Beispiel #1
    public override void HandleAnimator()
        _stateMachine.Animator.SetBool("IsTurningRight", _turningRight);
        _stateMachine.Animator.SetBool("IsTurningLeft", _turningLeft);

        bool alertLayerActivated = false;

        if (_stateMachine.CurrentTarget != null)
            AITargetType targetType = _stateMachine.CurrentTarget.Type;
            if (targetType == AITargetType.BoomBox || targetType == AITargetType.Friend ||
                targetType == AITargetType.NavigationPoint ||
                targetType == AITargetType.None)
                alertLayerActivated = false;

            if (targetType == AITargetType.Enemy || targetType == AITargetType.Player || targetType == AITargetType.Sound)
                alertLayerActivated = true;

        _stateMachine.Animator.SetBool("Alert", alertLayerActivated);
    public override void HandleAnimator()
        int animatorSpeedToSet = _stateMachine.Agent.desiredVelocity.magnitude > 0 ? 1 : 0;

        if (_stateMachine.CurrentTarget != null && _stateMachine.CurrentTarget.Type == AITargetType.Friend && !_shouldMakeAMove)
            animatorSpeedToSet = 0;

        _stateMachine.Animator.SetInteger("Speed", animatorSpeedToSet);

        bool alertLayerActivated = false;

        if (_stateMachine.CurrentTarget != null)
            AITargetType targetType = _stateMachine.CurrentTarget.Type;
            if (targetType == AITargetType.BoomBox || targetType == AITargetType.Friend ||
                targetType == AITargetType.NavigationPoint ||
                targetType == AITargetType.None)
                alertLayerActivated = false;

            if (targetType == AITargetType.Enemy || targetType == AITargetType.Player || targetType == AITargetType.Sound)
                alertLayerActivated = true;

        _stateMachine.Animator.SetBool("Alert", alertLayerActivated);
 /// <summary>
 ///		Set a target that has no collider
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="t"></param>
 /// <param name="p">	position			</param>
 /// <param name="d">	distance to target	</param>
 public void Set(AITargetType t, Vector3 p, float d)
     _type     = t;
     _position = p;
     _distance = d;
     _time     = Time.time;
 public void Clear()
     _type     = AITargetType.None;
     _collider = null;
     _position =;
     _time     = 0.0f;
     _distance = Mathf.Infinity;
Beispiel #5
 public void Clear()
     this._type     = AITargetType.None;
     this._collider = null;
     this._position =;
     this._distance = Mathf.Infinity;
     this._time     = 0;
Beispiel #6
 public void Set(AITargetType t, Collider c, Vector3 p, float d)
     this._type     = t;
     this._collider = c;
     this._position = p;
     this._distance = d;
     this._time     = UnityEngine.Time.time;
Beispiel #7
 public void Set(AITargetType type, Collider collider, Vector3 position, float distance)
     _type     = type;
     _collider = collider;
     _position = position;
     _distance = distance;
     _time     = Time.time;
Beispiel #8
 // Sets the target and moves the target trigger to that location
 public void SetTarget(AITargetType t, Collider c, Vector3 p, float d, float s)
     _target.Set(t, c, p, d);
     if (_targetTrigger != null)
         _targetTrigger.radius             = s;
         _targetTrigger.transform.position = _target.position;
         _targetTrigger.enabled            = true;
Beispiel #9
    public void SetTarget(Transform transform, AITargetType targetType)
        AITarget target = new AITarget();

        target.TargetTransform  = transform;
        target.LastSeenPosition = transform.position + Vector3.up;
        target.Type             = targetType;

        _currentTarget = target;
Beispiel #10
    public void SetTarget(AITargetType t, Collider c, Vector3 v, float d)
        _target.Set(t, c, v, d);

        if (_targetTrigger != null)
            _targetTrigger.radius             = _stoppingDistance;
            _targetTrigger.transform.position = _target.position;
            _targetTrigger.enabled            = true;
Beispiel #11
    // Consente di specificare una stopping distance personalizzata.
    public void SetTarget(AITargetType t, Collider c, Vector3 p, float d, float s)
        _target.Set(t, c, p, d);

        // Configura e abilita il target trigger alla posizione e raggio corretti
        if (_targetTrigger != null)
            _targetTrigger.radius             = s;
            _targetTrigger.transform.position = _target.position;
            _targetTrigger.enabled            = true;
    public override void OnTriggerEvent(AITriggerEventType eventType, Collider other)
        if (_npcStateMachine == null)

        if (eventType != AITriggerEventType.Exit)
            AITargetType curType = _npcStateMachine.VisualThreat.type;

            if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(_npcStateMachine.sensorPosition, other.transform.position);
                if (curType != AITargetType.Visual_Player || (curType == AITargetType.Visual_Player && distance < _npcStateMachine.VisualThreat.distance))
                    RaycastHit hitInfo;
                    if (ColliderIsVisible(other, out hitInfo, _playerLayerMask))
                        _npcStateMachine.VisualThreat.Set(AITargetType.Visual_Player, other, other.transform.position, distance);
            else if (other.CompareTag("AI Sound Emitter"))
                SphereCollider soundTrigger = (SphereCollider)other;
                if (soundTrigger == null)

                Vector3 agentSensorPosition = _npcStateMachine.sensorPosition;
                Vector3 soundPos;
                float   soundRadius;
                AIState.ConvertSphereColliderToWorldSpace(soundTrigger, out soundPos, out soundRadius);
                float distanceToThreat = (soundPos - agentSensorPosition).magnitude;
                float distanceFactor   = (distanceToThreat / soundRadius);

                // Too far away
                if (distanceFactor > 1.0f)

                if (distanceToThreat < _npcStateMachine.AudioThreat.distance)
                    _npcStateMachine.AudioThreat.Set(AITargetType.Audio, other, soundPos, distanceToThreat);
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name :   SetTarget (Overload)
    // Desc :   Sets the current target and configures the target trigger.
    //          This method allows for specifying a custom stopping
    //          distance.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    public void SetTarget(AITargetType t, Collider c, Vector3 p, float d, float s)
        // Set the target Data
        _target.Set(t, c, p, d);

        // Configure and enable the target trigger at the correct
        // position and with the correct radius
        if (_targetTrigger != null)
            _targetTrigger.radius             = s;
            _targetTrigger.transform.position = _target.position;
            _targetTrigger.enabled            = true;
        /// <summary>
        ///		Set this items target to something
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t"></param>
        /// <param name="p"> The position of the target in 3D space						</param>
        /// <param name="d"> The distance to the target									</param>
        /// <param name="c"> The collider on the target if it has one: this can be null	</param>
        public void SetTarget(AITargetType t, Vector3 p, float d, Collider c = null)
            if (Logging && !targetSet)
                Debug.Log($"The target for {} has been set"); targetSet = true;

            if (c == null)
                Target.Set(t, p, d);
                Target.Set(t, c, p, d);
Beispiel #15
    public override void OnTriggerEvent(AITriggerEventType eventType, Collider other)
        //base.OnTriggerEvent(eventType, other);
        if (_zombieStateMachine == null)
        if (eventType != AITriggerEventType.Exit)
            AITargetType curType = _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.type;

            if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(_zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition, other.transform.position);
                if (curType != AITargetType.Visual_Player ||
                    (curType == AITargetType.Visual_Player && distance < _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.distance))
                    RaycastHit hitInfo;
                    if (ColliderIsVisible(other, out hitInfo, _playerLayerMask))
                        _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.Set(AITargetType.Visual_Player, other, other.transform.position, distance);
            if (other.CompareTag("Flash Light") && curType != AITargetType.Visual_Player)
                BoxCollider flashLightTrigger = (BoxCollider)other;
                float       distanceToThreat  = Vector3.Distance(_zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition, flashLightTrigger.transform.position);
                float       zSize             = flashLightTrigger.size.z * flashLightTrigger.transform.lossyScale.z;
                float       aggrFactor        = distanceToThreat / zSize;
                if (aggrFactor < _zombieStateMachine.sight && aggrFactor <= _zombieStateMachine.intelligence)
                    _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.Set(AITargetType.Visual_Light, other, other.transform.position, distanceToThreat);
            else if (other.CompareTag("AI Sound Emitter"))
                SphereCollider soundTrigger = (SphereCollider)other;
                if (soundTrigger == null)

                Vector3 agentSensorPosition = _zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition;

                Vector3 soundPos;
                float   soundRadius;
                AIState.ConvertSphereColliderToWorldSpace(soundTrigger, out soundPos, out soundRadius);

                float distanceToThreat = (soundPos - agentSensorPosition).magnitude;

                float distanceFactor = (distanceToThreat / soundRadius);

                distanceFactor += distanceFactor * (1.0f - _zombieStateMachine.hearing);

                if (distanceFactor > 1.0f)

                if (distanceToThreat < _zombieStateMachine.AudioThreat.distance)
                    _zombieStateMachine.AudioThreat.Set(AITargetType.Audio, other, soundPos, distanceToThreat);
            else if (other.CompareTag("AI Food") && curType != AITargetType.Visual_Player && curType != AITargetType.Visual_Light &&
                     _zombieStateMachine.satisfaction <= 0.9f && _zombieStateMachine.AudioThreat.type == AITargetType.None)
                float distanceToThreat = Vector3.Distance(other.transform.position, _zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition);

                if (distanceToThreat < _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.distance)
                    RaycastHit hitInfo;
                    if (ColliderIsVisible(other, out hitInfo, _visualLayerMask))
                        _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.Set(AITargetType.Visual_Food, other, other.transform.position, distanceToThreat);
Beispiel #16
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name	:	OnTriggerEvent
    // Desc	:	Called by the parent state machine when threats enter/stay/exit the zombie's
    //			sensor trigger, This will be any colliders assigned to the Visual or Audio
    //			Aggravator layers or the player.
    //			It examines the threat and stored it in the parent machine Visual or Audio
    //			threat members if found to be a higher priority threat.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public override void OnTriggerEvent(AITriggerEventType eventType, Collider other)
        // If we don't have a parent state machine then bail
        if (_zombieStateMachine == null)

        // We are not interested in exit events so only step in and process if its an
        // enter or stay.
        if (eventType != AITriggerEventType.Exit)
            // What is the type of the current visual threat we have stored
            AITargetType curType = _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.type;

            // Is the collider that has entered our sensor a player
            if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
                // Get distance from the sensor origin to the collider
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(_zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition, other.transform.position);

                // If the currently stored threat is not a player or if this player is closer than a player
                // previously stored as the visual threat...this could be more important
                if (curType != AITargetType.Visual_Player ||
                    (curType == AITargetType.Visual_Player && distance < _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.distance))
                    // Is the collider within our view cone and do we have line or sight
                    RaycastHit hitInfo;
                    if (ColliderIsVisible(other, out hitInfo, _playerLayerMask))
                        //'s close and in our FOV and we have line of sight so store as the current most dangerous threat
                        _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.Set(AITargetType.Visual_Player, other, other.transform.position, distance);
            if (other.CompareTag("Flash Light") && curType != AITargetType.Visual_Player)
                BoxCollider flashLightTrigger = (BoxCollider)other;
                float       distanceToThreat  = Vector3.Distance(_zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition, flashLightTrigger.transform.position);
                float       zSize             = flashLightTrigger.size.z * flashLightTrigger.transform.lossyScale.z;
                float       aggrFactor        = distanceToThreat / zSize;
                if (aggrFactor <= _zombieStateMachine.sight && aggrFactor <= _zombieStateMachine.intelligence)
                    _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.Set(AITargetType.Visual_Light, other, other.transform.position, distanceToThreat);
            if (other.CompareTag("AI Sound Emitter"))
                SphereCollider soundTrigger = (SphereCollider)other;
                if (soundTrigger == null)

                // Get the position of the Agent Sensor
                Vector3 agentSensorPosition = _zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition;

                Vector3 soundPos;
                float   soundRadius;
                AIState.ConvertSphereColliderToWorldSpace(soundTrigger, out soundPos, out soundRadius);

                // How far inside the sound's radius are we
                float distanceToThreat = (soundPos - agentSensorPosition).magnitude;

                // Calculate a distance factor such that it is 1.0 when at sound radius 0 when at center
                float distanceFactor = (distanceToThreat / soundRadius);

                // Bias the factor based on hearing ability of Agent.
                distanceFactor += distanceFactor * (1.0f - _zombieStateMachine.hearing);

                // Too far away
                if (distanceFactor > 1.0f)

                // if We can hear it and is it closer then what we previously have stored
                if (distanceToThreat < _zombieStateMachine.AudioThreat.distance)
                    // Most dangerous Audio Threat so far
                    _zombieStateMachine.AudioThreat.Set(AITargetType.Audio, other, soundPos, distanceToThreat);
            // Register the closest visual threat
            if (other.CompareTag("AI Food") && curType != AITargetType.Visual_Player && curType != AITargetType.Visual_Light &&
                _zombieStateMachine.satisfaction <= 0.9f && _zombieStateMachine.AudioThreat.type == AITargetType.None)
                // How far away is the threat from us
                float distanceToThreat = Vector3.Distance(other.transform.position, _zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition);

                // Is this smaller then anything we have previous stored
                if (distanceToThreat < _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.distance)
                    // If so then check that it is in our FOV and it is within the range of this
                    // AIs sight
                    RaycastHit hitInfo;
                    if (ColliderIsVisible(other, out hitInfo, _visualLayerMask))
                        // Yep this is our most appealing target so far
                        _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.Set(AITargetType.Visual_Food, other, other.transform.position, distanceToThreat);
Beispiel #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Called by the parent state machine threats enter/stay/exit the zombie`s sensor trigger.
    /// Examines the threat and stores it in the parent machine Visual or Audio threat members,
    /// if found to be the a higher priority threat
    /// </summary>
    public override void OnTriggerEvent(AITriggerEventType eventType, Collider other)
        if (zombieStateMachine == null)

        if (eventType != AITriggerEventType.Exit)
            AITargetType currentType = zombieStateMachine.visualThreat.Type;

            if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(zombieStateMachine.SensorPosition, other.transform.position);

                if (currentType != AITargetType.VisualPlayer || (currentType == AITargetType.VisualPlayer &&
                                                                 (distance < zombieStateMachine.visualThreat.Distance)))
                    if (ColliderIsVisible(other, out RaycastHit hitInfo, playerLayerMask))
                        zombieStateMachine.visualThreat.Set(AITargetType.VisualPlayer, other, other.transform.position, distance);
            else if (other.CompareTag("Flash Light") && currentType != AITargetType.VisualPlayer)
                BoxCollider flashLightTrigger = (BoxCollider)other;

                float distanceToThreat  = Vector3.Distance(zombieStateMachine.SensorPosition, flashLightTrigger.transform.position);
                float zSize             = flashLightTrigger.size.z * flashLightTrigger.transform.lossyScale.z;
                float aggravationFactor = distanceToThreat / zSize;

                if (aggravationFactor <= zombieStateMachine.Sight && aggravationFactor <= zombieStateMachine.Intelligence)
                    zombieStateMachine.visualThreat.Set(AITargetType.VisualLight, other, other.transform.position, distanceToThreat);
            else if (other.CompareTag("AI Sound Emitter"))
                SphereCollider soundTrigger = (SphereCollider)other;
                if (soundTrigger == null)

                Vector3 agentSensorPosition = zombieStateMachine.SensorPosition;

                Vector3 soundPos;
                float   soundRadius;

                ConvertSphereColliderToWorldSpace(soundTrigger, out soundPos, out soundRadius);

                float distanceToThreat = (soundPos - agentSensorPosition).magnitude;
                float distanceFactor   = distanceToThreat / soundRadius;

                // Bias the factor based on hearing ability of Agent
                distanceFactor += distanceToThreat * (1.0f - zombieStateMachine.Hearing);

                if (distanceFactor > 1.0f)

                if (distanceToThreat < zombieStateMachine.audioThreat.Distance)
                    zombieStateMachine.audioThreat.Set(AITargetType.Audio, other, soundPos, distanceToThreat);
            else if (other.CompareTag("AI Food") && currentType != AITargetType.VisualPlayer && currentType != AITargetType.VisualLight &&
                     zombieStateMachine.Satisfaction <= 0.9f && zombieStateMachine.audioThreat.Type == AITargetType.None)
                float distanceToThreat = Vector3.Distance(other.transform.position, zombieStateMachine.SensorPosition);

                if (distanceToThreat < zombieStateMachine.visualThreat.Distance)
                    RaycastHit hitInfo;

                    if (ColliderIsVisible(other, out hitInfo, visualLayerMask))
                        zombieStateMachine.visualThreat.Set(AITargetType.VisualFood, other, other.transform.position, distanceToThreat);
Beispiel #18
    public override void OnTriggerEvent(AITriggerEventType eventType, Collider other)
        if (_zombieStateMachine == null)

        if (eventType != AITriggerEventType.EXIT)
            AITargetType curType = _stateMachine.visualThreat.type;

            if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(_zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition, other.transform.position);
                if (curType != AITargetType.VISUAL_PLAYER || (curType == AITargetType.VISUAL_PLAYER && distance < _zombieStateMachine.visualThreat.distance))
                    RaycastHit hitInfo;

                    if (ColliderIsVisable(other, out hitInfo, _playerLayerMask))
                        //its close and in our FOV
                        _zombieStateMachine.visualThreat.Set(AITargetType.VISUAL_PLAYER, other, other.transform.position, distance);
            else if (other.CompareTag("Flash Light") && curType != AITargetType.VISUAL_PLAYER)
                BoxCollider flashLightTrigger = (BoxCollider)other;
                float       distanceToThreat  = Vector3.Distance(_zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition, flashLightTrigger.transform.position);
                float       zSize             = flashLightTrigger.size.z * flashLightTrigger.transform.lossyScale.z;
                float       aggrFactor        = distanceToThreat / zSize;
                if (aggrFactor <= _zombieStateMachine.sight && aggrFactor <= _zombieStateMachine.intelligence)
                    _zombieStateMachine.visualThreat.Set(AITargetType.VISUAL_LIGHT, other, other.transform.position, distanceToThreat);
            if (other.CompareTag("AI Sound Emitter"))
                SphereCollider soundTrigger = (SphereCollider)other;
                if (soundTrigger == null)

                //Get the position of the Agent Sensor
                Vector3 agentSensorPosition = _zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition;

                Vector3 soundPos;
                float   soundRadius;
                AIState.ConvertSphereColliderToWorldSpace(soundTrigger, out soundPos, out soundRadius);

                //How far inside the sounds radius are we
                float distanceToThreat = (soundPos - agentSensorPosition).magnitude;

                //calculates distance factor 1 when at edge 0 at centre
                float distanceFactor = (distanceToThreat / soundRadius);

                //bias the factor based on hearing ability of agent
                distanceFactor += distanceFactor * (1.0f - _zombieStateMachine.hearing);

                //Too Far away
                if (distanceFactor > 1.0f)

                //TODO issue is here
                //if we can hear it and it is closer than what we previously have stored
                if (distanceToThreat < _zombieStateMachine.audioThreat.distance)
                    //Most dangerous threat so far
                    _zombieStateMachine.audioThreat.Set(AITargetType.AUDIO, other, soundPos, distanceToThreat);
            if (other.CompareTag("AI Food") && curType != AITargetType.VISUAL_PLAYER && curType != AITargetType.VISUAL_LIGHT && _zombieStateMachine.satisfaction <= 0.9f && _zombieStateMachine.audioThreat.type == AITargetType.NONE)
                float distanceToThreat = Vector3.Distance(other.transform.position, _zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition);

                if (distanceToThreat < _zombieStateMachine.visualThreat.distance)
                    RaycastHit hitInfo;
                    if (ColliderIsVisable(other, out hitInfo, _visualLayerMask))
                        _zombieStateMachine.visualThreat.Set(AITargetType.VISUAL_FOOD, other, other.transform.position, distanceToThreat);
Beispiel #19
    //Esamina la minaccia e la salva nella "Parent Machine" se la minaccia visiva o uditiva
    //che è stata trovata ha una priorità più alta
    public override void OnTriggerEvent(AITriggerEventType eventType, Collider other)
        if (_zombieStateMachine == null)

        if (eventType != AITriggerEventType.Exit)
            //Prendo il tipo dell'attuale minaccia visiva che ho salvato
            AITargetType curType = _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.type;

            //Controllo che il collider entrato nel Sensor sia un Player
            if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
                //Calcolo la distanza tra il sensor e il collider
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(_zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition, other.transform.position);

                //Se l'ultima minaccia salvata non è un Player o se questo player è più vicino rispetto
                //al player salvato come minaccia visiva cambio l'ordine di priorità
                if (curType != AITargetType.Visual_Player ||
                    (curType == AITargetType.Visual_Player && distance < _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.distance))
                    RaycastHit hitInfo;
                    if (ColliderIsVisible(other, out hitInfo, _playerLayerMask))
                        _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.Set(AITargetType.Visual_Player, other, other.transform.position, distance);
            else if (other.CompareTag("Flashlight") && curType != AITargetType.Visual_Player)
                BoxCollider flashLightTrigger = (BoxCollider)other;
                float       distanceToThreat  = Vector3.Distance(_zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition, flashLightTrigger.transform.position);
                float       zSize             = flashLightTrigger.size.z * flashLightTrigger.transform.lossyScale.z;
                float       aggrFactor        = distanceToThreat / zSize;

                if (aggrFactor <= _zombieStateMachine.sight && aggrFactor <= _zombieStateMachine.intelligence)
                    _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.Set(AITargetType.Visual_Light, other, other.transform.position, distanceToThreat);
            else if (other.CompareTag("AI Sound Emitter"))
                SphereCollider soundTrigger = (SphereCollider)other;
                if (soundTrigger == null)

                //Prendo la posizione dell'Agent Sensor
                Vector3 agentSensorPosition = _zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition;

                Vector3 soundPos;
                float   soundRadius;
                AIState.ConvertSphereColliderToWorldSpace(soundTrigger, out soundPos, out soundRadius);

                //Calcolo QUANTO siamo nel raggio sonoro
                float distanceToThreat = (soundPos - agentSensorPosition).magnitude;

                //Calcolo un fattore distanza che corrisponde a 1 quando è al limite del raggio sonoro ,
                //0 quando è al centro
                float distanceFactor = (distanceToThreat / soundRadius);

                //Calcolo il distanceFactor in base alla capacità uditiva dell'Agent
                distanceFactor += distanceFactor * (1.0f - _zombieStateMachine.hearing);

                //Controllo se è troppo distante
                if (distanceFactor > 1.0f)

                //Se la sorgente è udibile e più vicina rispetto a l'ultima che è stata salvata
                if (distanceToThreat < _zombieStateMachine.AudioThreat.distance)
                    //Setto la sorgente più vicina
                    _zombieStateMachine.AudioThreat.Set(AITargetType.Audio, other, soundPos, distanceToThreat);
            // Resgistro la minaccia visiva più vicina
            if (other.CompareTag("AI Food") && curType != AITargetType.Visual_Player &&
                curType != AITargetType.Visual_Light &&
                _zombieStateMachine.satisfaction <= minSatisfaction &&
                _zombieStateMachine.AudioThreat.type == AITargetType.None)
                //Calcolo quanto è distante la minaccia
                float distanteToThreat = Vector3.Distance(other.transform.position, _zombieStateMachine.sensorPosition);

                //Controllo se la distanza è minore di qualsiasi copsa sia stata salvata in prcedenza
                if (distanteToThreat < _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.distance)
                    //Se sì controllo che sia interna al FOV e al relativo range del raggio visivo
                    RaycastHit hitInfo;
                    if (ColliderIsVisible(other, out hitInfo, _visualLayerMask))
                        //Setto il target più vicino
                        _zombieStateMachine.VisualThreat.Set(AITargetType.Visual_Food, other, other.transform.position, distanteToThreat);