A simple, fast array of bits, represented compactly by an array of ints internally.

        protected internal override int decodeMiddle(BitArray row, int[] startRange, StringBuilder result)
            int[] counters = decodeMiddleCounters;
            counters[0] = 0;
            counters[1] = 0;
            counters[2] = 0;
            counters[3] = 0;
            int end = row.Size;
            int rowOffset = startRange[1];

            for (int x = 0; x < 4 && rowOffset < end; x++)
                int bestMatch = decodeDigit(row, counters, rowOffset, L_PATTERNS);
                result.Append((char) ('0' + bestMatch));
                for (int i = 0; i < counters.Length; i++)
                    rowOffset += counters[i];

            int[] middleRange = findGuardPattern(row, rowOffset, true, MIDDLE_PATTERN);
            rowOffset = middleRange[1];

            for (int x = 0; x < 4 && rowOffset < end; x++)
                int bestMatch = decodeDigit(row, counters, rowOffset, L_PATTERNS);
                result.Append((char) ('0' + bestMatch));
                for (int i = 0; i < counters.Length; i++)
                    rowOffset += counters[i];

            return rowOffset;
        public override Result decodeRow(int rowNumber, BitArray row, Dictionary<DecodeHintType, Object> hints)
            int size = readers.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                var reader = (OneDReader) readers[i];
                    return reader.decodeRow(rowNumber, row, hints);
                catch (ReaderException)
                    // continue

            throw ReaderException.Instance;
        public override Result decodeRow(int rowNumber, BitArray row, Dictionary<DecodeHintType, Object> hints)
            // Find out where the Middle section (payload) starts & ends
            int[] startRange = decodeStart(row);
            int[] endRange = decodeEnd(row);

            var result = new StringBuilder(20);
            decodeMiddle(row, startRange[1], endRange[0], result);
            String resultString = result.ToString();

            int[] allowedLengths = null;
            if (hints != null)
                allowedLengths = (int[]) hints[DecodeHintType.ALLOWED_LENGTHS];
            if (allowedLengths == null)
                allowedLengths = DEFAULT_ALLOWED_LENGTHS;

            // To avoid false positives with 2D barcodes (and other patterns), make
            // an assumption that the decoded string must be 6, 10 or 14 digits.
            int length = resultString.Length;
            bool lengthOK = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < allowedLengths.Length; i++)
                if (length == allowedLengths[i])
                    lengthOK = true;
            if (!lengthOK)
                throw ReaderException.Instance;

            return new Result(resultString, null,
                              new[] {new ResultPoint(startRange[1], rowNumber), new ResultPoint(endRange[0], rowNumber)},
        public override Result decodeRow(int rowNumber, BitArray row, Dictionary<DecodeHintType, Object> hints)
            // Compute this location once and reuse it on multiple implementations
            int[] startGuardPattern = UPCEANReader.findStartGuardPattern(row);
            int size = readers.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                var reader = (UPCEANReader) readers[i];

                Result result;

                    result = reader.decodeRow(rowNumber, row, startGuardPattern, hints);
                catch (ReaderException)

                // Special case: a 12-digit code encoded in UPC-A is identical to a "0"
                // followed by those 12 digits encoded as EAN-13. Each will recognize such a code,
                // UPC-A as a 12-digit string and EAN-13 as a 13-digit string starting with "0".
                // Individually these are correct and their readers will both read such a code
                // and correctly call it EAN-13, or UPC-A, respectively.
                // In this case, if we've been looking for both types, we'd like to call it
                // a UPC-A code. But for efficiency we only run the EAN-13 decoder to also read
                // UPC-A. So we special case it here, and convert an EAN-13 result to a UPC-A
                // result if appropriate.
                if (result.BarcodeFormat.Equals(BarcodeFormat.EAN_13) && result.Text[0] == '0')
                    return new Result(result.Text.Substring(1), null, result.ResultPoints, BarcodeFormat.UPC_A);
                return result;

            throw ReaderException.Instance;
 /// <summary> Converts one row of luminance data to 1 bit data. May actually do the conversion, or return
 /// cached data. Callers should assume this method is expensive and call it as seldom as possible.
 /// This method is intended for decoding 1D barcodes and may choose to apply sharpening.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="y">The row to fetch, 0 <= y < bitmap height.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="row">An optional preallocated array. If null or too small, it will be ignored.
 /// If used, the Binarizer will call BitArray.clear(). Always use the returned object.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> The array of bits for this row (true means black).
 /// </returns>
 public BitArray getBlackRow(int y, BitArray row)
     return binarizer.getBlackRow(y, row);
 /// <summary> A fast method to retrieve one row of data from the matrix as a BitArray.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="y">The row to retrieve
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="row">An optional caller-allocated BitArray, will be allocated if null or too small
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> The resulting BitArray - this reference should always be used even when passing
 /// your own row
 /// </returns>
 public BitArray getRow(int y, BitArray row)
     if (row == null || row.Size < width)
         row = new BitArray(width);
     int offset = y*rowSize;
     for (int x = 0; x < rowSize; x++)
         row.setBulk(x << 5, bits[offset + x]);
     return row;
        protected internal override int decodeMiddle(BitArray row, int[] startRange, StringBuilder resultString)
            int[] counters = decodeMiddleCounters;
            counters[0] = 0;
            counters[1] = 0;
            counters[2] = 0;
            counters[3] = 0;
            int end = row.Size;
            int rowOffset = startRange[1];

            int lgPatternFound = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < 6 && rowOffset < end; x++)
                int bestMatch = decodeDigit(row, counters, rowOffset, L_AND_G_PATTERNS);
                resultString.Append((char) ('0' + bestMatch%10));
                for (int i = 0; i < counters.Length; i++)
                    rowOffset += counters[i];
                if (bestMatch >= 10)
                    lgPatternFound |= 1 << (5 - x);

            determineFirstDigit(resultString, lgPatternFound);

            int[] middleRange = findGuardPattern(row, rowOffset, true, MIDDLE_PATTERN);
            rowOffset = middleRange[1];

            for (int x = 0; x < 6 && rowOffset < end; x++)
                int bestMatch = decodeDigit(row, counters, rowOffset, L_PATTERNS);
                resultString.Append((char) ('0' + bestMatch));
                for (int i = 0; i < counters.Length; i++)
                    rowOffset += counters[i];

            return rowOffset;
 /// <summary> Converts one row of luminance data to 1 bit data. May actually do the conversion, or return
 /// cached data. Callers should assume this method is expensive and call it as seldom as possible.
 /// This method is intended for decoding 1D barcodes and may choose to apply sharpening.
 /// For callers which only examine one row of pixels at a time, the same BitArray should be reused
 /// and passed in with each call for performance. However it is legal to keep more than one row
 /// at a time if needed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="y">The row to fetch, 0 <= y < bitmap height.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="row">An optional preallocated array. If null or too small, it will be ignored.
 /// If used, the Binarizer will call BitArray.clear(). Always use the returned object.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> The array of bits for this row (true means black).
 /// </returns>
 public abstract BitArray getBlackRow(int y, BitArray row);
        public override Result decodeRow(int rowNumber, BitArray row, Dictionary<DecodeHintType, Object> hints)
            int[] start = findAsteriskPattern(row);
            int nextStart = start[1];
            int end = row.Size;

            // Read off white space
            while (nextStart < end && !row.get_Renamed(nextStart))

            var result = new StringBuilder(20);
            var counters = new int[9];
            char decodedChar;
            int lastStart;
                recordPattern(row, nextStart, counters);
                int pattern = toNarrowWidePattern(counters);
                if (pattern < 0)
                    throw ReaderException.Instance;
                decodedChar = patternToChar(pattern);
                lastStart = nextStart;
                for (int i = 0; i < counters.Length; i++)
                    nextStart += counters[i];
                // Read off white space
                while (nextStart < end && !row.get_Renamed(nextStart))
            } while (decodedChar != '*');
            result.Remove(result.Length - 1, 1); // remove asterisk

            // Look for whitespace after pattern:
            int lastPatternSize = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < counters.Length; i++)
                lastPatternSize += counters[i];
            int whiteSpaceAfterEnd = nextStart - lastStart - lastPatternSize;
            // If 50% of last pattern size, following last pattern, is not whitespace, fail
            // (but if it's whitespace to the very end of the image, that's OK)
            if (nextStart != end && whiteSpaceAfterEnd/2 < lastPatternSize)
                throw ReaderException.Instance;

            if (usingCheckDigit)
                int max = result.Length - 1;
                int total = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
                    total += ALPHABET_STRING.IndexOf((Char) result[i]);
                if (total%43 != ALPHABET_STRING.IndexOf((Char) result[max]))
                    throw ReaderException.Instance;
                result.Remove(max, 1);

            String resultString = result.ToString();
            if (extendedMode)
                resultString = decodeExtended(resultString);

            if (resultString.Length == 0)
                // Almost surely a false positive
                throw ReaderException.Instance;

            float left = (start[1] + start[0])/2.0f;

            float right = (nextStart + lastStart)/2.0f;

            return new Result(resultString, null,
                              new[] {new ResultPoint(left, rowNumber), new ResultPoint(right, rowNumber)},
        /// <param name="row">         row of black/white values to search
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="payloadStart">offset of start pattern
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="resultString">{@link StringBuffer} to append decoded chars to
        /// </param>
        /// <throws>  ReaderException if decoding could not complete successfully </throws>
        private static void decodeMiddle(BitArray row, int payloadStart, int payloadEnd, StringBuilder resultString)
            // Digits are interleaved in pairs - 5 black lines for one digit, and the
            // 5
            // interleaved white lines for the second digit.
            // Therefore, need to scan 10 lines and then
            // split these into two arrays
            var counterDigitPair = new int[10];
            var counterBlack = new int[5];
            var counterWhite = new int[5];

            while (payloadStart < payloadEnd)
                // Get 10 runs of black/white.
                recordPattern(row, payloadStart, counterDigitPair);
                // Split them into each array
                for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                    int twoK = k << 1;
                    counterBlack[k] = counterDigitPair[twoK];
                    counterWhite[k] = counterDigitPair[twoK + 1];

                int bestMatch = decodeDigit(counterBlack);
                resultString.Append((char) ('0' + bestMatch));
                bestMatch = decodeDigit(counterWhite);
                resultString.Append((char) ('0' + bestMatch));

                for (int i = 0; i < counterDigitPair.Length; i++)
                    payloadStart += counterDigitPair[i];
        /// <param name="row">      row of black/white values to search
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="rowOffset">position to start search
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pattern">  pattern of counts of number of black and white pixels that are
        /// being searched for as a pattern
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> start/end horizontal offset of guard pattern, as an array of two
        /// ints
        /// </returns>
        /// <throws>  ReaderException if pattern is not found </throws>
        private static int[] findGuardPattern(BitArray row, int rowOffset, int[] pattern)
            // TODO: This is very similar to implementation in UPCEANReader. Consider if they can be
            // merged to a single method.
            int patternLength = pattern.Length;
            var counters = new int[patternLength];
            int width = row.Size;
            bool isWhite = false;

            int counterPosition = 0;
            int patternStart = rowOffset;
            for (int x = rowOffset; x < width; x++)
                bool pixel = row.get_Renamed(x);
                if (pixel ^ isWhite)
                    if (counterPosition == patternLength - 1)
                        if (patternMatchVariance(counters, pattern, MAX_INDIVIDUAL_VARIANCE) < MAX_AVG_VARIANCE)
                            return new[] {patternStart, x};
                        patternStart += counters[0] + counters[1];
                        for (int y = 2; y < patternLength; y++)
                            counters[y - 2] = counters[y];
                        counters[patternLength - 2] = 0;
                        counters[patternLength - 1] = 0;
                    counters[counterPosition] = 1;
                    isWhite = !isWhite;
            throw ReaderException.Instance;
        /// <summary> Identify where the end of the middle / payload section ends.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">row of black/white values to search
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> Array, containing index of start of 'end block' and end of 'end
        /// block'
        /// </returns>
        /// <throws>  ReaderException </throws>
        internal int[] decodeEnd(BitArray row)
            // For convenience, reverse the row and then
            // search from 'the start' for the end block
                int endStart = skipWhiteSpace(row);
                int[] endPattern = findGuardPattern(row, endStart, END_PATTERN_REVERSED);

                // The start & end patterns must be pre/post fixed by a quiet zone. This
                // zone must be at least 10 times the width of a narrow line.
                // ref: http://www.barcode-1.net/i25code.html
                validateQuietZone(row, endPattern[0]);

                // Now recalculate the indices of where the 'endblock' starts & stops to
                // accommodate
                // the reversed nature of the search
                int temp = endPattern[0];
                endPattern[0] = row.Size - endPattern[1];
                endPattern[1] = row.Size - temp;

                return endPattern;
                // Put the row back the right way.
        /// <summary> Skip all whitespace until we get to the first black line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">row of black/white values to search
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> index of the first black line.
        /// </returns>
        /// <throws>  ReaderException Throws exception if no black lines are found in the row </throws>
        private static int skipWhiteSpace(BitArray row)
            int width = row.Size;
            int endStart = 0;
            while (endStart < width)
                if (row.get_Renamed(endStart))
            if (endStart == width)
                throw ReaderException.Instance;

            return endStart;
        /// <summary> The start & end patterns must be pre/post fixed by a quiet zone. This
        /// zone must be at least 10 times the width of a narrow line.  Scan back until
        /// we either get to the start of the barcode or match the necessary number of
        /// quiet zone pixels.
        /// Note: Its assumed the row is reversed when using this method to find
        /// quiet zone after the end pattern.
        /// ref: http://www.barcode-1.net/i25code.html
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">bit array representing the scanned barcode.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="startPattern">index into row of the start or end pattern.
        /// </param>
        /// <throws>  ReaderException if the quiet zone cannot be found, a ReaderException is thrown. </throws>
        private void validateQuietZone(BitArray row, int startPattern)
            int quietCount = narrowLineWidth*10; // expect to find this many pixels of quiet zone

            for (int i = startPattern - 1; quietCount > 0 && i >= 0; i--)
                if (row.get_Renamed(i))
            if (quietCount != 0)
                // Unable to find the necessary number of quiet zone pixels.
                throw ReaderException.Instance;
        /// <summary> Identify where the start of the middle / payload section starts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">row of black/white values to search
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> Array, containing index of start of 'start block' and end of
        /// 'start block'
        /// </returns>
        /// <throws>  ReaderException </throws>
        internal int[] decodeStart(BitArray row)
            int endStart = skipWhiteSpace(row);
            int[] startPattern = findGuardPattern(row, endStart, START_PATTERN);

            // Determine the width of a narrow line in pixels. We can do this by
            // getting the width of the start pattern and dividing by 4 because its
            // made up of 4 narrow lines.
            narrowLineWidth = (startPattern[1] - startPattern[0]) >> 2;

            validateQuietZone(row, startPattern[0]);

            return startPattern;
 public override Result decodeRow(int rowNumber, BitArray row, Dictionary<DecodeHintType, Object> hints)
     return maybeReturnResult(ean13Reader.decodeRow(rowNumber, row, hints));
 protected internal override int decodeMiddle(BitArray row, int[] startRange, StringBuilder resultString)
     return ean13Reader.decodeMiddle(row, startRange, resultString);
        private static int[] findAsteriskPattern(BitArray row)
            int width = row.Size;
            int rowOffset = 0;
            while (rowOffset < width)
                if (row.get_Renamed(rowOffset))

            int counterPosition = 0;
            var counters = new int[9];
            int patternStart = rowOffset;
            bool isWhite = false;
            int patternLength = counters.Length;

            for (int i = rowOffset; i < width; i++)
                bool pixel = row.get_Renamed(i);
                if (pixel ^ isWhite)
                    if (counterPosition == patternLength - 1)
                        if (toNarrowWidePattern(counters) == ASTERISK_ENCODING)
                            // Look for whitespace before start pattern, >= 50% of width of start pattern
                            if (row.isRange(Math.Max(0, patternStart - (i - patternStart)/2), patternStart, false))
                                return new[] {patternStart, i};
                        patternStart += counters[0] + counters[1];
                        for (int y = 2; y < patternLength; y++)
                            counters[y - 2] = counters[y];
                        counters[patternLength - 2] = 0;
                        counters[patternLength - 1] = 0;
                    counters[counterPosition] = 1;
                    isWhite = !isWhite;
            throw ReaderException.Instance;