        public SampleDataSource()
            String ITEM_CONTENT = String.Format("Item Content: {0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}",
                        "Curabitur class aliquam vestibulum nam curae maecenas sed integer cras phasellus suspendisse quisque donec dis praesent accumsan bibendum pellentesque condimentum adipiscing etiam consequat vivamus dictumst aliquam duis convallis scelerisque est parturient ullamcorper aliquet fusce suspendisse nunc hac eleifend amet blandit facilisi condimentum commodo scelerisque faucibus aenean ullamcorper ante mauris dignissim consectetuer nullam lorem vestibulum habitant conubia elementum pellentesque morbi facilisis arcu sollicitudin diam cubilia aptent vestibulum auctor eget dapibus pellentesque inceptos leo egestas interdum nulla consectetuer suspendisse adipiscing pellentesque proin lobortis sollicitudin augue elit mus congue fermentum parturient fringilla euismod feugiat");

            var inbox = new SampleDataGroup("Inbox",
                    "You have 2 new messages out of 6",
                    "Hotmail, Facebook and Twitter messages");

            inbox.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("inbox1",
                    string.Format("Sender:  Matt Hubbard, [email protected]{0}Sent:     16 Nov 2012  21:34", Environment.NewLine),
                    "Whassup SDog, how's hanging?  I'm out this weekend partying hard, wanna come join?",
                    "Whassup SDog, how's hanging?  I'm out this weekend partying hard, wanna come join?",
            inbox.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("inbox2",
                    "Would you like to visit Alton Towers this summer?",
                    string.Format("Sender:  Richard Yoga, [email protected]{0}Sent:     16 Nov 2012  21:30", Environment.NewLine),
                    "We are visiting the theme park in the summer would you like to come with us?",
                    "We are visiting the theme park in the summer would you like to come with us?",
            inbox.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("inbox3",
                    "I'm bored, fancy a Skype?",
                    string.Format("Sender:  Clare Kop, [email protected]{0}Sent:     16 Nov 2012  20:30", Environment.NewLine),
                    "Skype!  Skype!!  Skype!!!",
                    "Skype!  Skype!!  Skype!!!",
            inbox.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("inbox4",
                    "Thanks for the birthday card",
                    string.Format("Sender:  Kate Poll, [email protected]{0}Sent:     16 Nov 2012  20:22", Environment.NewLine),
                    "I had a brill time for my birthday, glad you could come to the party - see you soon! X",
                    "I had a brill time for my birthday, glad you could come to the party - see you soon! X",
            inbox.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("inbox5",
                    string.Format("Sender:  Meg Moo, [email protected]{0}Sent:     16 Nov 2012  20:18", Environment.NewLine),
                    "I cannot wait to go skiing this winter in the Alps, are you looking forward to it too?",
                    "I cannot wait to go skiing this winter in the Alps, are you looking forward to it too?",
            inbox.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("inbox6",
                    string.Format("Sender:  Tommy Tee, [email protected]{0}Sent:     16 Nov 2012  20:15", Environment.NewLine),
                    "Beers, tomorrow night, be there!",
                    "Beers, tomorrow night, be there!",


            var junk = new SampleDataGroup("Junk",
                "You have 0 junk mail",
                "Group Description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tempor scelerisque lorem in vehicula. Aliquam tincidunt, lacus ut sagittis tristique, turpis massa volutpat augue, eu rutrum ligula ante a ante");

            var sent = new SampleDataGroup("SentItems",
                    "Sent Items",
                    "You have 87 sent items",
                    "Group Description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tempor scelerisque lorem in vehicula. Aliquam tincidunt, lacus ut sagittis tristique, turpis massa volutpat augue, eu rutrum ligula ante a ante");
            sent.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("SentItems1",
                    "I'll be there",
                    string.Format("To:  Tommy Tee, [email protected]{0}Sent:     16 Nov 2012  20:16", Environment.NewLine),
                    "Yes beer monster, I'll be there - see you then!",
                    "Yes beer monster, I'll be there - see you then!",
            sent.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("SentItems2",
                    "Weekend plans",
                    string.Format("Sender:  Matt Hubbard, [email protected]{0}Sent:     16 Nov 2012  20:34", Environment.NewLine),
                    "How's it hangin' MDog, any weekend plans?",
                    "How's it hangin' MDog, any weekend plans?",

 public SampleDataItem(String uniqueId, String title, String subtitle, String imagePath, String description, String content, SampleDataGroup group)
     : base(uniqueId, title, subtitle, imagePath, description)
     this._content = content;
     this._group = group;