private static void SetKeywordFilter(string keywords, bool isBasic, ref string where)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywords))
            //OR base.Description like '{0}'
            string text = " ( like '{0}'  OR base.SubjectWebpage like '{0}' OR in ( select EntityBaseId from Organization_AlternatesNames where TextValue like '{0}') ) ";

            string orgDepts       = "( base.Id in (SELECT o.Id FROM dbo.Entity e INNER JOIN dbo.[Entity.AgentRelationship] ear ON e.Id = ear.EntityId INNER JOIN dbo.Organization o ON e.EntityUid = o.RowId WHERE ear.RelationshipTypeId = {0} AND o.StatusId < 4) )";
            bool   isCustomSearch = false;
            //use Entity.SearchIndex for all
            string indexFilter = " OR (base.Id in (SELECT FROM [dbo].[Entity.SearchIndex] a inner join Entity b on a.EntityId = b.Id inner join Organization c on b.EntityUid = c.RowId where (b.EntityTypeId = 2 AND ( a.TextValue like '{0}' OR a.[CodedNotation] like '{0}' ) ))) ";

            //for ctid, needs a valid ctid or guid
            if (keywords.IndexOf("ce-") > -1 && keywords.Length == 39)
                text           = " ( CTID = '{0}' ) ";
                isCustomSearch = true;
            else if (ServiceHelper.IsValidGuid(keywords))
                text           = " ( CTID = 'ce-{0}' ) ";
                isCustomSearch = true;
            else if (keywords.ToLower() == "[hascredentialregistryid]")
                text           = " ( len(Isnull(CredentialRegistryId,'') ) = 36 ) ";
                isCustomSearch = true;
            else if (keywords.ToLower() == "has subsidiary")
                text           = string.Format(orgDepts, 21);
                isCustomSearch = true;
            else if (keywords.ToLower() == "has department")
                text           = string.Format(orgDepts, 20);
                isCustomSearch = true;
            string AND = "";

            if (where.Length > 0)
                AND = " AND ";

            keywords = ServiceHelper.HandleApostrophes(keywords);
            if (keywords.IndexOf("%") == -1 && !isCustomSearch)
                keywords = SearchServices.SearchifyWord(keywords);
                //keywords = "%" + keywords.Trim() + "%";
                //keywords = keywords.Replace( "&", "%" ).Replace( " and ", "%" ).Replace( " in ", "%" ).Replace( " of ", "%" );
                //keywords = keywords.Replace( " - ", "%" );
                //keywords = keywords.Replace( " % ", "%" );

            //same for now, but will chg
            if (isBasic || isCustomSearch)
                where = where + AND + string.Format(" ( " + text + " ) ", keywords);
                where = where + AND + string.Format(" ( " + text + indexFilter + " ) ", keywords);
        private static void SetKeywordFilter(string keywords, bool isBasic, ref string where)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywords))

            //trim trailing (org)
            if (keywords.IndexOf("('") > 0)
                keywords = keywords.Substring(0, keywords.IndexOf("('"));

            //OR base.Description like '{0}'
            string text = " ( like '{0}' OR base.SubjectWebpage like '{0}' OR base.Organization like '{0}'  ) ";

            bool isCustomSearch = false;

            //for ctid, needs a valid ctid or guid
            if (keywords.IndexOf("ce-") > -1 && keywords.Length == 39)
                text           = " ( CTID = '{0}' ) ";
                isCustomSearch = true;
            else if (ServiceHelper.IsValidGuid(keywords))
                text           = " ( CTID = 'ce-{0}' ) ";
                isCustomSearch = true;
            else if (keywords.ToLower() == "[hascredentialregistryid]")
                text           = " ( len(Isnull(CredentialRegistryId,'') ) = 36 ) ";
                isCustomSearch = true;
            //use Entity.SearchIndex for all
            string indexFilter = " OR (base.Id in (SELECT FROM [dbo].[Entity.SearchIndex] a inner join Entity b on a.EntityId = b.Id inner join Assessment c on b.EntityUid = c.RowId where (b.EntityTypeId = 3 AND ( a.TextValue like '{0}' OR a.[CodedNotation] like '{0}' ) ))) ";

            //string subjectsEtc = " OR (base.Id in (SELECT FROM [dbo].[Entity.Reference] a inner join Entity b on a.EntityId = b.Id inner join Assessment c on b.EntityUid = c.RowId where [CategoryId] in (34 ,35) and a.TextValue like '{0}' )) ";

            //string frameworkItems = " OR (RowId in (SELECT EntityUid FROM [dbo].[Entity.FrameworkItemSummary] a where CategoryId= 23 and entityTypeId = 3 AND  a.title like '{0}' ) ) ";

            //string otherFrameworkItems = " OR (RowId in (SELECT EntityUid FROM [dbo].[Entity_Reference_Summary] a where  a.TextValue like '{0}' ) ) ";

            string AND = "";

            if (where.Length > 0)
                AND = " AND ";

            keywords = ServiceHelper.HandleApostrophes(keywords);
            if (keywords.IndexOf("%") == -1 && !isCustomSearch)
                keywords = SearchServices.SearchifyWord(keywords);

            //skip url  OR base.Url like '{0}'
            if (isBasic || isCustomSearch)
                where = where + AND + string.Format(" ( " + text + " ) ", keywords);
                where = where + AND + string.Format(" ( " + text + indexFilter + " ) ", keywords);
            //where = where + AND + string.Format( " ( " + text + subjectsEtc + frameworkItems + otherFrameworkItems + " ) ", keywords );