBetweenTangents = addCurves;
            opts.EraseExistingEntities    = eraseEx;
            opts.PlineId = idPoly;
                using (BaseObjs._acadDoc.LockDocument())
                    using (Transaction tr = BaseObjs.startTransactionDb())
                        ObjectId id = Alignment.Create(BaseObjs._civDoc, opts, nameAlign, null, nameLayer, nameStyle, nameLabelStyle);
                        align = (Alignment)tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                        align.ReferencePointStation = 1000;
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                BaseObjs.writeDebug(string.Format("{0} Align.cs: line: 35", ex.Message));
Beispiel #7
        public void TestGetLeftAndGetRight()
            var alignment = Alignment.Create(new[]
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 0, 1 }, new [] { 'A', 'B' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 2 }, new [] { 'C', 'D' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 3, 4 }, new [] { 'E' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'F' }),

            var expectedLeft = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };

            Assert.Equal(expectedLeft, alignment.GetLeft());

            var expectedRight = new[] { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };

            Assert.Equal(expectedRight, alignment.GetRight());
Beispiel #8
        public Alignment IzradaAlignmenta()
            Polyline poly = ElementiAlignmenta();

            if (poly != null)
                PolylineOptions pOpts = new PolylineOptions();
                pOpts.AddCurvesBetweenTangents = false;
                pOpts.EraseExistingEntities    = false;
                pOpts.PlineId = poly.ObjectId;

                string ime = "Okomito pero " + brojPera.ToString();

                ObjectId peroAlignmentID = Alignment.Create(CivilApplication.ActiveDocument, pOpts, ime, null, "0", "Basic", "_No Labels");

                using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                    Alignment peroAlignment = tr.GetObject(peroAlignmentID, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Alignment;
                    if (Strana == "Desno")
                        catch (System.Exception ex)
                            ed.WriteMessage("Alignment reverse nije uspio" + ex.Message);

Beispiel #9
        public void TestSwap()
            var alignment = Alignment.Create(new[]
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 0, 1 }, new [] { 'A', 'B' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 2 }, new [] { 'C', 'D' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 3, 4 }, new [] { 'E' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'F' }),

            var expected = new Alignment <char, int>(new[]
                new AlignedPair <char, int>(new [] { 'A', 'B' }, new [] { 0, 1 }),
                new AlignedPair <char, int>(new [] { 'C', 'D' }, new [] { 2 }),
                new AlignedPair <char, int>(new [] { 'E' }, new [] { 3, 4 }),
                new AlignedPair <char, int>(new [] { 'F' }, new int[0]),

            var reversed = alignment.Swap();

            Assert.Equal(expected, reversed);
            Assert.Equal(alignment, reversed.Swap());
Beispiel #10
        public void TestDetachRight()
            var alignment = Alignment.Create(new[]
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 0, 1 }, new [] { 'A', 'B' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 2 }, new [] { 'C', 'D' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 3, 4 }, new char[0]),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new [] { 5 }, new [] { 'E' }),
                new AlignedPair <int, char>(new int[0], new [] { 'F' }),

            var expected = new DetachedAlignment <char>(new[]
                new Interval <char[]>(0, 2, new [] { 'A', 'B' }),
                new Interval <char[]>(2, 1, new [] { 'C', 'D' }),
                new Interval <char[]>(3, 2, new char[0]),
                new Interval <char[]>(5, 1, new [] { 'E' }),
                new Interval <char[]>(6, 0, new [] { 'F' }),

            var rightAlignment = alignment.DetachRight();

            Assert.Equal(expected, rightAlignment);
Beispiel #11
        public static void ReadICD()
            // CAD指针
            CivilDocument civildoc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument;
            Document      doc      = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database      acCurDb  = doc.Database;
            Editor        ed       = doc.Editor;

            PromptOpenFileOptions opt = new PromptOpenFileOptions("\n请选择线型文件.");

            opt.Filter = "ICD File (*.icd)|*.icd|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            PromptFileNameResult res = ed.GetFileNameForOpen(opt);

            if (res.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
            SRBA.PM bill = new SRBA.PM(res.StringResult);

            // 转化平曲线
            ObjectId AlgID = Alignment.Create(civildoc, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(res.StringResult), null, "0", "Basic", "All Labels");

            using (Transaction ts = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                Alignment myAg = ts.GetObject(AlgID, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Alignment;
                AddICD(ref myAg, ref bill, ref ed);
                myAg.ReferencePointStation = bill.StartPK;
                //ed.WriteMessage("\n{0}读取成功.", res.StringResult);

                // 竖曲线
                PromptKeywordOptions pKeyOpts = new PromptKeywordOptions("\n是否加载竖曲线?");
                pKeyOpts.Keywords.Default = "Y";
                pKeyOpts.AllowNone        = true;
                PromptResult pKeyRes = doc.Editor.GetKeywords(pKeyOpts);
                switch (pKeyRes.Status)
                case PromptStatus.OK:
                    if (pKeyRes.StringResult == "Y")
                        SRBA.SQX kitty      = new SRBA.SQX(Path.ChangeExtension(res.StringResult, "SQX"));
                        ObjectId layerId    = myAg.LayerId;
                        ObjectId styleId    = civildoc.Styles.ProfileStyles["Basic"];
                        ObjectId labelSetId = civildoc.Styles.LabelSetStyles.ProfileLabelSetStyles["Complete Label Set"];
                        ObjectId oProfileId = Profile.CreateByLayout(myAg.Name + "-Profile", myAg.ObjectId, layerId, styleId, labelSetId);
                        Profile  oProfile   = ts.GetObject(oProfileId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Profile;

                        AddSQX(ref oProfile, ref kitty, ref ed);


                // 转化对比JD法
                //pKeyOpts = new PromptKeywordOptions("\n是否加载交点法平曲线?");
                //pKeyOpts.Keywords.Default = "Y";
                //pKeyOpts.AllowNone = true;
                //pKeyRes = doc.Editor.GetKeywords(pKeyOpts);
                //switch (pKeyRes.Status)
                //    case PromptStatus.OK:
                //        if (pKeyRes.StringResult == "Y")
                //        {

                //            PQXnew kitty = new PQXnew("Test");
                //            kitty.ReadICDFile(res.StringResult);
                //            ObjectId layerId = myAg.LayerId;
                //            ObjectId styleId = civildoc.Styles.ProfileStyles["Basic"];
                //            ObjectId labelSetId = civildoc.Styles.LabelSetStyles.ProfileLabelSetStyles["Complete Label Set"];
                //            ObjectId oProfileId = Profile.CreateByLayout(myAg.Name + "-Profile", myAg.ObjectId, layerId, styleId, labelSetId);
                //            Profile oProfile = ts.GetObject(oProfileId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Profile;

                //            AddPQX( 0,24000,500, ref acCurDb, ref kitty, ref ed);
                //        }
                //        break;
                //    default:
                //        break;

Beispiel #12
        public static Alignment CreateAlignmentFromIFC(string ifcFile)
            Alignment     aln  = null;
            Document      doc  = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            CivilDocument Cdoc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument;
            Editor        ed   = doc.Editor;
            Database      db   = doc.Database;

            ObjectId aln_id         = ObjectId.Null;
            ObjectId layerId        = ObjectId.Null;
            ObjectId aln_styleId    = ObjectId.Null;
            ObjectId profStyleId    = ObjectId.Null;
            ObjectId alnLabelSetId  = ObjectId.Null;
            ObjectId profLabelSetId = ObjectId.Null;

            using (Transaction CADtrans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                BlockTable       bt  = (BlockTable)CADtrans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead, false);
                BlockTableRecord btr = (BlockTableRecord)CADtrans.GetObject(bt[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite, false);

                LayerTable acLyrTbl = CADtrans.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTable;
                foreach (ObjectId id in acLyrTbl)
                    layerId = id;

                AlignmentStyleCollection style_col = Cdoc.Styles.AlignmentStyles;
                if (style_col.Count > 0)
                    aln_styleId = style_col[0];

                AlignmentLabelSetStyleCollection alignmentLabelSets = Cdoc.Styles.LabelSetStyles.AlignmentLabelSetStyles;
                if (alignmentLabelSets.Count > 0)
                    alnLabelSetId = alignmentLabelSets[0];

                aln_id = Alignment.Create(Cdoc, "Alingment_" + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(), ObjectId.Null, layerId, aln_styleId, alnLabelSetId, AlignmentType.Centerline);
                aln    = CADtrans.GetObject(aln_id, OpenMode.ForRead) as Alignment;

                int noOfSpiral = 0;

                string str = string.Empty;
                using (var model = IfcStore.Open(ifcFile))
                    var ifcAlignments = model.Instances.OfType <IfcAlignment>();

                        foreach (IfcAlignment algn in ifcAlignments)
                            IfcCurve cv = algn.Axis;

                            IfcAlignmentCurve algnCv = cv as IfcAlignmentCurve;
                            if (algnCv != null)
                                IfcAlignment2DHorizontal algn_hort = algnCv.Horizontal;

                                foreach (IfcAlignment2DHorizontalSegment seg in algn_hort.Segments)
                                    IfcCurveSegment2D seg_2d = seg.CurveGeometry;

                                    if (seg_2d.GetType() == typeof(IfcLineSegment2D))
                                        //get ifc data
                                        IfcLineSegment2D         line = seg_2d as IfcLineSegment2D;
                                        IfcCartesianPoint        pt   = line.StartPoint;
                                        IfcPlaneAngleMeasure     dir  = line.StartDirection;//this is bearing angle
                                        IfcPositiveLengthMeasure len  = line.SegmentLength;

                                        double angle = bearing2AutocadAngle(dir);
                                        ///create civil 3d line entity
                                        //create point 1
                                        Point3d pt1 = new Point3d(pt.X, pt.Y, 0);
                                        //create point 2
                                        double   x      = Math.Sin(angle) * len;
                                        double   y      = Math.Cos(angle) * len;
                                        Vector3d vector = new Vector3d(x, y, 0);
                                        Matrix3d mat    = Matrix3d.Displacement(vector);
                                        Point3d  pt2    = pt1.TransformBy(mat);

                                        ed.WriteMessage("Crate line\n");
                                        aln.Entities.AddFixedLine(aln.Entities.Count(), pt1, pt2);

                                    if (seg_2d.GetType() == typeof(IfcTransitionCurveSegment2D))

                                        IfcTransitionCurveSegment2D tran = seg_2d as IfcTransitionCurveSegment2D;

                                        double rad = 0;
                                        double startRadius = 0, endRadius = 0;
                                        if (tran.StartRadius != null)
                                            startRadius = tran.StartRadius.Value;

                                        if (tran.EndRadius != null)
                                            endRadius = tran.EndRadius.Value;

                                        if (startRadius != 0 && endRadius == 0)
                                            rad = startRadius;
                                        else if (endRadius != 0 && startRadius == 0)
                                            rad = endRadius;

                                        IfcCartesianPoint pt = tran.StartPoint;

                                        IfcPositiveLengthMeasure len = tran.SegmentLength;

                                        bool IsEndRadiusCCW = false, IsStartRadiusCCW = false, isClockwise = false;
                                        if (tran.IsEndRadiusCCW != null)
                                            IsEndRadiusCCW = tran.IsEndRadiusCCW;

                                        if (tran.IsStartRadiusCCW != null)
                                            IsStartRadiusCCW = tran.IsStartRadiusCCW;

                                        if (IsStartRadiusCCW == true)
                                            isClockwise = IsStartRadiusCCW;

                                        double dir = tran.StartDirection;

                                        IfcTransitionCurveType tranType = tran.TransitionCurveType;

                                        //determine if it in curve or out curve by no?
                                        SpiralCurveType spiralCurveType = SpiralCurveType.InCurve;
                                        if (noOfSpiral % 2 == 0)
                                            spiralCurveType = SpiralCurveType.OutCurve;

                                        if (tran.TransitionCurveType == IfcTransitionCurveType.CLOTHOIDCURVE)
                                            ed.WriteMessage("Crate Transition Curve\n");
                                            if (rad == 0)
                                                aln.Entities.AddFixedSpiral(aln.Entities.Count(), startRadius, endRadius, len, Autodesk.Civil.SpiralType.Clothoid);
                                            else if (startRadius != 0)
                                                aln.Entities.AddFloatSpiral(aln.Entities.Count(), rad, len, isClockwise, Autodesk.Civil.SpiralType.Clothoid);
                                            //aln.Entities.AddFixedSpiral(aln.Entities.Count(), rad, len, spiralCurveType, Autodesk.Civil.SpiralType.Clothoid);

                                    if (seg_2d.GetType() == typeof(IfcCircularArcSegment2D))
                                        IfcCircularArcSegment2D  cir = seg_2d as IfcCircularArcSegment2D;
                                        IfcPositiveLengthMeasure len = cir.SegmentLength;
                                        IfcCartesianPoint        pt  = cir.StartPoint;
                                        IfcPlaneAngleMeasure     dir = cir.StartDirection;
                                        IfcPositiveLengthMeasure rad = cir.Radius;

                                        double angle = bearing2AutocadAngle(dir);
                                        bool   isCCW = (bool)cir.IsCCW;

                                        Point3d  startPt = new Point3d(pt.X, pt.Y, 0);
                                        double   x       = Math.Sin(angle) * len;
                                        double   y       = Math.Cos(angle) * len;
                                        Vector3d vector  = new Vector3d(x, y, 0);

                                        //ed.WriteMessage("Crate circle Curve\n");
                                        //  aln.Entities.AddFixedCurve(startPt, vector, rad, isCCW);

                                    if (seg_2d.GetType() == typeof(IfcCurveSegment2D))
                                        IfcCurveSegment2D crv = seg_2d as IfcCurveSegment2D;

                                        IfcPositiveLengthMeasure len = crv.SegmentLength;

                                        IfcCartesianPoint pt = crv.StartPoint;

                                        IfcPlaneAngleMeasure dir = crv.StartDirection;

                                #region >>>>=========== Create profile entities
                                // get the standard style and label set
                                // these calls will fail on templates without a style named "Standard"
                                ProfileStyleCollection prof_tyle_col = Cdoc.Styles.ProfileStyles;
                                if (prof_tyle_col.Count > 0)
                                    profStyleId = prof_tyle_col[0];

                                ProfileLabelSetStyleCollection profilLabelSets = Cdoc.Styles.LabelSetStyles.ProfileLabelSetStyles;
                                if (profilLabelSets.Count > 0)
                                    profLabelSetId = profilLabelSets[0];

                                ObjectId oProfileId = Profile.CreateByLayout("Profile", aln_id, layerId, profStyleId, profLabelSetId);
                                Profile  PROF       = CADtrans.GetObject(oProfileId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Profile;

                                //get profile information from ifc
                                IfcAlignment2DVertical algn_vert = algnCv.Vertical;

                                foreach (IfcAlignment2DVerticalSegment seg in algn_vert.Segments)
                                    if (seg.GetType() == typeof(IfcAlignment2DVerSegLine))
                                        IfcAlignment2DVerSegLine line = seg as IfcAlignment2DVerSegLine;

                                        double len = line.HorizontalLength;

                                        double z = Convert.ToDouble(line.StartHeight.Value);

                                        double slope = Convert.ToDouble(line.StartGradient.Value);

                                    if (seg.GetType() == typeof(IfcAlignment2DVerSegParabolicArc))
                                        IfcAlignment2DVerSegParabolicArc tran = seg as IfcAlignment2DVerSegParabolicArc;

                                        double parabola = Convert.ToDouble(tran.ParabolaConstant);

                                        bool isConvex = (bool)tran.IsConvex.Value;

                                        double ch = Convert.ToDouble(tran.StartDistAlong);

                                        double len = Convert.ToDouble(tran.HorizontalLength);

                                        double z = Convert.ToDouble(tran.StartHeight.Value);

                                        double slope = Convert.ToDouble(tran.StartGradient.Value);

                                    if (seg.GetType() == typeof(IfcAlignment2DVerSegCircularArc))
                                        IfcAlignment2DVerSegCircularArc cir = seg as IfcAlignment2DVerSegCircularArc;

                                        double radius = Convert.ToDouble(cir.Radius);

                                        bool isConvex = (bool)cir.IsConvex.Value;

                                        double ch = Convert.ToDouble(cir.StartDistAlong);

                                        double len = Convert.ToDouble(cir.HorizontalLength);

                                        double z = Convert.ToDouble(cir.StartHeight.Value);

                                        double slope = Convert.ToDouble(cir.StartGradient.Value);

                                    //Point2d startPoint = new Point2d(station_start, H_start);
                                    //Point2d endPoint = new Point2d(station_end, H_end);
                                    //ProfileTangent oTangent = PROF.Entities.AddFixedTangent(startPoint, endPoint);

                    catch { }

