public void get_msc_code_information(string msc_code) { try { string strQuery = "use dst;select dmc.dst_msc_id,dmc.dst_msc_circle_type,dmc.dst_msc_cdma_gsm,dmc.dst_msc_access_code,dmc.dst_msc_series,dmc.dst_operator_id,dod.dst_operator_name,dmc.dst_circle_id,dcd.dst_circle_name,dmc.dst_msc_code_yr_allotment " + " from dst_msc_codes dmc, " + " dst_circle_details dcd, " + " dst_operator_details dod" + " where " + " dcd.dst_circle_id = dmc.dst_circle_id and " + " dod.dst_operator_id = dmc.dst_operator_id and" + " (dst_msc_code_0 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_1 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_2 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_3 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_4 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_5 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_6 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_7 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_8 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_9 = " + msc_code + ");"; DataTable dt = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(strQuery).Tables[0]; if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { long dST_msc_id = Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[0]["dst_msc_id"]); string dST_msc_circle_type = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_msc_circle_type"]); string dST_msc_cdma_gsm = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_msc_cdma_gsm"]); string dST_msc_access_code = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_msc_access_code"]); string dST_msc_series = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_msc_series"]); string dST_operator_name = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_operator_name"]); string dST_circle_name = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_circle_name"]); long dST_operator_id = Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[0]["dst_operator_id"]); long dST_circle_id = Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[0]["dst_circle_id"]); this._mSC_Mobile_Info = new MSC_Mobile(dST_msc_id, dST_msc_circle_type, dST_msc_cdma_gsm, dST_msc_access_code, dST_msc_series, dST_operator_id, dST_operator_name, dST_circle_id, dST_circle_name); this._mSC_LandLine_Info = null; this._caller_type = CallerType.MOBILE; this._caller_origin = CallerOrigin.DOMESTIC; } else if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count == 0) { int std_start_length = 2; string std_code = msc_code.Substring(0, std_start_length); bool flag_found_landline = false; while (!perform_landline_detection(std_code, out flag_found_landline) && std_start_length != 5) { std_code = msc_code.Substring(0, ++std_start_length); } if (!flag_found_landline) { this._mSC_LandLine_Info = null; this._mSC_Mobile_Info = new MSC_Mobile(0, "UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN", 0, "UNKNOWN", 0, "UNKNOWN"); this._caller_origin = CallerOrigin.INTERNATIONAL; this._caller_type = CallerType.MOBILE; } } else { throw new MSCException("error:database returning null dataset"); } } catch (Exception exc) { ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.EXC, 0, "::MSC.cs::MSC::get_msc_code_information():: --" + exc.ToString()); } }
public DataSet GetGroupList(string unm) { try { ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.INFO, 18, "BL:GetGroupList()::Function starts here."); //string sqlstmt = "select g.GroupName, g.GroupId,count(c.contacts) as No.of Contacts from comgt c,groups g where c.GroupID=g.GroupID and g.UserName=?global.username group by g.Groupname"; string str_getgroupid = "select GroupID from groups where UserName=?global.username;"; string[] arr_groupid = new string[] { unm }; DataSet ds_groupid = DL.DL_ExecuteQuery(str_getgroupid, arr_groupid); List <string> lstgroupid = new List <string>(); if (ds_groupid != null && ds_groupid.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr_groupid in ds_groupid.Tables[0].Rows) { lstgroupid.Add(dr_groupid["GroupID"].ToString()); } } DataSet dr; if (lstgroupid.Count > 0) { //string sqlstmt = "select g.GroupName, g.GroupId,count(c.contacts) as Contacts from comgt c,groups g where c.GroupID=g.GroupID and g.UserName=?global.username group by g.Groupname"; string sqlstmt = "select g.GroupName, g.GroupId,count(c.cid) as Contacts from comgt c inner join groups g on c.GroupID=g.GroupID where g.GroupId in (" + string.Join(",", lstgroupid) + ") group by g.GroupId;"; string[] arr = new string[] { unm }; ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.DB, 22, "BL:GetGroupList()::Query to select group details:" + sqlstmt); dr = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(sqlstmt); ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.DB, 24, "BL:GetGroupList()::Result of query to select group details, no of rows:" + dr.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString()); } else { dr = null; } return(dr); } catch (Exception ex) { ____logconfig.Error_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.EXC, 29, ex.Message.ToString(), "BL"); return(null); } }
public bool perform_landline_detection(string std_code, out bool flag_found_landline) { try { string strQuery = "use dst;select dst_std_id,dst_circle_id, dst_std_service_area_name, dst_std_service_area, dst_std_lcda_name, dst_std_sdca_name, dst_std_sdca_code, dst_std_isactive " + "from dst.dst_std_code dsc where dst_std_sdca_code = " + std_code + ";"; DataTable dt = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(strQuery).Tables[0]; if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { long dST_std_id = Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[0]["dst_std_id"]); long dST_circle_id = Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[0]["dst_circle_id"]); string dST_std_service_area_name = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_std_service_area_name"]); string dST_std_service_area = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_std_service_area"]); string dts_std_lcda_name = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_std_lcda_name"]); string dts_std_sdca_name = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_std_sdca_name"]); int dST_std_sdca_code = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["dst_std_sdca_code"]); string dst_landline_number = ""; string dst_operator_name = "UNKNOWN"; if (std_code.Length == 2) { dst_landline_number = this._dst_number.Substring(2, this._dst_number.Length - 2); dst_operator_name = get_landline_operator_name(dst_landline_number, dST_std_sdca_code); } else if (std_code.Length == 3) { dst_landline_number = this._dst_number.Substring(3, this._dst_number.Length - 3); dst_operator_name = get_landline_operator_name(dst_landline_number, dST_std_sdca_code); } else if (std_code.Length == 4) { dst_landline_number = this._dst_number.Substring(4, this._dst_number.Length - 4); dst_operator_name = get_landline_operator_name(dst_landline_number, dST_std_sdca_code); } this._mSC_Mobile_Info = null; this._mSC_LandLine_Info = new MSC_LandLine(dST_std_id, dST_circle_id, dST_std_service_area, dST_std_service_area_name, dts_std_lcda_name, dts_std_sdca_name, dst_operator_name, dST_std_sdca_code); this._caller_origin = CallerOrigin.DOMESTIC; this._caller_type = CallerType.LANDLINE; flag_found_landline = true; return(true); } else if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count == 0) { flag_found_landline = false; return(false); } else { flag_found_landline = false; throw new MSCException("error:database returning null dataset"); } } catch (Exception exc) { ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.EXC, 0, "::MSC.cs::MSC::get_msc_code_information():: --" + exc.ToString()); flag_found_landline = false; return(false); } }
public static Dictionary <string, long> getsmscount(string startdate, string enddate, string str_username, string send_conn, int type) { try { Dictionary <string, long> dict_userdata = new Dictionary <string, long>(); string smsconnstring = MSCon.DecryptConnectionString(send_conn); //246 string misdlrconnstring = MSCon.DecryptConnectionString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConStr"].ToString()); long sent_count = 0; long delivrdcount = 0; long expirdcount = 0; long undelivrdcount = 0; long dnccount = 0; long smsccount = 0; long othercount = 0; long invoicecount = 0; string getsentcount = ""; DataSet ds_sentcount; if (type == 1) { getsentcount = "select username,sum(Usms+Nsms+ncpr_dnc_cr_dc_n+ncpr_dnc_cr_dc_u+ncpr_dnc_cr_rf_n+ncpr_dnc_cr_rf_u) as sentcount,sum(ncpr_dnc_cr_dc_n+ncpr_dnc_cr_dc_u+ncpr_dnc_cr_rf_n+ncpr_dnc_cr_rf_u) as dncReject" + " from usc_smscount where UserName='******' and send_date>=" + startdate + " and send_date<=" + enddate + ";"; ds_sentcount = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(getsentcount, smsconnstring); //if (show_balance == 1) //{ // string qry_getbal = "select Total_Credits_Assigned-Total_Credits_Used as balance from customer where UserName='******';"; // DataSet ds_getbal = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(qry_getbal); // if (ds_getbal != null && ds_getbal.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) // { // balance = long.Parse(ds_getbal.Tables[0].Rows[0]["balance"].ToString()); // } //} } else { getsentcount = "select smppname_username as username,sum(smppcount) as sentcount from mis_smpp_count where smppname_username='******' and senddate>=" + startdate + " and senddate<=" + enddate + " group by smppname_username;"; ds_sentcount = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(getsentcount, smsconnstring); } #region Check DLR if (ds_sentcount != null && ds_sentcount.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { sent_count = ds_sentcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sentcount"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_sentcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sentcount"].ToString()); if (sent_count > 0) { string deliveredcount = @"select username,sum(if(dlrstatus like 'DEL%', delivercount*messagelength,0)) as DELIVRD, sum(if(dlrstatus like 'EXP%', delivercount*messagelength,0)) as EXPIRD, sum(if(dlrstatus like 'UNDE%', delivercount*messagelength,0)) as UNDELIV , sum(if(dlrstatus like 'DNC%', delivercount,0)) as DNC_REJECT, sum(if(dlrstatus not in('DELIVRD','DNC REJECT.','ndnc_reject','EXPIRED','UNDELIV','Number Blacklisted.'), delivercount*messagelength,0)) as Other,senddate from dlr_summary where username='******'" + " and senddate>=" + startdate + " and senddate<= " + enddate + "" + " group by username;"; DataSet ds_dlrcount = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(deliveredcount, misdlrconnstring); if (ds_dlrcount != null && ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string uname = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["username"] == DBNull.Value ? "NA" : ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["username"].ToString(); if (uname != "NA") { if (type == 1) { delivrdcount = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DELIVRD"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DELIVRD"].ToString()); expirdcount = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EXPIRD"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EXPIRD"].ToString()); undelivrdcount = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UNDELIV"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UNDELIV"].ToString()); dnccount = ds_sentcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["dncReject"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_sentcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["dncReject"].ToString()); othercount = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Other"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Other"].ToString()); smsccount = sent_count - (delivrdcount + expirdcount + undelivrdcount + dnccount + othercount); } else { delivrdcount = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DELIVRD"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DELIVRD"].ToString()); expirdcount = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EXPIRD"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EXPIRD"].ToString()); undelivrdcount = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UNDELIV"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UNDELIV"].ToString()); dnccount = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DNC_REJECT"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DNC_REJECT"].ToString()); othercount = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Other"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Other"].ToString()); smsccount = sent_count - (delivrdcount + expirdcount + undelivrdcount + dnccount + othercount); } } invoicecount = delivrdcount + smsccount; dict_userdata.Add("TotalSent", sent_count); dict_userdata.Add("DELIVRD", delivrdcount); dict_userdata.Add("UNDELIVRD", undelivrdcount); dict_userdata.Add("DNC", dnccount); dict_userdata.Add("EXPIRD", expirdcount); dict_userdata.Add("Other", othercount); dict_userdata.Add("SMSC", long.Parse(smsccount.ToString())); dict_userdata.Add("Invoicecount", invoicecount); return(dict_userdata); } else { return(dict_userdata); } } else { return(dict_userdata); } } else { return(dict_userdata); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }