private void NopsCalcForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Set window size based on saved values
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.NopsCalcForm_Location.X > 0 &&
                Properties.Settings.Default.NopsCalcForm_Location.Y > 0)
                this.Location = Properties.Settings.Default.NopsCalcForm_Location;

            // Loads data into the 'waterskiDataSet.ListAgeDivisions' table.
            AgeGroupDropdownList myAgeGroupList = null;
            String    curSanctionNum            = Properties.Settings.Default.AppSanctionNum;
            DataTable curTourDataTable          = getTourData(curSanctionNum);

            if (curTourDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow curTourRow = curTourDataTable.Rows[0];
                myAgeGroupList = new AgeGroupDropdownList(curTourRow);
                myAgeGroupList = new AgeGroupDropdownList(null);

            listAgeDivisionsComboBox.DataSource = myAgeGroupList.DropdownList;

            // Loads data into the 'waterskiDataSet.NopsData' table.
            myFilterCommand = "AgeGroup = '" + listAgeDivisionsComboBox.SelectedValue + "'";
        private void loadEventGroupListFromData()
            AgeGroupDropdownList curAgeGroupDropdownList = new AgeGroupDropdownList(myTourRow);
            ArrayList            curDropdownList         = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList            curAgeGroupList         = curAgeGroupDropdownList.DropdownList;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < curAgeGroupList.Count; idx++)
            EventGroupList.DataSource = curDropdownList;
        public ExportScorebookPublishFmt()
            // Retrieve data from database
            mySanctionNum = Properties.Settings.Default.AppSanctionNum;

            if (mySanctionNum == null)
                MessageBox.Show("An active tournament must be selected from the Administration menu Tournament List option");
                if (mySanctionNum.Length < 6)
                    MessageBox.Show("An active tournament must be selected from the Administration menu Tournament List option");
                    CalcScoreSummary curCalcSummary = new CalcScoreSummary();

                    DataTable curTourDataTable = getTourData(mySanctionNum);
                    if (curTourDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                        myTourRow   = curTourDataTable.Rows[0];
                        myTourRules = (String)myTourRow["Rules"];
                        myTourClass = myTourRow["Class"].ToString().Trim();

                        int curSlalomRounds = 0, curTrickRounds = 0, curJumpRounds = 0;
                        try {
                            curSlalomRounds = Convert.ToInt16(myTourRow["SlalomRounds"].ToString());
                        } catch {
                            curSlalomRounds = 0;
                        try {
                            curTrickRounds = Convert.ToInt16(myTourRow["TrickRounds"].ToString());
                        } catch {
                            curTrickRounds = 0;
                        try {
                            curJumpRounds = Convert.ToInt16(myTourRow["JumpRounds"].ToString());
                        } catch {
                            curJumpRounds = 0;
                        if (curSlalomRounds > myTourRounds)
                            myTourRounds = curSlalomRounds;
                        if (curTrickRounds > myTourRounds)
                            myTourRounds = curTrickRounds;
                        if (curJumpRounds > myTourRounds)
                            myTourRounds = curJumpRounds;

                        AgeGroupDropdownList curAgeGroupDropdownList = new AgeGroupDropdownList(myTourRow);
                        myAgeDivDataTable = curAgeGroupDropdownList.AgeDivDataTable;
Beispiel #4
        private void LoadDataButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool   curLoadActive = true;
            String curMethodName = "Tournament:TourDivOrder:LoadDataButton";
            AgeGroupDropdownList curAgeGroupDropdownList = new AgeGroupDropdownList(myTourRow);

            String curMsg    = "";
            bool   curReturn = true;
            int    rowsProc  = 0;

            String curEvent = "Slalom";

            if (slalomButton.Checked)
                curEvent = "Slalom";
            else if (trickButton.Checked)
                curEvent = "Trick";
            else if (jumpButton.Checked)
                curEvent = "Jump";

            try {
                if (myTourDivDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    String dialogMsg = "You have existing division order data!"
                                       + "\n Do you want to reset the data?";
                    DialogResult msgResp =
                        MessageBox.Show(dialogMsg, "Change Warning",
                    if (msgResp == DialogResult.OK)
                        curLoadActive = true;
                        curLoadActive = false;
                if (curLoadActive)
                    try {
                        StringBuilder curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("Delete DivOrder WHERE SanctionId = '" + mySanctionNum + "' AND Event = '" + curEvent + "'");
                        rowsProc = DataAccess.ExecuteCommand(curSqlStmt.ToString());
                        Log.WriteFile(curMethodName + ":Rows=" + rowsProc.ToString() + " " + curSqlStmt.ToString());

                        int    curInsertCount   = 0;
                        String curSqlStmtInsert = "Insert Into DivOrder ( "
                                                  + "SanctionId, Event, AgeGroup, RunOrder, LastUpdateDate "
                                                  + ") Values ( '" + mySanctionNum + "', '" + curEvent + "'";

                        foreach (DataRow curRow in curAgeGroupDropdownList.AgeDivDataTable.Rows)
                            if (!(((String)curRow["Division"]).Equals("OF")))
                                curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder(curSqlStmtInsert
                                                               + ", '" + (String)curRow["Division"] + "'"
                                                               + ", " + (((int)curRow["SortSeq"]) * 10).ToString()
                                                               + ", getDate() )");
                                rowsProc        = DataAccess.ExecuteCommand(curSqlStmt.ToString());
                                curInsertCount += rowsProc;
                        Log.WriteFile(curMethodName + ":Rows=" + curInsertCount.ToString() + " " + curSqlStmtInsert);
                        MessageBox.Show("Added rows=" + curInsertCount.ToString() + " to division order");
                    } catch (Exception excp) {
                        curReturn = false;
                        curMsg    = "Error attempting to load division data \n" + excp.Message;
                        Log.WriteFile(curMethodName + curMsg);
                    } finally {
                        navRefresh_Click(null, null);
            } catch (Exception excp) {
                curMsg = "Error attempting to load division data \n" + excp.Message;
                Log.WriteFile(curMethodName + curMsg);