// TODO Make values dependent on settings
        private async void Encrypt_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            EncryptLoadingGif.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // Create a random salt and iv
            var salt = new byte[16];
            var iv   = new byte[16];
            var rng  = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();


            // Pre declaration of them for assigning during the secure string scope
            string filePath = FileTextBox.Text;

            if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                EncryptOutput.Content = "File not valid";

            // Assign the values to the CryptographicInfo object
            var data = new AesCryptographicInfo
                CryptoManager = typeof(TripleDesCryptoManager).AssemblyQualifiedName,

                Hmac = null,

                InstanceKeyCreator = new KeyCreator
                    root_HashAlgorithm    = typeof(SCryptKeyDerive).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                    PerformanceDerivative = _performanceDerivative.PerformanceDerivativeValue,
                    salt = salt

                EncryptionModeInfo = new EncryptionModeInfo
                    InitializationVector = iv,
                    KeySize   = KeySize,
                    BlockSize = 128,
                    Mode      = CipherMode.CBC

            // Run the encryption in a separate thread and return control to the UI thread
            await Task.Run(() => EncryptDataWithHeader(data, EncryptPasswordBox.SecurePassword, filePath));

            EncryptLoadingGif.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
        private async void Decrypt_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            DecryptLoadingGif.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // Create the object used to represent the header data
            var data = new AesCryptographicInfo();

            // Get the path from the box
            string outFilePath = DecryptFileLocBox.Text;

            // Read the header
            await Task.Run(() => data = (AesCryptographicInfo)data.ReadHeaderFromFile(outFilePath));

            // Decrypt the data
            await Task.Run(() => DecryptDataWithHeader(data, DecryptPasswordBox.SecurePassword, outFilePath));

            DecryptLoadingGif.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;