/** * Factory method for this type. * * @param server Server the new instance lives within. Non-null. * @param parent Parent instance. Always null on this level. * @param element XML element to create instance from. Non-null. * @return New WITSML realtime instance. Never null. */ static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent, XElement element) { //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null"; //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null"; String id = element.Attribute("idSub").Value; String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value; WitsmlRealtime realtime = new WitsmlRealtime(server, id, parent, parentId); realtime.update(element); return(realtime); }
/** * Factory method for this type. * * @param server Server the new instance lives within. Non-null. * @param parent Parent instance. Always null on this level. * @param element XML element to create instance from. Non-null. * @return New WITSML realtime instance. Never null. */ static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent, XElement element) { //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null"; //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null"; String id = element.Attribute("idSub").Value; String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value; WitsmlRealtime realtime = new WitsmlRealtime(server, id, parent, parentId); realtime.update(element); return realtime; }