/// <summary> /// Return complete XML query for this type. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">ID of instance to get. May be empty to indicate all. Non-null.</param> /// <param name="parentId">Parent IDs. Closest first. May be empty if instances are accessed from the root. Non-null.</param> /// <returns>XML query. Never null.</returns> static String getQuery(String id, params String[] parentId) { if (id == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id cannot be null"); } if (parentId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("parentId cannot be null"); } String query = "<wells xmlns=\"" + WitsmlVersion.VERSION_1_3_1.getNamespace() + "\">" + " <well uid=\"" + id + "\">" + " <name/>" + " <nameLegal/>" + " <numLicense/>" + " <numGovt/>" + " <dTimLicense/>" + " <field/>" + " <country/>" + " <state/>" + " <county/>" + " <region/>" + " <district/>" + " <block/>" + " <timeZone/>" + " <operator/>" + " <operatorDiv/>" + " <pcInterest/>" + //BM added uom " <numAPI/>" + " <statusWell/>" + " <purposeWell/>" + " <fluidWell/>" + " <directionWell/>" + " <dTimSpud/>" + " <dTimPa/>" + " <wellheadElevation/>" + " <wellDatum/>" + " <groundElevation/>" + " <waterDepth uom=\"" + WitsmlServer.distUom + "\"/>" + " <wellLocation>" + WitsmlLocation.getQuery() + " </wellLocation>" + " <referencePoint/>" + " <wellCRS/>" + WitsmlCommonData.getQuery() + " </well>" + "</wells>"; return(query); }
/** * Return complete XML query for this type. * * @return XML query. Never null. */ public static String getQuery() { String query = "<trajectoryStation uid = \"\">" + " <dTimStn/>" + " <typeTrajStation/>" + " <typeSurveyTool/>" + " <md uom=\"" + WitsmlServer.distUom + "\"/>" + " <tvd uom=\"" + WitsmlServer.distUom + "\"/>" + " <incl uom=\"rad\"/>" + " <azi uom=\"rad\"/>" + " <mtf uom=\"rad\"/>" + " <gtf uom=\"rad\"/>" + " <dispNs uom=\"" + WitsmlServer.distUom + "\"/>" + " <dispEw uom=\"" + WitsmlServer.distUom + "\"/>" + " <vertSect uom=\"" + WitsmlServer.distUom + "\"/>" + " <dls/>" + " <rateTurn/>" + " <rateBuild/>" + " <mdDelta uom=\"" + WitsmlServer.distUom + "\"/>" + " <tvdDelta uom=\"" + WitsmlServer.distUom + "\"/>" + " <modelToolError/>" + " <gravTotalUncert/>" + " <dipAngleUncert uom=\"rad\"/>" + " <magTotalUncert/>" + " <gravAccelCorUsed/>" + " <magXAxialCorUsed/>" + " <sagCorUsed/>" + " <magDrlstrCorUsed/>" + " <gravTotalFieldReference/>" + " <magTotalFieldReference/>" + " <magDipAngleReference uom=\"rad\"/>" + " <magModelUsed/>" + " <magModelValid/>" + " <geoModelUsed/>" + " <statusTrajStation/>" + " <rawData/>" + " <corUsed/>" + " <valid/>" + " <matrixCov/>" + " <location>" + WitsmlLocation.getQuery() + " </location>" + " <sourceStation/>" + WitsmlCommonData.getQuery() + "</trajectoryStation>"; return(query); }