Beispiel #1
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other)
        if (_crashed || _aiCarControl == null || _carController == null)

        // Break and disable AI control
        _crashed = true;
        _aiCarControl.enabled = false;
        _carController.Move(0, 0, 0, 0);
        var survivalTime     = _odometer.SurvivalTime;
        var traveledDistance = _odometer.Distance;
        var furthestDistance = _odometer.FarthestDistance;

        // Analyze the results
        StartCoroutine(AI_Logic.RunEvaluationCoroutine(survivalTime, traveledDistance, furthestDistance, () => {

            // Reset odometer
            if (_odometer != null)

            // Enable AI control
            _aiCarControl.enabled = true;
            _crashed = false;
    private void FixedUpdate()
        var sensors = GetSensorValues();

        StartCoroutine(AI_Logic.RunAICoroutine(Time.time, Time.deltaTime, sensors, (output) => {
            _carController.Move(output.Steering, output.Acceleration, output.Footbrake, output.Handbrake);
    protected bool rotated = false;     //check if rotation was set somewhere else

    void Start()
        /**Gets called by unity when the script is initialized
         * */
        anim         = GetComponent <Animator>();
        character    = gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyCharacter> ();
        logic        = gameObject.GetComponent <AI_Logic> ();
        agent        = gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent> ();
        time         = 0.0f;
        shootTimeOut = 0.0f;

        agent.stoppingDistance = character.stoppingRange;
        rand = new System.Random();
 public static void ResetLogic()
     _aiLogic = new AI_Logic();
Beispiel #5
 static void OnBeforeSceneLoadRuntimeMethod()