        public static PositionTextureVertexBuffer Create(PositionTexture[] data)
            PositionTextureVertexBuffer buffer = new PositionTextureVertexBuffer(data.Length);

            buffer.verts = data;
        public void CleanUp()
            if (vertexBuffer != null)
                vertexBuffer = null;
            //if (glyphCache != null)
            //    glyphCache.CleanUp();
            //    glyphCache = null;

        public void PrepareBatch()
            if (glyphCache == null)
                glyphCache = GlyphCache.GetCache(Height);

            if (glyphCache.Ready == false)

            // Add All Glyphs

            //foreach (Text3d t3d in Items)
            //    foreach (char c in t3d.Text)
            //    {
            //        glyphCache.AddGlyph(c);
            //    }

            //// Calculate Metrics

            TextObject.Text     = "";
            TextObject.FontSize = (float)Height * .50f;

            //System.Drawing.Font font = TextObject.Font;
            //StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
            //sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;

            //Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(20, 20);
            //Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
            //// Create Index Buffers

            List <PositionTexture> verts = new List <PositionTexture>();

            foreach (Text3d t3d in Items)
                String text      = t3d.Text;
                float  left      = 0;
                float  top       = 0;
                float  fntAdjust = TextObject.FontSize / 128f;
                float  factor    = .6666f;
                float  width     = 0;
                float  height    = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                    GlyphItem item = glyphCache.GetGlyphItem(text.Substr(i, 1));
                    if (item != null)
                        width += (float)(item.Extents.X);
                        height = Math.Max(item.Extents.Y, height);

                Vector2d size = Vector2d.Create(width, height);

                t3d.width  = size.X * (float)t3d.scale * factor * fntAdjust;
                t3d.height = size.Y * (float)t3d.scale * factor * fntAdjust;

                int charsLeft = text.Length;

                for (int i = 0; i < charsLeft; i++)
                    GlyphItem item = glyphCache.GetGlyphItem(text.Substr(i, 1));
                    if (item != null)
                        Rectangle position = Rectangle.Create(left * (float)t3d.scale * factor, 0 * (float)t3d.scale * factor, item.Extents.X * fntAdjust * (float)t3d.scale * factor, item.Extents.Y * fntAdjust * (float)t3d.scale * factor);
                        left += (float)(item.Extents.X * fntAdjust);

                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine((position.Width/position1.Width).ToString() + ", " + (position.Height / position1.Height).ToString());

                        t3d.AddGlyphPoints(verts, item.Size, position, item.UVRect);

            vertCount    = verts.Count;
            vertexBuffer = new PositionTextureVertexBuffer(vertCount);

            PositionTexture[] vertBuf = (PositionTexture[])vertexBuffer.Lock(); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)

            for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; i++)
                vertBuf[i] = verts[i];


            glyphVersion = glyphCache.Version;
        public void PrepareBatch()
            if (glyphCache == null)
                glyphCache = GlyphCache.GetCache(Height);

            if (glyphCache.Ready == false)

            // Add All Glyphs

            //foreach (Text3d t3d in Items)
            //    foreach (char c in t3d.Text)
            //    {
            //        glyphCache.AddGlyph(c);
            //    }

            //// Calculate Metrics

            TextObject.Text = "";
            TextObject.FontSize = (float)Height * .50f;

            //System.Drawing.Font font = TextObject.Font;
            //StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
            //sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;

            //Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(20, 20);
            //Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
            //// Create Index Buffers

            List<PositionTexture> verts = new List<PositionTexture>();
            foreach (Text3d t3d in Items)
                String text = t3d.Text;
                Vector2d size = Vector2d.Create(1000,100); //g.MeasureString(text, font);

                float factor = .6666f;
                t3d.width = size.X * (float)t3d.scale * factor;
                t3d.height = size.Y * (float)t3d.scale * factor;

                 float left = 0;
                 float top = 0;
                 float fntAdjust = TextObject.FontSize / 128f;

                int charsLeft = text.Length;

                for (int i = 0; i < charsLeft; i++)
                    GlyphItem item = glyphCache.GetGlyphItem(text.Substr(i,1));

                    Rectangle position = Rectangle.Create(left * (float)t3d.scale * factor, 0 * (float)t3d.scale * factor, item.Extents.X * fntAdjust * (float)t3d.scale * factor, item.Extents.Y * fntAdjust * (float)t3d.scale * factor);
                    left += (float)(item.Extents.X * fntAdjust);

                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine((position.Width/position1.Width).ToString() + ", " + (position.Height / position1.Height).ToString());

                    t3d.AddGlyphPoints(verts, item.Size, position, item.UVRect);


            vertCount = verts.Count;
            vertexBuffer = new PositionTextureVertexBuffer(vertCount);

            PositionTexture[] vertBuf = (PositionTexture[])vertexBuffer.Lock(); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)

            for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; i++)
                vertBuf[i] = verts[i];


            glyphVersion = glyphCache.Version;
        public void CleanUp()
            if (vertexBuffer != null)
                vertexBuffer = null;
            //if (glyphCache != null)
            //    glyphCache.CleanUp();
            //    glyphCache = null;

        private static void CreateGalaxyImage(RenderContext renderContext)
            if (milkyWayImage == null)
                milkyWayImage = Planets.LoadPlanetTexture("http://cdn.worldwidetelescope.org/webclient/images/milkywaybar.jpg");

            int subdivs = 50;

            double lat, lng;

            int    index  = 0;
            double latMin = 64;
            double latMax = -64;
            double lngMin = -64;
            double lngMax = 64;

            //// Create a vertex buffer
            galaxyImageVertexBuffer = new PositionTextureVertexBuffer((subdivs + 1) * (subdivs + 1));
            PositionTexture[] verts = (PositionTexture[])galaxyImageVertexBuffer.Lock();

            int      x1, y1;
            double   latDegrees  = latMax - latMin;
            double   lngDegrees  = lngMax - lngMin;
            double   scaleFactor = 60800000.0;
            double   ecliptic    = Coordinates.MeanObliquityOfEcliptic(SpaceTimeController.JNow) / 180.0 * Math.PI;
            Vector3d point;

            double textureStepX = 1.0f / subdivs;
            double textureStepY = 1.0f / subdivs;

            for (y1 = 0; y1 <= subdivs; y1++)
                if (y1 != subdivs)
                    lat = latMax - (textureStepY * latDegrees * (double)y1);
                    lat = latMin;

                for (x1 = 0; x1 <= subdivs; x1++)
                    if (x1 != subdivs)
                        lng = lngMin + (textureStepX * lngDegrees * (double)x1);
                        lng = lngMax;
                    index = y1 * (subdivs + 1) + x1;
                    point = Vector3d.Create(lng * scaleFactor, 0, (lat - 28) * scaleFactor);
                    point.RotateY(213.0 / 180 * Math.PI);
                    point.RotateZ((-62.87175) / 180 * Math.PI);
                    point.RotateY((-192.8595083) / 180 * Math.PI);
                    verts[index] = PositionTexture.CreatePosRaw(point, (float)(1f - x1 * textureStepX), (float)(/*1f - */ (y1 * textureStepY)));
                    //verts[index].Position = point;
                    //verts[index].Tu = (float)(1f - x1 * textureStepX);
                    //verts[index].Tv = (float)(/*1f - */(y1 * textureStepY));
            galaxyImageTriangleCount = (subdivs) * (subdivs) * 2;
            Uint16Array ui16array = new Uint16Array(subdivs * subdivs * 6);

            UInt16[] indexArray = (UInt16[])(object)ui16array;

            for (y1 = 0; y1 < subdivs; y1++)
                for (x1 = 0; x1 < subdivs; x1++)
                    index = (y1 * subdivs * 6) + 6 * x1;
                    // First triangle in quad
                    indexArray[index]     = (ushort)(y1 * (subdivs + 1) + x1);
                    indexArray[index + 2] = (ushort)((y1 + 1) * (subdivs + 1) + x1);
                    indexArray[index + 1] = (ushort)(y1 * (subdivs + 1) + (x1 + 1));

                    // Second triangle in quad
                    indexArray[index + 3] = (ushort)(y1 * (subdivs + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                    indexArray[index + 5] = (ushort)((y1 + 1) * (subdivs + 1) + x1);
                    indexArray[index + 4] = (ushort)((y1 + 1) * (subdivs + 1) + (x1 + 1));
            galaxyImageIndexBuffer = Tile.PrepDevice.createBuffer();
            Tile.PrepDevice.bindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, galaxyImageIndexBuffer);
            Tile.PrepDevice.bufferData(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ui16array, GL.STATIC_DRAW);