public void voteYes(string sender) { if (!addingQuote) { return; } if (!quoteAdders.Contains(sender)) { quoteAdders.Add(sender); if (quoteAdders.Count == Properties.Settings.Default.quoteVotersNumber) { wowiebot.Properties.Settings.Default.quotes.Add(quoteToAdd); wowiebot.Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); quoteAdders.Clear(); quotes.Add(quoteToAdd); addingQuote = false; quoteTimer.Stop(); ChatHandler.sendMessage("Quote added."); } } else if (quoteAdders[0] == sender) { ChatHandler.sendMessage("Yeah, you added the quote. I got it."); } else { ChatHandler.sendMessage("You already voted, dingus."); } }
public override void handleMessage() { if (tags["msg-id"] == "sub" || tags["msg-id"] == "resub") { string reply = Properties.Settings.Default.subResponse; reply = reply.Replace("$SENDER", tags["display-name"]); reply = reply.Replace("$BROADCASTER", ChatHandler.getChannel()); reply = reply.Replace("$MONTHS", tags["msg-param-cumulative-months"]); ChatHandler.sendMessage(reply); } else if (tags["msg-id"] == "subgift" || tags["msg-id"] == "anonsubgift") { string reply = Properties.Settings.Default.giftSubResponse; reply = reply.Replace("$SENDER", tags["display-name"]); reply = reply.Replace("$BROADCASTER", ChatHandler.getChannel()); reply = reply.Replace("$MONTHS", tags["msg-param-months"]); reply = reply.Replace("$RECIPIENT", tags["msg-param-recipient-display-name"]); ChatHandler.sendMessage(reply); } else if (tags["msg-id"] == "raid") { string reply = Properties.Settings.Default.raidResponse; reply = reply.Replace("$SENDER", tags["msg-param-displayName"]); reply = reply.Replace("$BROADCASTER", ChatHandler.getChannel()); reply = reply.Replace("$COUNT", tags["msg-param-viewerCount"]); ChatHandler.sendMessage(reply); } }
private void QuoteTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { string reply = Properties.Settings.Default.nonEmbeddableSrResponse; reply = reply.Replace("$SENDER", quoteAdders[0]); reply = reply.Replace("$BROADCASTER", ChatHandler.getChannel()); ChatHandler.sendMessage(reply); quoteAdders.Clear(); addingQuote = false; quoteTimer.Stop(); }
public void addQuote(string quote, string sender, bool senderIsMod) { if (quote.Trim() == "") { return; } if (Properties.Settings.Default.quotes == null) { Properties.Settings.Default.quotes = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } if (quotes == null) { string[] arrQuotes = new string[Properties.Settings.Default.quotes.Count]; Properties.Settings.Default.quotes.CopyTo(arrQuotes, 0); quotes = new List <string>(arrQuotes); quoteTimer.Elapsed += QuoteTimer_Elapsed; } if (addingQuote) { ChatHandler.sendMessage("Finish adding the current quote first."); return; } quoteToAdd = quote; if (Properties.Settings.Default.quoteVotersNumber == 0) { Properties.Settings.Default.quotes.Add(quoteToAdd); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); quotes.Add(quoteToAdd); ChatHandler.sendMessage("Quote added."); return; } else { addingQuote = true; quoteTimer.Start(); ChatHandler.sendMessage((Properties.Settings.Default.quoteVotersNumber - 1).ToString() + " other " + (Properties.Settings.Default.quoteVotersNumber > 2 ? "people need" : "person needs") + " to agree by typing " + Properties.Settings.Default.prefix + ChatHandler.getVoteYesCommand() + " to add the quote! Ends in one minute."); quoteAdders.Add(sender); } }
public override void handleMessage() { if (sender != ChatHandler.getBotNick()) { ChatHandler.messagesBetweenPeriodics++; } if (sentMessage.StartsWith("\u0001ACTION")) { sentMessage = sentMessage.Replace("\u0001ACTION", ""); sentMessage = sentMessage.Replace("\u0001", ""); ChatHandler.writeLineToFormBox("* " + sender + " " + sentMessage); } else { ChatHandler.writeLineToFormBox("<" + (senderIsBroadcaster ? "~" : (senderIsMod ? "@" : "")) + sender + "> " + sentMessage); } if (sentMessage.StartsWith(Properties.Settings.Default.prefix)) { string command; if (sentMessage.Contains(" ")) { command = sentMessage.Substring(1, sentMessage.IndexOf(" ") - 1); } else { command = sentMessage.Substring(1, sentMessage.Length - 1); } command = command.ToLower(); try { string msg = ChatHandler.getMessageFromCommand(command); if (senderHasPermission(command)) { string args = getCommandArguments(sentMessage); msg = replaceVariables(msg, args); ChatHandler.sendMessage(msg); } else { ChatHandler.sendMessage(Properties.Settings.Default.noPermsMessage); } } catch (Exception e) { if (command == "wowie" && ChatHandler.getBotNick() == "wowiebot") { ChatHandler.sendMessage("wowie"); } } } else { ChatHandler.printLinkTitles(sentMessage); } if (bits > 0) // >= Properties.Settings.Default.bitsMessageThreshold) { string msg = Properties.Settings.Default.messageForBits; msg = msg.Replace("$COUNT", bits.ToString()); msg = msg.Replace("$SENDER", sender); ChatHandler.sendMessage(msg); } }