public void Draw() { if (StageSelector == null) { return; } var pd = m_blinkval > 0 ? m_stagefont1 : m_stagefont2; if (m_stageselected) { pd = m_stagedonefont; } var sp = CurrentStageIndex >= 0 && CurrentStageIndex < StageProfiles.Count ? StageProfiles[CurrentStageIndex] : null; m_stagedisplaybuilder.Length = 0; if (sp != null) { m_stagedisplaybuilder.AppendFormat("Stage {0}: {1}", CurrentStageIndex + 1, sp.Name); } else { m_stagedisplaybuilder.Append("Stage: Random"); } SelectScreen.Print(pd, (Vector2)m_stageposition, m_stagedisplaybuilder.ToString(), null); }
public MenuSystem(SubSystems subsystems) : base(subsystems) { var textfile = GetSubSystem <FileSystem>().OpenTextFile(@"data/system.def"); var info = textfile.GetSection("info"); var files = textfile.GetSection("files"); MotifName = info.GetAttribute("name", string.Empty); MotifAuthor = info.GetAttribute("author", string.Empty); var fontmap = new Dictionary <int, Font>(); var spritesystem = GetSubSystem <SpriteSystem>(); var fontpath1 = files.GetAttribute <string>("font1", null); if (fontpath1 != null) { fontmap[1] = spritesystem.LoadFont(fontpath1); } var fontpath2 = files.GetAttribute <string>("font2", null); if (fontpath2 != null) { fontmap[2] = spritesystem.LoadFont(fontpath2); } var fontpath3 = files.GetAttribute <string>("font3", null); if (fontpath3 != null) { fontmap[3] = spritesystem.LoadFont(fontpath3); } FontMap = new FontMap(fontmap); var soundpath = @"data/" + files.GetAttribute <string>("snd"); var spritepath = @"data/" + files.GetAttribute <string>("spr"); var animpath = textfile.Filepath; TitleScreen = new TitleScreen(this, textfile.GetSection("Title Info"), spritepath, animpath, soundpath); TitleScreen.LoadBackgrounds("Title", textfile); VersusScreen = new VersusScreen(this, textfile.GetSection("VS Screen"), spritepath, animpath, soundpath); VersusScreen.LoadBackgrounds("Versus", textfile); SelectScreen = new SelectScreen(this, textfile.GetSection("Select Info"), spritepath, animpath, soundpath); SelectScreen.LoadBackgrounds("Select", textfile); CombatScreen = new CombatScreen(this); ReplayScreen = new RecordedCombatScreen(this); StoryboardScreen = new StoryboardScreen(this); CurrentScreen = null; m_newscreen = null; m_fade = 0; m_fadespeed = 0; m_eventqueue = new Queue <Events.Base>(); }
public MenuSystem(SubSystems subsystems) : base(subsystems) { TextFile textfile = GetSubSystem <IO.FileSystem>().OpenTextFile(@"data/system.def"); TextSection info = textfile.GetSection("info"); TextSection files = textfile.GetSection("files"); m_motifname = info.GetAttribute <String>("name", String.Empty); m_motifauthor = info.GetAttribute <String>("author", String.Empty); Dictionary <Int32, Font> fontmap = new Dictionary <Int32, Font>(); Drawing.SpriteSystem spritesystem = GetSubSystem <Drawing.SpriteSystem>(); String fontpath1 = files.GetAttribute <String>("font1", null); if (fontpath1 != null) { fontmap[1] = spritesystem.LoadFont(fontpath1); } String fontpath2 = files.GetAttribute <String>("font2", null); if (fontpath2 != null) { fontmap[2] = spritesystem.LoadFont(fontpath2); } String fontpath3 = files.GetAttribute <String>("font3", null); if (fontpath3 != null) { fontmap[3] = spritesystem.LoadFont(fontpath3); } m_fontmap = new Drawing.FontMap(fontmap); String soundpath = @"data/" + files.GetAttribute <String>("snd"); String spritepath = @"data/" + files.GetAttribute <String>("spr"); String animpath = textfile.Filepath; m_titlescreen = new TitleScreen(this, textfile.GetSection("Title Info"), spritepath, animpath, soundpath); m_titlescreen.LoadBackgrounds("Title", textfile); m_versusscreen = new VersusScreen(this, textfile.GetSection("VS Screen"), spritepath, animpath, soundpath); m_versusscreen.LoadBackgrounds("Versus", textfile); m_selectscreen = new SelectScreen(this, textfile.GetSection("Select Info"), spritepath, animpath, soundpath); m_selectscreen.LoadBackgrounds("Select", textfile); m_combatscreen = new CombatScreen(this); m_replayscreen = new RecordedCombatScreen(this); m_currentscreen = null; m_newscreen = null; m_fade = 0; m_fadespeed = 0; m_eventqueue = new Queue <Events.Base>(); }
public void Draw(bool debugdraw) { Grid.Draw(); Grid.DrawCursorGrid(m_p1info, null); DrawFace(m_p1info); m_stageSelect.Draw(); SelectScreen.Print(m_titlefont, (Vector2)m_titlelocation, VersusMode, null); }
public StageSelect(SelectScreen selectScreen, TextSection textsection) { SelectScreen = selectScreen; m_stageposition = textsection.GetAttribute <Point>("stage.pos"); m_soundstagemove = textsection.GetAttribute <SoundId>("stage.move.snd"); m_soundstageselect = textsection.GetAttribute <SoundId>("stage.done.snd"); m_stagefont1 = textsection.GetAttribute <PrintData>(""); m_stagefont2 = textsection.GetAttribute <PrintData>("stage.active2.font"); m_stagedonefont = textsection.GetAttribute <PrintData>("stage.done.font"); m_stagedisplaybuilder = new StringBuilder(); }
public ArcadeSelectScreenBehavior(SelectScreen selectScreen, TextSection textsection) { SelectScreen = selectScreen; m_stageSelect = new StageSelect(selectScreen, textsection); m_soundcancel = textsection.GetAttribute <SoundId>("cancel.snd"); m_titlelocation = textsection.GetAttribute <Point>("title.offset"); m_titlefont = textsection.GetAttribute <PrintData>("title.font"); m_p1info = new SelectData(selectScreen, selectScreen.MenuSystem.GetSubSystem <Input.InputSystem>().CurrentInput[1], textsection, "p1", Grid.MoveOverEmptyBoxes); }
public void Draw(bool debugdraw) { Grid.Draw(); var p1 = GetSelectData(m_p1TeamInfo); var p2 = GetSelectData(m_p2TeamInfo); Grid.DrawCursorGrid(p1, p2); DrawFace(p1); DrawFace(p2); m_stageSelect.Draw(); SelectScreen.Print(m_titlefont, (Vector2)m_titlelocation, VersusMode, null); m_p1TeamInfo.Draw(); m_p2TeamInfo.Draw(); }
public TeamSelectData(SelectScreen selectscreen, ButtonMap buttonmap, TextSection textsection, string prefix, bool moveoverempty, bool self = true) { if (selectscreen == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(selectscreen)); } if (buttonmap == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(buttonmap)); } if (textsection == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textsection)); } if (prefix == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(prefix)); } m_self = self; P1SelectData = new SelectData(selectscreen, buttonmap, textsection, prefix, moveoverempty); P2SelectData = new SelectData(selectscreen, buttonmap, textsection, prefix, moveoverempty); m_selectscreen = selectscreen; ButtonMap = buttonmap; m_elements = new Collection(selectscreen.SpriteManager, selectscreen.AnimationManager, selectscreen.SoundManager, selectscreen.MenuSystem.FontMap); m_moveWrapping = textsection.GetAttribute("teammenu.move.wrapping", true); m_position = textsection.GetAttribute <Point>(prefix + ".teammenu.pos"); m_itemLocation = textsection.GetAttribute <Point>(prefix + ".teammenu.item.offset"); m_itemSpacing = textsection.GetAttribute <Point>(prefix + ".teammenu.item.spacing"); m_itemFont = textsection.GetAttribute <PrintData>(prefix + ".teammenu.item.font"); m_itemActiveFont = textsection.GetAttribute <PrintData>(prefix + ""); m_itemActive2Font = textsection.GetAttribute <PrintData>(prefix + ".teammenu.item.active2.font"); m_spacing = textsection.GetAttribute <Point>(prefix + ".teammenu.value.spacing"); m_cursorSpriteId = textsection.GetAttribute <SpriteId>(prefix + ".teammenu.item.cursor.anim"); m_cursorOffset = textsection.GetAttribute <Point>(prefix + ".teammenu.item.cursor.offset"); m_elements.Build("selfTitle", textsection, prefix + ".teammenu.selftitle"); m_elements.Build("enemytitle", textsection, prefix + ".teammenu.enemytitle"); m_elements.Build("move", textsection, prefix + ".teammenu.move"); m_elements.Build("value", textsection, prefix + ".teammenu.value"); m_elements.Build("done", textsection, prefix + ".teammenu.done"); m_elements.Build("value.icon", textsection, prefix + ".teammenu.value.icon"); m_elements.Build("empty.icon", textsection, prefix + ".teammenu.value.empty.icon"); }
public void DrawProfile(PlayerProfile profile) { if (profile == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("profile"); } Elements.Base face = m_elements.GetElement("player.face"); if (face != null) { profile.SpriteManager.Draw(SpriteId.LargePortrait, face.DataMap.Offset, Vector2.Zero, face.DataMap.Scale, face.DataMap.Flip); } Elements.Text name = m_elements.GetElement("") as Elements.Text; if (name != null) { SelectScreen.Print(name.DataMap.FontData, name.DataMap.Offset, profile.DisplayName, null); } }
public SelectData(SelectScreen selectscreen, Input.ButtonMap buttonmap, TextSection textsection, String prefix, Boolean moveoverempty) { if (selectscreen == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("selectscreen"); } if (buttonmap == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("buttonmap"); } if (textsection == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("textsection"); } if (prefix == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("prefix"); } m_selectscreen = selectscreen; m_buttonmap = buttonmap; m_moveoverempty = moveoverempty; m_elements = new Elements.Collection(SelectScreen.SpriteManager, SelectScreen.AnimationManager, SelectScreen.SoundManager, SelectScreen.MenuSystem.FontMap); m_elements.Build("", textsection, prefix + ""); m_elements.Build("cursor.done", textsection, prefix + ".cursor.done"); m_elements.Build("cursor.move", textsection, prefix + ".cursor.move"); m_elements.Build("random.move", textsection, prefix + ".random.move"); m_elements.Build("player.face", textsection, prefix + ".face"); m_elements.Build("", textsection, prefix + ".name"); m_startcell = textsection.GetAttribute <Point>(prefix + ".cursor.startcell"); // X & Y seem to be reversed for this m_startcell = new Point(m_startcell.Y, m_startcell.X); Reset(); }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (TitleScreen != null) { TitleScreen.Dispose(); } if (VersusScreen != null) { VersusScreen.Dispose(); } SelectScreen?.Dispose(); if (FontMap != null) { FontMap.Dispose(); } } base.Dispose(disposing); }
Point GetNewLocation(Point location, CursorDirection direction, Point gridsize, Boolean wrapping) { if (direction == CursorDirection.Down) { Point newlocation = location + new Point(0, 1); if (newlocation.Y > gridsize.Y - 1) { if (wrapping == false) { return(location); } newlocation.Y = 0; } for (Int32 i = newlocation.Y; i < gridsize.Y; ++i) { newlocation.Y = i; PlayerSelect selection = SelectScreen.GetSelection(newlocation, true); if (selection != null || m_moveoverempty == true) { return(newlocation); } } } if (direction == CursorDirection.Up) { Point newlocation = location + new Point(0, -1); if (newlocation.Y < 0) { if (wrapping == false) { return(location); } newlocation.Y = gridsize.Y - 1; } for (Int32 i = newlocation.Y; i >= 0; --i) { newlocation.Y = i; PlayerSelect selection = SelectScreen.GetSelection(newlocation, true); if (selection != null || m_moveoverempty == true) { return(newlocation); } } } if (direction == CursorDirection.Left) { Point newlocation = location + new Point(-1, 0); if (newlocation.X < 0) { if (wrapping == false) { return(location); } newlocation.X = gridsize.X - 1; } for (Int32 i = newlocation.X; i >= 0; --i) { newlocation.X = i; PlayerSelect selection = SelectScreen.GetSelection(newlocation, true); if (selection != null || m_moveoverempty == true) { return(newlocation); } } } if (direction == CursorDirection.Right) { Point newlocation = location + new Point(1, 0); if (newlocation.X > gridsize.X - 1) { if (wrapping == false) { return(location); } newlocation.X = 0; } for (Int32 i = newlocation.X; i < gridsize.X; ++i) { newlocation.X = i; PlayerSelect selection = SelectScreen.GetSelection(newlocation, true); if (selection != null || m_moveoverempty == true) { return(newlocation); } } } return(location); }