} // public static void MapFromDB(Views.EntityCompetencyFramework_Items_Summary from, CredentialAlignmentObjectProfile to) { to.Id = from.EntityCompetencyId; to.ParentId = from.EntityId; //to.CompetencyFrameworkId = from.CompetencyFrameworkId ?? 0; to.FrameworkName = from.FrameworkName; //add url?? to Entity for now? //don't populate if for registry //18-06-28 mparsons - aim to make FrameworkUrl obsolete! // - SourceUrl should be populated //if ( from.FrameworkUrl.ToLower().IndexOf("credentialengineregistry.org/resources/ce-") == -1 ) //{ // to.FrameworkUrl = from.FrameworkUrl; //} //else if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(from.SourceUrl) ) // to.FrameworkUrl = from.SourceUrl; // to.SourceUrl = from.SourceUrl; to.FrameworkUri = from.FrameworkUri; to.FrameworkCtid = from.FrameworkCtid; // to.TargetNode = from.TargetNode; to.TargetNodeDescription = from.TargetNodeDescription; to.TargetNodeName = from.Competency; to.Weight = (from.Weight ?? 0M); to.CodedNotation = from.CodedNotation; if (IsValidDate(from.Created)) { to.Created = ( DateTime )from.Created; } }
} // public static void MapFromDB(Views.EntityCompetencyFramework_Items_Summary from, CredentialAlignmentObjectItem to) { to.Id = from.EntityCompetencyId; //to.EntityId = from.EntityId; //to.EducationFrameworkId = from.EntityCompetencyFrameworkItemId; to.TargetNodeName = from.Competency; to.TargetNodeDescription = from.TargetNodeDescription; if (to.TargetNodeDescription == to.TargetNodeName) { to.TargetNodeDescription = ""; } to.TargetNode = from.TargetNode; to.CodedNotation = from.CodedNotation; //to.Weight = from.Weight ?? 0; //not applicable here to.ConnectionTypeId = from.ConnectionTypeId; if (IsValidDate(from.Created)) { to.Created = ( DateTime )from.Created; } //added these as used by Competencies search, determine if needed! //the source is determined by the search type to.SourceParentId = (int)from.EntityBaseId; to.SourceEntityTypeId = from.EntityTypeId; to.FrameworkName = from.FrameworkName ?? "None"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(from.FrameworkUri)) { to.FrameworkUri = from.FrameworkUri ?? ""; } else { to.FrameworkUri = from.SourceUrl ?? ""; } } //